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Old 05-18-2011, 05:15 AM   #1
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Default 养兰与护兰

秋高气爽,晴空万里.徐徐秋风将兰苑中的兰蕙吹得绿浪翻滚,摇曳多姿的翠叶在散射光下烁烁生辉,一批批红绿 相间的花苞应时而生.广大爱兰者经历春夏的繁忙和艰辛,终于迎来了丰收的喜悦.年年如此,乐而忘忧.这就是 兰人们修身养性.寄予期望的现实写照.
秋分转瞬来临,分盆的季节开始了.古兰家们认为:春分墨建,秋分春蕙.这是历史性的总结.一般正常情况下的 秋分换盆,能使兰蕙得以按照规律较好地生长,所 谓分长有序,应时而得.秋分的前十天后十天是最佳分盆时间,鉴于今年的地球热效应,秋老虎肆虐,在秋分后二 十天内分盆也是情理之中了.
一.科学分盆.分盆的好坏直接关系到兰蕙的成活和生长,不可掉以轻心.在分盆前五至七天应施一次离母肥,以 利分盆后的兰蕙元气充足,加快恢复生长.分盆时 的盆内要稍干一些,以防伤至新根和兰芽.花苞.在操作过程中切忌生拉硬拽,需用手掌轻敲盆壁两侧,以便盆泥 (兰石)脱壳.
二. 清理消毒.兰蕙下盆以后,慢慢抖掉兰根周围的植料;用消过毒的兰剪清理残根败叶;将兰蕙分成三到五苗一丛; 在自来水中冲洗干净.放于1:800倍的多菌灵或甲基托布津等消毒液里浸泡半小时.在清水中漂洗一下.放于 阴凉通风处凉干一至两小时,待兰根微白后,把木炭灰或硫磺粉涂以兰蕙的切口处,以防感染.
三.上盆技巧.兰于盆中,犹如人住房间,讲究舒适怡兰.根据苗的多少,选择盆具的大小.款式,不应大苗小盆 ,尤忌小苗大盆;直桶盆可将兰蕙放于盆中间,爷代草稍稍靠边为宜,兰根直立进盆;敞口盆要将长兰根转圈于盆 壁,以使兰苗稳住根基.植料放好后轻摇兰盆,使兰根与植料稍有接触度.
四.分后管理.兰蕙分盆后头水什么时候浇最好,历来说法不一.我以为要根据实际情况而定,如植料有些湿度, 那就缓苗三四天,然后再浇头水更有利于兰蕙切口的恢复,免去烂芽的后顾之忧.新栽兰蕙同样不需要喷水,以保 顺利过度.在阴凉通风的环境下需要七到十天的休养生息期,再上兰架转入正常管理.
分株繁殖为无性繁殖,把成簇的丛兰株,以两代以上的连体为单位,分离另植的最为传统的繁殖方法.具有操作简 单,成活率高,增株快,开花较早,确保品质特性等优点.
分株通常在种植后经过二三年生长,兰株已经长满全盆时进行;也有为提高发芽率,或快速增加繁育品种的数量, 对具有4株以上的连体兰簇进行分株;还有为防止芽变奇株的退化,对仅是一老一新连体子母簇株进 行分株.
兰花分株繁殖,一般一年四季均可进行,但为保证成活率,常在气温为12℃~30℃之间进行.按其生理特征, 最佳时机是在花期结束时.因为此时兰株的营养生长疲顿,不仅新芽没有萌发,而且连芽的生长点也尚未膨大,分 株不易造成误伤.同时,花期已结束,一般不会再有花芽长出,也就不存在因分株而损害花芽问题.另外,通过分 株,还可以促进营养生长的活跃,提高兰株的复壮力和萌芽率.
1、起苗:对于已长满盆的盆兰,脱盆时不可强行将其拔出,否则对兰株损伤太大,或拔断株叶,或断根太多.因 此,应毫不吝惜地将兰盆敲破,取出兰苗.然后抖掉根团中的基质,进行分簇.如果基质板结或粘腻,就只能用水 冲散后再分簇.如果尚未长满盆的盆兰,可用手指扒除盆面基质,用力拍打兰盆周边几下,再用木棒从盆底中孔往 上顶松基质,然后双手握住盆缘,用手指夹住兰株盆,将兰盆半悬空倒立后加以摇晃,便可倒出兰苗 .
冬末春初,花卉市场上常有小贩出售带蕾野生兰花.但是,因为人们选购时不注意兰花植株性状,买回家后往往会 发生花蕾萎蔫或不能正常开放,甚至第二年也不发生花蕾,使养花者大失所望.因此,在花卉市场上选购兰株时, 必须慎重.
小贩出售的兰花,多采自山区,采集时由于追求数量,根系伤断较多,装运时又挤压于篓内,运抵各地后贮存时间 过久,造成根叶多有伤残.所以,选购兰株时要挑选根系完整健壮、叶丛齐全、株形匀称、端正而无黑斑或枯黄者 .每棵叶束有4~5束者较为理想.叶束繁多者容易成活,第二年也极易萌生花蕾.在北方寒冷地区,应注意勿使 根系受冻.
购买来的兰株栽植前需进行相应的处理.首先应将兰株用清水进行清洗,特别是搁置时间较久的兰株的根系有些干 缩的,需先把根须放在水中浸泡一段时间,待根须吸足水分,恢复如初时,再把兰株捞出晾干.把伤根、断根、枯 根、腐根修剪好,然后放人高锰酸钾溶液中消毒,经修整晾干后待栽植.
栽植兰花以泥盆为佳,因为它泄水性和透气性好,而塑料盆、瓷盆、陶盆因盆壁不透气,不利于初栽兰株的成活. 一般选口径20~25厘米的泥盆,可栽种兰株2~3丛.
所用培养土以弱酸性土壤(pH5.5~6.5)为最理想.如质地疏松、排水良好的"兰花泥".也可用塘泥2 份、腐叶土和沙土各l份混合配制而成.
栽植时,先用几片蚌壳或薄瓦片(以凸面朝上)相互交叉重叠盖住盆底部,上覆粗泥粒或炭块,约为 盆深的1/4.将处理好的兰株放于其上,顺势理直根系,再向四周填入兰花泥或腐殖质含量丰富的培养土加至根基部,继续 填充培养土时,需用手将兰株悬提一下,使兰根得以伸直舒展,以利于兰株成活.待培养土加至盆沿2厘米左右时 ,再轻轻墩几下兰盆,使兰根与盆土密切结合,同时也使盆土的盆面平整.这时再在盆土的表面盖上一层白石子或 铺种翠云草,既美观,又可保持盆土表层湿润,还可防止浇水冲刷盆内的泥土.
兰株上好盆后,应及时浇一次透水,以细口水壶低贴泥面,盆底孔见水为止.浇水时尽量避免喷湿叶丛,否则在缓 苗养护期间,叶面极易发生黑斑,从而引起霉烂.也可采用盆底渗水法使盆土湿透后置于阴凉处缓苗.待7~10 天后,兰株已基本恢复生机,再逐渐把盆花移至向阳的窗口,室温在5℃以上,保持盆土湿润,施1~2次稀薄液 肥(兰花专用复合肥).通过一段时间的养护管理,有些兰株就会现蕾开花.花蕾破苞、花萼露色,或绽蕊舒瓣时 ,切忌阳光直射,否则,花色泛黄,瓣缘易受灼伤,花开不挺.一般待花盛放10天,应将花朵连花葶 一起剪除.
随着天气的回暖,不久在兰株鞘叶又抽出新芽.春天气温转暖,气温达15℃时,即可将开过花的春兰和没有花蕾 的蕙兰、寒兰等移放户外疏阴下栽培,而建兰和报岁兰却应推迟出室.
基质的选择对于栽培兰花是十分重要的.由于大多数兰花都是喜润而畏湿,要求通风通气,因此基质要用能吸水并 通气的材料.其次,兰花也需要养分,基质中要混有有机物和其他能逐渐释放出养分的物质.常用的基质有:水苔 (主要是泥炭藓)、蕨根(主要是紫萁根)、椰壳、树皮、树叶、棕纤维、腐殖质、碎骨、羽毛、木炭、泥炭土、 塘泥球、泥土、煤渣、浮石、沙砾、蛭石、珍珠岩、陶粒、砖块、瓦片等.
栽培者可以根据当地的实际情况和栽培的要求,选择资源丰富、取材容易、价格低廉的材料,以合理搭配.例如, 在北方种植春兰,可以取当地阔叶林下的腐殖土,既透气又有肥分,而且也呈微酸性反应.而在南方则可选用塘泥 、水苔、椰壳、树皮、棕纤维等既排水通气,又有一定肥分且呈微酸性的材料.
栽培兰花的基质大致可分为两大类:块状的基质和非块状的基质.前者如树皮、椰壳、蕨根、木炭、砖块、瓦片、 陶粒、珍珠岩等,应敲碎至直径0.5~2 厘米,最好不留尖锐棱角,以免磨擦伤根;后者如塘泥、土壤、沙粒、泥炭土、腐殖质、羽毛、牛粪干、锯末等, 最好先捣碎,按比例配在一起,加水和匀,晒干后再捣成小块备用.
栽培兰花基质的酸碱度主要指腐殖土和沙壤土,以微酸(pH值5.5~6.5)为宜.过酸的可用石灰中和至微 酸,碱性的基质可用过磷酸钙或硫酸亚铁等混入土中.一般用树叶、草皮等沤制的有基肥带酸性,在北方可用来调 节酸碱度.
基质调制好后,最好进行一下消毒处理.最简单的办法是在高温天气将基质摊在水泥地上,在日光下曝晒5~7天 ,一般可以杀死真菌孢子和虫卵.如果用蒸汽消毒则效果更佳,任何装置均可,只要蒸汽通过1小时就可以达到消 毒的目的.此外,用福尔马林加50倍水喷洒(400毫升/平方米)并密封2周,启封后 10~20天即可使用.
兰花和其他植物一样,种类繁多,生长环境各异,很难有一种通用的栽培方法,但也都离不开对水分、养分、温度 、光照的调节.要想养好兰花,应当首先注意以下几个方面:
兰花因种类不同对温度的要求是不同的.春兰、蕙兰耐寒力较强,越冬温度6℃左右对其花芽发育有利.如温度超 过12℃,秋季形成的花芽也容易在土面下枯死,或花梗不伸长,开花不正常.建兰、墨兰、寒兰冬季需要较高的 温度,才能安全越冬和正常开花.一般说来,养兰最低极限温度8℃,最高极限温度是 35℃, 18~30℃是兰花最佳养护温度,气温降至8℃时应入室过冬,早春气温达10℃时出室.应设法将兰花放置在 最佳温度的环境里.
家庭养兰的最佳空气湿度为60%~70%,盆中基质干了再浇水,一次浇透.但要注意勿使花盆内积水,以免造 成烂根,甚至死亡,所以有"干兰湿菊"之说.气温高或空气湿度低时,可用小喷雾器喷洒叶面及根部,以达到降 温增湿的目的.
兰花喜薄肥,施肥时要十分小心,力求不损害根系.施肥太浓或过多使用基肥,都会引起有毒盐分的积累,伤害兰 花根部,引起死亡.因此,应尽量不用基肥,而追施稀释倍数多一些的液肥,宜薄肥勤施,忌浓肥和一次施肥过多 .兰花施肥的季节应从春末开始至秋末结束,亦即集中于生长季.有兰花专用复合肥,以 1: 400~500的比例稀释后即可使用.
在自然界,兰花大多生于湿润的谷地疏林下,富含腐殖质的微酸性土壤中,便形成了对此环境的适应性.因此,兰 花喜半阴,喜湿,忌强光.一般冬季应遮光50%~60%,夏季遮光70%~85%,阴天不遮光,室内放置在 略见阳光处即可,避免强光直射.
在自然界中,兰花大多生于空气流通的环境中,因此需要疏松通气的栽培基质和空气流通的清洁环境.要养好兰花 需要注意通风,包括根部周围的通风以及兰花植株之间保持距离.兰花周围保持新鲜空气,有利于光合作用和呼吸 作用的进行.通风还可以调节和降低温度以及抑制病虫害的滋生和蔓延等.
兰花入春以来从休眠中逐渐舒醒恢复生长发育,通过明媚阳光的照射、雨露的润育健康健壮长势喜人.碧绿青秀的 兰叶在风和日丽的微风吹动下迎风起舞,雄健飘逸的兰叶经过夏天强阳光而在植兰主人调节下,身受舒适光照使兰 苗长的坚硬生机盎然,让兰苗度过强阳光而非强阳光季节.然而使兰苗不知不觉地又慢慢地步入秋天,进入秋天, 兰苗就开始孕育花芽了.兰苗孕育花芽后,兰苗一天天逐渐进入休眠期,在秋天里,每度过一个节气15天后,天 气温度逐渐变化,寒冷渐渐来临,节气只要过了立冬小雪踏入冬季,只要是露天栽培种植的兰花,要作好露天兰花 越冬工作!
随着兰花产业的发展,爱兰植养兰者众多,在全国各地露天养兰者不少,但有部分栽培者特别是在边远农村的,受 经济条件的制约,只能采用土办法搭棚(架)给兰花遮阴.按照栽培种植的面积多少,采用的遮阴棚(架)遮阴网 等式不同.最好是选用竖柱式用横担搭棚(架),在棚架面上盖上树枝及帚帚最适宜.盖枝帚时按照所需阳光的百 分比盖放,这种方式虽则多花材料、多花工时,但能持续5~6年换一次.这种棚架的好处是:有树枝帚帚的覆盖 把兰花与空气的直接接触隔绝.尽管打霜天气,霜有多大,兰叶不会受到霜冻.不采用棚(架)如果碰上大明霜, 霜期长达月余,会将兰叶咂焦尖胡叶,更进一步整窝砸死.又再碰上数九寒天雪凝时节,兰花既被霜打又被雪凝冻 凝.那么,兰花的损伤就更大了.兰叶枯焦萎缩,花苞受到冻损,花苞受到冻损后就会十枯而死,出花率就会大大 降低.
二是选用竹邦弧形起棚盖薄膜法:这种方法要淘气一些.选用精竹划成3-4厘米宽的竹片.片长短视兰箱宽窄而定.竹片两端插进兰花箱两边的泥土,再用按兰花箱的长度,用竹片或不太 粗的竹竿放于邦架上用细绳索固定,然后盖上与兰箱等长的薄膜,两边披出的部分以防风吹揭开,留出四方都通空 气的空隙也可用绳固定.这种薄膜棚尽管霜雪凝有多大,兰花就不会受到霜冻.在整个霜雪凝季节,可根据阴雨天 和晴天的比例,泥土的干度可揭开薄膜浇水,又可按照所盖时间的长短可揭膜让兰花露天透透新鲜空气,享受享受 寒天的温暖阳光晒晒太阳.此方式是要复杂花工些,要持耐心态度.一年一次.
为此,选用第二种方式者,应及早将弧形棚架搭好.待有大明霜时要盖薄膜防霜.又待冷冻的数九寒天雪凝降临时 避免手忙脚乱避而不及让兰花受冻!
笔者两种方法都用,厢房平房上面用火砖砌成的三箱兰花是选用竖柱搭棚式,园地头的是选用竹邦弧形搭棚架盖薄 膜法.一进入霜降后的霜天,视其霜情,就给兰花盖上薄膜防冻保温.所以,近年来的兰苗兰叶未受霜凝冻损伤, 兰苗兰叶碧绿青秀长的旺盛,苗壮花色美!
兰花又叫兰草,是我国的特产花卉,也是被公认的我国十大名花之一.兰花多生自南方的山野沟壑,香味清雅,姿 态清秀,一直为古今诗人画家所赞誉.喜爱兰花的人们确实不少.南方养兰,犹如北方养马莲一样简单,因为南方 那潮湿的气候,微酸性的水土,是兰花生长的最好"温床".但北方呢,尤其是华北许多地区,土壤是偏碱的,水 是偏碱的,空气是干燥的,与兰花的原生环境形成强烈的对比.这样的气候和土壤等环境条件,不适宜性喜湿润环 境,宜半阴,要求酸性土壤的兰花生长发育,因此在培育时常易引起生长不良,黄叶烂根,甚至全株死亡.因此人 们从南方带来兰花,要不了多久,就会慢慢由生长不景气直到死亡.有人以为兰花娇气,不好养护,进而放弃养兰 .
北方地区若要养好兰花,应尽量创造适合其生长发育的环境条件,满足兰花生物学特性的要求,才能使其生长开花 良好.具体要做好以下几项工作.
一般家庭养兰,盆的选择还是以泥盆为好.如为装饰效果增加美感,可在泥盆外面套个彩釉的瓷盆.盆的大小以兰 根能在盆内完全舒展开为宜.盆土最好用兰花泥.也可自行调制.可用腐叶土或泥炭土6份、沙土3份、饼肥1份 ,或用腐叶土5份、堆肥土3份、粗沙2份混匀配制.上盆方法参见:兰花的选购常识和栽培技术.
兰花的浇水是一项经常性的工作,也是兰花栽培成功与否的重要环节.兰花的盆土要经常保持湿润,monster beats headphone,但忌含水量过多.在栽培中应根据季节的不同和兰花生长阶段的不同决定浇水量.一般从春季开始,随温度的上 升,兰花转入旺盛生长期,应逐渐增加浇水量,每隔l~2 天浇1次水;夏季气温高,又是兰花生长旺期,通常宜于清晨和傍晚各浇一次水,切忌中午浇水.雨季来临,要根 据雨水的多少和盆土的潮湿程度灵活掌握浇水量,切忌盆土积水而引起根系腐烂;秋末,气温开始下降,应逐渐减 少浇水量,每隔2~3天浇1次即可;冬季温度低,大多数兰花进入休眠期,此时要控制浇水,可每隔5~7天浇 1次水,惟冬季开花的墨兰和寒兰浇水量应适当多些.
给兰花施肥要施薄肥,切忌施浓肥,有"清兰花,浊茉莉"之说.一般地说,新栽的兰株,第一年不宜施肥;从第 二年清明以后开始施肥,直到立秋为止.可每月施1~2次充分腐熟的稀薄饼肥水.由于兰花系肉质根,切勿施未 经腐熟的肥料,以免烂根.每次施肥前要控水l~2天,待盆土稍干些再施.施后第二天早晨要浇一次水,以防肥 液中有不洁之物污染根系使兰根受害.施液肥时要注意避免溅污叶片.对于经过几年培养已到花龄的兰株来说,前 期以施氮肥为主,以促进新芽萌发并快速生长;后期以施磷钾肥为主,有利假鳞茎增大,叶宽厚,并为花芽分化提 供足够的养分.具体地讲,每年秋季花芽分化前宜连续施两次以磷钾肥为主的液肥;孕蕾期于晴天傍晚先用清水洗 净叶片,待干后再用小喷雾器把0.2%的磷酸二氢钾溶液喷洒在叶面及叶背,或根施草木灰水.这时的根外施肥 对促进兰花的根、茎、花的发育均有益.花谢以后20天左右再施两次以氮肥为主的液肥或复合化肥,可促进植株 生长.阴雨天勿施肥,冬季休眠期也要停止施肥.
兰花性喜荫蔽、凉爽环境,忌阳光直射.故北方4~5月上旬上午9时前可适当多见些阳光,5月中旬以后需要遮 荫,此时需放至凉爽通风处培养,尤其夏季遮荫度更要大,切忌烈日暴晒.中国兰花耐阴程度以墨兰最甚,秋兰次 之,而春兰和夏兰则需阳光较多.光照是兰花形成花芽的重要因素,虽然在春、夏、秋三季兰花生长期间都需要适 当遮荫,但常年将兰花放在荫蔽地方不使其接受阳光也会影响花芽分化,导致开花少或不开花.故秋凉以后应让各 种兰花都多晒太阳或放在室内具有明亮散射光处和通风良好的地方;冬季放在南窗附近,接受较多的光照,以增强 其生命力,促进花芽分化.尤其对冬季开花的墨兰、寒兰更应在冬季放室内向阳处,没有光照是开不 好花的.
总之,养兰应做到"春不出,夏不日,秋不干,冬不湿",意思是春忌寒风侵袭,不要移出室外;夏季怕阳光直射 ,应放置在凉爽通风处;秋忌盆土干燥,此时正是兰花孕蕾期,应适当增加浇水量;冬季处于休眠状态,水多易烂 根,以间干间湿为原则.
春末和中秋,野生兰惠的新芽发育成熟,此时气温适中,采集或购买引种易于成活.但有的人缺乏一般常识,很难 移栽成功.引种野生兰应注意以下几点:
一、栽前护养.刚采集或买回的野生兰要及时放置阴凉处解开,避免发热烧坏.若暂时不栽植于盆,可将它铺平放 在地皮上,用湿沙和潮土临时掩埋根部,见干时可适当在叶面上喷水(以兰叶不滴水为限).
二、除杂消毒.修剪掉假鳞茎上的植物、腐烂的空根以及染有病虫害的叶片,用清水洗净,晾干后再用0.2%的 高锰酸钾或"代森锌"、"多菌灵"、"托布津"淋洒全草,待晾干后栽种.
三、盆土配制.盆土以山基土、竹根泥、山红土、山坳灰黑表土为好,也可少量掺一些河沙混合使用.如能经过蒸 气、日光曝晒消毒更好.
四、精心栽培.新入盆的野生兰应先放入室内养护,直到新根长到5~10厘米时才能出室.尤其是冬季和早春要 在室内养护一段时间,这是成活的关键.另外要注意控温、透气、保湿,室温应稍低(3℃~8℃为宜);要适时 喷洒水雾和开窗,保持室内空气新鲜.利用模拟日照,使其得到进行光合作用的能源,以促恢复与生长.每20平 方米的房间可用一盏40W的日光灯和两只3W红色荧光灯每日照射5小时.
五、根外给养.野生兰苗经采集、运输、栽种时修剪,外表上伤痕累累,实质上已是半脱水状态.为促使其恢复生 长,可每周用"磷酸二氢钾"1200~1500倍液稀释加米醋250倍液或每25市斤肥水中加入100~2 00微克B12一支,尿素20克喷雾,在叶面上作根外追肥.及时剪除败叶、捕杀菌虫.待新芽长到5~10厘 米就可视同熟草一样管理.
春末和中秋,野生兰惠的新芽发育成熟,此时气温适中,采集或购买引种易于成活.但有的人缺乏一般常识,很难 移栽成功.引种野生兰应注意以下几点:
刚采集或买回的野生兰要及时放置阴凉处解开,避免发热烧坏.若暂时不栽植于盆,可将它铺平放在地皮上,用湿 沙和潮土临时掩埋根部,见干时可适当在叶面上喷水(以兰叶不滴水为限).
修剪掉假鳞茎上的植物、腐烂的空根以及染有病虫害的叶片,用清水洗净,晾干后再用0.2%的高锰酸钾或"代 森锌"、"多菌灵"、"托布津"淋洒全草,待晾干后栽种.
盆土以山基土、竹根泥、山红土、山坳灰黑表土为好,也可少量掺一些河沙混合使用.如能经过蒸气、日光曝晒消 毒更好.
新入盆的野生兰应先放入室内养护,直到新根长到5~10厘米时才能出室.尤其是冬季和早春要在室内养护一段 时间,这是成活的关键.另外要注意控温、透气、保湿,室温应稍低(3℃~8℃为宜);要适时喷洒水雾和开窗 ,保持室内空气新鲜.利用模拟日照,使其得到进行光合作用的能源,以促恢复与生长.每20平方米的房间可用 一盏40W的日光灯和两只3W红色荧光灯每日照射5小时.
野生兰苗经采集、运输、栽种时修剪,外表上伤痕累累,实质上已是半脱水状态.为促使其恢复生长,可每周用" 磷酸二氢钾"1200~1500倍液稀释加米醋250倍液或每25市斤肥水中加入100~200微克B12 一支,尿素20克喷雾,在叶面上作根外追肥.及时剪除败叶、捕杀菌虫.待新芽长到5~10厘米就可视同熟草 一样管理.
中国兰花在盆栽过程中,因近年来的养植技艺的提高,一盆兰花经过四季的发芽、生长,已显得有些拥挤,盆内植 料中的养料几乎消耗殆尽.为了让兰花多发苗、长势更好,春季翻盆十分必要.而今养兰者多数都是以兰养兰,以 生产经营为目的.兰花苗发多了,适当地交流出售一些以收回成本,或再增加一些新的品种充实兰园,则要合理地 多翻盆多分株.翻盆时将兰花的壮苗和老苗分开,有利于分类管理,有利于出售,春季翻盆就是必做 的功课.
中国兰花栽培的常用植料主要有:泥炭土、塘泥、腐植土,竹根泥、草炭土、海浮石、水积石、砖瓦颗粒、人工烧 结小圆颗粒、轻质陶粒、风化石、木炭、珍珠岩、蛇木、树皮、腐木和水苔等.以上植料不要单独使用,要选择几 种植材搭配混用,俗称"三合一"、"四合一"或"五合一".植料的搭配要考虑吸水而不积水,植材要与兰根接 触良好而又有利于通风透气.且最好选择自己用过的植料,如果要换的话,最好只换其中的一两种,以利于兰花适 应,否则将造成损失.所选用的植料都应过豌豆筛,筛上面的用于盆体的下半部,筛下面的再过碎米筛,碎米筛上 的用于盆体的上半部,碎米筛下的不用.准备好的植料都要进行高温或药物消毒 (高温蒸、烘均可,药物可用托布津或高锰酸钾水).
可以用作养兰的容器有很多种,养兰人通常采用的养兰容器有:黄泥瓦盆、黑砂瓦盆、紫砂盆、釉盆、瓷盆和塑料 盆等.川西地区多喜欢崇州等地出产的高腰黄泥瓦盆和荥经等地出产的高腰黑砂瓦盆.这两种盆价格合理、且又有 利于兰花生长.在选择时应注意选择盆体孔较大的,以利于盆内通风透气.购新盆后一定要放入水中浸泡退火.而 用旧盆则一定要清洗干净后用药物或高温消毒.可用1/2000的高锰酸钾水溶液浸泡几分钟即可,高温消毒可将盆口盖在炉具口燃烧2分钟即可.高温消毒后也应该在 干净水中浸泡退火后再使用.兰花盆的垫底可选用人工烧制的黄泥瓦有孔圆锥体垫底,也可用塑料网或不锈钢网自 制成圆锥体垫底,高15公分左右.
翻盆时所用的场所和用具应清理干净,再用1/2000的高锰酸钾溶液喷洒消毒、晾干备用.翻盆后兰花进入的兰室、场地等应先清扫干净并进行消毒、以避免 兰花进场后被感染.
春季翻盆的时间:能调控温度的兰室养兰,翻盆时间应选择在2月份较为合适.西南地区2月上旬可翻四季兰和不 观花的春兰春剑等品种,中下旬再翻展出或观花后的兰花,有利于提早进入生长发芽的较佳时期,促使秋冬苗快速 长成成草,让春芽早发并在暑天前长成成草,也有利于夏芽和秋芽早发多发.而在自然场地养兰春季翻盆的时间选 择在3月份较为合宜.正常年份此段时间翻盆后有利于兰花生长.
翻盆时将兰苗取出后,把盘绕根系拆散理顺,放入水中清洗,然后移放在通风阴凉处,让根部变软后,再进行分株 .分株一定要有目的,如果是观赏型的,每一个单位应在5苗左右,最好是从兰苗基部已形成"马路口"之处分离 ,如果是经济产出型,则要以多发苗的原则来分株.对壮苗可以1苗或2苗分为一个单位,并将老苗分成一苗一个 单位,无根的老苗的假球茎可用水苔包好后再栽,以利保水和发苗出根.分株时务必不要碰伤假球茎基部的幼小叶 芽.如伤口大呈水渍状,可用托布津粉或新鲜的草木灰涂在伤口上,以防止细菌感染发生腐烂现象.同时把其中的 干空假球茎和空根、黑腐根剪去,盘曲过长的老根可在适当处剪断去掉,还应剪去基部的干枯甲壳和 花杆.
分株后的栽培管理:用选好的兰盆,垫上垫底,在上面散放一层如蚕豆大的植料,扶正兰苗,由下而上,由粗到细 逐步加放植料,加黄豆般大的植料时用手轻微压成馒头形.注意假球茎不能深埋.最好使假球茎顶端和叶束基部在 盆口之上.栽好后盆面可铺贴一层薄薄的经洗过的木炭或水苔,再浇定根水,且定根水必须浇透,过10分钟后再 浇 1次,保证根系充分吸收水分.1小时后再用稀释800倍的托布津或多菌灵液喷淋植株及盆内,兰花分株翻盆后 抵抗力较弱,此时整体清洁消毒是积极预防病虫害发生的有力措施.然后移放在通风荫凉处,养护6天后可进入常 规养法.兰室养兰翻盆1天后可进入兰室,10天内注意避强光,白天温度应控制在22℃一 26℃,晚上温度则控制在10℃一14℃左右,以后可照常规管理.
春季,兰花管理注重突出"润"字,抓住"透"字,注意"稀"字,仍需"散"字.春不出:注意风 与寒!
阳光需充足,但仍需散,尢其是气候凸现高温时,不可大意!春不出:注意风与寒!春季时地气上升,万物开始唤 醒生长,人们生理上有个谚语:春捂秋不捂.春季要防止风吹,要防止倒春寒!但可在阳光充足下,在无风与微风 时开窗透气.
对兰棚的玻璃实行,太阳出来开,太阳下山关的方法.因为早春天气日夜温差很大,早上太阳一出开窗,好让新鲜 空气和暖风进来,对兰花复苏生长有利.太阳下山关窗可防止晚上寒气伤兰.
对还没开花的兰花放在一起,还不用管她,但要让她们多见阳光,还要让兰盆保持湿润,让她早日开花.待全部花 开完并上(翻)盆后10天左右开始,每7- 10天施一次肥(肥的浓度可稍微高些,因为此时新根已长成,新草还没出,不会伤根和伤芽的);早春一月一次 ,晚春一月一二次施杀菌药,晚春后一月对兰花全面施一次杀虫药进行杀虫和预防.兰草新陈代谢了,要适时对黄 叶进行修剪.
冬去春回,万象更新,各种植物,动物都江堰市在大地回春之后,在春雷呜支中惊醒,此时,特提醒兰友们,佻对 自己兰中的害虫,如介壳虫,红蜘蛛,小蜗牛等到,不管是否发现病害,在自己兰园的四周,包括兰室中的壁墙、 地面、兰株、兰盆、花架、屋顶等到处都应加杀虫.春分,即阳历三月二十一至二十二日,是各种植物胚芽生育的 最盛时期,兰花的休眠期结束,也正是换盆分植的最好时期.在冷热不调和气温下,把兰房里的日射,温度,通风 等调节至最佳状态.在温室培养的兰株春芽,新芽已是半成株,但在山地培养的春芽已出了水苔,此时正是杀中杀 菌的最侍时机,应提前预防虫害类系列及尚未成熟的幼芽,新芽已是半成株,但在山地培养的春芽已出了水苔,此 时正是杀虫杀菌的最佳时机,应提前预防虫害类系列及尚未成熟的幼芽感染菌病与黑斑病的发生,因此,杀虫草与 杀菌在春季期限间是非常重要的.清明:是阳历四月五日至六日,此时正在梅雨季节中,雨多,寒流侵袭,有冷风 刺骨的情景,兰花在此时先后陆续萌芽出新芽,已开叶的春芽叶茎伸长特快,明天气温上升,有时仍有冷风吹袭, 在忽冷忽热的养兰处所,兰房里湿度较高,浇水,施肥应特别注意,尤其是杀菌,凡经梅雨过的兰株,必须喷雾杀 菌,暂停施肥,以防兰病的发生.
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Old 05-18-2011, 05:16 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 704417726 at 16:26 on September 19 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Health

milk face wash - against his face dull
speed: 5 days
wash with milk can help you in 5 days \Do you believe it? Expensive natural skin care products has its value, natural products Quefei flat goods, no good, both of Mix & Match, produced as a masterpiece!
makeup before, you can first use the milk wash. Tender milk whitening effect, many people immediately become smooth after washing the face, so that the powder more easily. However, before washing with milk, apply cleanser cleaning of dirt, over the water after the wash with milk.
】 【steps
1, the first dirt washing the face with a cleanser.
2, in the amount of milk into the basin, with a towel stained with milk (no drying towel).
3, light Indian faces, repeatedly done about 5 to 6 times.
4, so the milk in the face deposited 3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Cream plus Vitamin E - against wrinkles
speed: 1 day
not enough moisture cream if it is found, you can add a little vitamin E cream oil before going to bed coating. Because sleep is a good time to break the skin, in particular, easily absorbed cream nutrition, and vitamin E have reduced the effectiveness of wrinkles, one night before an appointment with the most appropriate.

Mask necessary before makeup - to deal with dry skin
speed: 5 days
deposited Mask 1 per day to the fifth day, the skin's moisture content should become more moist. Of course, a good moisturizing mask is very important.
carrot juice to acne - to deal with the sudden appearance of acne
speed: 1 ~ 2 days
Important dates
natural acne are considered before an unfortunate, but there are emergency treatment: the intact bacterial infection, can be coated with hydrogen peroxide in acne, swelling the next day the situation should be improved. It is said that the treatment with carrot juice is also very effective against acne. Ground as long as the skin fresh carrot juice, deposited in the affected area, 15 minutes and then wash with water, sooner or later one times, acne detoxification and decomposition of the fat effect.

lemon Fuyan - to deal with bags under the eyes
speed: 5 minutes
have bags under the eyes of the! Do not worry, just use lemon to help you restore the eye's \But remember to apply before the immersion in water for a lemon, give the eyes covered with gauze, put two pieces of lemon to wait 5 minutes.

painted cream massage - to deal with dark circles
speed: 30 seconds
have to go dark circles eye massage effect, if the coating when the Eye, by the way the eye massage 15 to 30 times, will accelerate the blood circulation and lower eyelids, dark circles or even in a timely manner by the black dark red Give it a try!

high pillow to sleep - to deal with find fault
speed: a night
could not help but drink water before going to bed if you can try to sleep a high pillow, water is not easily deposited on the upper eyelid, swollen eyes the next day are not afraid, appears listless the.

deposited protein - to deal with black
speed: 1 day
red nose and makeup so hard to Black is definitely not the day for a date to do, of course, is best done one day ahead. Method is to wash after cracking the egg, the protein applied to the nose, then Pack (not included soft cotton) deposited in the above wash on paper, to be 10 to 15 minutes wash on paper is dry, pull the cotton from the bottom paper, most blackhead effect, but remember, tissue removed, be sure to take on the alcohol-free toner.
water deposited lip - against peeling
speed: 15 minutes
drying and easy peeling lips, lipstick only to find, are torn by hand? No! Some blood, but also easy to cause allergy symptoms, it is best first coated with a thick layer of lip balm, apply a cotton pad soaked in hot water for 15 minutes on the lips. Then brush, brush lightly lips, lip skin can be washed off.

class skin care program to add vitamin A
Vitamin A is a class with different vitamin A are both relevant and material, and its trade name RetinA or Renova. Class of vitamin A on the skin is very effective, in particular can enhance the skin cells to epidermal growth factor (EGF) which stimulate the skin's natural growth hormone responsiveness. Therefore, vitamin A class can make the production of skin cells in normal working condition. If the skin care program to add classes vitamin A, a month later, the skin will be significantly improved, the skin will be more soft, wrinkle reduction, scar shallow,tory burch on sale, pores decreases.
but usually, coated with Renova, will make the skin thinner and increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, so the European and American experts suggest that the skin by the sun burns a little light on the beach to a pharmacy to buy herbs can crush more moderate, more effective than slow non-prescription vitamin A alcohol. Or no trace of skin Night Cream L'Oreal anti-wrinkle cream or, once in every 3 days, and with vitamin A alcohol use, better results.

to face, \
dimensional C can effectively remove free radicals and help slow down skin aging, so that effectively repair damaged cells, so often the case, many cosmetics are added by a spot of vitamin C. To this end, the beach can crush this feature of vitamin C to help reduce light brown skin spots, skin are deep moisturizing. Facts have proved that a lot of beautiful beaches with dimension C in the used skin care products, I've been greatly improved levels of collagen, the skin more resilient and shiny. Therefore, experts suggest, try some of the beach with the sun crush the efficacy of new skin care products, such as SPF of 15 Revlon Cream Victoria C isolation.

effect of copper mining
some metals is necessary for collagen synthesis, such as copper. When the copper content in the skin cells increases, the collagen protein synthesis. However, copper is a toxic metal, so now there's the patented copper peptide not only not toxic, but also promote collagen synthesis, wound healing, to effectively smooth wrinkles. Therefore, Europe has a very good on the market penetration of the Blue Copper Firming Elasticity Repair Night Cream and Neutrogena is a good choice beautiful beach.

fixed with water-based lip gloss Lips
lip is very fragile, cast in the lips gently protective equipment to help reduce dark black lips sink phenomenon. But this seems not enough, because sometimes become very thin lips, in fact, this is caused by the sun sign of the missing collagen. Although collagen injection lip skin can restore some vitality, but the health benefits to speak of but no, it will comply with European and American skin care expert usually crush the advice, choose water-based lip gloss in order to achieve a good repair.

summer oil control
specific steps to control the shine
1, Clean: Choose a mild cleanser refreshing, not only wash but also can remove skin oils and dust residue of cosmetics, wash your face in the order, first clean the forehead and nose, chin and cheeks and then, according to from the next up, the order from outside to inside, you can thoroughly clean the skin.
Note: You can not use cold water to wash your face, because summer is often sweating, his face full of sweat, skin temperature is relatively high, the sudden cold stimulation, can cause facial skin pores, making the pores in the oil, sweat are not adequately cleaned out the consequences of doing so is to expand the pores of the skin, sensitive skin and may even result in acute inflammation! The oily skin is more prone to acne and acne will. The correct way is to use warm water. This will not only ensure that the pores fully open, and not leave the skin's natural moisturizing oil too lost.
2, Lift: You can choose contain some alcohol content of toner, it is the rapid evaporation of the skin surface, taking the heat causes pores, hair follicles discharge port of dirt, sebum, etc., deep clean pores, make skin fresh and cool clean. Contained traces of alcohol use toner, not only to shrink pores, inhibit oil production, but also can adjust the acid-base balance of the skin, helping to add moisture, use toner can be used on cotton. If the skin is sensitive, it is best not to use alcoholic toner.
3, moisture: To avoid multiple emulsion oil should be used fresh type of cream or lotion, you can replenish moisture. Another effect can also be used AHA care products. Magic acid to balance the skin oil secretion, inhibit the formation of acne, but also can reduce wrinkles. Of course, with the acid products, and then coated with a layer of emulsion formulations containing sunscreen protection, avoiding tanning sunburn. While oily skin is more sebum secretion, but also prone to the phenomenon of water, add water to any type of skin are very important.

4, Care: Choose a mild exfoliating cream or scrub products, 1-3 times a week, you can clear out the dirt within the pores; reduce acne caused by excessive fat production, but also allows the effect of moisture skin care products more effective, easier to acne can be used for T T zone area to complete the conditioning of the skin care refreshing effect.
5, nursed back to health: eat less fat, sugar, fried foods, avoid alcohol and other irritating foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, available lilies, green beans, stewed white fungus, etc. Some cool down summer drinks.

control oil 3 large errors
■ Myth # 1 frequent face to shine
oil control is not washed all the grease can. Many people will not help to always face the summer, hoping to wash the more the less oil. In fact, the normal secretion of the skin of oil and water should be in a state of equilibrium, if only to simply wash away the skin surface, or siphoning off oil will cause imbalance in the secretion of water and oil, but will stimulate the sebaceous glands secrete more oil. In this sense, the replenishment is the key to oil control. In addition to oil control products have therefore chosen to emphasize the effect of oil control, but also must consider the moisturizing effect of the product itself, not only to provide appropriate oily skin moisturizing, skin conditioning to be the best balance of water and oil, can we truly say goodbye to shine . Clean the skin causes the skin over the oil situation is even more serious. When the skin feels dry, the skin oil glands will secrete excessive cleaning will make a lot of skin glands secrete more oil, this is the skin oils more serious cause.
■ Myth # 2 before puberty to control oil
Many people think that oil control problems encountered before puberty, it is not. According to a survey showed that among women in Asia, oil production problems caused by peak average 37.2 years. Peak 5-7 years later, the excess sebum will cause the pores to expand. This situation if not controlled early, the case of large pores with the passage of time will continue to deteriorate.
■ Myth # 3 Oil Control is a woman thing
skin oil secretion of hormones is one of the factors. The male hormone testosterone in dihydrotestosterone true, will promote the sebaceous glands, so that an increase in fat face, male skin, the most obvious feature is the oil more. Therefore, men more than women need to pay attention to oil control.

DIY oil to mask
1, cucumber surface covered: chopped cucumber, out of sauce, wrap it in the face, little adsorption with gauze to prevent the drops drip, and 10 minutes after the wash.
2, lemon egg surface covered: Take a little baking soda and egg yolk mix, add 12 drops of lemon juice, mix well enough in the face and wash after 15 minutes.
3, oat milk surface covered: oatmeal with milk, to tune into a paste, apply on the face, 10-wash with warm water after 15 minutes, then rinse in cold water.

4, pear almond oil surface covered: the six pears cooking, cool, mash, add 1 tablespoon almond oil, stir well enough in the face. Oily skin can become tender, and can to rid acne.
5, honey and garlic facial: first, the wet surface with water and then stained with a little honey with garlic graze parts of the face and more oil, grease can be removed. A total of 15 days throughout the course of treatment, 15 times the first day of wiping, wiping 14 times the next day ... ... and so on, wiping the last day 1, the end may also become a \

========== Thirteen beautiful little secret ========
aid too red blush, nail damage, it is important to meet a sudden acne ... ... the embarrassment when caught off guard when the time comes, some magic formula to help you over the girls emergency beautiful.
1, embarrassing moment: when they were crying and saw my colleagues, happened to mascara is not waterproof.
Emergency secret: find dressing room, picked up around the lip balm, hand cream like lotion, apply a little at the moment, and then gently wipe with a tissue. If there is no cream in it? Take a tissue wet mouth, you can easily remover was. Secret is to spend in the makeup before the rescue.
2, embarrassing moment: you want to wear backless dress, as dry and scaly skin like a ceiling, and sun shades.
Emergency secret: the valuables of the bath brush to brush the skin cells die of old age, and then a more moderate body soap, warm water shower. Such as the skin has not yet dry, cast moisturizing lotion, apply a little more. If you can, with dark skin near the foundation evenly cover the spent skin.
3, embarrassing moment: the day woke up camera long nose teeth acne.
Emergency secret: If acne has white pus head, heat, and then gently broken with a paper towel to squeeze acne. If the pus also did not highlight the skin surface can be coated with vitamin E cream, and acne with a concealer brush in place, coated with foundation, then lightly dip your fingers to the excess foundation, and finally, rushed in and the same honey color powder, blush play a bit thick.
acne when you're not supposed to really piece distressing things, in order to avoid such embarrassment, Allah should not occur when the acne to pay attention to clean skin.
4, embarrassing moment: keep away dandruff can happen to wear black clothes.
Emergency secret: once to buy a small bottle of shampoo dandruff shampoo packaging, there is no condition will the hair wet, then Shucheng cauda equina.
emergency only way, in order to no longer be embarrassed, we should note that in normal times!
, embarrassing moment: to see her boyfriend, but at the cosmetics counter is painted like a Fengchennvlang, only 10 minutes to remedy the friends.
Emergency secret: approaching another counter to get some milk and skin care makeup makeup trial, to the bathroom to wash his face makeup. A wet towel around the best, and quickly to another counter on a little foundation, and then a little lip gloss enough.
6, embarrassing moment: just finished skin care, face even emerge a rash.
Emergency secret: use cold water with no additives or cleaning facial cleanser, the new products from the skin to erase, it is not completely dry when coated with a thin layer of Vaseline water, with some ice in the face, will be able to quickly calm the skin.
may be allergic to new products, so using the new product, the best test of whether allergic
on skin itch, always wanted to scratch a few times; some parts of large areas of erythema or flushing; skin burning or pain; Local obvious swelling; grow small lump on the skin, but unlike acne; appeared with a string of small blisters; local skin ulceration
If you have two or more symptoms, in addition to timely cleaning the skin, preferably to the hospital to deal with it.
7, embarrassing moment: Carnival late into the night, waking up the next day and found swollen bags under the eyes, but also to work it! How to do?
Emergency secret: To remove eye puffiness can be a few pieces of ice with a towel and wrap it in the eye, can immediately reduce the swelling condition. Or use tea bags, cucumber slices deposited on the face. Point concealer, other eye makeup Not too much work to wear sunglasses pretending to be cool. Next home drunk, do not forget to drink plenty of honey water before bed, pillows and cushions in the back of the head, eyes the next day is not too swollen.
These small tips can help you alleviate the situation:
(1) put on some massage cream, and then the way with the middle finger to press on the eyelid from the inside out by pressing the temple, then press the temples along the lower eyelid to eyelid and nose? phase at, and so forth a few times, can be effective in promoting blood circulation around the eye.
(2) use of heat, wash your face the way, use a hot towel, cover the eyes, apply more than a few times, just boil for complete elimination of fatigue, night or two particularly effective.
8, embarrassing moment: flying to Europe to participate in the exhibition, due to a long flight, the skin significantly affected, and the red surface of the skin has already begun.
emergency secret: in this case should be immediately bagged a cup of tea with milk, apply to the face, which eased the skin instantly.
airplane air is too dry coarse hair scattered confused.
emergency recipe: In a thick layer of hair rubbed ointment saws, and pull the hair in the back of the head of a hair, dry hair can prevent chaos. Just need to cut grease quickly washed to the hotel.
aircraft in the dry air can make your hair becomes coarse, that your hair is usually very dry. So pay attention to hair care routine should give hair a healthy \
9, embarrassing moment: broken nails, nail polish, mottled spots also split, the most beloved sweater also hook broken.
Emergency secret: buy a bottle of clear drying nail polish quickly, drops between the cracks in the nail to prevent the situation getting worse. Then use the Band-Aid or Scotch tape to wrap the nail tip.
Band-Aid or Scotch tape is found, it is better to buy nail clippers! The sweater has been broken hook, and quickly tied it at the break!
10, embarrassing moment: I am a makeup artist, found in a model of a time doing make-up even when the mascara is dry. Shame friends.
Emergency secret: Jizhongshengzhi think of - using Vaseline to replace mascara to make up. Later discovered that the eyes of God look more moist, bright and ######y. This kind of thinking that I benefited a lot of work in the future, I will often use lip gloss or cream applied to the eyebrows, so that the eyebrows look even more shiny, and have unexpected results yet.
really experienced, really a lot of make-up products can be generic too! Coffee pencil wonderful natural beauty of a multi-purpose \
11, embarrassing moment: a time to participate in Party, just to be ready to go, I suddenly felt just on the makeup of the skin feeling tingling, uncomfortable, has been a little itchy, and even touch to touch to the makeup to get flowers.
Emergency secret: do not often make the skin, often on the heavy makeup, \If your skin is sensitive, and always prepared around a number of functions with ease tension in the skin lotion is absolutely necessary, a painted face, painful skin can be restored immediately refreshing, with bare spots in the foundation of some of these emulsions, Powder Blush and point to the light, leaving only the Lip make-up, to spend the sad moment.
12, embarrassing moment: when there is no makeup eyelash curler, eye seemed listless.
Emergency secret: it has a cotton swab, or a spoon, as long as it is flat on the eyelashes below, to withstand the roots of lashes, Wait a moment, and immediately a look off the eyelash curler.
13, embarrassing moment: no makeup, but suddenly a customer site. Hand only a lipstick.
Emergency secret: I use the thumb to lipstick painted on the face, more than any makeup works. Will face once rosy blush with your fingers spread out feeling is so smooth, natural, more durable and the colors will be retained. Eyelash curler do not find the time, spoon side to help you solve this problem.
the beauty of the girl will always make themselves look better with make-up spirit. Can not make-up girl than a lot more risks, such as those above embarrassment. Can not have both fish and bear's paw, and only reached a pinnacle in the accumulation of makeup techniques it! In addition, the transparent makeup fashion this year, will reduce a lot of trouble.

====== care: rapid elimination of acne wash method ======
acne if you are endless troubles, you must have tried many methods, and effective? The wash method you tried it? Perhaps the solution for you is just a big help acne too! A bit complicated, but the system, look at carefully myself!
3 分钟 cleansing method
1, first prepare a clean, soft, dry towel and a small irritant neutral soap;
2, the soap in warm water (22-23 degrees) in the rub foaming, foam the better. Holding it with both hands wash the foam, wash for 1 minute. Do not be too hard, if they feel the pain to stop.
3, then with hot water (38-40 degrees) wash for 20 seconds, and back to warm water rinse for 20 seconds, repeated three times so. If better with shower, face away from the nozzle about a punch, while facial spray (hot water), while the belly with your fingers tapping the face. Then spray the water thermostat 20 seconds.
4, with a dry towel and wipe the water face first, then gently pressed face water.
5, the final convergence of the role of make-up smeared with water, coated with tension, I felt a sense of, you can multi-coated several times.
law must sooner or later each time. For early, middle and late effects of acne are apparent. Following wash method is an extension and continuation of this Law.

gauze face method:

cleansing method in the application of three minutes after 1 month, whether or not to reduce acne, can be transferred to this law, which is a mid face surgery:
1, for a towel, soap and a piece of gauze;
2, first a small piece of folded gauze, dipped in soap bubbles, wash the forehead, chin, nose, etc.;
3, then gauze wrapped around the index finger and middle finger two finger, dipped in soap bubbles, gently wash the cheeks with gauze and the entire center of the face;
4, the last on the gauze around the index finger, dipped in soap bubbles under the eyelid and gently scrub the skin soft, if they feel irritation or pain to stop. If you still feel pain the next day, that is the reason scrub too hard. At this point at least 4 days to implement \
5, intermediate wash method the first week of every two days to wash first, second week of every day, washed once, and the third week of every wash.

Senior wash method:

Intermediate wash method
month later, if results can be transferred by this Law.
1, for soap, towels and a white cotton gloves (thin texture and good), and to which a glove middle finger, index finger and ring finger at the cut to form a three finger;
2, first dipped in soap bubble intact gloves and gently scrub the face. Delicate skin who can wear a finger in the index and middle fingers, dipped in bubble clean of the whole face;
3, then the index finger, middle finger and ring finger are put on, scrub lightly stained soap bubble cheeks, forehead and chin;
4, took off his finger, only the index finger to keep finger, dipped under the soft foam gently scrub the skin of the eyelids, and finally washed with water, dry with a towel.

super wash method:
After the first three methods applied
if acne persists, you can this method. Acne scars on the people has become more applicable.

1, for soap, towels and a soft type of toothbrush for children;
2, will be on the soap lather in the palm of the hand and picks up a little with a toothbrush;
3, with the stained foam brush gently scrub the forehead, chin and other places coarse texture; and then wash face with water, foam, and finally with a clean dry towel face of the water.

emergency wash method:
This method not only for acne, but the higher number of face wrinkles can be applied. In general, acne is oily skin who, if excessive use of degreasing soap will cause dry skin, very sad. At this point, to use the law to deal with.
1, the soap with warm water in a lather in the palm of the hand, then carefully placed in the bubble of the basin filled with warm water and gently mix to form the vortex;
2, so the pot when the water is about to stop spinning, face immersion, so that the natural flow of the bubble washing the face, so 20 seconds. And then immersed in another with a clean face with warm water basin, dip the foam net, and 20 seconds. So three times, each time changing the water and for foam;
3, to the third water wash, you can add in the basin of warm water a few drops of moisturizing cream, and then soak for 20 seconds;
4, the final dry with a towel or repeated pressure suction face of the water.

======= skin care: sensitive skin and allergy care have not ======
sensitivity is a state of allergy is a symptom. Sensitive skin is fragile and vulnerable to the impact of a variety of stimuli; allergies is the skin after stimulation by various allergens produced a red, swollen, hot, pain, itching of the phenomenon.
(a) the reasons:
1, sensitive: There are congenital and acquired distinction. The former is mainly concerned with the genetic and physical fitness; the latter mainly related to improper maintenance, abuse of cosmetics, sun exposure, wind blow, skin and other factors.
2, allergy: from food allergies to see if the original factors, seasonal factors, drug factors, chemical factors, genetic factors; from the point of view is the root cause of oxidative free radicals in basophils and mast cells, causing damage to the immune system .
(b) the characteristics and clinical performance:
1, sensitive: sensitive skin, thin skin, fragile capillaries exposed, easy red, and was uneven flushing, itching and small rashes from time to time appear.
2, allergy: skin allergy skin hyperemia, redness, itching, rashes and even acne severe allergic peeling, edema.
c) the relationship between the two
1, sensitive: sensitive skin if care is not enough, often red, heat, itching and other symptoms or trial of foreign drugs containing hormones, is transformed into allergic skin.
2, allergy: allergic skin allergies may be caused after occasionally, but most of the previous period have sensitive skin sensitive skin symptoms.
(d) prevention and treatment measures:
1, for sensitive skin should avoid allergenic foods and the use of drugs and cosmetics; avoid contact with heat, alkali, electrical stimulation; not excessive friction; prevent ultraviolet radiation. Usually cold or warm water wash available.
2, in the event of allergy have to pay attention:
(1) have a good attitude: First of all allergies should be aware that just means that the person is not suitable for this product does not mean that the product is poor; may be allergic to any cosmetics; any person may in some cases have allergy.
(2) to ascertain the reasons for allergy: stay away from allergens, through scavenging free radicals, regulating immunity, to improve their own allergies.

======== skin care: skin, such as lychee-like tender =======
Although the money to buy skin care products, but the facade still have to care for; in fact just start from everyday life, the simple little trick can make you very pretty.
At that time, dry rough skin, see a simple little secret can allow the skin to become Huanen: glycerol and white vinegar to adjust the ratio of 1:5, a good paint on the skin, then holding it a try with this mentality secret; think of only 3 weeks time, my skin becomes smooth and detailed.
In addition, water is the most expensive health drinks, so drink plenty of water is a must. General sugary drinks will make you fat, and water can promote the body metabolism, make you healthy and beautiful.
more exercise is also very important. I refer here not intense anaerobic exercise, it would only make you grow muscles; I mean, some gentle exercise, like cycling, brisk walking, etc., the best combination of energy and daily life, only easier to persevere. For example, take the bus to advance one or two stop, then brisk walking home; Over time, the body naturally does not lose shape. Who says beauty must pay a high price? Simple, can also be very beautiful.

======= Skin Care: Say goodbye to summer coarse pores and acne skin =====
hypertonic fire umbrella, UV Index daily verge of \come up. Do not worry, do the appropriate maintenance measures, even the orange girl, flower girl pox family, but also towards the beauty of the road.
to coarse pores that Bye-Bye!
too much oil, acne hoarding, is the main reason causing the largest coarse pores! Often squeeze, clear acne, over time, but may make the skin pores bi hurt more and more relaxed. Keep the skin clean, avoid the accumulation of oil pores, dirt at the same time, with the pores of the skin care products applied, there is definitely a plus effect.

1. a day to do cleansing and work: the residual cosmetics, dirt hiding in the pores and help acne formation. <<<
2. exfoliating regularly: at least a week to help the skin to time clean-up, the use of exfoliating products, especially T-cheeks extends to the nose skin, massage can be slightly strengthened, to prevent dirt, acne and deep deposits
3. with pores products: for the repair has been done to improve the formation of large pores, such as use of Clinique Pore repair gel, add to the scrub exclusive technology, to keep pores clear, no blockage problems generated. Magic light refraction technology, so that the pores appear immediately stealth. Because of age, loose thick skin pores are also applicable, with the soy protein extract, stimulate new collagen, loose re-tighten up pores and weak
4. local oil control: T word always seems the most coarse pores due to the fuel in the more than normal, even with a make-up cover, but also all of a sudden out bare. By Clinique Oil Control Pore T-gel topical, non-oil gel texture, to help put on the skin like a gentle mist cloak, 8 hours continuous convergence oil control
5. wrap Mask: adequate water supply, allowing the skin to increase elasticity, the normal metabolism of the pores of the old dead skin cells, oil stains
.6 Sun Do: UV damage to skin is the original compact, the accomplices of accelerated aging, the more sun the more the pores loose
easily get rid of acne entangled!
acne always uninvited, but also a long pile of their friends, in addition to wiping the drugs listed in professional dermatologist, acne skin people, and even skin care products should be adjusted to two-pronged approach, effective anti- pox.
1. remover, cleaning products to be replaced: the greasy moisture in summer are still in use cleaning products? No wonder the acne will be stimulated to grow. For example, the net pox Cleansing Mousse Clinique, Facial Soap net pox, net pox cleansing cloth membrane, providing a mild acne skin cleaning power, and antibacterial antibacterial, soothing stimulation of inflammatory

2. smearing acne skin care products: in particular, the oil is easy, good hair acne skin, it would be best to switch to a full range of skin care products Acne private, to avoid the indiscriminate use with, thereby stimulating inflammatory consequences. According to the day, night, different needs, Clinique has introduced film to provide antimicrobial protection to achieve the effect of treatment and prevention of daytime protective emulsion 『』 net pox; and speed up the metabolism of mild, deep cleansing, astringent, soothing inflammation and swelling of the night 『net pox Conditioning Gel 』
3. forbidden to eat spicy food: it bound about your appetite, hot pot. Constant acceleration of food lit, will emerge from the body acne Push head. <<<Get rid of bad habits, eliminate acne

sun consequences: increased freckles. Drying in the sun a day is enough to make it worse, freckle expanded color depth.
cure: Use to make uniform the color of the skin to restore retinol cream to help fade than freckles. But if your freckles darker color, you should use a strong effect of resin ointment. Prevention is the best way to grow freckles: Wear wide-brimmed hat, coated with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, coated with waterproof sunscreen SPF15 sunscreen index.
quickly make remedies: Use colored lotions can effectively face the color uniform, natural and have the skills to cover freckles

acne scars
sun consequences: turn dark brown scars; sunken scars will be greater.
cure: the color deeper scarring may ask the doctor to give you a prescription for stronger potency. During the day you can use non-fat and amino benzene SPF15 sunscreen. Skin experts say: \
quickly make remedies: first with a small brush swipe scars, and then cast a concealer slightly lighter than the skin, and finally painted with the color similar to the foundation. <<<Concealer Collection
Editor: Mei Mei in summer can be very exposed to wear, good body filling, but the sun is too strong, the temperature is too high, leading to skin oils, large pores, acne ridden, spots become more! Rest assured, if to get rid of pores and acne problems, you can live very nice summer!
acne scars
sun consequences: turn dark brown scars; sunken scars will be greater.
cure: the color deeper scarring may ask the doctor to give you a prescription for stronger potency. During the day you can use non-fat and amino benzene SPF15 sunscreen. Skin experts say: \
quickly make remedies: first with a small brush swipe scars, and then cast a concealer slightly lighter than the skin, and finally painted with the color similar to the foundation. <<<Concealer Collection
Editor: Mei Mei in summer can be very exposed to wear, good body filling, but the sun is too strong, the temperature is too high, leading to skin oils, large pores, acne ridden, spots become more! Rest assured, if to get rid of pores and acne problems, you can live very nice summer!

========== care: give you a pair of beautiful eyes ========
have a pair of young, beautiful eyes is everyone desire. However, the eye is most likely to face the aging of the site. How to protect the skin around the eyes it?
1, to overcome some of the usual bad habits, such as like frowning, squinting, staying up late, and too rich facial expressions and so on.
2, to drink plenty of water, regular consumption of a number of colloidal substances, such as trotters, chicken feet, so as to keep the skin moist.
3, appropriate selection of some eye skin care products, such as Cream, Eye Makeup Remover and so on. The skin of the eye proper massage.
4, the eye can not scrub the skin, so as not to damage the soft skin of sand, making it easier to aging. Carrot juice can also add some olive oil and coating the eye wrinkles at the corner of the eye, or at bedtime in these parts apply to vitamin E oil to enhance skin's anti-power, reduce or mitigate the formation of wrinkles and deeper.
5, eyes swollen, the available water or tea, potato chips, spreads fresh eye, to eliminate puffy eyes have a certain effect.
6, a small fine lines, crow's feet, eye bags, dark circles, puffy eyes and the skin is most prone to eye problems, these problems have sometimes due to lack of water, or poor circulation caused by water accumulation, or often in the computer before typing, wearing contact lenses increased eye fatigue, eye aging. In addition to skin care products by this improvement, with the living habits is also very important.

======== skin care: Sunscreen Chinese women new scientific insights ====
A, sunscreen from children
\International Conference on the skin, the disclosure of the latest research results.
Expert by L'Oreal
study found that white by the sun color red, yellow spots formed on the skin by the sun, so Chinese women in any one age, the spots are more than the number of French women. Among them, the Southern women there face, hands stain is much higher than the proportion of women in the north; in the population over the age of 26, the proportion of facial pigmentation occurs more than 80%; rural women than urban women stain.
study shows that in the case of unprotected skin sun longer, more frequent, especially in childhood, adults the greater the risk of skin cancer later. Therefore, experts advise: to keep skin healthy and beautiful Chinese people must pay attention to the behavior in the sun, especially outdoor activities in childhood.
points, according to Asian skin aging studies have shown that not only UV-B can cause cancer, ultraviolet A can cause mutations, and scale-like basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis, but the latter does not cause sunburn. UV-A radiation is present at
ultraviolet radiation in the light most important and most common form of radiation, so while in UV sunscreens A and B added to the absorbent is very important. Available on the market is only the first generation of sunscreens can prevent sunburn caused by UV-B, according to these results, people need to use both UV-A and B can be protective of new sunscreen products.
B, anti-UVA critical
AndreRougier that? \The main perpetrators of black, UV rays and UVA rays include UVB, UVB protection before we thought that as long as you can, so the market sold a lot of sunscreen protection can only UVB, SPF is a commonly heard index. However, recent studies showed that the UV rays in the UVA is the enemy of skin problems, it can directly penetrate skin's dermal layer, making the skin to accelerate aging. Therefore, a professional skin care brand of sunscreen products, must be able to prevent UVA and UVB two kinds of ultraviolet light, can inhibit melanin deposition, to prevent tanning and aging of the skin, so sun protection products can be considered as very safe and effective. \
According AndreRougier description: \The SPF15, SPF20 UVB rays is to prevent the standard. and ray UVA, is most in need of protection, because UVA can not stop the clouds, you can directly enter the human body through the dermal layer, resulting in skin aging. UVA indicators currently in use the Japanese standard,tory burch flats, that is, there is now a common PA standards, such as PA +, PA + +, there are some other products are beginning to use PPD's identity, such as pharmacy professionals sell products La Roche-Posay, through conversion come, PA + + + = PPD8. like the rationale for skin Spring sunscreen products PPD28, than the highest value on the market PA PA + + + SPF is much higher. \

========= Skin Care: 4 kinds of scenarios of moisture and air-conditioned rooms Strategies =========
hot summer, hot, air-conditioning is the only savior. However, when Allah and enjoy the cool air indiscriminately, while they overlook the fact: the body heat in the air at the same time take away the skin is also very little of this to the water. Facing rising temperatures and growing increasingly dry skin, Allah will eventually choose a dilemma.
four air-conditioned rooms,tory burch sale, include dry skin this summer, all the reasons, but also the work of skin moisture from here!

stay together in the air-conditioned rooms - Office
They are a large number of OL
family, their work so that all manual workers envy for me. They are eight hours per day or more of your time at fine decoration is not cold in winter hot in summer is not high-end residential and commercial office buildings in the CBD, not wind, no sun, like delicate hothouse flowers as beautiful. The opposite may be true, because of their skin weathered and less vulnerable, and the summer in the office all day long without intermittent central air-conditioning to the skin are caused by more than a \/ p>
environmental characteristics: In the hot summer air-conditioned office generally lower than the average outdoor temperature of 15 degrees or so, so much of the difference in temperature makes the skin at least twice a day out in alternating hot and cold environment, suffering from neglect stimulation of cold turns hot. At the same time, dry air leads to the office humidity drops, the dry skin is inevitable.
Dry Index :****
self-defense strategies against dry:
also moisturizing make-up: For those who often need to make it easy to dry the skin and the Office of the women, choose a moisturizing effect of cosmetics (moisturizing makeup), caused due to dry skin make-up to a certain extent mitigation. Moisturizing makeup, including lipstick, eye shadow, blush, etc., in which the moisture and dry particles to avoid skin allergies.
ready to use the moisturizing lotion: lotion moisturizing products contain the ingredients within the skin easily saturated, allowing the skin begins to have the ability to store water. Some special moisturizing lotion can be ready at any time of day use, to give the skin to provide deep moisturizing effect.
paper film pour moisturizing cream: a point to three o'clock in the afternoon this time, due to dry skin are particularly vulnerable to fatigue and appears lifeless. At this point, you can put down the task at hand, out of fifteen minutes, will usually have a moisturizing effect with the liquid down on paper the essence of the membrane and gently apply to the face off after 15 minutes, will feel his face Shui tender, if you want to keep longer, the water quality to be immediately coated with moisturizing cream.
homemade moisturizing spray: Use two teaspoons of raw chrysanthemum against the glass of water, after cooling thick foam filter, plus a teaspoon of salt, a cup of cold water, stir well, poured into a nozzle of the container, may at any time to supplement the spray water, and combined with the skin surface film, a moisturizing effect. <<<Moisturizing spray spray beautiful
a pot of tea rose moisturizer
: the office is essential tea, but with the same water, as a pot of tea with a better efficacy of cosmetic emollients. Cornflower or Huang Jinju the roses plus 2 grams each, amount of honey, the 400cc water after boiling, add all of the floral taste, soak in water for drinking. This channel has a tonic tea liver function, regulate blood circulation effect, you can ruddy skin, moist skin is more supple.
TIPS: Tips for the Office of Hydra
skin care program in the morning, at least three types of moisturizing products to be used, such as moisturizing toner, moisturizing eye cream and moisturizing lotion and so on.
minimize the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, if the air temperature is adjustable, place it controlled at 24 degrees Celsius.
feel particularly when the skin is dry, re-use disposable cleansing facial cleanser, or a piece of cotton dipped in latex, use it to wipe the face again, and then cover some moisturizing lotion, facial moisture to keep cool.
mid-afternoon, you can add an apple to nutrition, as well as boost the spirit, nourish the skin effect.
drink enough water, drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day. If you go out, it is best to carry a bottle of mineral water.
whenever she went out, we must try to avoid sun and wind, will minimize the risk of exposure to tobacco and alcohol

Hui Han rain air-conditioned rooms - Gym

They are the city's most fashionable women, their poise and slim body. But they still love and at least three times every week for indoor exercise. In their eyes, the movement still cool than ######, but after sweating in the gym, the skin should be smooth and delicate but full in the air-conditioned gym gone mad ... ...
environmental characteristics: Although the air-conditioned gym is full, but a lot of heat generated due to movement so that movement itself is still feeling very hot, then many people will choose to stay away from the air recently,tory burch shoes, let the sweat evaporates quickly, the result is also in the process of evaporation of moisture away the skin, the skin is more dry.
Dry Index :***
self-defense strategies against dry:
carry a bottle of water: Games, sweating, consume more than normal water, you need to replenish, not to mention water will be discharged with the urine or sweat, but also with the body of toxins discharged. So, drink plenty of water not only conducive to sweat detoxification, more conducive to the skin to breathe smoothly. It is best to carry a bottle of coffee or fruit juice without water, if there are additional energy and sports drinks salt the better.
facial spray easy: it can be very directly sprayed in the face, the skin contains various trace elements needed for the campaign during which the loss of moisture at any time the skin.
Exfoliating Facial Massage: Exercise regularly use some products containing mineral mud massage elements or surface covered, you can effectively clean the skin, aging skin surface cells to help in time off to promote the facial blood circulation, strengthen the absorption of moisturizing ingredients to make the skin shiny and elastic. Massage is: some of the first painted in the face massage cream, facial skin with your fingers along the bottom circle of texture type massage, massage ten minutes each time. <<<Exfoliating Collection
refreshing moisturizing lotion: In the face wash away the sweat and dust, the cast features a moisturizing anti-aging products (including the private eye and lip care products) to avoid premature aging of the skin. If the skin is oily, you can use some T zone oil control products, to adjust the facial oil secretion.
10 分钟 Mask: If conditions permit, in the exercise can be done after a complete cleansing effect with the maintenance of Hydra Mask, after exercise can prevent dust and sweat mixed face clogging the pores and acne grow, but also use this time to achieve good skin condition strong absorption and maintenance.
TIPS: Tips gym Hydra
* Do not sweat, and immediately to the air near the hot and turn up the airconditioning, otherwise the skin will cause irritation.
* wet clothes off immediately after exercise, or shoulder, back, chest acne on the sweaty clothes in the friction re-emerge next. In addition, the sweat adhesion to the skin, easy to acne.
* within half an hour after exercise, the face will sweat, do not immediately on the makeup, if needed,tory burch outlet, preferably based on over forty minutes before makeup.
* before and after exercise in the exercise, you need to eat plenty of help to improve movement quality, and replenish energy foods such as milk, white meat, whole grains and nuts, etc., but beneficial to the skin orange, tomato, etc. fruits and vegetables can also help you get good skin

enclosed air-conditioned rooms - aircraft in economy class
such a group of women, their most common place is the economy cabin of the aircraft. They need to immediately run to the next plane after a meeting or a party in a field conference site, and this time they have to face was tired of radiant color. Thus, in a few hours on the plane, they do not allow your skin from any suffering ... ...
environmental characteristics: always running in the land of beauty, one to the sky, look like? If you had a similar experience, you will know if the U.S. woman to aircraft, will be a long time to dry, dehydrated and pale Huarong endure mental and physical exhaustion. Because of severe dry cabin air circulation - regardless of your daily skin care how well, do not overlook a few hours of flight time.
Dry Index :*****
self-defense strategies against dry:
in the long-distance flight, the airlines will be about an hour after the flight catering, cabin after the lights will be dimmed to facilitate passengers to rest, you can take advantage of this time after you dim the light plane beauty courses.
to keep the face clean and fresh: If you could best make-up on the front of the plane not to keep the face clean. Clean is the first element of the beautiful, when cleansing cloth, wet paper towels can be useful when it contains a combo Cleansing Lotion, use both sides of points, one side rough for makeup, smooth side to wipe.
high-density woven Mask: After cleansing, in order to quickly improve the skin's dry, the best way is to apply a moisturizing disposable high-density mask, most of them containing plant extracts, vitamin E, collagen, elastin and moisturizing factor, not only eliminates the need for cleansing of the trouble, save the skin and can quickly dry the verge of a crisis, slow moisture loss, while the skin soft and bright.
not moisturizing spray is not prepared: moisturizing spray is the essential thing on the plane, or a short flight if it is not very dry skin, it can be used to supplement the loss of skin moisture. Recommended every 30 minutes during the flight, go out into the face of a moisturizing spray spray.
improve skin metabolism: the air-conditioned environment is not easy circulation of air, oxygen content in the air down, which will also affect the skin of normal metabolism. At this time can increase skin metabolism to choose skin care products for special maintenance of the skin. The role of a number of highly effective beauty solution to moisturize the skin repair, prevention of air-conditioned environment of the skin caused by aging.
Choosing the right of free drinks
: the plane flight, you should pay attention to drink plenty of water, especially mineral water, to supplement the water, thirst emollient. Of course, you can also air service to more than to have some soda water, on the one hand to neutralize stomach acid, protect the stomach, on the other hand it's diuretic effect can prevent foot edema.
arbitrary air-conditioned rooms - bedroom
life half the time is spent in the bedroom, which has become an indisputable fact. In the scorching summer heat in order to avoid disturbing the sleep, many people like air-conditioning in the bedroom has been open until dawn ... ...
environmental characteristics: few people will wake up at night will be off the air conditioner, so the skin to bear most of the time more than eight hours of air-conditioning hit. The bedroom itself, the humidity is relatively low, if accompanied by air conditioning to sleep again, this result is that the invasion was to escape the hot and dry strayed into a trap.
Dry Index :****
self-defense strategies against dry:
moisturizing body bath oil: bedtime may wish to come to a aromatic oil bath, the skin can be both a good way to relief. You can choose to moisturize the skin has always been known for the roses, or the amount of milk (milk bath can also be fine) and, of course, with a moisturizing effect of various essential oils are preferred, such as rose oil, sage oil, wheat germ oil and almond oil, can take advantage of the natural ingredients for the whole body to provide a good moisturizing effect. <<<
moisturizing massage: massage can promote blood circulation and skin metabolism, increase oil production and improve drying. Care in the evening may wish to join the Road program - use moisturizing massage cream massage the face, so that your skin is less susceptible to air and dry air
special night cream moisturizing cream: moisturizing during the day not only to do the work, the night before going to bed is to strengthen the skin moisture. Skin care products in the night on the absorption capacity beautifully to take advantage of it because as the best way is to use highly moisturizing night cream, not the oil is not greasy, moisturizing effect class.
deposited with high-quality cream: moisturizing care at home at a more relaxed and thoughtful, and relatively cumbersome to use, but the results are spectacularly good at this time can apply cream handy. Mask will be like thick cream to apply to the face, easy to dry in parts, such as the cheeks, chin, etc., can enhance the use of mask it. And then close their eyes a break of 10 to 15 minutes, preferably in bed, your feet flat. This allows the mask of moisturizing ingredients to fully penetrate.
may wish to try repairing moisture: Repair moisturizer is suitable for mature skin moisturizer. Dry skin moisturizing skin care products no matter what, the effect is always short-term limited, as protection from improving and moisturizing the skin's own capabilities to achieve better results. The removal of the skin with a cuticle moisturizer moisturizing function of the ability to drive, especially in the skin vulnerable to injury in the summer, but also allow new skin cells at night to play the natural moisturizing function, improve skin's moisture level

TIPS: Tips Hydra bedroom
Do not ignore skin, eyes and lips, before going to bed be sure to apply a moisturizing cream and lip cream efficacy to prevent the fragile skin, eyes and lips fine lines caused by dryness.
Do not fear the body water and drink plenty of water before going to bed, or the next morning you will see a swollen face and eyes.
do not think the air humidifier only need it only in the winter, when the bedroom at night to keep the humidity in the air to avoid over-drying skin, or need to be placed at the head of a small humidifier, room humidifier according to to the appropriate value.
Editor: comfortable, no matter where are air-conditioned to take care of the skin seems to be spoiled with, in fact, was secretly destroyed, Xiao Bian proposal can not air-conditioned, try not to allow skin to breathe the air of freedom , put moisturizing spray and drinking water, anytime, anywhere to their pay,tory burch 2011, over a period of time for each move around, doing massage to the skin, a lot of little habits that can protect your skin
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