Attitude is foundational to success. A generous person with a positive attitude will thrive. If you change your attitude, you change your perception, change your actions, and change your life. As every life changes, you change the world. Over at Lorelle On Wordpress she challenges bloggers to create a list of 30 things that can each be done inonly 30 seconds. Imagine if millions or billions of people each didone of these-how would the world be different? In keeping with the theme of personal development, I have put together ways to improve yourself or others and create a better you in 30 seconds or less. Imagine if everyone did just a few of these atonce? Here is my list.
; attitude is the cornerstone of success. A generous person to share a positive attitude will thrive. If you change your attitude, you change your perception, change your actions, and change your life. When everyone's life changes, you change the world. In writing the blog Lorelle on Wordpress challenge the authors set out to write all the blog that contains 30 to 30 seconds to complete the list of things. Imagine if millions or billions of people to do one of these, how much would the world be different! My blog continues the theme of personal development, I focus on some of you in 30 seconds or less time to complete to improve themselves or others. Imagine everyone did just a few of these things will be. The list is as follows:
1. Change your tone of voice.For 30 seconds,
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1. to change your tone of voice. For 30 seconds, using a more gentle, calmer, or any kind of sounded more comfortable speaking. You might be surprised at what happened. For example, you know, in the minds of children, with a softer voice giving clear instructions yelling more than give you access to dignified. If frustrated in a business transaction, you can try in the next 30 seconds, more peaceful tone, and then see if it leads to a quicker solution.
2. Chooseone idea you gave up and re-visit it. For 30 seconds, consider giving itone more try. Was there an invention, a project, or some task that just seemed too daunting or frustrating? Chooseone and decide to try itone more time. Imagine if everyone mustered up the courage to use their God-given ingenuity in whatever their giftings. What new things would the world see created?
; 2. Select the one you have to give up the idea, and then rethink it. For 30 seconds,
dolce & gabbana for men, time to consider and try again. Was there an invention, a project, or some task seemed too daunting or frustrating? Choose one and try it. Just think, if everyone worked up the courage,
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3. For 30 seconds, give someone another chance. Listen for justone more time, re-evaluate a first impression, or giveone more opportunity to see if they have changed. You may be surprised 3.. For 30 seconds, give someone another chance. Listen for just one more time, re a first impression, or a chance to see if they have changed. You may be surprised.
4. Tell your children how you value them. It will mean the world. Imagine if every parent said affirming words to every child, for 30 seconds, everyday.
; 4. tell your children Let this be a meaningful expression, look them in the eye, let them know how they are important to you. This will mean the world. Imagine if all the parents for 30 seconds every day for their children to say something positive, the world will be.
5. The next time you find yourself wanting instant gratification, impatiently wanting something you cannot have at that moment, give thanks to God for what you already do have for 30 seconds. It may change your attitud
e. 5. The next time you find yourself eagerly awaiting something you must,
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6. For 30 seconds, stand up straighter and with your head held high. Look others in the eye and walk with confidence. See how great it feels?
6. For 30 seconds, stand up straight, your head held high. Look others in the walk with confidence. There is no great it feels?
7. Chooseone thing you were putting off for another time that could be done today, and decide to do it! Itonly takes 30 seconds to make a decision to act. Be sure you value keeping your promise to yourself, and then know that this will lead to action.
7. Choose one thing you've been putting off for another time to be completed today things, decide to do it! Make a decision to act only takes 30 seconds. Be sure you value their commitment, and once the commitment means to action.
8. Clean up someone else's mess.
8. Clean up someone else's mess.
9. Compliment someone with a genuine comment on what you appreciate or respect about them.
9. for others to admire or respect you have been a genuine praise.
10. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.
10. as you believe in a or something to come forward. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.