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“Hello. In the chiefs absence you will have to explain yourself to me.” “To you?” said Gesar, glancing sideways at the Estonian. “You’re not worthy.” “Then to him,” said Edgar, shrugging his shoulders cheap timberlands and shuddering as if he felt cold. “Or is he not worthy either?” <a href="http://www.abestsunglasses.com/category-1023-b0-Gucci+Sunglasses.html"><strong>Gucci Sunglasses </strong></a> “No, I’ll explain myself to him,” Gesar said coolly and turned toward me. His gaze was as bottomless as eternity. “Get out of Moscow,” he said with acno emotion at all. “Right now. Catch a train ladies timberland boots or ride a broomstick, but just clear out. You’ve already killed twice.” “As I see it,” I remarked as amicably as I could, “certain other individuals have attempted to kill me. And all I did was defend myself.” Gesar turned his back to me—he didn’t want to listen. He didn’t want to speak to a Dark One who had dispatched one of his best warriors into the Twilight forever. “Let’s get out of here,” he said to his people. “Hey, hey!” Edgar protested angrily. “They’re criminals, they’re not going anywhere, in the name of the Treaty I forbid it!” Gesar turned back toward the Estonian. “Yes they are. And you can’t do anything about it. They’re under my protection.” I was seriously expecting a hike up onto the next step because the powers that I already had were enough for me to realize I couldn’t go head to head with Gesar yet. He’d crush me. Not without an effort—after all, I’d already come a long way up the invisible stairway. My powers were pretty strong. But he’d still crush me. But nothing happened. Probably the time hadn’t come yet for me to fight Gesar. Edgar gave me a plaintive glance—apparently he’d been hoping for great things from me. The Light Ones slipped away into the Twilight, taking with them the remains of their dead sister i timberland clothing n-arms, and then they dived deeper, to the second level. It was over. “I really can’t stop him,” I admitted guiltily. “Sorry, Edgar.” “A pit timberland pro seriess y,” the Estonian said, with just his lips. They took me to the Day Watch office in the trusty BMW— for the first time in Moscow I was feeling tired. But still as free as before. I paid the price for using so much Power—I can barely remember how they drove me back, urged me toward the elevator, led me to the office, sat me in an armchair and stuck a cup of coffee in my hand. I had a painful ache <a href="http://www.abestsunglasses.com/category-1026-b0-Oakley+Sunglasses.html"><strong>Oakley Sunglasses </strong></a> in my overworked muscles, an ache in my entire being, which just a short while ago had timberland pro seriess been commanding the powers of the Twilight. I’d beaten them off with convincing skill—it would be a long time before timberland boat shoes the Light Ones forgot this battle. And my attackers hadn’t been young novices either—I reckoned that both Light Ones had been first-level magicians at least. “Give the analysts a kick up the backside,” Edgar ordered one of his subordinates. “I want to find out at last what’s going on.” I glanced at him, and Edgar realized I was coming around. “Talk to me!” he said. “A Call!” I said in a hoarse voice and started to cough. I tried to take a sip of coffee, burned myself, and hissed in pain. “A Call,” I said when I could talk again. “They caught me while I was sleeping.” “A Call?” Shagron echoed in surprise. He was sitting in an armchair like mine at the next desk. “The Light Ones haven’t used that for about thirty years…” “They caught you with a Call in the Day timberland chukka Watch building?” Edgar asked suspiciously. “That’s really something! And you mean no one else noticed anything?” “No. It was a very subtle call, aimed with masterly precision and camouflaged as natural background noise from the residen timberland uk tial floors.” “And you submitted to it?” “Of course not.” I made another attempt to take a sip of coffee, this time successfully. “But I decided to investigate what the Light Ones were up to.” “And you didn’t tell anyone?” Edgar was balancing halfway between disbelief and annoyance. “That was a crazy risk…” “If I’d gone trailing after the Call with backup, they’d have spotted it in a moment,” I explained. “No, I had to go alone and without cover. So I did. They tried to grab me on Strastnoi Boulevard and I had to fight them off. I knocked the tigress down two or three times and tried to persuade her to timberland shoes stop, and it was only after that I hit her really hard.” Edgar stared at me without blinking. “You’re a dark horse, Vitaly,” he said. “Yes, Dark,” I confirmed happily. “They don’t come any Darker.” “Are you a magician beyond classification?” he asked. “Alas, no,” I said, spreading my hands—but slowly, so as not to spill the coffee. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have let Gesar go.” <a href="http://financenetwork1.net/blog.php?user=kareemwalkery&blogentry_id=75932"><s trong>Sell ​​Ed-Hardy, Evisu, True Religion, Coogi, Christian audigie to ...</strong></a> Edgar drummed his fingers on the desk, squinting sideways impatiently at the door. “What are those analysts doing…” he muttered. The door opened and a brisk middle-aged woman, a witch, appeared in the doorway, with two men, both magicians. “Hello, Anna Tikhon timberland waterproof boots ovna,” Shagron greeted her hastily. He ought to have been more powerful than the witch, but he seemed to be afraid of her. And he was timberland outlet store right, of course. A witch’s Power is slightly different in nature from a magician’s. And a witch can easily screw things up even for a very p timberland pro seriess ower timberland clothing ful magician. Edgar just nodded.