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Old 09-06-2011, 01:16 AM   #1
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Default 少女拒绝读书棒杀养父 藏尸猪圈被判8年

2007年3月31日14时30分,传奇私服,广西浦北县110接到群众举报,在白石水镇某村的猪栏屋发现一具尸体。接警后,公安民警火速赶到现场,继 而展开了细致、周密的侦破工作。仅仅四天时间,警方就破获这起“3·31”命案。但让人们万万没想到的是, 凶手竟然是被害人的养女,一名只有16岁的花季女孩。
2007年3月31日早上约9点钟,白石水镇某村的李宝莲在打扫自家的猪栏屋,正当她挑粪时,竟发现粪堆里 埋有麻包袋。李宝莲心里一阵纳闷:怎么粪堆里有麻包袋呢?她又用力一挑,麻包袋露出一块骨头,并发出阵阵恶 臭。李宝莲心里咯噔一下,一种不祥的预感笼罩心头。李宝莲慌忙走出去找人帮看个究竟。同村的许传峰、许传彪 闻讯赶到猪栏屋。许传峰壮着胆子用铲挑开麻袋上的猪粪,顿时两根人肋骨赫然显现在众人面前。在场的人都惊呆 了,大家惊恐地互相议论。最后,有人拨通了报警电话110。十多分钟后,公安民警火速赶到现场 ,传奇私服
经过办案民警们的初步勘察与鉴定,还有李宝莲的辨认,猪栏屋的尸体已确定是李宝莲的丈夫许传铭。据李宝莲叙 述,她自去年六月份到广东打工,一直到今年农历正月十八才回家。回家后,李宝莲却发现丈夫许传 铭不在家,魔域私服,问起女儿许莹,许莹说爸爸曾留过一张纸条,纸条上写他要到罗城玩几天。办案民警们经过多方的走访排查,村 民们反馈回来这样的信息:许传铭为人善良忠厚,从不与人结怨。但因为他的养女许莹不听话,父女俩时有争吵。 在今年春节前约一个星期,魔域私服,大家就不曾见过许传铭露面,而且每次问起许莹,她都说爸爸去罗城玩了。因为许传铭年轻时在罗城矿务局工作 ,所以大家也并没有起疑心。但春节前一个星期就不见人影,如今已是春节过后两个星期,许传铭到底是什么时候 遇害呢?又是谁残忍地将许传铭杀害并抛尸呢?一时间众说纷纭,恐怖阴森的气氛笼罩着这个小山村 。
无疑,许传铭的养女许莹是本案唯一的线索,而且种种迹象表明,许莹有作案的重大嫌疑。但许莹于今年3月初到 广东佛山打工了。办案民警们当机立断,前往广东寻找许莹。2007年4月2日,民警们到达广东佛山并找到许 莹打工的工厂。站在民警们眼前的许莹,是一个年仅16岁的女孩,长得小巧玲珑,秀气的脸上扑闪着一双大眼睛 。民警们无法将面前女孩与凶手联系在一起。刚一开始,许莹看见家乡的警察如神兵天降,她的眼角闪露出一丝慌 张的神色,但很快许莹就表现出事不关己的样子,而且对办案民警的询问对答如流。但细心的办案民警还是发现了 不少破绽。随着案件的深入调查与民警们耐心的说服教育,4月4日,许莹的心理防线终于彻底崩溃,她将事情的 真相和盆托出。
许传铭膝下无儿女,六合彩,在十几年前他抱养了许莹。李宝莲是许莹的继母,她与许传铭再婚时还带过来一小男孩。许传铭一直视姐弟俩为 己出,倍加疼爱。为了减轻生活的负担,李宝莲不断外出打工。年过六旬的许传铭体弱多病,而且行动不便,常拄 着一根竹棍走路。对妻子外出打工,他虽然很不乐意,但还是承担起照顾姐弟俩生活起居的责任。许传铭对许莹的 管教甚严,而且一心想让许莹好好念书,但许莹却厌倦了学习,总是向往着和同村的小姐妹到外面的世界闯一番。 平时,父女俩常因读书问题而话不投机,两人之间闹得很不愉快。
2007年2月9日中午约12时,许莹的班主任打来电话,正好许传铭接的电话。在电话里,班主任告知尽快让 许莹付清上学期的学杂费165元。而实际上,几天前许传铭已给许莹200元钱让她去交学费。挂断电话之后, 许传铭关起门就厉声质问:“钱呢?怎么不去交学费?”许莹则一再狡辩,后来就干脆说不想读书了,准备留这笔 钱做路费到广东打工。许传铭听了勃然大怒,大骂道:“你怎么这么下贱,有书不读去打什么工。”于是举起平时 走路所持的竹棍打了一下许莹的右脚,但许莹仍不甘示弱,继续与养父在一楼客厅内争执不休。许传铭让许莹拿2 00元钱出来,但倔强的许莹高声应到:“就不拿,你又怎样?”许传铭听了暴跳如雷,举起手中的竹棍打向许莹 ,许莹抬起右脚使劲踢过去,刚好踢中许传铭的下阴部,六合彩,许传铭大叫一声便侧身到地,头部又碰到了墙壁。躺在地上的许传铭不停地喊着“哎唷”,但许莹却无动于衷。 她早就从别人的口中得知自己不是父亲亲生的,所以一直认为父亲不疼爱她,对她的所作所为总是看不顺眼。于是 多年来对养父的恼恨一股脑儿冲上心头,使得许莹丧失了理智,霎时间一个歹毒的念头在许莹心中冒出来。她走到 大门口的门角处拿起一根木棒,然后抡起木棒狠命地朝养父的头部右耳侧打去,连续打了十几棍,许传铭的头部瞬 间血肉模糊,早已不能动弹。看着倒在血泊中的养父,许莹顿时吓坏了,她大脑一片空白,瘫软地坐 在了地上。
呆愣了好半天,回过神之后的许莹哆哆嗦嗦地准备“销尸灭迹”。许莹将尸体拖进房间并用一块毛毯盖住,并用麻 袋与蛇皮袋套住,然后拿绳索捆绑严实。看着地板上的斑斑血迹,许莹还用洗洁精进行刷洗。很快,到了下午约5 点钟,许莹走上楼顶环顾四周见无人,就打开门将尸体拖到屋边的猪栏屋,用铲挑起猪粪和泥土盖过尸体。然后, 许莹精心编织了一系列的谎言,制造了养父离家与朋友到罗城游玩等假象。许莹自以为神不知鬼不觉,不料假象很 快就被揭穿。从案发到侦破,仅仅才四天的时间,真相就大白于天下。
杀死养父后,新春佳节很快来临。但祥和的春节对于许莹来说则是惶惶不可终日。每次她的目光无意落在地板上隐 约可见的血迹时,棒打养父的情景就浮现在她眼前。许莹不由得觉得胆战心惊,感到整幢房子都显得阴森可怕。许 莹将停放过尸体的房间门紧锁,再也不肯踏进半步。直到继母李宝莲回到家,执意要钥匙打开了房门。虽然继母发 现房间的地板及一些物品沾有血迹,但也没有起疑心,传奇私服。许莹觉得继续呆在家里会窒息、绝望,于是便软磨硬泡让继母给了几百元钱,就逃也似的离开家到 广东打工,传奇私服。许莹原以为可以瞒天过海,但没想到事情很快败露。
在交待自己的犯罪事实之后,许莹一再申辩:“我不是故意打死爸爸的,只想将他打昏,然后拿他的存折取钱去广 东打工。”但法律是无情的,触犯法律必将会受到严惩。因涉嫌故意杀人,许莹于2007年4月4日被拘留,同 月17日被逮捕。
法院认为,被告人许莹对养父对她不交学费的行为进行教育的方式不满并进行反抗,用脚踢其下阴,香港六合彩,后又用木棍朝其头部猛打十几棍致其死亡,从打击部位的选择、打击的狠度、有无节制、犯罪后的表现等方面进 行综合考虑,被告人的主观故意是致被害人于死地,因此其行为已构成故意杀人罪。2007年8月14日,浦北 县人民法院依法判处许莹有期徒刑八年。
案后语:本案中许莹只因学费问题与养父争吵,就残忍地将养父杀害,让人们震惊之余,留给我们的是深深的思考 。我国目前的独生子女比例较大,骄横、霸道的“小皇帝”们日渐养成了以自我为中心,如果大人稍不顺从就会吵 闹甚至有暴力倾向。当然,望子成龙、望女成凤是每位家长的美好心愿,本来无可厚非。但如果子女没有达到家长 的要求,就采用简单、粗暴的方法去对待,往往会适得其反。“强扭的瓜不甜”,试着站在孩子的角 度上看问题,魔域私服,心平气和地与孩子互相沟通,就会避免许多家庭悲剧的发生。加强家长与孩子之间的沟通,消除彼此之间的隔阂 ,营造一个个温馨和睦的小家庭,才能构建出我们的和谐大家庭。 (文中人名均系化名。)


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Old 09-06-2011, 01:54 AM   #3
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 17:24 on October 15, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: turn

1. the most worthless of skin care products: all kinds of water of. Toner,la gear walking shoes, Toner, tender skin of water, Lipstick water, toner, and so all the water, basically the same ingredients, are more than 95% distilled water, the remaining 5% is the alcohol and flavors, colors mixed. As for the effect which the real and effective commitment to the number of components, only the producers know.
2. The most irresponsible skin care products: up2u. This series of skin care products from Avon designed for young people to launch, but sold very well, because this series of skin care products entirely by the Both effects are very poor quality and.
3. The most harmful cosmetics: Maybelline Foundation. Maybelline family foundation, lead seriously overweight, prolonged use can cause skin and dark, resulting in spots. Detrimental to human health also.
4. Directly applied to the face with a mask and then wash away the top of a liquid than a paper mask better than many.
5. Sunscreen to do one thing before : aloe vera juice with bottoming. Aloe vera juice with sunscreen after bottoming, sun protection will be greatly enhanced. Not only difficult to tan, and will not be sun dried. (Only for most people, the skin sensitive and extremely vulnerable, not applicable)
6. Never before going to bed to do one thing: drink plenty of water. And lots of water before bed will cause the next morning not only the face, eye swelling, but also detrimental to the kidneys.

below tell you some inexpensive skin care products, unlike Japan and South Korea cargo worse!!!
Hand Cream: Dongyangzhihua
snake oil hand cream Canada Net Revitalizing Hand Cream, Gentle and effects MAXAM care, MAXAM VE protective cream milk, olive oil, affordable, Concord vibration were cracking One, TOBABY,
big treasure SOD honey,
Softto the hand cream (red tube that, with the stain of this hand cream is really light a lot, and do not and will not bounce),
Vaseline hand cream,
Yu Mei Jing cheapest cream when children hand cream with the (results better than a lot of ads do fly overhead, a special hand cream),
conditioner: bee flowers blue hair conditioner, hair conditioner bee yellow flowers,
Doris's torch ointment,
Shulei Bureau Dr oil (and dandruff, shine, wheat protein, etc.),
Irene fantasy forest bureau ointment
face wash: Shamra funny anti-scar face cream that in addition (very fine bubbles, pores perfectly clear),
Bolan balanced cleanser (with both crisp and soft, it is really to balance the oil, with a period of time t was moved out of the oil zone was not so in love),
Ann Sensitive to the full facial cleanser, a good fast Ann, Ann went to bean facial cleanser, facial cleanser Ann cucumber (white package)
clean Oréal / Ann cucumber face cream,
DOVE cleansing cloth, Gingko Whitening Cleanser
affordable, MAXAM cq Cleanser,
MAXAM CQ cleanser (blue + white packaging),
Zhaogui aloe facial cleanser (white package),
Shanghai sulfur soap (or skin cures a problem with long-Peas),
Yu Mei Jing milk series,
Qing Fei home Cleanser [Whitening Cleanser, Balancing Moisturizing Cleanser],
U.S. edge in spring (cool, acne, quit not molt), the United States in the Detoxifying Cleanser Chun Yuan,
cable special papaya skin white skin cleanser,
letter Finland aloe cleansing crystal,
Pien Tze Huang Cleanser,
Ding pox refreshing facial cleanser and gel,
Dr Lee's anti-acne series,
San net conceal facial cleanser (weak acid, it also can Revlon wash clean mascara),
Yan Zhuang Biff Cleansing Foam,
full Ting Cleanser Mask: the mask can be taken (comprehensive care, I used some white felt, and the skin better social gloss),
affordable exfoliating cream (after the face with a transparent GEL is slippery, that does not hurt the skin, not like frosting), affordable anti-acne mask, affordable touch the mud surface (comparable to Borghese green clay, green clay better than the point, not as stimuli), affordable whitening mask, affordable MOISTURE nourishing mask (fresh and not oily, water moisture well, and do not pay up the oil more suitable for mixed-sensitive skin),
Pulanna volcanic mud mask (used later feel very white skin, can improve the dry lines),
one of the Mask (film),
Pien Tze Huang scrub,
Meiyuan Spring mask,
Mask: Soothing Eye Mask affordable medicine,
beautiful eyes crystal,
family film Eye of the Jade Chak,
recoverable eye mask (bags under the eyes to eliminate dark circles, so that smooth the skin around the eyes back tight),
Pulanna Eye Mask (moisturizing effect of good)
Pulanna Eye,
Lanting's acid / Spirulina Eye (the former is moist, which healed fine lines, the effects were pretty good),
great treasure of the Eye (moisture level of the TIMEZONE only worse than the 400 a little bit, 10-20G of the kind of money, looking very thick texture, but the absorption is very good, very moist, can not afford fat granule, as well as the black box 50 of that section 20G of the texture of fresh than 10 yuan, Some feel more water)
household emulsion:
MAXAM Tremella Pearl,
affordable whitening lotion,
great treasure of the day cream,
Yu Mei Jing Fresh Milk cream,
night with a baby face

United States and good net cq emulsion,
evening balance Yu Mei Jing Lu,
Dabao lotion or cream Cream
MAXAM cq CQ cream and gel, the U.S. House of CQ net condensate Revitalizing Lotion ( degree of moisture, absorption, moisture-and butter no difference)
Zhaogui aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel,
Yumei Jing children moisturizer, Yumei Jing domestic series of fresh milk cream,
baby face fresh moisturizing body lotion,
Ann's Aloe Moisturizing Lotion (crisp texture, slightly some of the bitter taste of Aloe. uptake particularly good, feel totally connected with the United States than RUTINA emulsion),
April smallpox Crystal Whitening Lotion compact,
the door lady pearl water condensation,
bonding skin cream,
Pien Tze Huang pearl cream,
Ding transparent oil-free moisture condensation,
Meiyuan the essence of spring dead skin Gel,
pay or moisturizing cream:
Ann replenishment cream (the Qing KOSE muscle than fine, Sekkisei, but also There are better pure pure muscle!),
good snow aloe moisturizing cream,
Dongyangzhihua deep moisturizing cream, moisturizing cream milk sheep Dongyangzhihua and Water Series, Dongyangzhihua H2O with miles of water, br> Yu Lotion U.S. net exports,
affordable 8 glasses of water,
MAXAM moisturizing cream (the kind of blue lid),
Zhaogui aloe water (surface covered, when the Mask), br> Ballet Pearl honey (moisturizing whitening, the effect is no different with the Fountain + Whitening)
Toner: Toner April of exposed ice,
Pulanna the Lotus jasper water,
Qing Fei Toner moisture balance (moisturizing effect first),
One Phoenix Aloe Glycerin (Skin water, orange red. colorless, odorless non-stick),
face repair Series Yu Mei Jing Lu evening equilibrium ( Comparison of elegant taste, absorb quickly, can replace the water of, after using the face skateboarding, and comfortable, suitable for summer use), Yu Mei Jing series of deep-sea deep-sea Pearl Revitalizing Gel (very nourishing + moisture, can replace the water of suitable autumn and winter),
Lung water
force its moisturizing body lotion: baby face cream coconut milk,
Longliqi snake oil SOD honey,
Yu Mei Jing milk milk night,
Tai Po SOD honey,
Vaseline lotion effects (moist and aloe vera),
Yu Mei Jing lotion, after bath,
Zhaogui aloe water (wiping the body, when, after bath milk),
hundred birds soul itch lotion
sunscreen: sunscreen Dongyangzhihua refreshing,
good snow sunscreen, after-sun repair Lu,
Jahwa Shu Xin spf15 sunscreen lotion (moisturizing not greasy)
Essence: Pulanna ginseng essence,
Yu Mei Jing Liang Skin Essence

cosmetic shop shopping guide, beauticians will not tell you, must be want to know.
(once you are in the cosmetic or disfigurement)

1. Do not believe any of the products to black and beauty items, all products will be made to Black's increasingly large pores; and legends, such as egg Honey is not clear or effective, especially as the egg white tear strip type mask that attempt to pull out of the pores of dirt killer is easy to make the hair follicle infection
2. to treat acne (that is, acne, acne or acne) Do not use the magic of Dr Lee water or coated with toothpaste acne issued to curb it, in fact, long-cooked acne (a white head) broke after the attack to reach the skin detoxification effect. The best way is not deposited when cooked potatoes, my aunt usually prick it with acne needle
3. Acne skin look horrible because it is swelling caused by inflammation, anti-acne products do not buy at high prices the slow effect was outrageous, quick must be because of excessive hormone added! To metronidazole (a cold to eat on the trip) get crushed a few drops of dry fine tune into a paste point once again point up to a day to ease the swelling (which depends on each person's skin, restoring a)
4. As long as your mask and then paste the same, useless ... the market in addition to Shiseido mask import style mask, mask other basic nutrients are not absorbed, which is why the mask just had finished moving a few moments when the vivid colors has become Huanglian Po reasons. Had finished 20 minutes before putting the paper membrane to be again a soft membrane (that is, another on the kind of tone), or do not bother you that film is Ascott's share of blue-Dai or three goods are a use: pay ... As for the sleep In addition to moisturizing mask pores up to convergence (note not a contraction), others do not expect a
5. see a lot of girls in primary care in the salon package (that is, a facial photo) ... a look to an outsider the most in need of care thinnest skin, fine lines and most likely the most difficult regeneration of the skin, that is, eye and neck. Face is the best thick cuticle care, according to press on with their own film at home, all right, your eyes and neck may be fine go again ~
6. Do you really need to whiten it? In fact, most of the time feel that they are the color dull black, the best type of yeast used in the mask. I think it is easy to use Avon's yeast exposed (no feel good to try other brands of) not to acquire a 40-degree water to baking powder it, the more dense the better, immediately effective
7. External application of whitening are all terrible! Whitening mask all by Victoria C, D C reaches a certain concentration to make the skin white, and this concentration becomes higher sensitivity will make the skin is drying out more likely to spot! Whitening treatment more terrible beauty of the skin will become thin skin could not have thin, my mom was in the salon do not know how the whole a bit like the white with my sister, out in the sun for two minutes of skin redness , and Cream Which Which ~
8.SPA Tu, ah, ah those ear candle, and enjoy at least the next six months also OK to be effective, not as the reality of scraping to ~
9. must go to eye surgery hospital, beauty salon will be dug as deep eyes sunk like a skeleton falling
10. cosmetic surgery do not go to the hospital to contact to find beauty salon, general hospitals, cosmetic physicians are fifty years old, old man think of his aesthetic ... and most of beautician beauty salon beauty he must go through the experimental products persuasive speeches
11. boys sure do not feel love do not need skin care products out of the oil emulsion is must use it! ! To acne is that we must avoid certain food, less meat and more food and oil, or acne is not a good
12. Freckle products were very hurt the skin, useful to the kind packed in a dark bottle mole can be removed with dew, my aunt asked me to send my best not to use a bottle! ! Eggplant juice is clever, is too much trouble
13. The shortest possible time so that the same skin like jade. Generally have the best whitening products effective 28 days, this is an emergency solution. Peel and seed the melon into thin slices in wine can also be cooked with milk, but love bad 40 minutes (I was not so much alcohol on the use of milk), put down the clear liquid in the bottle with cold water, refrigerator when the make-up . More than 1 week I broke down, before it bad with the white skin like a.

Believe it or not: to make you beautiful beautiful Proverbs 60 invincible!
1, acne scar is the enemy of beauty, if not Concealer pen, you can use a cotton swab dipped in a little water, some powder coated parts needed, but also can play a good concealer effect.
2, Young made the first consecutive day, down the side turned around and turned around to practice several times the level of rings, and remain upright in life, can cut collar fat off meat and chin.
3, either at home or in the cafeteria to eat, try the weight than you actually want to eat something less Sheng, so that will not be tempted and eating too.
4, the drops of pure essential oils of lavender on the pillow, pajamas or a drop in cotton collar and then tucked the ball under the pillow, make you sleep a beauty sleep.
5, select your favorite essential oil (fruity, floral, fragrant grass) drops in the tissue and the sugar in a sealed jar for at least a week, you will be able to have a unique aromatic sugar.
6, add the spices in the food: olive oil, garlic and fresh black pepper, so delicious to eat when you feel little can be satisfied.
7, in the car steering wheel, put a drop of 2 drops of basil, lemon or rosemary essential oil of the cotton bandage, can prevent car asleep.
8, carry a small bottle of moisturizing spray, not only to moisture, such as the Dance Macabre, or when the hair does not meet the dress to stick in the thigh, you will find it more beauty.
9, even if you use the lock color lipstick, inevitably so confused color of dark wine and food, a touch of clear lip gloss color for lips glow quickly attractive luster, not mutually exclusive with the previous lip.
10, after dinner cup of espresso or cappuccino. Caffeine is a mild appetite suppressant that can help you promote the metabolism.
11, with supple Shu Uemura Moisture Makeup can not only strengthen the emollient Zhexia! 40% of their body fluids close to the deep ocean water composition, make your look fresh and supple.
12, put on mascara always be careful when starting from the lash roots to the direction of James Tippy, fine hairs at the corners to have painted, painted the outside a little mascara you can change out with a cotton swab.
13, each of the different lip gloss colors can be used alone, or reconcile the use of different proportions, and then, or can be superimposed in order to use your lips for the lure of the evolution of more beautiful.
14, train yourself to eat only at meal time. May take 5-10 days to quit snack time, in the process, if the mouth to chew something, try to divert attention.
15, to lose weight to be young, or older, loose skin, slim down once more to form wrinkles.
16,la gear sale, a day no matter how late at night, do remember that in the end of the first week of strengthening the repair period, which is the reconstruction of the endocrine time to eat sleep, whereas the rate of aging will be doubled.
17,la gear sneakers, do not smoke, smoking can cause premature aging of the skin around the mouth, but also due to less subcutaneous microvascular blood supply, and speed up the wrinkles.
18, both white-collar or blue collar, in the boudoir or the beginning of a wife, as a woman you never Taitailielie, catch. Remember, always a degree; modesty is always the highest grade.
19, self-massage is the hair coup: a finger gently on the scalp Roudong, according to the scalp in the direction of blood flow to the heart, according to his forehead, hairline, temples, neck, head and back of the hair in order.
20,25 age do not care, it will accelerate the aging of skin! But do not spend lots of money investing in expensive skin care products, choose the products of antioxidants have been sufficient, such as C or D can be complex plant extracts.
21, OL because they do not always move the blood back is not smooth, the foot fatigue, so as far as possible use of leisure time walking in the office,la gear originals, often wear comfortable flat shoes, regular foot massage.
22, do not use the hair dryer blowing hair blowing very thorough drying up only the hair root, forming a natural fluffy. And the hair is allowed to dry in a dry state, so that the hair care products will be more convenient.
23, regular tea drinking vegetable juice (celery juice, tomato juice), juice, or potatoes, grains, seaweed and other foods can help detoxification, you can spend two days a week eating only vegetarian food, so good gastrointestinal rest.
24, through the campaign is that many women choose to breast the method, not only breast, but also to prevent sagging and prevent breast cancer.
25, at home and bath oils can be added, such as lemon grass 3 drops Marjoram 3 drops + + 3 drops of rosemary can be removed stool toxins.
26, while movement time to add water, you can drink water or green tea, but not drink carbonated beverages, printing of the sports drinks will affect the movement detoxification effect, be alert!
27, If you love sugar, it is best to eat less chocolate, candy these simple sugars, eat fruit or starch as polysaccharide, one can reduce the physical burden to the other, to achieve the purpose of the carbohydrate.
28, the 3 spoons of brown sugar and heat until dissolved when the flame to the viscous, cooled to 15 degrees applied to wash the face after 15 to-30 minutes after the wash, 2 times per week, which is Japan's most IN beauty method.
29, maintain a healthy nail to eat zinc, iron and essential fatty acids in food; such as lean meat, eggs and so on. Dry weather often used when a number of professional foot cream to keep the foot moist and tender.
30, let feet breathe, is a good way to prevent foot odor. If a company allows, you can put a pair of slippers in the office, if not, while on the toilet, from about shoes, let feet breathe.
31, night cream containing the acid in many, A acid composition, because of its high light sensitivity and absorb light, does not apply during the day. Such as the popular lemon, citrus and other fruit acid whitening effect, certainly not during the day.
32, weight loss is to never eat less hyperactivity. If you want an emergency thinner, eat dinner, the best vegetable soup or a small pot, Wu Shi sweet drinks or snacks, smaller meals a few days later, face at least a little tip.
33, if skin allergies or unexplained red dot, then should enhance moisturizing lotion can be no alcohol wet compress the affected area, apply a little less oily moisture condensation.
34, with eyes everywhere you can buy foam pillow and then ice water to hot water, alternating cold-hot in the eye a few minutes, remove the temporary eye puffiness.
35, after applying hand cream, hand dipped in hot water, dry your hands again after a few minutes, then cover layer, which hands will become warm and soft, hand to prevent the aging effect of varying roughness .
36, drinking or lack of sleep will make your eyes look very tired, bloodshot, drop a drop or two on the fatigue effects of eye drops with ease, can relieve symptoms of ocular capillary congestion.
37, painted with the colors on the pencil in the arm, with the eyebrow brush dipped in color, evenly brush the eyebrows, you will be pleasantly surprised to get a more natural soft makeup effects.
38, the slightly damp makeup sponge into the refrigerator after a few minutes, then wipe the sponge a good shot at the foundation of the skin, especially your skin will feel fresh, make-up also seems to be particularly refreshing.
39, plus a small amount of mild shampoo hair conditioner can be used to clean the brushes, make a soft brush; detergent diluted with warm water the old eyebrow brush, eyebrow brush to make the best way to be reinstated.
40, if you are wearing a hyperopic glasses, lenses will enlarge the eyes and make-up, this time should be selected dim eye color; wearing glasses make your eyes look small, should use bright colors.
41, if you want shiny, you can try pure red lip gloss. This important color, your face will become magnetic, in many important occasions are successful women's favorite.
42, the morning drink a cup of fasting SJ Zaohua honey or honey, can prevent wrinkles, but also detoxification, long-standing cosmetic effect is very obvious.
43, 15-20 minutes a day chewing gum helps to beauty, it is because chewing can promote the facial muscles, improve blood circulation, improve skin cell metabolism.
44, if there is no stomach problems, especially for women green tea and oolong tea, tea is the most natural, most effective weight loss agent, and then nothing more than tea, the elimination of intestinal fat.
45, when you apply cream,la gear light, out of a group smaller than usual rubbing with the palms open warm, which is more easily dispersed in emulsion skin.
46, from 25 years of age, the average annual increase of half a pound of fat you are, especially in the face and neck. Regular ###### life can enhance the physical ability to breathe, bringing more oxygen to the skin
47, in the use of wet skin moisturizing agent, humectant can produce the best results, because they can help conserve moisture for the skin quickly humidification.
48, around the eyes painted in cosmetics must be very careful, because this delicate parts of the organizations, in particular, not a pull or tear of the action, which would loosen the skin of the eye.
49, the night is the best time to deal with acne, skin experts believe that oil control containing antibacterial ingredients and components (such as zinc) to care and skin care products, it is possible to make it disappear overnight.
50, attached to the party if the day should be between the two parties to arrange a health conscious snacks to cold, steamed, or boiled green leafy vegetables.
51, as long as you think fit a certain period of time, it is your exercise reasonable time, which fully take in when you want interest in sports. The key is to keep watching.
52, every night when the neck painted skin care moisturizing lotion, massage from the bottom up 20-30, the emulsion until completely absorbed. Massage must not straight up and down, but rather use the circle method.
53,la lights, specifically with a small box to store perfume. If stored properly, a good perfume can last 18 months or longer. Summer to winter with the perfume store into the refrigerator.
54, perfume before applying moisturizer. Because dry skin will quickly distribute fragrance, it should be the natural oil containing lotion with fragrance mix, you can make a more lasting fragrance.
55, fragrance will be distributed gradually over time, so every 4-6 hours will be re-sprayed once. Similarly, if you want to convert the same day fragrance, fragrance should be coated after 4-6 hours.
56, sunscreen does not mean that all is well. Usually the amount of sunscreen applied to the skin 2 milligrams per square centimeter to achieve the desired effect of sunscreen.
57, the skin absorption effect of significantly lower than during the day and night, in order to play the biggest role, in essence is best used at night, so its use may be extended period.
58, during the period of tooth whitening not to drink coffee, red wine, tea, and if you can not help, you can try with a straw, rather than direct consumption.
59, the most simple and convenient method of whitening is to drink plenty of water. This will not only promote skin detoxification, but also the bottom of the ultraviolet radiation due to the proliferation of skin melanin melanin also be discharged.
60, Sunny is best not to eat the
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