choked up with carts.
FAULKNER. My noble lordPaniar Allies throat was open.
MORE. Sirrahhold your peace.
FAULKNER. I'll prove the street was not chokedbut is as well as
ever it was since it was a street.
SHRIEVE. This fellow was a principal broacher of the broil.
FAULKNER. 'SbloodI broached none; it was broached and half run
outbefore I had a lick at it.
SHRIEVE. And would be brought before no justice but your honor.
FAULKNER. I am hailedmy noble lord.
MORE. No ear to choose for every trivial noise but mineand in so
full a time? Away
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FAULKNER. To Newgate
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appeal from Newgate to any of the two worshipful Counters.
MORE. Fellowwhose man are youthat are thus lusty?
FAULKNER. My name's Jack Faulkner; I servenext under God and
my princeMaster Morrissecretary to my Lord of Winchester.
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FAULKNER. I hope somy lord. The fray was between the Bishops'
men of Ely and Winchester; and I could not in honor but part them. I
thought it stood not with my reputation and degree to come to my
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The Early Short Fiction Part Twofwe