This is a quick post on a slick new way to make sure that all of your new databases are set up just as you like. I'm running a little behind on the next regular post as the netcard in the machine I use to build the screenshots expired,
microsoft Office 2010 Serial, so that will be coming after I get my machine patched back together. Database SettingsUsers often want to have a set of common settings and code for all of their new databases,
Office Standard, and this wasn't very easy to do in the past. In Access 12,
Windows 7 Discount, all you have to do to create a startup template is to create a new database called blank.accdb and put it under \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033\Access. When you click on "Blank Database" in Getting Started,
Purchase Office 2010, we'll make a copy of that database and start from there. That means you can easily load things like: Library codeReferencesDatabase propertiesRibbon XML & the loaderDefault forms & reportsOther configuration settings <div