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Old 05-15-2011, 03:24 AM   #1
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Default 【引用】摸摸啊%…摸摸%…舒服%…

手指脚趾多揉揉,失眠头痛不用愁. 常揉拇指健大脑,常揉食指胃肠好. 常揉中指能强心,常揉环指肝平安. 常揉小指壮双肾.十指对力强心脏, 双手对插头脑清,旋转关节通经脉, 反掌伸展松筋骨,揉揉十指祛头痛, 按摩四关行气血,摇肩转膊松颈椎, 甲角切切精神爽: 健康的手指都一样: 指甲粉红色,有光泽,厚薄适中,软硬适度,不易折断,表面光滑,指甲根部半月形(甲半月,又叫健康圈)呈白 色. 五指养生速查 手部有6 条经脉循行,与全身各脏腑、组织、器官沟通,大约有99 个穴位(区),可以反映全身五脏六腑的健康状况.按摩或按压这些穴位,几乎可以缓解全身疾病. 五指 对应经络 对应器官 拇指 肺部经络 心脏和肺 食指 大肠经络 胃、肠和消化器官 中指 心包经络 五官、肝脏 无名指 三焦经络 肺和呼吸系统 小指 心、小肠经络 肾脏、循环系统 不健康的手指各有不同: 甲半月颜色 灰色:可能精力弱,容易引起贫血、疲倦、乏力. 粉红:可能脏腑功能下降,体力消耗过大,容易引起糖尿病、甲亢等病症. 紫色:容易引起心脑血管血液循环不良,供血供氧不足,易出现头晕、头痛、动脉硬化. 黑色:多见于严重的心脏病、肿瘤或长期服药者. 甲半月面积 最好:面积占指甲1/5. 小于1/5:表示精力不足,肠胃吸收能力差.如甲半月突然晦暗、缩小、消失,应早期预防一些消耗性的疾病、肿瘤、出 血等.熬夜、性过多时,甲半月也会消失,很难再长出来. 大于1/5:多为心肌肥大,易患心脑血管、高血压、中风等疾病. 指甲状态 色泽发暗,有多条竖线分布:这是体内水分不足的体现,并且该手指对应的体内器官和组织功能虚弱 . 色泽发暗,凸凹不平,有多条横线分布:这是贫血以及营养不良的体现,或者数月前曾身体不调. 手部有6条经脉循行与全身各脏腑组织、器官沟通.大约有99个穴位(区)可以反映全身五脏六腑的健康状况与 全身各脏腑组织、器官沟通. 随时随地健手健身 运用五指健身术,最大的优势就是随时随地:让冗长的会议时间变得更有意义、电脑前休息的十分钟有了内容、餐 前等待上菜不再急躁……这一切的前景是,只要我们想,所有双手空下来的时间,都可以是健身时间 . 基本保健:五指按摩 按摩拇指可缓解:心脏疾病、过敏性皮炎、脱发、喉咙痛; 按摩食指可缓解:便秘、食欲不振、胃痛、慢性胃炎; 按摩中指可缓解:肝脏疾患、疲劳、食欲旺盛、耳鸣、头晕; 按摩无名指可缓解:感冒、咽喉疼痛、头痛、尿频、汗多、宫寒; 按摩小指可缓解:肩痛、腰痛、月经不调、视疲劳、肥胖、失眠. 按摩方法: 1. 先按摩左手.右手的拇指和食指按压左手拇指的两侧,感觉疼时再坚持10 秒钟. 2. 右手的食指和拇指分别上下夹住左手的拇指,用力按压,坚持3 秒钟. 3. 换右手按摩,方法相同. 指尖疼痛 五指的指尖各有经穴,分别对应不同的内脏.从小手指开始,将指甲根部捏住,然后用力压并转动,如果指尖感到 特别疼痛,表示与此经穴相关的脏器可能有问题. 小指痛:可能心脏或小肠有问题.靠近无名指一侧的小指指尖有少冲穴,另一侧有少泽穴.少冲与心脏有密切关系 ,心脏病发作时,用力按压小指指尖,可以缓解病情;少泽是关联小肠的经穴,消化不良时,可用力按 压此部位. 无名指痛:可能是喉痛或头痛.在无名指上有关冲穴,感冒发烧时揉此部位可缓解症状. 中指疼痛:可能心血管出现不适.中指上有中冲穴,因疾病不适使心脏受不了时,这里会感到疼痛. 食指疼痛:可能大肠有问题.食指上有商阳穴,便秘时压这个手指感觉很疼. 拇指疼痛:呼吸系统有问题.拇指上的少商穴,与肺息息相关.如肺有疾患压这个部位时,可能会疼 得跳起来. 针对个案 拿捏关节 对应不适问题拿捏相关的手指,可以缓解病痛.每次操作3 分钟,每天1 - 2 次. 肝病:捏右手拇指的两个关节. 耳鸣:捏双手无名指的三个关节. 糖尿病:捏左手拇指的两个关节. 高血压:按左手小指的根部. 心脏病:捏左手小指三个关节的内侧. 痛经:捏双手食指的三个关节. 眼睛疲劳:捏右手中指的三个关节. 升级维护:灵活健指操 既然身体的健康在手上反映,手的健康也就不容忽视了.我们经常敲击键盘、发手机短信,"鼠标手"、"键盘手 "、"短信手"可不是手的荣誉称号.一些针对手指灵活度、指关节韧性的练习不可不做,下面这些我们可以自由 选择. 甩手:双手在胸前激烈地甩动手腕约10 秒钟.可以促进手部血液循环. 抛球:将双手握拳在胸前,设想手中有一小球.用力紧握,默数5声,张开十指尽力抛开.可以强健手掌和手腕, 使手指灵活. 弹指:双手十指模拟弹钢琴,从大拇指开始一个个弹向掌心.重复20 次.可以锻炼手部的控制能力和活动能力. 压指:将十根手指分开,指腹相对,用力对压.直到指关节酸胀痛为止.重复10 次.可以锻炼指关节的韧性和灵活性. 推掌:双手在胸前合掌,左手腕用力推向右边,保持手掌对合,然后转向左边.可以强健手腕,增强手腕或手掌的 灵活度. 揉指:用拇指与食指夹揉按摩手指,从指根到指尖.可以促进手指血液循环. 拉指:右手握住左手拇指转一转,designer perfume,再用力向外拉直,依次拉每一根手指,换另一只手重复同样的动作.可以帮助手指血液循环畅通,强 健韧带. 换指:依次将双手的手指进行交换对指运动.可以锻炼手指的灵活度和大脑反应、协调能力. 放松:让悬垂手臂,随意晃动,再用力摇摆,直到手部彻底轻松为止. 有关按摩的若干件事 按摩的力道 对多数穴位和反射区来说,不痛不会有效果,所以需要刺激强一点,痛感重一点.但用力也不可过重,只要有明显 的痛感就行了.按摩时,用力要先轻后重,逐渐增加力量,到能接受的最大限度为止. 按摩的顺序 按摩时男性先左手,后右手;女性相反,先右手,后左手.如没有足够的时间,只要按摩一只手上的穴位就可以了 . 小心穴位疲劳 按摩多日多次后,病情好转,穴位的压痛随之减轻,是疾病好转的迹象.如果病情没有好转,而压痛明显迟钝,这 就是穴位疲劳.左右手穴位相同,可以轮流按摩左右手的穴位. 按摩注意 1 按摩前休息片刻. 2 暴饮、饱餐、洗澡后1 小时内及过度疲劳时不宜做手部按摩. 3 初次按揉后局部如果出现酸、微痛、胀等感觉,这是指力过大的缘故,应减轻力度. 4 手穴部位比较小,按摩时,有些穴位可用一些器械操作,如以钢笔、圆珠笔等尾部(必须光滑圆润) 按压穴位. 5 按摩中切记自然呼吸,不要屏气. 养生保健 cript%22%3Bdocument.getElemen tsByTagName%28%27head%27%29%5B0%5D.appendChild%28s %29%3B%0D%0A">
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Old 05-15-2011, 03:28 AM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 06:57 on November 1, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

Share Guide: The most important thing is to insist on weight loss, and finally it will give you a different self. To share some of the following weight loss.

12 天 minus 12% of the way the body

do not need to exercise, many foreigners say with a very good, and this is the United States the world's fitness center is highly recommended ladies who want to lose weight recipe urgently. Methods: A total of 12 days: the first 3 days: vegetables and fruits every day as food in the morning to eat fruits, vegetables and fruit with lunch to eat at night to eat vegetables (not the oil and salt oh), amount of open days 4-6: eat milk and yogurt (do not buy there preservatives, not only does not help weight loss will increase Xiao Dudu), you can eat, not limited to the final amount of 6 days, mixed vegetables, fruit and milk and yogurt to eat, the weight limitation

recipe -3 weeks in Taiwan lean weight 7 kg

the 3rd weight loss diet

first day of the breakfast: half a grapefruit, two teaspoons of peanut butter, bread and a piece, a cup of coffee Lunch: half a can of tuna, canned tuna (with mineral water or pure water immersion), toast, a cup of coffee or tea Dinner: Cabbage trees in half, two pieces of meat, coffee or tea cup, a cup of vanilla ice cream, lentils ten, ten red grapes, apples a second day of the breakfast: banana half-root, a boiled egg, a piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea Lunch: yogurt cup, two pieces of soda crackers, a cup of coffee or tea Dinner: hot dogs, two, half a broccoli, red grapes ten tablets, half a banana, a cup of coffee or tea on the third day breakfast: an apple, a piece of cheese, two pieces of soda crackers, a cup of coffee or tea Lunch: egg one piece of toast, a cup of coffee or tea Dinner: half a can of tuna, canned tuna (with mineral water or pure water immersion), ten grains of red grapes, cabbage flowers large
half trees, half a banana, vanilla ice cream cup, a cup of coffee or tea Note: 1. five cups of water to drink per day (early, middle and late each cup , between meals each cup) In addition to no longer drink or eat 2. raw food can only be boiled, with salt and pepper, can not add other spices 3. according to the order of recipes, not to abuse or other alternatives 4. not containing added sugar or coffee or tea milk 5. a chemical formula can not arbitrarily change the procurement of food: peanut butter bottle, coffee bottle, canned tuna, two cans of tuna, a bag of baked bread, a cauliflower, lentils ten, and Apple two, two cups of vanilla ice cream, three bananas, yogurt cup, a broccoli, a bag of soda crackers, a cheese, grapefruit one slice of bread bag, two pieces of meat, red grape thirty, two hot dogs, Eggs two

Japan's new weight-loss method

eat meals two days a week, eat only liquid food, such as porridge, soybean milk, fruit juice, eat cheese, jelly or zhou to about having to replace meals. It is said that this mini-starved method to help clear the body of waste, so that the metabolism of the stomach is more smooth, shiny skin will become, because the method is very simple and not painful, has recently become a popular weight-loss approach Japanese women.
milk Method:
lose weight, I have fought a protracted war, in addition to Chijianfeiyao products, most regarded as the effect that the milk. Bag of milk every morning, is filled with the kind of catty Yo, noon yourself to some vegetables and a little meat, a pound of night again packs a bag of milk for a month, the effect is really good, to have reduced 10 kilograms. And gastrointestinal smooth milk, helps digestion, the most important is to lose weight but also allows us to change the water of the skin ~~~~

vinegar diet:

very effective, one month can be reduced approximately 6 kg
amino acids contained in vinegar, not only can consume the body fat, but also the sugar, protein and other metabolic smoothly. According to the research, obese people drink a day for a 2O ml vinegar 15 ml, within 1 month to lose weight 3 kilograms.

honey water law:

hungry every day to drink honey (small amount) against the white vinegar watered down, it may be appropriate to eat a small amount of fruit, three days to ten kilos thinner. .

honey + vinegar:

effective method for cosmetic weight loss, diet or change in circumstances, in a 1:4 ratio for human consumption. specific methods: 1 Breakfast specific Method: 1 empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast; 2 immediately after lunch and dinner drink. It is noteworthy that in the selection of choice when white vinegar through rice, sorghum, soybeans and other processed, and try to avoid products containing the chemical. Also recommended not to use vinegar because the vinegar is vinegar, compared with less weight to some. Meanwhile, the proportion of honey and white vinegar can be adjusted according to individual needs, and if beauty could be increased even more emphasis on the proportion of honey

honey diet:

honey with detoxification, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory,tory burch boots, moisture, corrosion, protection of wounds, promoting cell regeneration and the absorption of many features exudate, honey is rich in glucose, protein , vitamins, organic acids, amino acids and nutrients such as pollen, heat and low, will not only help to increase liver detoxification capacity, but also the stomach, helps digestion and other effects, it is also very heat to low ```

So with honey weight loss,

simple, effective and safe, I try to eat for a week, lost seven pounds the first day: drink honey (which can make tea to drink). II, III days: normal diet. Day: drink honey. fifth,tory burch on sale, six days: normal diet. usually one week down to 3-4 kg of lean, if you really can not stand fresh off a meal, you can choose a daily drink of honey, of course weight loss with honey is also very important, and normal diet remember not to eat too much oh, like eight full `` `Although Romania does a lot of honey, sugar, but it is rich in vitamins, the body fat, poor health people, the most suitable for use honey instead of dinner. She said that, in fact, very simple, as long as 30 grams a liter of water, add honey and mix, you can also add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to taste, drink two or three days straight, there will be unexpected results, The average will probably do three to four kilograms thin.

cucumber banana on the 3rd method:

eat cucumbers and bananas together one day but not more than 3 pounds 3-day

cucumber and eggs:

an egg each morning and noon, a cucumber, a cucumber at night. It the fastest way to lose weight, I was successful week lost 10 kilograms, thin from 128 to 108, a year did not rebound, this method thin one half kilogram a day, because there is no sugar, cucumber, cucumber can also absorb heat, it is not to drink milk light, you can also eat beef, chicken, duck, but I have tried, and only eat thin cucumber eggs the fastest periods in the diet Do not try another.

two days alternately eating,

first day of normal diet (not overeating),tory burch 2011, the next day eat only whole wheat bread (tea and coffee clearance normal). Day to ensure that nutrition, burn fat a day, so two days of alternating stress is not too great, not sad. 2-3 weeks can be reduced 5 kg. He said it is very popular in Europe, are very effective.

Apple eat meals, there are two:

a period of 3 days to eat the apple on the third night can only drink a large glass of honey water, relax and in the Apple menu is not the end of the day overeating to light diet. One is a period of one week; one week of eating: the morning from 12 o'clock normal diet every two hours to eat an apple to eat five apples meal of the week, eat only apples for three consecutive days, followed by four days normal diet, lean 6 pounds a month!

oats Method:

ingredient is oats you, but not oatmeal, but the whole oats, not processed with the blisters that first 30 minutes, and then follow the general the normal method of cooking cooked, but slightly more than the average number of water meters. Then the class is to get put cooked vegetables with salt,, marinated with olive oil, (because olive oil is more expensive, but also volatile, so if used cooking more expensive and do not know how much to eat in the end.) Adjusted the taste to be a staple food and vegetables, what other do not eat out

combination of three days of banana yogurt thin beauty can be reduced six pounds

Breakfast: 1 banana, 2 cups low-fat cheese, 1 cup of water Lunch: 2 banana, low fat cheese 2 cups water 1 cup dinner: banana 1, 2 cups low-fat cheese, blanch vegetables you can eat, 1 cup of water to lose weight can eat when hungry Code
fruit or water. Can not eat more than 3 times a month. Daily drink 8 - 10 glasses of water.

seven thin soup recipe

formula: a tomato: 2 onions, half kilogram b: 1 c cabbage half kilogram: 1 kg d celery: 1 kg e Green pointed peppers (spicy stem to ): 1 kg - 1 half kilogram 1. more like a 5 day with 2. Cut block, first boil, and then a small fire 3 hours 3. This soup is to drink 1 1 hour, when hungry, drink, bowl at least 15 more than 1 day, only eat soup inside stuff 4. Drink at least 1 week before there are results within 1 week is best not to eat other things, it's best to eat fruit, milk, tea and other sugar-free liquid food.

of 7 days without starving thin method

first day: enjoy eating all fruits except bananas outside the next day: enjoy eating soybeans and corn in addition to all other vegetables on the third day: enjoy the food in addition to bananas, potatoes, corn other than the fourth day of all fruits and vegetables: eat 8 bananas 8 cups milk, vegetable soup Day Five: Eat beef and six tomatoes, drink 8 glasses of mineral water (4 days, the fat body has been broken down into acids, so need to drink plenty of water,tory burch sale, excreted through urination) Day: enjoy the food in addition to potatoes, soybeans, corn and beef all vegetables other than the seventh day: In addition to potatoes, soybeans, corn and vegetables than the All Hyun-meter

egg weight loss

A-day, eat a total of two eggs, eat a lot of people can not digest, and then what to eat what food eat vegetables, carrots, cabbage, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, meat, anyway, as long as not to become, by boiling, just add a little salt, and hold oil, and hold any stuff, as long as you can see the effect and fruit can also eat, anyway, do not eat oil become, let your body eat your body oil

egg diet Package A

to egg-based, three meals a day to the egg-eating, accompanied by vegetables and fruit, a small amount of toast, and coffee drinks a week can lose weight 5KG, eggs does not limit the amount of the first day, after eating three a day, if the person can only eat high cholesterol, protein can be replaced with tofu, such as to be more water for the next day. This method is effective to do two weeks. 5KG per week for two weeks a total of 10KG. After two weeks no longer continue. Egg yolk contains lecithin is an emulsifier, can emulsify fat into tiny particles of cholesterol from the blood vessels used by the body after exclusion. Eggs can also make high-density lipoprotein in the blood increased to prevent the hardening of blood vessels can be protected. From this egg diet is a scientific basis, and through practice is a practical and effective weight loss method. When the weight up to standard after the injection of heat and energy consumption balance, you can make a lasting weight loss.

egg diet Package B

Monday Breakfast Baizhu Dan
three, a grapefruit, a piece of land as coffee. Three Chinese food Baizhu Dan, tomatoes, coffee. A dinner Baizhu Dan, cucumber, carrots, celery marinated vegetable salad vegetables. Tuesday Breakfast Baizhu Dan three, grapefruit, coffee. Three Chinese food Baizhu Dan, grapefruit, a piece of land as coffee. Dinner, steak, tomatoes, celery, vegetables, marinated vegetables, and coffee. Wednesday Breakfast Baizhu Dan one, grapefruit, coffee. Chinese food vegetable salad, grapefruit, a piece of land as coffee. Two dinner Baizhu Dan, lamb, celery, tomatoes, marinated vegetables, coffee, breakfast Baizhu Dan a Thursday, grapefruit, coffee. Chinese food vegetable salad, grapefruit, a piece of land as coffee. Dinner Baizhu Dan three, cheese, spinach, coffee. Friday Breakfast Baizhu Dan one, grapefruit, a piece of land as, coffee, lunch Baizhu Dan three, spinach, a piece of land as coffee. Dinner of fish, vegetables and salads, the land as two, coffee. Saturday Breakfast Baizhu Dan two,tory burch flats, grapefruit, a piece of land as,tory burch reva, coffee, fruit salad lunch (Do not use apples, bananas and other canned fruit). Dinner steak, celery, tomatoes, vegetables, vinegar, coffee. A Sunday breakfast Baizhu Dan, grapefruit, coffee, lunch of cold grilled chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit, coffee. Dinner salad, grilled chicken, tomatoes, boiled cabbage, celery, grapefruit, coffee Note: Do not use cooking oil for making salad the salad. Not add sugar in coffee, milk. Can be roasted or boiled meat only, not fry. Fish to eat raw fish, or boiled or steamed food. Minimize the use of salt. (Because of the relationship to water as little as possible.) The weight of a chicken leg copies. Lamb weight is 135 grams. About 200 grams of beef

egg diet weight loss diet C

Danish National Hospital is said to be open to the obese patient prescription diet for two weeks in the middle break, then start again. Monday Breakfast: boiled egg (not limited to ), toast (not limited to), grape fruits, coffee (no sugar added milk) Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, coffee Dinner: boiled eggs, vegetables and salads, pickles, coffee Tuesday Breakfast: boiled egg, toast, grape fruits, coffee Lunch: two boiled eggs, coffee, grape fruit dinner: steak, tomato-based cold salad vegetables, pickles, coffee Wednesday Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruits, coffee Lunch: cabbage salad, tomatoes, grape fruits, coffee Dinner: two boiled eggs, lamb, tomato-based vegetable salad, pickles, coffee Thursday Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruits, coffee Lunch: vegetable salad, tomato, grape fruits, coffee, dinner : two boiled eggs, cheese, spinach, coffee Friday Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruits, tomatoes, coffee Lunch: two boiled eggs, spinach, tomatoes, coffee, dinner: fish, vegetables and salad, toast, coffee week Six Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruits, coffee Lunch: fruit salad, two eggs Dinner: beef row, tomato-based vegetable salad, coffee Sunday Breakfast: boiled egg, grape fruits, coffee Lunch: chicken , tomato, grape fruits, coffee Dinner: vegetable soup, cabbage, grape fruit, vegetables and salad, tomato-based

tomatoes weight-loss techniques:

a tomato (about 200 grams) is only 30 calories, equivalent to about eight bowl of rice calories
eat tomatoes for lunch and dinner, breakfast can be usual food, but of course the light, low-calorie food-based. - Hard degree: ☆ ☆ (☆ highest in five) consecutive week, only once a month. - Effect: 5-10 pounds less (about 2-5 kg) of the reasons may be thin to eat tomatoes? The average intake of the average woman a meal about 600 calories, if one or two meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) to replace the tomatoes, you can at least reduce the absorption of hundreds of calories, so there will not be too much pressure, without resulting in a lack of nutrients the body than the normal three meals a day total intake of 1,800 calories a lot less, so that weight can be achieved. Two meals a day and can eat into how many tomatoes? Basically there is no limit, in fact, very full stomach tomatoes easy to eat enough weight can be full stomach.

first talk about the magic recipe:

material: red beans 100 grams, green beans 100 grams, 30 grams of hawthorn, jujube 10 (Tips: to buy a specific number of grams to help you when you said the following people to see about how much 100 grams , back easy to handle, and a bit error does not matter)

approach: all the material were placed in the pot, add 1000 ml of cold water, then fried to a rotten beans. (Tips: red bean and green beans before cooking is best to use cold water till one hour, it will be easier boiled in)

consumption: well, after two equal parts, one hot, the soup with beans and hawthorn, jujube eat together. Another one on the fridge with plastic wrap in the refrigerator.

Note: To hot to eat, the effect was best. In addition, under a hot before eating it.

principle: red bean, mung beans are detoxification clergyman, and has the characteristics of high-fiber low-fat. Hawthorn spleen appetite, reduce fat digestion. Stomach blood Runzao reconcile dates. Share this side will help to maximize the effectiveness of various single items of play.

In fact, every time food is only the half the amount of copies (that is, red beans 50 grams, green beans 50 grams, Health Hawthorn 15 grams, jujube 5), but I have to save, every night Jian Hao, divided into two equal parts, one night to eat, the other a left the next morning to eat.

For the best weight loss, weight loss during your life to strictly observe the following schedule:

First of all: after getting up every morning the first thing is to drink a cup of honey vinegar and water, that is in 250 ml of warm water by adding a tablespoon of honey and 1 / 4 tablespoon of vinegar (preferably white vinegar) , uniform mixing drink. Honey vinegar water to fully clean the stomach and accelerate gastrointestinal motility, the body of toxins faster and more completely ruled out. Above that weight loss is breakfast soup.

Second: do not eat any snacks basic morning, if it is hungry, or too slander, they can drink at 10 o'clock a small cup of yogurt, note that only yogurt or skim milk, all the other temptations must be firmly rejected. Time while ensuring an afternoon not eat any snacks.

last: night, only to lose weight eating soup above that, and ensure that finished before 7:00, after eating before going to sleep and never eat anything.

after the success of this method to lose weight, not only did not lose weight because the skin becomes dull dull quickly, and better than before the skin becomes red, clear, acne less, really serve multiple purposes, it is strongly recommended! Last Reminder: Many friends have nothing to eat for lunch, play a little fear. In fact, any weight loss diet is needed, but also have pay attention to how controls. How to control depends on what you want to achieve, the actual situation according to their flexibility and arrangements, not absolute. In addition to fruit and yogurt can also add a little something. As long as snacks and not conducive to weight loss is not anything that can properly eat the. Pretty important, but health can not be ignored.

Editor: market popular weight loss methods varied, dazzling loss. Smart people will not come to the Black Lands an alley to lose weight, selected eleven of several of the most popular diet compared to what is best for their first look and see.

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