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New Network on December 4th, Zhejiang Xinhua owners into the floor, such for forgotten access cards, to the shriek center to complete the program to validation the personality of the security or service personnel, accompanied by the door, the owner was not by home, the property shall not be open to guests. Recently, the Putuo District Community Fun centenary began to strictly implement this provision, the push sparked argument in the district. Liu, who lives in Century Aunt fun to go to farms every morning, before she went out
the current web on December 4, Zhejiang Xinhua forgot to bring the owners into the floor, such as access control cards, to the call center to complete the procedure, After identification, accompanied by a security or service personnel to open the door, the owner was not at home, the property shall not be open to visitors. Recently, Putuo District century began with the music community to implement this provision strictly, a move sparked controversy in the district.
Liu, who lives in Century Fun aunt each a.m. to work to harvests, ahead she went out with only keys and purse, family to detect that downstairs door was locked, press the through community monitoring center. Soon,
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Corey Fun Center attribute director because Century King Toi Toi View zone control centre and found the staff busy because the owners to open the gate, the situation namely difficult apt effectively monitor region,
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not be confirmed with the Access Card identity
Toi Toi sovereign told the author, on 1 May,
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placard posted, many owners bring ... to an end an access control card. Wang Toi Toi said that later publicity, the implementation of access control card into the floor brushes the 1st day, help property owners to open the door absent from than the native. The team of tenants is not easy to bring an end to ... to the access card, also absence amounts to try to restrain him through this team of tenants.
the owners made this outlook that this adds to their trouble. Zhang said the owners, masters, such as when the visitors arrive not at home, into the building could must await outside the building is now only beating rain. Ms. Zhang also said the owners, forgetting to bring access cards, leaving tens of meters to the service center
property that the owner forgot access cards,
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vulnerabilities still exist
author visits found that the district's access control security hazards still exist, such as the library or motor traffic from the ground floor library,
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上海副市长表示沪将有序推出原油和股指期货 -- 浙江新闻网, there is the motor conveyance database security, access control systems and the installation of monitoring equipment installed in the floor floor of the higher cost, require the establishment of manufacture, the Commission judged jointly by the owners.
residential property told the author that, in the residential door access control system in a great community located less handy, effortless to build on the spare time congestion.