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Old 06-10-2011, 02:19 AM   #1
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Default 如何看男人

常常在网络上看到很多女人写的关于如何检验好男人的文章。以前会看一些,那时俺岁数小。愿望从女人的角度, 看到女人生机男人是怎么样子的。因为只有了解市场,才干博得市场嘛!但后来就很少看了,因为我发明,这些文 章除了女人的空想,大部门是女人的埋怨。两性间的隔膜培养了很多曲解。在此,俺作为一个纯爷们,一个“背离 ”爷儿们的爷儿们,说几句关于男人的话――关于“男人如何对待其余男人”的机密,盼望对身边的女性朋友有所 启示和辅助。
  一、 检验一个男人,用“钱”就够了!
  在男人之间,有这样的择友原则――看一个男人是否可以交友人,只有看他对父母、女人跟朋友的态度就可以 了。孝敬、忠实、负责和讲义气的男人是可以来往的。然而这个原则不合适盼望择偶的女性。如果你抱着这个准则 择偶,当你找到Mr Right时,他已是别人的老公了。在此,有一个更为简略的方式,那就是用“钱”――看这个男人对钱的态度 。
  首先,看这个人的信用如何!希伯来谚语说:“擅长还钱的人,sale christian louboutin pumps,是别人钱袋的主人”。如果一个男人不懂得按时还钱阐明两个问题,一是这个人没有自知之明,不懂得本人的能 力,胡乱借钱;二是这个人的信用差,将难成大事。就当前社会而言,没有什么大事业是可以凭一个人的能力实现 的,一个不信誉的男人又怎么能与人配合?又怎么能取得别人支撑呢?因而,在当今社会,看一个男 人的信用,New Jordan Shoes Styler,看他是否懂得借钱,更要看他是否懂得还钱,就基础上可以看到这个人是否能有长进、成大事。
  其次,是否量入而出能够测验一个男人对欲望的把持才能。在大多数男人的潜意识里,事业等于钱,而钱即是 愿望。良多女人认为男人事业做大了、有钱了就变坏了。实在不然,许多人在没钱的时候就能看出端倪。在事业小 、钱也少的时候,一个男人假如不理解量入而出,等到有了钱后,失事的概率确定大。
  男权社会里,女性教导最大的阴谋就在于要女人相信爱情,淡漠钱财。这里面诡计在于,让女人迎着男人的爱 好去,而避开了男人自身的弱点。所以很多女人陷入爱情时,老是疏忽男人道格上的缺点。
  更有傻的女人,用自己的肚子去检验男人的优劣。这种笨拙的做法,危险是不问可知的。一旦检验失败,女人 将面临两个抉择――独破抚养孩子或者堕胎。我想,没有多少个女人可能刚强到独立抚育一个孩子(如果要是双胞 胎或者多胞胎,那几乎就是世界末日)。堕胎,不仅仅侵害女人身体健康,更重要的是背上了心理上的累赘――不 论你信奉何种宗教,你都可能因为谋杀性命而无法摆脱。如果你是“无神论”的迷信主义女性――“蛋痒化物”的 “传染和迫害”,你应当懂得。
  二、 对于无奈躲避的“性”
  在性教育上,大多数中国男人都输在出发点上。可以说90%以上的中国男人是靠日本AV突击培训出来的。 (当初才晓得,中日文明交换是如许主要啊!)这种突击培训的成果是,男人往往只记得“主题”,而不记得“前 奏”(foreplay)。常设抱佛脚、躲在卫生间看杜蕾斯仿单的更是大有人在。所以千万不要相信“我会负 责”这样的鬼话。相信说这鬼话的人,不如相信《十万个为什么》。
  女人,你爱他,sale paul smith,更要爱自己。爱自己,爱健康,就要多做些作业!
  三、 结婚的立场
  咱们国度有着良好的结婚传统和教育。毛主席教诲我们:“所有不以结婚为目标的恋爱都是耍流氓(此语为恶 搞,无从考据)!”所以,他白叟家每次恋爱,都不忘却结婚。这是多么难得的品德啊!~
  若以上述“毛泽东思想”为领导,极真个女人就可能以为:“世界上男人只有两种――流氓和打着‘结婚’旗 帜的流氓。”女人思维大多不需要很强的逻辑,但不乏情理,monster beats earphone,所以说片面才深入。
  四、 关于虔诚
  掌握“形而下”欲望都需要强盛的“形而上”力气。如果思想和身体可以分别,那么节制身材兴许轻易,但是 控制思维是很难的。由于用思想控制思惟,在逻辑上就是错的。所以不要指望男人在思想上不出轨,只要能管住人 中穴以下身体局部的男人,就已经是极品。
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Old 06-10-2011, 03:06 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 21:55 on May 2 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

-1 where no matter what shoes you wear to the feet, you place the feet in the shoes wear a little white wine coated to ensure that no grinding;
2 bags on a stain or dirty, you can wipe with a cotton dipped Fengyoujing; -

3 in the washing face, stick some thin salt with your fingers lightly on both sides of the friction in the nose, and then rinsing with clean water, blackhead will be cleaned, the pores have become smaller; - ;
4 is always in the bag inside out with a small battery, if your skirt with a static positive if the battery above the rub in the skirt can be removed with a few static a; - p>
5 if a small area of skin injury or burn, burn, add a little toothpaste, can immediately stop the bleeding pain and also prevent infection; -
6 jeans long time it will fade. New pair of jeans can be bought into the brine after 12 hours immersion, then washed with water, at a later time will not wash faded; -
7 tofu can be used to beauty. After getting up every morning with a piece of tofu, on the palm to the friction face a few minutes for a month, it will become white and tender facial skin moisture. -
8 zipper maintenance: zipper can not pull too fast, too fast; not collapse too tightly; kept dry to prevent and acid and alkali contact with something; zipper astringent, can be painted candles,tory burch 2011, gently pull a few, you can; -
9 white vest to wear for a long time there will be spots, it is desirable both fresh ginger 2 pounds plus 1 pound put the pot of boiling water, cooler temperatures into the tub after soaking for ten minutes the white vest, and then repeated rub a few times, dark spots can be eliminated; -
10 tie on a clever addition to wrinkles. Wrinkled a tie, do not iron flat iron can become not only beautiful, as long as the volume in the beer bottle on the tie, then the next day, the original of the wrinkle is eliminated; -
11 when you are very thirsty and the family nor the cold water, you can put the cup with hot water into cold water, then sprinkle a handful of salt in cold water, this can accelerate the cooling water ; -
12 when thunderstorms hit the road, do not in the rock, cliff and cave to escape, the passage of current from these places will have arc rain were wounded. If the caves deep, can be hiding inside; -
14 rough skin may be the ratio of 5:1 vinegar and glycerin to reconcile the face painting, the daily insisted, the skin will become soft. In the wash water plus one tablespoon of vinegar wash, there are cosmetic effect; -
15 tips for drying clothes: clothes in the sun exposure is best not to be in the cool air to the semi-dry, and then put the sun to dry too weak to protect life color and wearing clothes; -
16 tips for drying clothes: drying clothes can not be screwed too dry, drying should bring water and clothes by hand lapel, collar, sleeves, etc. leveled, so drying clothes will stay dry formation, can not afford to fold; -
17 anti-fade Second Law of clothing: dark-colored cotton fabric washing add appropriate amount of vinegar to prevent the discoloration, and shiny as new; new colored fabric for the first time to buy water, add cloth soaked in salt for ten minutes to prevent discoloration; -
18 bleeding wound on the body can be rubbed in the wound once more sugar, because sugar can reduce local wound moisture, inhibit the reproduction of bacteria,tory burch flats, can help wound healing convergence; -
19 make-up, the first slightly damp makeup sponge into the refrigerator, cold sponge after a few minutes to take a good foundation in the wiping of the skin, especially your skin will feel fresh, make-up also seems to be particularly fresh; -
20 lash line tips: To draw a good pair of detailed liner can be fixed elbow on the table first, and then a small flat mirrors, so eyes down look in the mirror, you can safely draw liner was; -
21 experts suggest that the winter eat red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, onions, red hawthorn and other foods, can prevent a cold; daily cup of yogurt, a bowl of chicken soup also has the role of prevention of influenza; -
22 towels Science sterilization method: boiling the water first with a towel for about 10 minutes, then wash with soap, and then fully washed with water, and finally folded towel into the microwave, heat for 5 minutes; - ;
23 9 种 make you smile bloom food: celery, cheese, green tea, onions, mushrooms, mustard, sugar-free chewing gum, mint, water; often eat these foods can eliminate bad breath, prevent tooth decay; - ;
24 Dandruff can be improved through diet. Eat more alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, honey, etc.; eat vitamin B2, B6 foods such as animal liver, kidney, heart, milk, egg yolks, wheat germ, etc.; -
25 pillows should be some flexibility, but not too strong a good head constantly being applied to the spring action, easy to produce muscle fatigue and injury. Such as the spring pillow, air pillow, etc., can not be regarded as beneficial to the health of the pillow; -
26 Winter Watch Hot water bottle inside the water temperature not too hot, heat should not directly close to the skin surface. Diabetes, or peripheral sensory nerve retarded and infants do not have hot water bottle is best for heating; -
Computer harm reduction strategies
27: 1 hour continuous work should rest about ten minutes. Indoor lighting should be appropriate, and ventilated and dry. Note that the correct operating posture. Keep the skin clean; -
28 old white sweater will gradually wear black, the sweaters refrigerator freezer after cleaning 1 hour, then dry out, can be as white as new; -
29 Diamond Maintenance: Do not ornaments stacked together, trust each other so as to avoid friction and scratched inlay; do heavy, intense activity, the first diamond off; sent every six months jewelry store for a professional cleaning; -
30 quilts drying method: chemical fiber fabrics as being, the quilt blankets should not be in sunlight, high temperature baking to prevent the bad chemical fiber, drying the quilt when cover layer of cloth to prevent direct sun to sun; -
31 not because of hair loss do not wear sweaters in rabbits it can put it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator 3-4 days in the refrigerator, it can prevent hair loss a; - ;
32 magical scarf. In the beauty salon to do hair, woke up to shape. Do not worry, capped with a pillow before going to bed in the smooth texture of silk, they will not mess up the hair, beautiful hair is maintained; -
33 hot days, should guard against the cold. Hot, sweating people consume large amounts of energy, the body defenses are weakened, susceptible to colds, attention should drink boiled water, a few times, for each three hundred to five hundred milliliters is appropriate; -
34 hot days, many people have foot odor, the following two methods a try: shoes, shoes will be put in a little tea; bowl, put warm water, add a little tea, the put to soak your feet for ten minutes, you can except the smell! -

-20 kinds of whitening secret

1. to sleep, to take place face cucumber cut Hail to win a few minutes a month, your face will be white and tender. -
2. before going to bed with a cotton pad with the most expensive make-up water is completely soaked, apply to the face for 20 minutes, 3 times per week, your skin will not think of water Refreshing light Oh! ! -
3. get up to drink 2 glasses of water a day, including a glass of some salt, you can clear the stomach. -
4. out the door and be sure to rub sunscreen Cream, once home to remember to remove makeup. -
5. the first cold water wash with warm water and then let the skin pores become smaller both clean and Oh. -
6. be sure to drink plenty of water does not stay up late, eat less fried stuff, keep the skin clean. -
7. every night after washing face, recuperate music and more on cotton, directly deposited in the cheeks, and even the forehead, chin and also the way apply, not only the speckle and white, because only about one sixth of the amount of each bottle of Yakult. -
8. night, less water during the day and drink plenty of water before going to bed apply Shui-liang mask; eat more fruit, not drink or smoke do not stay up all night to ensure Shui-liang. -
9. Fuyan first five minutes with cold tea bags, and then do a similar yoga of action, this action is the first cross-legged, hands held high and then get on the ground backwards, to maintain this position about ten minutes. This action is not easy to start ten minutes,tory burch reva, a period of time to practice, but the effect is really good. -
10. commercially available water bottle (600cc) 20 yuan less than NT, as long as a week wash your face with water 3 to 4 times, and often apply makeup sponge dipped water face, face face natural splendidly Oh! ! -
11. According to medical reports, the sun's ultraviolet rays, in addition to general knowledge of the UVA and UVB, there are the so-called UVC, there usually sunny days, UVC and UVB could easily lead to sunburn, but can not think without sunscreen on cloudy days, because cloudy days are still long-wave UVA rays will cause skin damage, it is best umbrella in order to prevent premature aging Oh! -
12. with Italy kernel powder, add a teaspoon of about 1000cc of water, as water to drink, not only on the skin, and even to lose weight I have a magic child meeting This is the intended use of a diuretic effect of benevolence, can reduce the swelling, so the young with thin and Compiling A face-lift and skin whitening is also a great help. -
13. hot springs, hot springs not only to run smooth, pink skin, and can also reduce fatigue. If skin allergies, therapeutic hot springs bubble can improve the Oh! ! -
14. yeast powder 1 tablespoon (supermarkets are available) plus a unified yogurt 1 / 2 cup Apply on the face mask paper paste at 5 to 10 minutes , about 2 or 3 times a week would be better whitening. SK-II mask and has the same effect and money Oh! -
15. small recipe: brown sugar + honey + is a little bit of water; though a bit cumbersome, but can make skin supple and hydrated Oh! -
16. the sour milk into the milk (to be closed) put a full 24 hours in the winter requires a little longer, and then into the refrigerator to be used to produce a little more can to drink, and was originally used to lose weight it! However, for attaining a better, whitening effectiveness. However, to put up the taste of yogurt and sour Oh! ! -
17. honey, flour and milk, and mix thoroughly to 2:1:1 formula, attaining a 2 times a week, every 15 to 20 minutes, wash with warm water will make make-up water, pat face wet cotton, coupled with the need to add a detached secret trick ~ ~ a day before the first bath clean face, then smear honey face, so that the steam bath, steam into the precious honey pores. -
18. to have the baby-like skin is very simple: -
A. Food: reject any spicy, fried food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water. -
B. Sleep: Every day we must go to bed before 11:00. -
C. Exercise one hour in the morning and evening every day -
19. as long as that of large pores, can be used several different mask to attaining: -
A. The Binghe Ni surface covered with new skin cream and mix thoroughly to sleep all night after the effect of deposition over Charlie! -
B. Ma Yun protein directly in the face wash can be dry. -
C. Surface covered with a commercially available dry milk and drain on paper soaked in enough in the face after a snow-white baby Compiling C -
D. Mung bean protein powder and mix thoroughly after adding evenly coated in the face. -
20. in the eating, delicious and not gain weight several options are as follows: -
A. Wash barley boiled with water without sugar and let cool 1 to 2 hours when the open water to drink can be swelling and whitening. -
B. Add red dates longan Qi boil add sugar and let cool when the open water to drink does not make rosy eyes God! -
C. Drink plenty of ribs stewed with a variety of soup. -
- 17 dirty clothes on the removal method of juice


1, the red ink stains on clothes: a new stain first with cold water, then warm soap soak for a while, then rinse; Chen stains can be washed with detergent, and then 10% rubbing alcohol solution to eliminate the rub. 2, the ink stains: can rice and detergent mix thoroughly, coating some of the stain rub, then rinse clean; also be an alcohol, soap made two copies of the solution repeatedly rubbed, some good results. -
3, ball-point pen stains: First, what material to look at clothes, the general practice is put to the spot following a towel, stained with a small bristle brush gently scrub alcohol until smooth silk stain solution-diffusion, the then bubble dress in cold water, gently scrub with soap cast, so that repeated two or three times, you can basically remove the pen oil. If there were still a few remnants of washed, can be soaked in hot soapy water or boiled and then can be removed, and the Cotton Polyester cotton fabric can be used this way. If the wool fitted coat pen oil, can be placed at first stains TCE and alcohol (ratio is two to three) of the mixed solution soak for 10 minutes, while continuing to brush gently brush with a brush, until most of the grease dissolved, then wash cold soapy water or neutral detergent. -
4, Mildew: soap with 2% alcohol solution to clean, and then use bleach 3% -5% of the sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide to clean,tory burch outlet, and finally washing. -
5, sweat: sweat stained clothes, prone to macular over time, with the perspiration can put clothes on the 5% salt water soak 1 hour, then slowly rub clean. -
6, sweater pollution: The liquid solution of mild soap in boiling water and add one tablespoon of borax, and so the temperature dropped 60 degrees into the soap soak the sweater three to four hours, and then heated at 40-50 degrees knead gently washed, and finally rinse with warm water. If there is a net wash the pollution site, add two tablespoons of liquid soap can be used turpentine, transferred into a milky wash, wash sweaters allowed to air dry, semi-Tai is not available when the iron is too hot layer of clothing to hot dry ironing, and then can be slightly drying. -
7, pools of blood: the blood stains on the newly infected could be immersed in water with a lonely few minutes, then wash with soap or alcohol. Add lemon juice, salt case thing of the past can be removed, wipe white radish can also be used, but avoid using hot water. Blood stains can be washed with water to light brown, the glycerin soap and then wash, and finally rinse in warm water. -
8, chimney grease: oil stains on clothes infected with chimney cleaned immediately with gasoline (from the outside look inside to scrub stains to avoid the stain to expand) or washing with warm soap. -
9, laundry on the wax paper, carbon paper trace of color: first, wash with detergent, then wash the gasoline, and finally with alcohol wipe. -
10, coffee track: not too strong coffee stains can be immersed in hot water with soap or detergent wash; darker the coffee you need to sprinkle in a little egg yolk in glycerol, a mixture of painting at the stain, to be a little dry and then wash with soap and hot coffee stains can be removed. -
11, clothes and tablecloth egg trace: clothing, especially table cloth on the table often egg stains, first cloth soaked in cold water, soaked with a cotton or cotton dipped in a little salt to clean, Finally warm water. -
12,tory burch on sale, lipstick trace: light-colored clothing dye in the lipstick, can be soaked in gasoline, and then use soap and water scrub will clean. -
13, chewing gum stains: stick in the clothing, walls or other items on the chewing gum stains can be soaked on cotton or linen white vinegar, then scrub the stain of its place, can be scrubbed clean. -
14, tung oil stains: first with the gasoline to tung oil stains soaked, then scrubbed rubbish can be addition to the net. -
15, Plaster: In addition to washing with warm white wine. -
16, iodine contamination: flour washed. -
17, mercurochrome pollution: washed with vinegar -
18, Vinegar: clothing stained with the vinegar or soy sauce trace trace can sprinkle a little sugar rub, then wash with warm water.
-10 a smooth skin and delicate little secret
-1. mashed banana, add milk,tory burch boots, applied to the face. Wash after 20 minutes, you can make your skin smooth and delicate. -

2. Stir the honey and egg white in the face after the coating can make the skin smooth and reduce wrinkles. -
3. the turmeric powder and milk mixture coated on the face to remove sunburn and reduce the hair on his face. -
4. Cereal, cheese and tomato juice Stir painted face, 20 minutes and then cold water wash to help restore sun-darkened skin, shiny skin. -
5. The Health and potato chips attached to the face can reduce the color of freckles and scars. -
6. Cucumber juice is great Lifting of water. The cucumber sauce evenly coated on the face can tighten pores. After 15 minutes, washed with water. -
7. Rhubarb and lime juice can also help restore the skin tan. Lime juice is natural bleach. -
8. Honey can make the skin smooth and shiny, and reduce wrinkles. -
9. Citrus fruit juices are a good choice to deal with oily skin. -
10. Ice friction with the skin can tighten pores and promote blood circulation. -
remember Byron said: Sleeping Beauty, Beauty is sleeping out by definition. Adequate sleep is a beautiful premise. Face is the performance of the visual parts of the United States, it is important to maintain the beauty of the face
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Old 06-10-2011, 03:32 AM   #3
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,638
Ue9eg9lrc1bh is on a distinguished road

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