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Old 07-25-2011, 12:14 PM   #1
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Default good walking shoes women london uk_ID:34410483



1.看穿但不说穿。良多事件,只有本人冷暖自知就好了,mbt shoes outlet sale_ID:88944681,没必要说出来。
6.没有美中不足的东西,没有十全十美的人,要害是明白到底想要什么。得到想要的,肯定会失去另外一局部。 如果什么都想要,只会什么都得不到。
9.自己不喜欢的人,可以报之以缄默微笑;自己喜欢的人,那就随意怎么样了,因为你的爱好会挡也挡不住地吐 露出来。
14.不要太高估自己在群体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起... .。
20.不要感到不懂得也会有恋情。在不了解的时候,我们仅仅是喜欢,达不到爱情。当彼此的毛病裸露出来当前 ,许多时候这爱好也就会停止了。

1.我以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是认为小鸟没有飞过桑田的勇气,十年以后我才发明,不是小鸟飞不外去,而是沧海 的那一头,早已没有了等候……
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  10.是我的毕竟是我的`我终归是你的一个过客 `你始终不爱我`注定我和你就是什么都不会产生` 注定`注定只是注定`无论我怎么逾越 不论我怎么想凑近你 `你仍是会分开我的`我好想你`好想好想你`好想好想见你
11. 脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到.
  12.分手后不可以做友人,因为彼此伤害过.不可以做敌人.因为彼此深爱过,所以我们变成了最熟习的生 疏人.
  14. 时间会慢慢积淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢含混。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的玉成。
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  17. 爱到分才显可贵,很多人都不懂珍爱拥有.只到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最名贵的.
  19.你走了,带着我全体的爱走了,只是一句分别.我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后在抱你一次,好想 在对你说一次“我爱你”
  20. 淋过雨的空气, 疲惫了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经渐渐的熔化.
  22. 相爱是种感觉,当这种感觉已经不在时,我却还在委曲自己,这叫义务!分手是种勇气!当这种勇气已经不在时, 我却还在激励自己,这叫悲壮!-
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  24.在完善的此岸刚演出了一场悲剧,所有的血与泪在枯败的荆棘蕴育出一个花蕾,它将阅历循环的七场雷 雨,而后绽开在湿润的空气中……
  如果有一天,不再喜欢你了,我的生活会不会又像从前那样腐化,颓丧…我不想再要那样的生活,所以,在我 还没有放弃你之前,请你,至少要喜欢上我……
  27.其实我一直在你身边守候,等你靠在我肩上诉说,会不会有那么一天,你的温顺都属于我,我不会再让 你难过,让你的泪再流!
  28.你当我是个鹞子,要不把我放了,要不然收好带回家,别用一条看不见的情思拴着我,让 我心伤.
  31.岁月就象一条河,左岸是无法忘记的回想,右岸是值得掌握的青春年华,旁边飞快流淌的,是年青隐隐 的伤感。世间有很多美好的东西,但真正属于自己的却并未几。看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去 留无意。在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。
  32.我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无奈改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的主 意……
  36.简略宁静的生活实在可怜福,所以我只拥抱霎时,连绵长久的感觉基本不快乐,所以我只 信奉霎时。
  37.有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有成果的.爱一个人不一定会拥有,拥有一个人就一定要好好 去爱她……
  38.心已逝世,泪也干,不堪回想魂亦牵.梦惊醒,不了情,旧事如烟挥不去.亦虚亦实,亦爱亦恨,叶落 无声花自残.只道是,寻寻找觅,冷冷僻清,凄悲凉惨戚戚;却无奈,山高水长有时尽,此恨绵绵无 绝期.
  39.世界上没有任何货色可以永恒。假如它流动,它就流走;如果它存著,它就干枯;如果它成长,它就缓 缓凋落。
  40.一个做女人的痛苦:当她和她所爱的男人有了精神关系以后,她就很做作地把这种关系视为一种永远, 但男人却可以不同,他们可能只会认为那是生存方法的又一种演绎。正如书上说的:男女之间,在没有婚姻的承诺 前,还是坚持简单的关联为好,否则,真的没有岁月可以回首.
  42.人生短短多少十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压制 自己。人生的苦闷有二,一是愿望没有被满意,二是它得到了知足。
  43.所谓花心,就是有了爱情和面包,还想吃蛋糕的心情;所谓外遇,就是潜出围城,跌入陷阱;所谓浪漫 ,就是帮老婆买包心菜时,还会顺手带回一支玫瑰花;所谓厨房,就是结婚时红地毯通向的正前方… …
  44.不敢说出口,因为我胆小,因为如果你谢绝,我以后就不能够再见到你了,情愿默默的爱着你,不能让 你知道,直到,直到你投进别人的围绕!
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  47.恋爱,在情感上,当你想征服对方的时候,实际上已经在一定程度上被对方征服了。首先是对方对你的 吸引,然后才是你驯服对方的欲望。
  49.如果爱上,就不要等闲放过机会。鲁莽,可能使你后悔一阵子;怯懦,却可能使你后悔一 辈子。
  50.没有经历过爱情的人生是不完全的,没有经历过痛苦的爱情是不深入的。爱情使人生丰盛,疼痛使爱情 升华。
  4.你永远要饶恕众生,不管他有多坏,甚至他损害过你,你一定要放下,能力得到真正的快活 。
  16.根本不用回头去看诅咒你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,岂非你也要趴下去反咬他 一口吗?
  20.得不到的东西,我们会始终以为他是美妙的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时光与他相处在一起。当 有一天,你深刻了解后,你会发现原不是你想像中的那么美好。
  21.活着一天,就是有福气,就该爱护。当我呜咽我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚 。
  24.每一个人都拥有生命,但并非每个人都懂得生命,乃至于珍惜生命。不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一 种处分。
  32.人生的真谛,best brand shoe for men san francisco_ID:31169287,只是藏在平庸无味之中。
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  58.当你手中捉住一件东西不放时,你只能拥有这件东西,如果你肯撒手,你就有机遇抉择别的。人的心若 死执自己的观点,不肯放下,那么他的智慧也只能到达某种水平罢了
  59.如果你能够平安全安的度过一天,那就是一种福分了。多少人在今天已经见不到来日的太阳,多少人在 今天已经成了残废,多少人在今天已经失去了自在,多少人在今天已经家破人亡。
  60.你有你的生命观,我有我的生命观,我不干预你。只要我能,我就感召你。如果不能,那 我就认命。
  62.恶口永远不要出自于我们的口中,不管他有多坏,有多恶。你愈骂他,你的心就被传染了,你要想,他 就是你的善常识。
  63.别人可以违背因果,别人可以害我们,打我们,诋毁我们。可是我们不能因此而憎恨别人 ,为什

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  65.世界底本就不是属于你,因而你用不着抛弃,要摈弃的是一切的执著。万物皆为我所用, 但非我所属。
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Old 07-25-2011, 01:21 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

medication every day is to eat poison.
disease is to eat out, you can also eat the back.
their own best doctors, best hospitals in the kitchen, the best medicine is food, the best efficacy is time.
The Union: To good health, good food to eat first.
second line: If you want good health, eat calcium first.
scroll reads: diet wins medication

100-175 is normal for a healthy life
four cornerstones:
1. peace of mind
2. balanced nutrition:
3. the right amount of exercise
enough sleep every day, insomnia, less life years.
1. the peace of mind:
people living by the five internal organs - the liver spleen lung heart kidney
which, most importantly the liver, anger liver damage. Liver involvement, the whole body suffers.
bad liver, will be reflected in other organs, such as myocardial infarction. Previous myocardial infarction, heart stopped in the post. Out of the blood from the liver, liver bad, not cleaning, to block the blood vessels to a myocardial infarction.
one day laugh laugh three doctors to hang. Three-day laugh laugh, away from the disease and medicine.
2. balanced nutrition: color, flavor mix, with the thickness
are: average, only more to the average. Balance: balance.
people should not be sick.
sick reasons:
· unhealthy lifestyle
· unbalanced nutrition: excess fat, minerals, vitamin deficiency.
people aim to eat:
· life-sustaining treatment of diseases, prevention of disease
hypertension, diabetes is to eat out. European doctors prescription are the recipes.
Medicinal and Edible.
the rank order of the ancient healing
: Food - acupuncture - moxibustion - Wine - the inventor of Western medicine
Socrates said - \to eat. \
heart liver spleen green beans red beans kidney
lung white beans (kidney beans) black beans
acid Bitter sweet and spicy ; salt
tendons, blood, pharyngeal meat, skin of the limbs Head tongue bone
Ear nose and mouth
· that love to drink green face, angry, temper big.
· bad heart flushed.
· stomach and the face is not sallow
· people with asthma pale
· renal failure who face the dark
· not eat white lung, white radish Yangfeihuoxue.
raw turnip lungs, intestines cooked food.
intestines bad, to be cooked to eat.
White (kidney beans) lily, white fungus.
· kidney deficiency diseases source. Nine ten renal deficiency.
impotence: cold hands and feet, fatigue, gynecological disease.
blood by gas circulation, died that breathe. Gas is the kidney.
not eat kidney beans.
· not eat the liver Liver mung bean
enhance liver detoxification.
Helvdoutang, Kai Guo fifty-six minutes, open slightly open at the time like to drink green soup to Liver, clear fire, diuretic.
· spleen not eat soy.
· heart not to eat red beans.
eat grains only Fengdeng - Canon of Medicine.
food separated from beans, beans do not leave a woman for life, because there are soy isoflavones protect the female hormone secretion.
red beans every day five ambiguous.
· acid Liver, liver injury than acid.
· bitter Yang Xin, berberine, bitter Yang Xin. Pharyngitis eat sweet bitter
· raise the spleen, the spleen injury too sweet. Drink beverages will damage the spleen, the children puffiness,
· hot Yangfeihuoxue, too spicy lung injury.
decade ago - the death threat three modern disease: cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer (liver 。。。)
Now - the threat of modern Three patients died: cancer (lung cancer...) cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease.
now the highest incidence of lung cancer, because the spicy food too much.
South lung cancer, the highest incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Beijing Heavenly Stems, eat more chili will hurt the lungs, have rhinitis, and later will have to nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
fall can not eat spicy food, because Hyperactivity.
· Xian Yang Shen, salty and kidneys.
Western saying:
· liver to eat fat. (Fatty liver - cirrhosis of the liver) Beijing 70% of children under 15 years of dyslipidemia.
· heart to eat vitamins. Beijing 70% of children under the age of 15 or more arrhythmias.
· spleen eat carbon dioxide.
disease - to the hospital is a doctor, not to see patients. But now is to see patients, not the doctor.
Bianzheng and treatment, the right remedy.
reflected in the tendons on the sick liver. (TCM called tendons, nerves called Western.)
Insomnia, sleeping pills - mental illness. Mental illness 70% - 80% are caused by insomnia.
12 hours 12 个 sign of the Zodiac, two hours to one.
23-1 promoter (rat) bitter bile duct who heads the mouth, heat go up, excited to sleep.
1-3 liver reinforcement (Gandanxiangzhao) liver disease on the main objective eyes are caused by the liver.
3-5 lung rest of the night coughing, asthma, death will be late at night. Before going to bed at night to eat white radish, cough. Lung primary skin sores. Anger Wang, reflected in the lung, skin, heart Heart
11-13 dried blood, pharyngeal Heart . Leukemia patients are often inflamed throat, take antibiotics, and finally had leukemia. Heart disease reaction to the tongue.
spleen spleen meat, limbs. Ringworm
the main bone of impotence renal bone and joint pain, bone and joint pain in winter
medicine cataract eat livers, hot water + vinegar, smoked eyes. Vinegar is Huayu.
bite to eat the old tongue, is a precursor to the brain stem.
homologous liver and kidney, anger Wang renal deficiency.
Western saying:
blocked blood vessels -
block in the heart called the stem, called the tumor capillary plugging in mind, call blocking tumor in the liver, blocking the uterus called fibroids, blocking the breast is called hyperplasia, called blocking the thyroid nodules, acne on the face is called blocking, blocking the skin
called knots, called the trend Zhang leg.
arteries, veins, capillaries, a total of 10 million km, a half circle around the earth 2, the equivalent of road. First vascular access, will not be sick.
24-hour blood flow, and vascular wall friction on the raw waste from the blood vessels to the capillary blood flow velocity increased, the resistance increases, have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
eat cerebral infarction due to antihypertensive medicine to the.
antihypertensive drugs dilate blood vessels, vascular wide, slow flow, blood pressure drop, then eat more and more elastic blood vessels may one day get out of control.
If you eat more - collapse, and cerebral hemorrhage.
If you eat less - blocked, stroke.
cause of hypertension in the kidney, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, epinephrine regulate vascular tension, much secretion, vascular tension - high blood pressure and secretion of less, low blood pressure.
high blood pressure is kidney-borne disease, is not, and heart and kidney. Anger big, angry, love meat, love to drink prone to high blood pressure.
antihypertensive drugs kidney injury, renal failure should be transparent clarity, through the clarity of 10 patients, 9 and a half is a drug-induced intoxication, 8 is the result of long-term service antihypertensive drugs.
blood stasis caused by excess fat, vitamin deficiency.
do not eat meat is not vegetarian, but also do not eat oil.
Vitamin Features: see water-soluble, more than 40 degrees decomposition.
fruit: an apple is equal to the vitamin content of apple the size of the content of 5 cents.
not yogurt, which makes blood vessels blocking the thickener.
water only diluted pesticide, can not wash clean. Lipids are acids, alkali vegetables.
raw and cooked with foreigners eat meat, but other people's vegetables are eaten raw, raw vegetables, the best skin. Vent anger raw vegetables, vitamin supplements.
long is blood pressure medicine, expansion of blood vessels, men prostatic hypertrophy; woman to wet his pants for a fun.
bell pepper and livers best.
raw eggplant governance tumor on very strong adhesive force can be oil, cure blood viscosity, thrombosis gone. Tantamount to eat raw eggplant lipid-lowering drugs.
treatment of heart and kidney are not, and: eat black kidney, heart eating red.
winter to eat black beans, black sesame seeds (soybean milk, porridge), black beans + Bean + yam + wolfberry porridge for supper. Adjusted kidney.
eat salad, eat a ready meal.
metabolism of cholesterol because of poor liver and gallbladder.
people with high blood lipids do not drink milk, high-fat high-protein milk.
diet: milk (milk lit),barcelona jerseys, pepper, cold drinks, so that both feed and food.
not now smoke opium, and switched to a flour.
now do not drink milk, yogurt has changed.
1 day back rub their feet to stimulate the renal secretion of adrenaline. Governance woman cold hands and feet.
Sports - luck moving blood is called exercise,barcelona jersey, dancing running called activities.
campaign purposes - early transfer and lung, liver and kidney late transfer, often adjusting the spleen and stomach bile.
2 stroke ears blood pressure during the day.
calcium: high blood pressure 3000 mg of calcium per day a woman, a man of high blood pressure 4000 mg of calcium per day. Normal 800-1200 / day.
calcium can soften the blood vessels, prevent hardening of the arteries, old eating antihypertensive drugs, vascular sclerosis, calcium supplements lower blood pressure, cancer.
milk calcium, but complement to the baby.
rebound hypertension, when seasonal or angry can be a little medicine.
eggplant juice +10000 mg of calcium can rescue the paralysis, cerebral thrombosis. Thrombosis of the opening.

Zhang Wu of the health talks
the most complete notes
Introduction ----
a part of the concept of health, health of the four cornerstones: 1, peace of mind; 2, balanced nutrition; 3, the appropriate amount of exercise; 4, adequate sleep.
Second, the human cause of the disease: 1, poor lifestyle; 2, unbalanced nutrition.
Third, the human cause of death: 1, poor lifestyle; 2, drug poisoning.
four TCM theory: smile every day, the doctor should be hanged, laugh a day away from the disease and medicine.
five, five internal organs health programs:
1, anger harms the liver: Liver and mung bean is,minesota twins jerseys, the liver opens into the eyes, liver and the main blood vessels of the liver is the detoxification of plant people. Some medicines and foods to go through a liver detoxification **, so do not eat the medicine, make dinner when the medicine to take. (Boiled mung bean trick: green beans in cold water pot, cook (7-8) minutes, like beans to open non-opening, soup deepest red color, the pour out the broth for water, the best, then add water boiled beans when porridge to drink.) big anger, more can be eaten raw bell pepper Liver (cold food, dinner). Liver projects, hi acid. Eye cataract patients and the general problems are mostly the liver, with hot water +10 _-20 drops of vinegar smoked eyes (10-20 minutes per day) a week after beginning to bear fruit.
2, hi sad: heart opens into the tongue, red bean is the complement of the heart, the best summer make up the heart, bitter gourd is the pure heart of fire, is the heart H.-S. tongue ulcers, mouth ulcers and gum on the stomach fire Sheng. (Not easily boiled red beans, soup ibid.).
3, thinking injured spleen: soy Spleen, spleen opens into the mouth (boiled soy beans to eat.)
4, sad lung: lung primary skin, opens into the nose, lungs for autumn, white turnip Yangfeihuoxue raw, cooked to eat intestines, lungs hi kidney beans (kidney beans should be boiled to eat.)
5, fear of harm to the kidneys: Kidneys bone, opens into the ear, pain in waist and legs in the elderly is kidney many, tinnitus is also a kidney. Black beans and kidney, kidney suitable for winter. Sesame is kidney (black beans to be boiled to eat.)
enough hot water at night, sweating, rubbing his hands at the same time the kidney lower back, to complement the kidney.
6, Gallbladder negative: (23-1 points) is the gall bladder in season: Insomnia is the guts of the disease, before going to bed drink a whole raw melon juice is conducive to sleep. (3-5 points) is the lung in season (before going to bed raw turnip), eating the old bite the tongue is a precursor to the brain stem, long eggplant can be eaten raw CLT, Buck (sesame paste, vinegar and salad), drink all kinds of beans porridge, with milk instead of milk, as long as the food sciences, can lower blood pressure, lipid-lowering!
six, in order to eat healthy: eat a variety of mixed lettuce → hot → beans.
seven conditioning time: early transfer and lung, later transferred the kidney, often stomach tone.
eight, diet during the taboo: spicy, milk (indicating excessive fat), cold drinks.
nine classic maxim: \Sick eating the first treatment, the best doctor is yourself, the best hospitals in the kitchen, the best medicine is food, the best efficacy is time.
two weeks ago, I went to Professor Zhang's clinic, he said that I have received Big Chill into the lung, joint and several of the large intestine,lebron james jerseys, gall bladder and cause adverse, and asked me if I was athlete.
I think junior high school volleyball team, training to six o'clock every day after class, we sweat to get water the flowers of the rubber tubing with a shower, cool thoroughly and we have to give up, I guess this cold that way. I am now as he opened the prescription, hot water every night Yazi one hour, while sweating, drink the whole melon juice. At the same time beat the morning of the lung, gall bladder at night by beating. A green pepper salad every day, a long eggplant. Bladder cupping every three days (full back) Oh ~~~~~ three days later, I began to sleep is having peace of mind, the palm is not so hot, and sweating a little, and gastrointestinal smooth too comfortable. Windfall several kilograms of weight is also reduced.

a healthy diet and health illnesses
Traditional Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Zhang Wuben
Introduction ----
a part of the concept of health, health of the four cornerstones of
1, peace of mind
2, balanced nutrition
3, moderate exercise
4, adequate sleep
Second, the human cause of the disease
1, poor lifestyle
2, unbalanced nutrition
Third, the human cause of death
1, poor lifestyle
2, poisoning
four TCM theory
laugh every day, the doctor should be hanged, laugh a day away from the disease and medicine.
five, five internal organs health programs
1, anger harms the liver: Liver and mung bean is, the liver opens into the eyes, liver and the main blood vessels of the liver is the detoxification of plant people. Medicine and food in some of the toxins through the liver to detoxify, so do not eat the medicine, make dinner when the medicine to take.
(boiled mung bean trick: green beans in cold water pot, cook (7-8) minutes, like beans to open non-opening, soup deepest red color, the pour out the broth for water, the best, then add water, beans When the porridge to drink boiled.)
anger large, multi-raw bell pepper can be Liver (cold food, dinner)
Liver eyes, hi acid. Eye cataract patients and the general problems are mostly the liver, with hot water +10 _-20 drops of vinegar smoked eyes (10-20 minutes per day) a week after beginning to bear fruit
2, hi sad: heart opens into the tongue, red bean is the complement of the heart, the best summer make up the heart, bitter gourd is the pure heart of fire, is the heart H.-S. tongue ulcers, mouth ulcers and gum on the Wei Huo Sheng.
(not easy boiled red bean, soup above)
3, thinking injured spleen: soy Spleen, spleen opens into the mouth
(boiled soy beans to eat)
4, sad lung: lung primary skin, opens into the nose, lungs for the fall, white radish raw Yangfeihuoxue, cooked to eat intestines, lungs hi beans
(kidney beans should be boiled to eat.)
5, fear of harm to the kidneys: Kidneys bone, opens into the ear, pain in waist and legs in the elderly is kidney many, tinnitus is also a kidney. Black beans and kidney, kidney suitable for winter. Sesame is also the kidney. Calcium kidney.
(black beans should be boiled to eat)
enough hot water at night, sweating at the same time the kidney lower back rubbing his hands to supplement the kidney qi.
6, Gallbladder negative: (23-1 points) is the gall bladder in season: Insomnia is the guts of the disease, before going to bed drink a whole melon juice Health, is conducive to sleep
? (3-5 points) is the lung The seasonal (bedtime raw turnip)
? tongue bite to eat and old cerebral infarction is a precursor to
? long eggplant can be eaten raw, clear fat, blood pressure (sesame paste, vinegar and salad)
? in the elderly two half-day to eat enough meat
? breakfast, lunch meat. Dinner do not eat animal protein, drink a variety of bean porridge
? Ill need a good structured, and then began to calcium
? Use soy milk instead of milk
just eat scientific, not fasting, people can blood pressure, lipid-lowering!
six, the order of
eat healthy to eat a variety of lettuce mixed with meat → → → hot beans
VII, cardiopulmonary conditioning time
tone early and late renal tone, often stressed the stomach
August, during the taboo
spicy diet, milk (indicating excessive fat), cold
nine classic maxim
\> To good health, good health first in order to eat well, eat the egg first.
sick eating the first treatment, the best doctor is yourself, the best hospitals in the kitchen, the best medicine is food, the best efficacy is time.
Zhang Wu of the health lectures (a)
first class
Everyone wants alive and healthy, we come to lectures today, is also aimed at health, lectures ago, I would like to ask you a question: who should be the highest life How big? Minimum should be? Some people say: the highest is 150 years old, minimum 120 years old. Actually not, the human growth cycle is 20-25 years, life should be 5-7 times the growth period, that is, the lowest life expectancy should be 100 years old, the maximum should be 175 years old. With the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more centenarians, people live a hundred years is not a dream, today we began to explore this issue. In fact, people live to a hundred is not difficult to see you want to want to live so large. Oh, here's some people laugh, and who want to live so much Yeah, the key is how to live? Has a healthy body can live to a hundred. Currently, people are most concerned about is that medical treatment is difficult and expensive. Everyone wants healthy, healthy body comes from where? Health comes from four aspects of daily life, the words of the modern four cornerstones of health: first, the peace of mind; second, balanced nutrition; third, the right amount of exercise; fourth, adequate sleep, . Article promotion is to quit smoking is usually limited to wine, I put it into plenty of sleep, why? Only Chinese can talk about health, because the traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years of history. Therefore, Chinese medicine, sleep is good or bad, largely determines whether a person has a healthy body. People in the popular saying: \
comes four cornerstones of health, many people know, but few people really understand why? First emphasized the first question: are the four cornerstones of a healthy order, that is a sequence of Chinese characters, which word in the front, which word in the back, why use the word, are justified. Why talk about this? Because a lot of talk about the health of the newspapers every day registration, but the people are very confusing, because what the newspapers have said, people do not know that the statement is true, what should be a letter. One way to tell you: \article, because, never mind health which accounted for first. what state of mind, there is what behavior; what actions, there is what results; with modern words: \that the establishment of a harmonious society means that people should have peace of mind. peace of mind and body healthy relationship why so deep it?
from the physical point of view, relying on five people living organ: liver, heart , spleen, lung and kidney. For example, the hospital opened for the death certificate alone, if the liver problem, writing liver failure. heart problems, write heart failure, these five organs to maintain a person's life are indispensable, One of the most important are: \blocked, the heart stops beating. that the blood is dirty, blood problems, blood from the liver is out, if there is a myocardial infarction, indicating that no liver detoxification, filtering effect, out of the blood is dirty, blocked, and thus lead to heart attack. a lot of people who fall ill myocardial infarction, in almost all the students had before the death of a gas, breath did not come to attack. So a mad man, put to destroy the liver. In the final analysis, people are To: \However, bed days you sleep eight feet. \Yeah, remember, is you, will always be your, not you, will never be you, not to fight. hope that after listening to after-school, in the future life and work not to get angry, angry will not solve any the problem can only get a sick body. Finally, to give you two words: \relations to be mentioned here.
the following key questions about nutrition, have said before, there is a sequence of Chinese characters, for example, balanced nutrition, which is the standard written, balanced front and nutrition in the post, achieve a balanced, only nutrition. we look at the newspaper, if you see the title reads: \argument, then we would not have read, this is amateur writing. only be balanced, to talking about nutrition. below in to ask you a question: \\\. Marxism tells us: the world is generally linked, causal laws are universal laws of the world. just mentioned, people should not get sick, it is fruit, it must have its reasons. What? the World Health Organization warned us causes of human disease: 1, poor lifestyle; 2, unbalanced nutrition; include: 1) excess 2) lack. surplus refers to excess fat, minerals and vitamin deficiency is the lack of means. This is the reason, will not eat , will get sick.
that dinner, I ask you, we eat three meals a day, then what is the purpose to eat it? was said to live, was said to be man's desires and so on. from the health say: I tell you: First, remember - to sustain life; second, remember - prevention of disease; the third, but should keep in mind - treatment of disease. I ask you, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, Diabetes is not to eat out? Since we can eat out sick, why can not the patient to eat home? is not difficult,derrick rose jerseys, there is life, a willing heart. the essence of traditional Chinese medicine health five years, leaving to posterity a rule Five Steps disease; first step, the food, the diet. Developed countries have already started and the patient came, the first list of open restaurants, a few months and then later return visit. If the diet is not effective then the second step: acupuncture, the scraping , cupping, massage, and massage. If not effective then the third step: acupuncture. The fourth step: the wine, wine, medicine for the long hundred. If you use these four methods, the patient's situation did not pick up, and finally medication, In China it is now, one up on the prescription, where a three-drug, you soak in the medicine every day, soak in the drug in the month, year after year to soak in the health of the medicine, it is impossible, the invention of Western medicine Person: Mr. Suber carats at the end, when the invention of Western medicine, doctors had admonished nations and people saying: \\Ask a question: do we eat three meals a day, to what to eat? People live by the five organs is to provide energy, which energy is eating something to offer. Can be modern, we gave the head is going to eat, to the mouth eat, like to eat what to eat every day. The five organs and people, also have their own preferences, likes to eat green liver, heart eat red, yellow eat the spleen, lung eat white, black kidney eat. What are? Be called varieties are ah. Chinese pretty great, by looking, listening, asking, can the said condition is very accurate. In fact, that is by looking at these five colors to judge. For example, said, liver bad, love meat, love drinking, angry, and his pale greenish; bad heart, his face red; stomach or not, the face is yellow; asthma face is pale; renal failure who, her face is blackened. By observing the color of your face to know what disease you have, which is called China white black red yellow and green. May be present, a great white black red yellow and green have to go kind of publicity, green, green tea has become a; red, red wine has become a; yellow, become a carrot; white, into oatmeal; black, black fungus was.
specific example, say something; SARS, white radish sell crazy, people eat turnip for the prevention of SARS. But many people only know one, I do not know the other, ate stew, in fact, from a nutritional point of view is Yangfeihuoxue raw turnip, cooked food is the intestines of. If you eat the right way, that is equal to a free ride. Kidney eat black, Chinese have a saying; \Is the kidney. Chinese have a saying: \I ask you, how many people usually eat, is to give kidney to eat? The older, more renal losses, the more disease. Liver to eat green, green beans. We all love Helvdoutang in the summer, in fact, is the Liver mung bean, the liver is a detoxification, liver detoxification capacity increases, fishes body good. Eat red heart means red bean, when the two beans have medicinal value? A lot of people to cook green bean soup for summer, hot weather, to suck boiled beans, drink boiled out of the soup, in fact, this approach is very wrong, it plainly, this is yangkeng, the solution can not be toxic. The correct way should be: cold boiled green beans, boil for 5-6 minutes when the water has not boiled mung bean blossom, the green bean soup pour out the deepest color of the soup this time, treat it as a drink, have a Liver detoxification Qushu role. Add water to the rest of the mung bean, Zhu Chengyu drink. Hope that, when later Helvdoutang must do so, it was called \Why do people eat beans for you? Spleen to eat yellow beans; lung eat white beans, kidney beans; kidney eat black, black beans, not the fungus. To give an example of inappropriate, are used to feed livestock in rural black beans, kidney foot, only strength it! \? Traditional Chinese Health There is one sentence: eat separated from beans, particularly lesbian, life do not leave beans, speaking from the organ, is conducive to internal organs; from the stresses of nutrition, beans have a substance called \This substance can stimulate ovarian secretion. China's health study for thousands of years of history, the world's nutritionists have come to China to study nutrition, they return home to teach the colored people adds to the growing Chinese milk and rice pudding. And most of us Chinese people only drink rice pudding when Laba Festival. Hope that from now on, eat more whole grains, so as to health.
taste to talk about the following aspects; acid Liver, bitter nourishing the heart, spleen raising sweet, spicy Yangfeihuoxue, salty Yang Shen, that is, what flavor should eat that which does not prefer to not change my life. For example: Acid Liver, we all know that vinegar is to soften the blood vessels, and why? Because it is nourishing, nourishing, it softens blood vessels. How to reflect the balance? Acid Liver, liver injury than acid. Liver disease in China is the world's major powers, and China's Shanxi Province is the largest province of liver disease, where people are particularly jealous. Ten years ago, the Ministry of Health has a notice: the death of the Chinese threat to the three diseases are cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer. Cancer is ranked first in the liver. The last one is lung cancer. In early 2007, the Ministry of Health circular, threatening the Chinese people were killed in the three diseases; the first cancer, the second is a brain disease, the third is cardiovascular disease. Where they carved out of cancer; first one is lung cancer, lung cancer from the last decade, rising to the first, not surprisingly, at present, nine restaurants, ten hot, spicy Yangfeihuoxue, but too spicy lung injury. Last year, there is a statistical report of the Ministry of Health, southerners incidence of lung cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer, and ten years ago increased by 167%, followed by an indication of long-lived in the north of the southerners. Why? As you know, Sichuan, Hunan, love to eat hot peppers, because the South moisture weight, pepper moisture, possible solutions to the spicy, but if in the north, arid regions eat hot peppers, it is easy to lung injury, please we must remember: one soil to support a party who not one soil to support everyone.
liver eating fat, too prone to fatty liver fat, weight will lead to cirrhosis, death, actor Fu Biao's death is an example. Heart to eat vitamins, vitamin deficiency disease because the spleen to eat carbohydrates (staple food) pulmonary oxygen, kidney eat protein, minerals and water. Here to talk about the problem of protein, increased the level of modern life, many people in order to maintain the body and began to eat health food, which is very good, but if you do not know, blind to eat, on the contrary able to get that disease. Remember: we are Chinese, and foreigners of different physical, health care products in foreign countries are not necessarily suitable for Chinese people to take.
say that how to eat the following: a central four \only their own can save themselves.
Chinese have \Now, hospitals are based on disease treatment. High blood pressure, the doctor will give you open antihypertensive drugs. Why is high blood pressure, he cares; blood sugar is high, give you open hypoglycemic agents, why is high, regardless of his. The result, more and more complications, this is reality. As mentioned earlier, there is a sequence of Chinese characters, such as; \Five internal organs are sick, have symptoms manifested, if you know the truth, by conditioning to well resolved. Diseased liver, the reaction is in the trunk muscle, Western called \Such as: insomnia, sleeping pills western open is a prescription for the disease, there are a few people eat well? Not as a result, eat more and more drugs. The Ministry of Health have conducted a survey before, the people who live in a mental hospital, 60% - 80% of people are into the long-term use of sleeping pills.
internal organs all have their own working hours, such as :23:00-1: 00 or midnight, is courageous work; 1:00-3:00 the liver work; 3:00-5:00 lung work; 5:00-7:00 is the large intestine work; 11:00-13:00 is the heart of the work (this time a lot of people a heart attack); if the insomnia, it is a problem with gall bladder, bile is a tube head, (one more bold to order ah, ah He thought), utter devotion, anger large bile heat, so sleep well, sleep. Liver reinforcement, the spirit of good, so the Western called \Any psychiatric illness, are liver disease. Spleen of meat, such as long ringworm, is the spleen sick. Lung disease reaction to the skin, the elderly get the most, skin itching, spring is a multi-season. Because Fanfei anger, anger most popular spring. As long as the anger down, it will not itch.
17:00 - 19: 00 is the kidneys work, the main bone of kidney, renal deficiency, bone and joint pain. Now people have a lot of bone and joint disease, the elderly and young people have. Young people thought it was the work of tired, old people that are on the age, bone and joint pain is normal, the pain is caused by kidney deficiency. Bone and joint pain western medicine is the anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, traditional Chinese medicine is the medicine of bone and joint diseases of blood circulation. Just imagine, after oral administration of anti-inflammatory analgesic, from the gut to the stomach, potency maximum stimulation of the stomach the most, and then through the blood, and then upward to the heart stimulates the heart, to stimulate the brain to stimulate the brain, and finally to the joints, there is much potency? How much joints can help? Joint disease is not cured, how many people ate the stomach because of bad medicine!
five internal organs are sick have the same reaction in the facial features: the liver disease reflected in the eyes, eye trauma, except all the rest of the liver disease was the, cataract, glaucoma, myopia was full of the liver, and cataracts see things clearly after the operation, but relapsed 2 years later, why? Surgery or disease, not found at all.
Here's a simple way to treat cataracts, adding in a cup of boiling water, ten drops of vinegar into the eyes smoked per day, some time after the cataract will be good. Heart disease, the reaction on the tongue, red tongue tip of the tumor, there are teeth marks, Chinese medicine called Firelight, the phenomenon associated with palpitation, Western medicine is \Flustered or insufficiency, even if the heart does not panic after medication, but the phenomenon of insufficient blood supply is still not resolved, in fact, out of the question or the liver and spleen disease reaction on the mouth, cheeks aphthous a long illness on the spleen, tongue is the heart of the long aphthous disease, which is two diseases, both therapies, lung disease reaction in the nose, such as chronic rhinitis. Kidney disease response in the ear, such as: tinnitus, should eat black beans. What disease was, what to eat rice, good conditioning, good health, and do not have to take medicine.
the summary is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine health five years, the final analysis, the two diseases, blood imbalances, and goes that step, there are five people sick, have bad heart disease. The following from the Western revisit what angle; Western medicine is a disease, a disease, many types. Western said: \People live relying on blood circulation, blood found in veins, we usually go to the hospital, are asked to test blood, if blood has problems, prescribe medication in accordance with the results of laboratory tests, and if not, the doctor will ask you where uncomfortable ? For example, you tell her you left pain, he will let you filming on, if there is indeed a problem to shoot the film, which a long thing, it is necessary surgery treatment; If the film is no problem; doctors have no way to open point of pain medication. Let you go home to eat for some time to referral. Blood circulation in the veins, if blood vessels broken, blocked, called tumors, skin eczema, broken blood vessels; mucosal blood vessels broken, blocked, called the cyst; uterus called fibroids; mammary gland hyperplasia on the call; the heart in the name Terrier; serious is the cancer of the. Perennial flow in the veins of blood, will produce garbage if the diet is unreasonable, there is no time cleaning up litter, blood flow will accelerate, the impact on the vessel wall will increase, giving rise to hypertension. Like half of the narrow channel of a river, flow will accelerate, the impact on the river will increase the same, but very few people died because of high blood pressure, the top three diseases that cause death without hypertension, saying goes, blood pressure is not terrible, terrible is a complication. Easily lead to long-term use hypertension drugs myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and renal failure three kinds of complications, all three can be fatal disease, in other words, the death of hypertensive patients, the vast majority result in long-term use of antihypertensive drugs poisoning and died. Because antihypertensive drugs is the dilation of blood vessels, when the expansion to a certain degree, hardening of the arteries, causing cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction. Shanghai health department conducted the survey, Shanghai every 12 seconds for a person to take medicine to death. Easily lead to kidney failure eat antihypertensive drugs, there is a Ministry of Health statistics on dialysis because of renal failure and those who do, 10 people in nine half is caused by drug-induced poisoning, of which 8 patients are long-term use of antihypertensive drugs caused the disease who got If, within one or two years only 100 - 200 million sending her flowers you did not,cheap nba jerseys, life is difficult to keep. Premier Wen Jiabao has said at the NPC session, \Hope that we will raise awareness of disease prevention.
I was asked, and blood vessels blocked, how do? Need to dredge. Find someone to look at the reasons: vascular congestion, medicine called blood stasis, Western medicine is called too many free radicals, prevention science and nutrition, called the product of too much fat metabolism. Nature is a thing a thing down, and look at things, vitamins can solve all of this, followed by minerals.
Let me talk about vitamins. Vitamins from fruits and vegetables, some people may think, and how leaving a shortfall of vitamin Yeah, I eat fruits and vegetables every day, ah, how leaving a shortfall of vitamins you? First to look at the characteristics of vitamins: 1, see the water-soluble vitamins; 2, more than 40 degrees decomposition. I ask you, there is no one to do so: first, the vegetables bought in the water for a period of time do? Again, wash the skin cut the vegetables first, then vegetables? Then cut wire, wash again? Three times down a lot less of vitamin. Cooking, the vitamin has once again when the temperature decomposition, imagine how many vitamins can be absorbed by the body it? Lack of vitamins can not it?
to tell you the fruit. Apple as an example to the people generally are doing so: first wash, then peel and eat. Tell a nutrition knowledge; an apple in the vitamin content is equal to the size of apple peel the amount of 5 coins. Vitamins are life-sustaining element, the essence of the things we throw, and also talk about nutrition? Can not be ill? Some people had said; \Ask yourself, water, pesticide can soak off? Of course not! Just head that a clean only. Drinks contain preservatives, how we drink it? The composition of milk also has additives, is not every day you drink it? Even where we eat the medicine are also chemical composition, home chemical composition of household detergent is not used in every day, it? Why do we look only to the fruit and vegetables?
not my father, 86 years old this year, Hu Jia Lou, who lives near the Fragrant Hills every one or two weeks to one or the Summer Palace, cycling to go, life is movement. What is health? Life is brought out, and do not pay attention to three meals a day, can not have a good body. Hope that after listening to after school, starting today, washing dishes instead of alkali, both economic and health.
suggest that you eat every day, the President was to eat some (may be eaten raw) dishes, to eat the skin, the skin piece to eat. From the Chinese medicine, raw can vent anger, speaking from the Western, you can make up for vitamins. Is the raw and cooked with the previously mentioned, if we do not want to have cardiovascular disease, then start eating lettuce from today to prevent disease. If you have already got sick, and now eat will not work out.
Chinese medicine treatment, health care principles: clear, transfer, make up. Clear that removal of blood in the garbage, and a relationship of liver, liver to eat green, the vitamin, which is the raw bite, bell pepper is the best food and livers. How to clear the myocardial infarction it? How to do it a tumor?
raw eggplant strips. Some people have doubts about raw eggplant is not poisonous? I tell you that the \But the Chinese are wise, eggplant with garlic oil to resolve the problem, so handed down the sentence: toxic and can not be eaten raw eggplant, garlic should be put. Eat roasted eggplant, lipids even higher. If the prevention of diseases in the second week you can eat. Now that's health.
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