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08-03-2011, 12:29 PM
佣金 手续费 交易费 佣金:《股票万3包规费,权证万1.5包规费,股指期货(佣金万0.6)》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低,融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、b股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 现在开户: 有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费 , 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 全国最低佣金和特大优惠活动(周末 可开户). 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 优势: 1.国内第一家成立超过20年的券商,说 明经营管理稳定,信誉好,第一批融资融券大券商,说明资金雄厚,不差钱.佣金政策稳定不会变. 2.资讯及时可靠,每天短信解盘,对客户持仓个股单独提示. 3.软件快速,硬件可靠,不堵单,跑道通畅. 4.周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费, 5.开户够20w送炒股手机,目前已经发放 很多了,反应不错,需要的客户要抓紧办理,先到先得,不限制资金送精美礼品,发完为止。 6.免费开户转 户。融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、b股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 温馨提示:本人从事证券行业多年,热忱为广大新老股民朋友办理证券开户转户。本人就职于上市大型综 合创新类aa级券商,有需要开户办理最低证券佣金手续费的股民朋友均可24小时电话咨张,,经 ,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三。股票.权证.基金.债券.港股.期货交易手续费一律全 国最低优惠,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电预约、咨询 佣金:《股票万3包 规费,权证万1.5包规费,股指期货(佣金万0.6)》不限量盘中直扣/量大更低,融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、b股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 现在开户: 有多种礼品赠送,送智能炒股手机一部,先到先得。 周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费 , 提供一对一优质高效服务。真正为您节省真金白银。 全国最低佣金和特大优惠活动(周末 可开户). 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 优势: 1.国内第一家成立超过20年的券商,说 明经营管理稳定,信誉好,第一批融资融券大券商,说明资金雄厚,不差钱.佣金政策稳定不会变. 2.资讯及时可靠,每天短信解盘,对客户持仓个股单独提示. 3.软件快速,硬件可靠,不堵单,跑道通畅. 4.周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费, 5.开户够20w送炒股手机,目前已经发放 很多了,反应不错,需要的客户要抓紧办理,先到先得,不限制资金送精美礼品,发完为止。 6.免费开户转 户。融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、b股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 温馨提示:本人从事证券行业多年,热忱为广大新老股民朋友办理证券开户转户。本人就职于上市大型综 合创新类aa级券商,有需要开户办理最低证券佣金手续费的股民朋友均可24小时电话张,,经, ,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三。股票.权证.基金.债券.港股.期货交易手续费一律全 国最低优惠,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电预约、咨询佣金股票千分之0。3 ,权证千分之0。15(无任何要求),股指期货开户手续费万0.6 国内龙头券商,网上交易系统先进,稳定, 经专业人士判断国内系统速度排名在前三,交易费用低廉,大大节省了投资者的投资成本,最大限度地让利给客户 ,为频繁进出的客户节省交易费用,每天免费向客户提供研究报告,客户开户资产达到标准,送券商核心客户第一 手资料,让您紧抓牛市主升浪。本券商已开通多家银行第三方存管业务,全国各地客户都可用其本地银行卡办理三 方存管,资金全部在您所在地的银行,资金绝对安全,而且本地银行,资金划转非常方便! 全国最低佣金和特 大优惠活动(周末可开户). 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 优势: 1.国内第一家成立超过20年的券商,说 明经营管理稳定,信誉好,第一批融资融券大券商,说明资金雄厚,不差钱.佣金政策稳定不会变. 2.资讯及时可靠,每天短信解盘,对客户持仓个股单独提示. 3.软件快速,硬件可靠,不堵单,跑道通畅. 4.周六周日也可开户转户,并报销部分路费和转托管费, 5.开户够20w送炒股手机,目前已经发放 很多了,反应不错,需要的客户要抓紧办理,先到先得,不限制资金送精美礼品,发完为止。 6.免费开户转 户。融资融券、股指期货、 基金、债券、期货、b股、港股、佣金手续一律最低,一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费(不收取任何开户费用 )! 温馨提示:本人从事证券行业多年,热忱为广大新老股民朋友办理证券开户转户。本人就职于上市大型综 合创新类aa级券商,有需要开户办理最低证券佣金手续费的股民朋友均可24小时电话张,,经, ,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三。股票.权证.基金.债券.港股.期货交易手续费一律全 国最低优惠,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电预约、咨询一、免费开沪、深股东 卡,股票帐户及基金帐户; 二、免费从其他券商转托管至本证券; 三、免费为客户提供大盘预测,要闻点 评,潜力股推荐等电子邮件、手机短信服务; 四、免费配置客户经理,新开户由专职客户经理全程陪同协助; 每位客户均配备客户经理长期跟踪服务,享受一对一服务; 五、免费获得最新的手机证券交易模式。 股票 开户最低手续费办理,开户不限资金:万分之3 开户赠送礼品,资金20万以上送手机,可周六周日办理 凡来营业部办理开户\均可报销部 分路费. 国内第一家成立超过20年的券商,说明经营管理稳定,信誉好,第一批融资融券大券商,说明资金雄厚,不 差钱.佣金政策稳定不会变. 免费开户,交易费率最低可达股票万3,大节约你的交易成本。 佣金股票千分之0。3(无资金成交量要 求) 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三证券股票开户转户 佣金股票千分之0。3,权证千分之 0。15(无任何要求),股指期货开户手续费万0.6送炒股手机 同时欢迎广州市、韶关市、深圳市、珠海 市、汕头市、佛山市、江门市、湛江市、茂名市、肇庆市、惠州市、梅州市、汕尾市、河源市、阳江市、清远市、 东莞市、中山市、潮州市、揭阳市、云浮市的股民朋友来开户,我们周末可以照常办理开户事宜。 全国三甲券 商,证监会首批融资融券券商,最知名的大型证券公司之一,提供深圳最低证券佣金深圳股票港股基金权证期货开 户(股票包规费一般是万分之3至5。可以协商更优惠) 1、 佣金优惠:佣金比例可电话详谈(视资金量而定同等资金量情况下我公司佣金费率全市最低)。 2.免开户费 :全免沪深两市开办股东卡费用90元; 3.报销托管费:老股民转户到我公司可报销深圳股票转托管费30元; 4.报销一定的路费。周末、节假日均可预约办理,欢迎致电。 5、免费送大智慧机构超赢版 6、赠 送价值两千元的炒股手机 7、股票、权证、创业板、期货、港股、基金一站式服务,可全部开通,完全免费( 不收取任何开户费用) 8、交易速度快:我部的行情系统、交易主站速度异常通畅、快捷,网上交易系统先进 ,稳定, 经专业人士判断国内系统速度排名在前三。 9、资深客户经理、老股民,“一对一”服务,能通过qq,手机 短信,邮件等办法在技术分析和基本面分析方面给您的投资作一个参考,新开户人员包教包会,直到精通股票为止 。 附注:需要开户 或转户的客户亦可直接联系下面的电话. 广东地区和深圳的朋友请咨询,本证券公司广东省内免费办理开户/转户手续,交易手续费一律全国最低优惠,保证给你最低廉最舒服的佣金价位,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资 金量交易量可更优惠,并周末照常办理, 欢迎来电咨询.. 客户部经理 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三
08-03-2011, 12:36 PM
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Reprinted from 272429666 at 09:15 on November 19, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Photography
the most popular figures of Chinese women's portraits -------- Bao (AB STUDIO)
The guy appears from more than a year ago, about six months ago, the online forum PS appear more and more of the header is The reason why the film is called Bao sugar tablets, because the film is in his yard, women are generally sweet and innocent as sugar. The guy paints is skin correction, he made a technical amendment to the skin have not tried a previous technical ---- RGB switch to LAB color.
adjust the skin color in the LAB is completed, will be completely lost in two colors blue and yellow, which is the guy with the true essence of skin color, when the girl was pale pink skin, a bit more blue, the will be extraordinarily delicate, like a baby's skin. Remove the skin, the guy with the overall color photos and bright, high saturation, high light component ones, people to see there are very fresh feeling. Bao appeared immediately by the majority of gay girls welcome, but also by a number of negative comments. Most play PS and more people will play that guy with very low technical content and color, can only fool the PS did not know was that kind of people, because look carefully enlarge Bao skin color will find details of almost 100% of the skin wiped out, in pursuit of the effect of high light pink, no loss of detail is naturally inevitable. Bao is also employed on the post said promoter to advertise on the Internet for their own things, on this has been difficult to trace, the only thing we need to know now is that Bao has been left in the PS history, a landmark, he came up with the RGB switch LAB, others did not. PS Frankly speaking, only 30% of the technology, the real master of the master and the pseudo-off, respectively, is that 70% of the ideas.
lightness finds, neutral color queen -------- Posey (BOXI STUDIO)
Posey neutral color, in any forum, said it all PS is the awesome one-third, and the reason is very simple, no one can imitate Posey reached 100% color. Posey's photo in the photo gives the impression that guy with a tea and coffee like the feeling, Bao is taking the fashion style of bright, able to immediately look at the people they attract, and Posey is taking gorgeous neutral tones, at first glance looked absolutely no A Baoliang eye, but after carefully will find the real appreciation of the beauty hidden in the early stage of her perfect, makeup, and the most impressive late in the. Posey's films are mostly yellowish brown, which is the color of people say Posey first think of the color. Posey's characters are generally stressed skin very soft, will not give that kind of dazzling portrait guy with a sense of color, and the loss of amplification after the skin is not very serious, this is the foundation Posey profound than the guy with the place to be, the real Microdermabrasion is a master of the premise without loss of detail completed. Posey has been imitating brother color about 2,3 months, and even today still can only learn one way, and always there is no progress, remember that someone at the forum said that most of BOXI palette colors in CMYB completed. Posey portraits of women has its unique place, perhaps because she herself is a woman, a woman on the woman's understanding of sometimes a man can never go beyond.
Chinese wedding industry leader ---------- V2
now our wedding pictures as mushrooming F, V2's name Although it is far better than previous years so loud, but the V2 wedding industry in China still occupies the most important seats. V2 features several photos, the background color of rich or macro must be magnificent beauty, the more common places such as Jiuzhaigou, Huangshan, Hainan, Xinjiang, Tibet and so on. V2 of the film reflects most of the time were more than reflect the view out of color, often a person is harmonious with the background color cast very serious. High saturation, bright colors are the selling points of V2, one of the film they are able to attract people's attention, because the beaming bright things for the wedding, it is easy to do in the. The latter part of V2 is not difficult to understand any of the PS have some people who take the time can be transferred out of their late teacher likes to photograph some of the more make photos look very different. However, individuals that V2 is the strongest pre-, pre-makeup, lighting, site selection, as well as composition, directly determines the final picture quality. Now many studio can make a better effect than the V2, but because there is no V2 so early atmosphere, had quietly let V2 aspect of Chinese wedding industry, out of the earlier people who told it?
lonely elegant master -------- TOFU
PS said TOFU name, in fact, most people do not know. The reason is simple, TOFU only in comparison to his own circle of red only, he has not go too commercial photography. If we go to TOFU's take a look at the words of POCO home, you will find the click rate has exceeded one million early, which is unmatched even BOXI and AB are, la gear footwear, why TOFU so red? TOFU brother enjoy the photos is to be traced back to a year and a half ago, and then just beginning to touch the PS, is novel, but in addition to brightness, contrast, saturation or something, nothing is impossible. At that time the Internet to find a lot of tutorials, which have TOFU, and out of curiosity on the point to his home page. In fact one until now, I still think Mr. TOFU impact of PS I is the largest, especially in landscape and scenery, la gear on sale, TOFU PS technically has the approximate point of God. This line of play that we are two, the first, with the most expensive SLR to shoot one is the color of the photo, then add a curve of what the color balance, such a person called a photography expert, speaking for them, PS is secondary, but is just a way photo embellishment. Another person, with the camera is often a small general household digital, high point with Sony, Canon, Casio something almost of use. PS for this people, its meaning is far more important than photography to as the digital camera to shoot the color of the photo opportunities few and far between, so dependent on PS to give your photos the the real reason people use PS. When the PS, in addition to photos and more beautiful, the most important thing is TOFU each photo to his soul, he silently paid feelings, so that people can watch his watch, and listen to him listen, and feel his feelings The. TOFU mostly pictures of landscapes, people like only recently began shooting portraits of his melancholy tone Qinghuang majority, like the glow in the face to reflect the pure light heightening a sense of the text in his photographs also play an important right and left, a few words, sometimes two or three words to the same as the finishing touch to photos with angry. He felt the time to write TOFU favoritism is serious, but no way, does not favor his master who is also partial.
TOFU's portrait has the taste of Japanese style, PS is simple, add a white layer, add a mask, la gear police, you can pull a gradient, you can make some more white backlight, but also to avoid Dodge the entire screen is color. About photography, listen to how to say the
tofu reference:
day and lbxt chat said, in fact, not high levels of tofu's photo shoot what is commonplace thing, why are there so many friends like it?
fact I do not know, I never studied photography, no theory, but not the principle of addition subtraction, did not read the New York photography tutorial, how not filmed md, no equipment, no time and money for long-distance travel.
because I used to think these things are not important, it is important to the emergence of a final picture of what
like a diary, never thought about what kind of rhetoric, what kind of sentence, what kind of font to write. I feel as long as the record of it. In fact, I think I finally
just want the camera as a substitute for the brush, the head of the picture only through the camera image, as neatly serious photographic theory, really, I can not learn.
not learn photography forever tofu, is one of the best of my evaluation of it ,^_^
former Soviet Union, sad, colorful lore ---- ------ LOMO flow
LOMO camera is the only former Soviet spy a special camera, la gears, mainly used to shoot at some of the American military secrets. The most important feature is the camera to shoot pictures of colors are exceptionally bright, contrast is very strong, tried highlighting three colors red, green and yellow, not very good on the details of performance, photos, will appear dark corners around the edge of the general situation. After the Cold War, LOMO camera getting out of the military stage, and slowly walked into the usual family photography enthusiasts. After 90 years in China, a group of photographers seeking the introduction of trendy LOMO camera, and gradually explore the development of a new photographic technique, LOMOGRAPHY. LOMOGRAPHY camera, camera stores and are now generally available for purchase, and flash with different colors and filters to meet the needs of different colors, but because we were not professional, so I had to show by the late PS LOMO presence. LOMO stream flow, also known as decadence, photographs generally do not require a specific theme, a cup, a window, an alley, a cigarette, can become the focus of photography, plus some decadent characters, has become a LOMO flow rate of success. LOMO enthusiasts often say, la gear shoes, LOMO is not a method but an attitude. Still later, LOMO flow gradually with branches, of which most prominent, is now the most prosperous, is now the network boys and girls love most Non-mainstream lighting applications are generally stressed, in many cases the details are not important to them is important that a feeling of non-mainstream language of photography to its peak level of play, the younger brother is always like a school. . . Cankuicankui. . . Old. . .
mention about Nanjing, Liu Fang, who works with photography is simply super late match, detail, color saturation, bright, bright, and he has, it is also the most difficult to imitate
Shanghai NO.1 in this area when the number of WQ, and Liu Fang different is taking Aestheticism style, light and shadow is very uniform character, beautiful picture, perfect color, similar to the original Korean film to the domestic impact of, WQ colors catch on quickly, but so far, WQ tone has been imitated, but can not be exceeded
others, such as Sichuan's glass lake, he Posey's studio work over time, work close to the late style Posey. The kind of warm light tone cream fairy general feeling that extended the tone Posey
Ma Liang - a director's shot from the photo, the photo have a story Thus, a dynamic access to these pictures, as if they are unintentional interception of a movie to the screen, the story just from flowing, but also with some kind of conceivable space. The rusty color of wholeness smear up, the absurd but reasonable. Commonly used for the decadent, then simple point is that old photo style
natural wind - on the basis of the original color of the scene some more pure, more pure color, the picture more transparent - sometimes also be mistaken AB color, shading is free, but to control the more difficult. Shanghai Qing micro doing well
Tony & Tina Photo ##############, la gear womens shoes, the best interior in Shanghai film studio. Creativity and more, update soon, just can not think of popularity to this level. And irrelevant, a little complain about
other ----
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