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08-11-2011, 06:12 PM
吃过晚饭,张爱群在草稿纸上写小说,然后输入电脑,发表在网上。写一部关于长春的小说是张爱群儿时的梦 想,患有小儿麻痹的张爱群一家4口,只有7岁的小女儿是健全人,然而如今年近五旬的张爱群,却写出了一部已 有13万余字的小说。
在妻子去接送小女儿上学放学时,张爱群就得全身心的看着经常离家出走的大女儿。而妻子回家做饭洗衣服时 ,张爱群还得看着大女儿,“有了家庭就有了责任,这都是我应该做的。”只有在晚饭以后,张爱群才能安下心来 写小说,很多时候他都能写到第二天凌晨。
年轻的时候,我们都曾为了梦想而坚持,可慢慢的,却只剩下了坚持。张爱群年近五旬,却还能怀揣自己儿时 的梦想,用梦想大步前行,用不完整的身躯,让自己的人生完美无憾。梦想面前,人人平等,张爱群写出的并不仅 仅是一部小说,更是一个不屈的灵魂。因为,用梦想谱写的人生,价值连城且无可替代。(胡海宾)
为了用最少的钱找到自己想要的书,张爱群和收废品的人处成了朋友,收废品的将书籍以废纸的价格收来以后 ,张爱群便会用稍高于废纸的价格,按本从收废品的手里把书买回来。这些书都是张爱群的宝贝,书架上里里外外 摆了3层。
《飞雪迎春到》这个小说张爱群一共打算写4部分,目前,他已经基本将第一部分写完。他最大的梦想就是希 望能够有出版社把他的小说出版。
张爱群7岁的小女儿是家里唯一的健全人,目前上小学一年级。“她是我们这个家唯一的希望。”张爱群说, 小女儿学习成绩很好,是全班里唯一一个能够帮老师批改作业的学生。
48岁的张爱群家住长春市南关区信达东湾半岛小区,他9个月大的时候因患感冒,导致小儿麻痹症,下肢几 乎瘫痪,只能靠拄双拐,然后扶着墙才能出门。
张爱群家一共4口人,他的妻子是3级残疾,一只腿走路不好使;他的大女儿已经17岁,但从小就不爱说话 ,长大以后得了精神病,“我很心酸,就算你现在拿棒子打我,她也在旁边笑,就算你杀了我,她也是笑,完全没 有意识。”
在张爱群的抽屉里,摆放着他这些年来所写完的20多本草稿纸,有的草稿纸上面还留着撕扯的痕迹,这些草 稿也成为张爱群创作的成果,放在抽屉里永久珍藏。
在他的书房兼起居室里,张爱群坐在床上,将写在草稿纸上的小说输入电脑,发表在榕树下网站里。他的下肢 虽然能动,但是却比常人的下肢小很多,张爱群是2级残疾,从十四五岁时, ugg boots classic tall,张爱群就有文学梦想,想要写小说。2008年初,张爱群开始动笔写自己人生中的第一部小说《飞雪迎春到》 , sale christian louboutin,经过近3年的创作,已经写了13万余字。
助理记者 赵飞/摄
在小说后面, ugg boots classic short,张爱群写下了这样一句话:多想有能力报效父母之邦,多想让自己的生命有意义, ugg black boots,多想让贫贱的人生焕发出光彩。
目前,张爱群一家人主要靠4口人每人每月305元的低保金及残疾补助金生活,他家里的设施 也很简单, 后人在江姐遇难刑场献花(图),4口人蜗居在40多平方米的房子里,这个户型已经是整个小区最小的户型,这还是哥哥姐姐帮着他垫付了回迁 房的差价。生活条件拮据的张爱群甚至舍不得钱订报纸,看的是邻居家订的报纸。尽管张爱群的生活很困难,但他 这些年一直没有放弃自己的理想,并且一步一步在筑造自己儿时的梦。
由于身体残疾,张爱群只上到初中便辍学了。在他上学时每天都是由家人骑自行车带着他到学校,而且只能在 夏天去上学。张爱群10岁才开始上学,13岁时,张爱群的父亲便去世了,又过了几年,张爱群的母亲也去世了 ,父母相继去世后,张爱群便开始了自己的谋生之路,他当过修鞋匠、开过小卖店、摆过烟摊、在福利工厂当工人 等等。
尽管张爱群的妻子以及哥哥姐姐们不理解张爱群的行为, 77岁老翁18年捐款28万资助650名贫困生,但是在他的坚持下,亲属们不再坚决,而是在各个方面对张爱群进行支持。张爱群写在草稿纸上的小说看过的人 不多,他的妻子建议张爱群将小说发表到网上,今年7月,张爱群的哥哥哥姐姐们给张爱群买了一台电脑,张爱群 的外甥为张爱群申请了账号,并教张爱群打字,在一天一天的摸索中,张爱群学会了将草稿纸上的小说变成电脑文 字。张爱群打字很慢,往往六七页的草稿,他从14时到22时还打不完,但是在写小说时,他依然习惯于将文字 写在草稿纸上, classic ugg boots,然后再输入电脑发表。
发表在榕树下网站的《飞雪迎春到》目前已经有3万多的点击率,张爱群在网上的笔名为大河,小说通过主人 公徐齐来山东闯关东到东北在长春(宽城子)的所见所闻,演绎长春从无到有的发展史。
2008年初, 妻子带患病丈夫27年游遍南京,张爱群开始写作。由于以前没有写过小说,所以张爱群反反复复写了很多次。2009年搬到新家以后,张爱群 写作的思路逐渐清晰起来。然而,有一次张爱群上厕所时,大女儿到张爱群的抽屉里,将张爱群写的草稿全部拿出 来,当成废纸撕碎了,张爱群只好将被撕碎的草稿重新写一遍。
张爱群的小女儿在长春市103中学小学部上学,因为舍不得坐公交车,张爱群的妻子每天都是 步行接送, supra vaider,由于腿脚不好加上距离学校比较远,张爱群的妻子出门一趟至少要2个小时。
为了了解关于长春的更多的老故事,丰富自己的小说内容,张爱群特意和几个大他几十岁的老年人交上了朋友 。为了得到更多的信息,张爱群经常将自己平时省吃俭用节省下来的钱拿出来,和这些老年人一起喝酒,在酒桌上 畅谈老长春的故事。
(本组稿件 记者 胡海宾/文 助理记者 赵飞/摄)
为获老故事 省钱请人喝酒
2007年,张爱群原来居住的棚户区拆迁,在拆迁过程中他发现了清朝建筑“于家大院”,这成为了张爱群 小说创作的一个由头。
08-11-2011, 07:03 PM
The first female judge in Wuhan Li Kai
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1946 years Where the women judges
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Looking back, Lee Kai-law still remember very clearly.
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leaving work lasts. This reporter saw a pile of several local newspapers, placed neatly on her bed. Wang Chunzhi daughter said: >
ad litem during the year have something to remember the old Kai Li. Kai Lee said, once a trial day county money out the door to fly (sound), is a corruption case, the master material evidence is accurate, the trial proceeded relatively smoothly at first. But in the end, the money suddenly fly out of razor cut out the neck to commit suicide. Kai Li, immediately announced a retirement. After that, blame President of the Court bailiffs, Lee Kai feel ashamed to remind yourself before the trial should be more careful. Later, the case is transferred to another judge.
Lee Kai told reporters that her civil cases, mediation is based. Because Lee objects to enforce the law, she was also named the 1953 Court of model workers, the then People's Court of Wuhan City Zhangxue Tao, wrote her some reviews small book, Lee has been saved to the old thing now, Eve of the liberation of the day, she carries the People's Liberation Army issued a KMT army was passing through the carriage door, is engaged in spot checks, coincidentally, she traveled coach quickly rushed over.
honor of her sister's commitment to
life never married
is worth mentioning that Lee did not marry a lifetime thing for the elderly, which due to her sister commitment. In 1945, Lee Kai illness less than 30-year-old sister died. Deathbed, my sister pulled Lee Kai has not married, said: children brought up!
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has a relationship to maintain the strict attitude!
08-11-2011, 07:06 PM
Yesterday, Sun Jianhua, the defendant demonstrates to the judge how the incident the victim to death. Photo
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claimed Choudao to scare each other
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fled 12 years, afraid to go home
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the court will choose a sentencing date.
08-11-2011, 07:06 PM
Daughter-father of two weeks in the care of fine vegetable list for the father is at tight Xu Phoenix quilt, do hand massage for the father is the LIU Yan-qiu. Fu Chenhui photo
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a big family day passes and the U.S. United States, however, a bolt. The evening of August 4 this year, weekly chart suddenly standing firm size fell to the ground. Quickly be sent to the hospital for an examination: brain haemorrhage turned out to be a stroke caused by hypertension. As the mother suffers from sciatica, you can not take care of her husband, two sons and another in Dongguan things tied up. Phoenix began Xu, ralph lauren outlet, LIU Yan-qiu wives waiting in turn separated from bed to serve in the bed every day for the father repeated wash, brush, painted lip, Chuibei, with the syringe through the skin tube to cow milk delivered to the nasal cavity. Hospitals do all week through the surgery fine list saved the lives of small weekly chart is still asleep do not wake up paralyzed, turned into a vegetable.
hospital stay in the episode more than a month, according to the doctor suggested that they go through the discharge procedures. Sheng Village vegetative father then the home turn, the two wives to take care of the father, listening to physicians that and night, the Phoenix Xu, LIU Yan-qiu simple bed will be open to the father's couch side, always taking pains to serve the father.
11 26, is a small list of 58 week birthday, the family of artists banquet. Faith will move mountains to open two weeks of fine list every possible care in-law, calls for deep affection, the sleeping more than 4 months to miraculously regained consciousness, his face showing a happy smile.
08-11-2011, 07:07 PM
Now Network News
all his possessions, living on the streets begging for 3 years, and now 18 hours a day on the classes. Today, Zhang Tai To donate a kidney to save their children, and has been successfully matching the second but no availability of thousands of surgery. In desperation, the war veterans to the newspaper, seeking good-hearted people to help.
son had been three suicide uremia
Zhang dike is Jiangxia gold gate people, 26-year-old son Zhang Lei. Zhang embankment veterans returning from Liaoning in 1989, after the fruit business in his hometown, Lei graduated from the martial arts and became a hair stylist, though not wealthy family, but also enjoyable day.
6 years ago, the upstairs suddenly felt Lei did not physically able, to the hospital was diagnosed with uremia. Zhang embankment not hesitate to sell the home three-story buildings, and 54-year-old wife flee Shanxi coal mine to do hard labor to earn money for his son treatment.
couple heir, can not do hard labor, the Zhang dyke had to leave his wife a maid in Shanxi, their return home. No sources of income, began to take to the streets begging Zhang embankment. When students are pointing to the aging mother, I thought of death has a heart!
6 years later, the family spent for the treatment Lei 40 million, liabilities of 16 million. Zhang is now in a district when the dike of security, the work day from 3 pm to 9 am the following day, ralph lauren polo, year round. He and his son goes back in less than 10 square meters of the guard room, the father and son spent one night at 8 o'clock to buy bread to eat, this is their day's meals.
Lei arm in addition to scars left by dialysis, the artery has a significant scar. Zhang Lei said that whenever he thought of a happy home was dragged into his case, ralph lauren outlet, wanted to die so that we release. 2006 to 2007, he committed suicide a total of three times, twice drink some pesticide a cut vein, ralph lauren polos, others have been rescued.
persuaded by their parents, Lei figured out that only the live is the best return on their parents.
Now, ralph lauren polo sale, Lei dialysis twice a week to the hospital, as not to delay the work of his father, he always take the bus to and from their own, fainted several times in the car.
father would like to donate a kidney surgery for the child no one is coming from
The good news, they are father and son of a successful kidney transplant matching, , Wuhan City, It is understood that, as of yesterday, ralph lauren polo shirt, Lei Jiangxia Committee have been received from corporations, enterprises, individual contributions to a total of 6 million yuan. But on the debt, spent nearly 8,000 yuan a month to do for hemodialysis Zhang is still inadequate. .
(Changjiang Times correspondent Su Lihua Zhu Li Haifu reference)
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