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Old 08-16-2011, 03:01 AM   #1
Sergeant Major
Join Date: Mar 2011
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fhhuo6059 is on a distinguished road
Default 春季应该吃些什么好

唐代医家孙思邈说:“春七十二日,省酸增甘,以养脾气。 ”明代高濂《遵生八笺》中也记载:“当春之时,食味宜减酸增甘,以养脾气。”意思是说:春季肝旺之时,要少 食酸性食物,否则会使肝火更旺,伤及脾胃。此时可以多食一些性味甘平的食品。
在早春时分,阴寒渐退,乍暖还寒。要少吃冬瓜、绿豆芽等寒性食品,适当吃些葱、姜、蒜、韭、芥等温性食品, 以祛阴散寒。此外还应多吃些鸡肉、动物肝脏、鱼类、瘦肉、蛋黄、牛奶、豆浆等营养食品,以满足人体机能代谢 日趋活跃的需要。
仲春,天气渐渐暖和起来,可食用大枣、蜂蜜、山药之类的食物,少吃过酸或油腻等不易消化的食品。另外,还应 多吃些菠菜、芹菜、莴笋、胡萝卜、花菜、柿子椒、油菜和时令水果,以补充维生素、无机盐和微量 元素。
暮春,气温日渐升高,此时饮食应以清淡为主,在适当进食蛋白类食物及蔬果之外,可饮用绿豆汤、酸梅汤以及绿 茶,以防体内积热。更不易进食羊肉、狗肉及花椒、辣椒等辛热之品,否则会邪热化火,诱发疮疥、 痈肿等疾病
中医认为,“春季主肝”,也就是说春季为肝气旺之时,肝气旺则会影响到脾,所以春季容易出现脾胃虚弱病症。 而多吃酸味的食物,会使肝功能偏亢,故春季饮食调养,宜选辛、甘温之品,忌酸涩。饮食宜清淡可口,忌油腻、 生冷及刺激性食物。
春季市场上的水果种类逐渐增多。不过专家指出,水果最好吃当季的,反季节水果最好少吃,因为很多反季水果都 是用一些化学物质催熟、保鲜的,在这个过程中,一些反季水果反而成了“问题水果”。
专家建议,春季应多吃如苹果、梨子、草莓等水果,玉石床垫。时下菠萝大量上市,健尔马足疗机,但由于菠萝中含有甙类、羟色胺、菠萝蛋白酶等不好的物质,对人的皮肤、口腔黏膜有一定刺激性,吃多后还会 头痛等。因此,每人每日进食菠萝最好不要超过半个,此外,在吃菠萝前,最好处理一下,将菠萝去皮后,切成片 或块,放在开水里煮一下再吃。如果为了保持菠萝的生鲜口味,可以把切成片或块的菠萝放在盐水(一般烧菜的咸 度)里浸泡30分钟左右,再用凉开水浸洗去咸味,也同样可以达到脱敏的作用。
茶叶因种类不同,其性能和功效也各异,对人体的保健也有不同的作用,所以一年四季饮茶应根据茶叶的性能和功 效,随季节的变化而选择不同品种的茶叶。
专家认为,春季天气乍暖还寒,以饮用香气浓郁的花茶为好,有利散发冬天积在体内的寒邪,促进人体阳气的生发 。
春天万物复苏,人却容易犯困,一杯浓郁芬芳、清香爽口的花茶,可以提神醒脑,清除睡意。尤其是前列腺炎或前 列腺肥大者、肝病者、少女经期前后和更年期女性等都宜饮用花茶。其中,菊花茶能抑制多种病菌、增强微血管弹 性、减慢心率、降低血压和胆固醇;茉莉花茶,则有清热解暑、健脾安神、宽胸理气、化湿、治痢疾、和胃止腹痛 的良好效果;桂花茶具有解毒,芳香避秽,除口臭、提神解渴、消炎祛痰、治牙痛、滋润肌肤、促进血液循环的作 用;金银花茶能清热解毒、凉血止痢、利尿养肝、抗癌。
春天人容易犯困,专家指出,春困与蛋白质缺少、体内环境偏酸和维生素摄入不足有关。因此,要想缓解春困,可 以适当补充蛋白质,多吃鱼类、鸡蛋、鸡肉、猪肝、牛奶、花生、豆制品等,可以防止春困。
多吃碱性食物也可缓解春困。据介绍,碱性食物能中和体内的酸性代谢产物,消除疲劳感。常见弱碱性食物有红豆 、萝卜、苹果、甘蓝菜、洋葱、豆腐等;中碱性食物有萝卜干、大豆、红萝卜、番茄、香蕉、橘子、西葫芦、草莓 、蛋白、柠檬、菠菜等;强碱性食物包括葡萄、茶叶、葡萄酒、海带等。
维生素是很好的清醒剂。胡萝卜、大白菜、韭菜、马铃薯、柑橘等富含维生素,对恢复精力、消除春 困很有好处。
此外,适当补钾、补锌也可缓解春困。缺钾会使人疲倦无力,春季可多吃黄豆、苋菜和柑橘等含钾量较高的食物, 以及紫菜、海带等含有丰富锌的海产品。
春季的蔬菜市场上绿油油一片,各式野菜、山菜开始隆重登场。不过专家指出,春季有些蔬菜不宜多 吃。
春笋作为春季特有的新鲜蔬菜,深受人们的喜爱。专家指出,春笋味道清淡鲜嫩,营养丰富,且有滋阴益血、化痰 消食、利便明目等功效,盟特新产品批发,很多人都喜欢吃。但笋不但难溶性草酸钙含量较多,容易诱发结石,而且食用时如果处理不当,还会使人接触到 有毒物质“氰化氢”,其可妨碍细胞对氧的利用,危害健康,因此不宜多吃。
专家建议,春季每人每餐食用春笋最好不要超过半根。同时新鲜竹笋决不能洗洗就吃,正确的处理方法是将竹笋纵 向切成两半,剥掉所有的叶子,去掉有粗糙纤维的根部,然后把竹笋切成薄片,在淡盐水中煮8到10分钟,去除 草酸钙和有毒物质。
此外,专家还提醒对于患有胃肠疾病及肝硬化的患者来说,春笋可能是致病因素,容易造成胃出血、肝病加重等不 良后果。儿童多吃春笋不仅会伤胃,还可能因缺锌少钙影响生长发育。另外,春笋还易引起荨麻疹。为防止出现过 敏,吃笋应先少量尝点。
香菜具有“温中健胃”的作用,能促进周围血液循环,因此很多人时常喜欢吃香菜,但春天并不适合多食香菜。由 于香菜性温,具有温热、发疮的作用,而春季多风干燥,易发口腔、口角炎症和皮肤病,吃香菜可能会诱发或加重 这些病症。此外,多食或久食香菜会耗气、损精神,可能导致气虚,引发或加重“春困” 现象。本身有狐臭、口臭、胃溃疡、脚气、疮疡或平素自汗、乏力、倦怠及易患感冒的气虚患者,产后、病后初愈 的市民更应和香菜保持距离,谨防加重病情。
春天肝气旺,肝旺则克犯脾胃,所以要特别注意脾胃的保养。专家建议春天避免吃辛辣油炸的食物及酒等刺激食物 ,防止进一步损伤肠胃功能,可以多吃点红枣、莲子、山药等可以健脾胃。在众多的蔬菜之中,最适宜养肝的是菠 菜。
中医认为,菠菜性甘凉,入肠、胃经。有补血止血、利五脏、通血脉、止渴润肠、滋阴平肝、助消化、清理肠胃热 毒的功效,对肝气不舒并发胃病的辅助治疗常有良效。对春季里因为肝阴不足引起的高血压、头痛目眩和贫血等都 有较好的治疗作用。头痛、目眩、便秘者,可取鲜菠菜及根100克,开水烫3分钟,捞起用麻油拌食,每日食两 次。视力模糊、两目干涩者:取鲜菠菜、羊肝各500克,水烧沸后放入羊肝,稍滚再下菠菜,并加入适量盐、麻 油、味精,此汤具有养肝明目的功效。
胃病容易在春天发作。胃病患者在春天要特别注意,避免摄取含肌酸、嘌呤碱比较高的食物,如猪肉汤、鸡汤、鱼 汤、牛肉汤,以及菠菜、豆类、动物内脏和刺激性的调味品,以免刺激胃液分泌,产生泛酸、腹胀等症状。梅子、 山楂、菠萝等特别酸的食物更要少吃。可采用蜂蜜疗法,将蜂蜜隔水蒸熟后,在饭前空腹服。每日100毫升,分 3次服。慢性气管炎也易在春季发作,饮食防治方法是多吃具有祛痰、健脾、补肾、养肺的食物,如柿子、梨子、 莲子、百合、大枣、核桃、蜂蜜等,有助于减轻症状。
有高血压,或者是容易生气、头痛、眩晕的人,春天容易肝阳上亢。专家建议高血压患者可以每天吃半斤香蕉。还 可用芹菜300克水煎,加白糖适量,当茶喝。或多吃橘子,经常吃梨、绿豆等,有防治作用。
糖尿病患者春季饮食则以清淡素食、粗粮杂面为佳,饮食保持七分饱,烹调尽量用素油,少吃煎炸食品和甘肥咸食 。薏米、小麦、莲子、芡实、各种豆制品、鸡、鸭、鱼、瘦肉、枸杞子、桃仁、南瓜、青菜、芥菜、桃等各种蔬菜 瓜果,都可以适量选用。
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Old 08-16-2011, 03:57 AM   #2
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2h4c6o7q2l is on a distinguished road

Harlequin Harlequin
Opera Theatre of China's role as a programmed line of business, usually playing the role of gag funny comparison, Wen Chou to work-based. Wu ugly to martial arts-based, and the angle of the net difference between the three watts is not obvious.
dramatic overview of the role of the characters Wen Chou Caidan Opera Plot Act I: the crossroads outside the village of Montalto Act II: Village Square, the stage in song: Harlequin Theatre Gary Ugly is the dramatic role of a procedural character line of business, usually playing the role of gag funny comparison, the opera legend like clowns then the role of Emperor (20) acting,air force one low, when fate plays a clown act, in the palace, he Yang stay happy, play a clown in person, generation to play a clown is too prejudicial to national prestige the emperor, so he hung a piece of white jade in the nose, so they cast a white powder later clown face, but when playing the clown is always the first to be make-up, and Tang reign revered as the patron deity of Chinese theater, so is the traditional head of the troupe as a clown,air force one low nike, the first dean of the Chinese Academy of Drama is the name of Mr. Xiao Changhua ugly. Clown quartet generally not to read the work of white and mainly white and read other roles are also different, speaking for general use, the Peking Opera in the so-called : Wen Chou to work-based. Wu ugly to martial arts-based, and net angle of the obvious differences between the three tiles. Caidan play the role of female clowns in general, such as matchmaker, Pufu a class of people. Opera Overview Name refers to the original play the role of the clown servants, the play May 21, 1892, the Opera House in Milan Vail U.S. premiere by the conductor Toscanini, after a success. This is a To the late 19th century, Italian literature, invented the Their subject matter is no longer a fairy tale, the nobility of the romance, but some minor lower figure. May 1890, Leong Cavallo music publishers had caused the letter mentioned Zhuoni Song: , there is a cast after the performance because of jealousy and killed at his wife, the trial case of my father ... ... I think this story made into a opera. So in a short period of 5 months to complete a Music as Head of the characters cano touring troupe, play the clown in the opera tenor who plays the wife of 内达卡尼奥, play within the play the soprano who plays Silvio Kelunbina a rural play within the play of young baritone Tonio decorative tower on behalf of the Austrian baritone Beipei servants funny tenor roles of farmers, villagers and so on. It happened in August 15, 1865, place is Italy Calabria Amon Taer Tuo village. Plot a prelude to the order before playing the prelude, first ensemble to play the two sections seemed to head in that clown troupe, play the clown of the cano's Murder fate, to the rapid scale woodwind motives were killed in the escape of the card the wife of Antonio. Motivation began, Horn said the performance of the sad clown (clown laugh), then play the harp in the accompaniment of violin and Silvio's songs of love. Play the cello at the end of it is cano's Tonio's prologue for the opening, indicating that the performance of the masque is real life, Act I: Montalto crossroads outside the village street is a small troupe's temporary stage, the villagers are gathered to celebrate festivals. In the sound of joy, they sang: Arena theater finally appeared in front of the villagers, the troupe heads cano up sitting in the cart with his wife, the cano thank you welcome their enthusiasm, and announced, point. Cano to get off first, followed by the up down, Theatre in the hands of another actor trying to use to support Tonio, cano jealously Tonio hit a slap, vindictive Tonio murmured: Look. Cano invited everyone to drink, to serve Tonio ass excuse that the villagers smiled and left. Cano and half-jokingly, half-serious tone of warning Tonio,nike air force one, play games and real life should be different, he sang all over. He said: Cano to the bar and all finished together to drink. Tunes blowing bagpipes, oboe, and the musicians played with the villagers. Praying with the church bell rang, bringing Bell's chorus, all imitating church bells sing, singing his mouth: At this time only appears on the stage reached within the people, the youth of the village with a human network Silvio fall, is said to himself: This character asks, orchestra play the powerful motive of jealousy and love. Beautiful sunshine and sweet birds, so the up and sank in memory, can not help but sing in the clear blue skies in ... ..., this time playing Tonio Tonio beautiful to hear the song within the reach that their love, but was within the reach of ridicule and rejection. She told Tonio, put these words left to say on stage. Tonio in bold to kiss up, the pumping up to whip him mercilessly. Tonio said in exasperation after the insult must be reported to the whipping of revenge. Orchestra to play the restless bass vibrato, showing resentment and jealousy. The approach of the lover Silvio, Tonio in the behavior of up to tell him, Silvio had a holiday on the troupe will leave with the inside of that, asked her to elope with him, within reach undecided . Tonio witnessed this scene of betrayal act immediately to tell cano. However, none of the up and Silvio find, within the reach has been determined to run away, two had nothing to fall back affection. Embrace. This time has brought cano Tonio, spy hiding in the dark. They want to break up, the cello solo in the theme of love, in up to sing Cano, after hearing finally rushed out of irrepressible, Silvio escape, cano knife to kill, face the fear inside of the motive in the accompaniment of love, love to pray without incident. Tonio has stood aside,nike air force one low, and rejoiced, embellished the facts. Silvio did not seize the cano back up to speak to the man's name, never within reach, said cano trembled with anger, drew a dagger, but was hindered by members Beipei and told Mission Long cano audience filled, ready to open play. All over the inside away. Tonio said quietly to the cano all wrapped in his possession, under the theme of revenge in the bass quietly appears. Finally, cano left alone, feeling very depressed to put on his clown clothes, ready to power, feel that they really become a clown, sings aria The lyrics to the effect that: is the clown of the duty. Intermezzo before the second act, stressing that Act II: the village square of the stage curtain, the short and beautiful Intermezzo, Beipei have been playing with Tonio, Beipei the seating arrangements for the audience, people shouted hurry curtain, the money over to the audience, by the way Silvio careful to say was In the The play titled Alie Keno played by the Beipei singing Tonio servant in the play performed on behalf of the Olympic Tower, Kelunbina let him go shopping, shopping, come back to see man of the house was not at home to pour a funny attitude to Kelunbina love, Kelunbinuo their disdain. Alie Keno masked from the window crept in, put him out, lookout at the door. They then sang to the tune of Golden Harvest dance duet, sharing food wine. Alie Aquino took the bottle to drink Aceh Palley Kelunbina her husband sleeping pills, when to run away while it is sleeping. At this point the tower on behalf of the Austrian notice Pali Aceh back, Alie Aquino told Kelunbinuo before leaving: . Strings to play the uneasy vibrato motivation Kelunbina husband appeared, decorated with said: In turn, asked that man, the answer is up to the tower on behalf of Austria, the tower on behalf of Austria crashed in the background singing: Cano feel that this is a great shame for the audience shouted: out Unexpectedly, a more excited mood cano, sing: I'm not a clown. He said, He cursed himself for sacrificing the trust of all the sincere heart of a woman of dirty, and finally shouted, This world-famous arias. Everyone applauded for its realistic performance, the purpose of stimulating He said: Cano are still forced to tell her the name of the man. He also wanted to back up within the drama: Vital has been aware of the general trend is not good, the audience was too realistic scene, and could not help shouting: forced, but had to give up within, cano presses her everything, and threatened to kill within the reach. The audience feel different, Beipei want to move, but was hindered by Tonio. Cano lift table knife, mercilessly inserted into the inner of the chest. Neda shouted, The villagers surrounded cano. I saw him Mangranruoshi, dagger in his hand off the stage,air force 1 shoes, stayed for a moment, and then toward the audience, said: The curtain fell. Song: Harlequin Cao Cao

Music: Gary Lyrics: Adam wanton frolic with you before the opening of the ticket should be clear who is destined early clown who play well as long as you're not boring I would not be relieved heavy makeup hard to please make you laugh one second I'm just here for you the antidote to loneliness and I know the end of the piece were scattered like as long as you happy, if only a supporting role in your life you are proud of entertainment than to listen to you even if the good heart of his love you more still standing in the distance only to find you wish you have the right to embrace who you are most suited to you free love since I do not cry no trouble I'm just the antidote to loneliness and I know the end of the piece were scattered Just as long as you happy, if only a supporting role in your life you are proud of entertainment over more Atlas Atlas term extended reading: 1
Open Category: Role, opera, drama,air force one high, opera, clown me to improve the
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