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Old 08-17-2011, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default 大学生救人3人溺亡续:救人者称仍将帮助求援者




  武汉体育学院体育新闻专业大四学生熊莹说:“这样一群大学生,让我们青年一代时刻不忘自己所承担的社会 责任。”

  大学生结人梯救人3人溺亡 将申报见义勇为集体
  本报记者 甘丽华 《江汉商报》记者 杨昌洪
  陈天亮的父亲名叫陈庆,今年39岁。8年前,陈庆携妻带子从四川南充迁至荆州,一直在建筑工地做泥瓦工 。妻子前两天回了四川老家,他一直在建筑工地上打工,儿子每天在哥哥家中吃饭。

  长江大学有关负责人表示,学校会持续采用这种“默默的关怀和细心的关注”,进行全面的心理辅导,帮助所 有参与救人的大学生走出心理阴影。
  听说这几位大学生并不会游泳,张洪林很震惊:“不会游泳的人敢跳入长江救人,这需要很大的勇气。这些学 生给了我儿子第二次生命,这种感激难以用语言表达,以后,我会教育儿子好好学习。”

  救人事迹很快传遍荆州。荆州市民康祖武说,几年前,长江大学就出过在寒江救人不留名的英雄赵传宇,现在 又涌现出一个救人的大学生英雄群体,这是古城荆州的骄傲。

  这40多名同学都是大一新生,来自广电本科5091班和广电本科5092班。他们在江堤旁一边野炊,一 边享受秋日美景。在江边游玩的,除了他们,还有长江大学其他专业的学生和一些当地居民。
  10余名大学生结成人梯救落水少年 3人溺亡(图)

  在辅导现场,有的大学生说,当时情况紧急,看到出事,大家几乎想都没想,冲向岸边,christian louboutin sales shoes,患白血病孕妇顺利产下6斤重男婴(图),一心想着救人。一位学生表示,不少下水的同学自己不会游泳,都是凭着本能的责任和勇气下水救 人。

  一位参与救援的学生告诉荆州市精神卫生中心心理咨询门诊部主任韩刚亚,他的心里总像“有一只手在撑着” ,很难受。这位同学当时在水中救人,眼前有两名同学,他拉住了其中一名落水同学的手,少女会网友被对方软禁1个月,而另一名同学却滑向了深处,他没有拉到,那名同学再也没有起来。事后,他一直感到非常后悔、 内疚。
  陈庆拙于语言表达,但双眼一直噙满泪水。陈庆的嫂嫂说,虽然我们目前的条件并不好,但在以后的日子里, 特别是逢年过节,肯定会常带孩子去看望恩人的家属。这种看望和感恩,不是暂时的,而是一生的回 报。
  情急之下大家来不及脱掉衣物。李佳隆和徐彬程接力将其中的一名落水少年救上附近的一艘渔船 。
  沁凉的河水从绿色渔网里哗哗流去,陈崇香下意识地把手伸向渔网,希望在滔滔江水里打捞起儿子的灵魂。两 天前,他19岁的儿子陈及时因为救人而失去了年轻的生命。这位 视频:湖北大学生手机拍下同学水中救少年视频 来源:央视《新闻联播》 51岁的农民清楚地记得儿子的手机号:最后4位数字是“5890”―自己出生于1958年,儿子生于199 0年。
  事发当晚,他回到家中天色已晚,并未发现儿子有什么异常,argyle ugg boots。由于平时不看电视和报纸,直到今天中午,陈庆的老板才告诉他,3名大学生救了他儿子的命,并通知他到学校 去一趟。陈庆骑着自行车赶到学校,才知道事情发生的全过程。
  这个“90后”大学生英雄群体舍己救人的事迹感动了无数人。团湖北省委授予来自长江大学和长江大学文理 学院的这个大学生群体“见义勇为先进青年集体”称号,追授陈及时、方招、何东旭“见义勇为优秀大学生”荣誉 称号。

  这时,tods driving shoe,远处的3名冬泳队员闻声赶到,救起了落水的两名女生及另一位落水少年。而何东旭却不幸沉入江底。几小时后 ,陈及时、何东旭、方招3人的遗体被打捞上岸。
  长江大学专职心理辅导教师程坤说,心理辅导过程中,他深切地感到这些“90后”孩子内心的强大力量和善 良。第一个跳入水中的大学生李佳隆在痛哭后告诉程坤,今后遇到有人需要帮助,他还会毫不犹豫伸 出援手。

湖北大学生手机拍下同学水中救少年视频 来源:央视《新闻联播》 播放视频

  张志鹏的父亲张洪林是荆州某公司的销售员,妻子一心在家相夫教子。事发当晚,妻子发现儿子的短裤很脏, 责问了几句并没有多想。第二天早上,张洪林和办公室的同事还谈起了这件感人的事情,但他丝毫没有想到这几名 大学生救的是自己的孩子。今天中午,老师专门打电话通知后,组图:猴妈妈撕咬野狗救下猴宝宝,kobe iv colorways,他才了解事情的经过。
  事发后,长江大学迅速对参与救人的大学生进行心理辅导。辅导现场,有的大学生放声痛哭,呼唤同学的名字 ;有的同学静静坐着,任泪水悄悄滑落……

 > 相关阅读:

  下午2时10分左右,一阵呼救声传来。两个少年从距沙滩约3米的江中小沙丘上失足落水。由于沙丘处于河 湾处,MBT Men's Tupu,两名落水少年被江流冲得直打转,不断起伏,渐渐漂向江中。

  当几名大学生跳入江中救人时,江边其余大学生手拉手结成人梯,接应被救上来的人,并准备去拉水中的另一 名少年。处在人梯前面的本是女同学姜梦淋和孔璇。19岁的男生何东旭冲到人梯最前面,拉着女同学的手,尽力 站在水中将身体往前探,想抓住那名落水少年。不料,一脚踏过河底的陡坎,何东旭一下子滑落到深水中,他身后 的姜梦淋和孔璇也被带落到水里,christian louboutin shoes replica
  长江大学公共事业专业的大三学生刘正宇表示,虽然有人说比起“80后”,“90后”更是“崩溃的一代” ,但从去年奥运火炬海外传递到汶川特大地震抗震救灾,再到这次下水救人,“90后”表现出来的坚忍、自强、 互助的精神,并不比任何一代逊色。

  10月24日,陈及时和十几位同学手拉手搭起人梯,营救起落入长江中的两名少年,自己却和方招、何东旭 因水流湍急被冲入江中,不幸遇难。

  救人要紧,大家向两名少年落水处跑去。李佳隆、徐彬程、张荣波、方招、龚想涛等人先后跳入水中。与此同 时,听到呼救声的长江大学城建学院土木工程专业大一学生、19岁的陈及时从河湾下游方向数十米处跃入江中, 逆水游向落水少年。

  因害怕太晚回家被父母责骂,他们各自回家了。直到10月25日,荆州市各个中小学组织学习长江大学的英 雄学子舍己救人时,他们才知道由于自己的顽皮,3个哥哥献出了生命。他们立刻把情况告诉班主任。人们才知道 获救少年是沙市青莲巷小学六年级学生陈天亮和七年级学生张志鹏。

  沙丘附近的江底地形特殊:距沙丘数米处的江底有一道深达6米的陡坎。下水救人的同学多数没有江中游泳的 经历,经过陡坎后,多名同学被江流冲得打转,处境危险。方招和张荣波等人因体力透支而发出呼救,张荣波成功 获救,方招则从江面消失。而从河湾对面游过来的陈及时,由于遇到了江面上的漩涡,一下子被卷到 水下。

  10月26日傍晚,两名获救少年在家长的带领下,看望遇难学生的家属,跪谢英雄学子的母亲 。 CFP供图

  烤肉,秋阳,秀水,这是个美好的周末。长江大学文理学院的40多名同学结伴出游,来到湖北荆州市宝塔河 江段的江堤上野炊。
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Old 08-17-2011, 02:24 PM   #2
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the night before, 46, who lives in a case study of eight East Granny Hao late grandmother can be suffered terribly. A large group of mosquitoes hovering around her more than she and mosquitoes, We run out anti-mosquito weapons, killing a large number of mosquitoes, there are still not afraid of death house mosquito screens grandmother wore Hao, Hao grandmother to go home red.
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10 pm, the reporter went to grandma Hao Hao grandmother has been anti-mosquito spraying water, at home, on the ground covered with mosquito's body. Hao grandmother's son and daughter are cleaning the ground, dustpan filled with thousand of dead mosquitoes.
It is understood that a full 80 year old grandmother Hao, living alone in a case study on East Road, Room 201, Building 1, 46. She has children and women,true religion mens jeans, their children are out after a family living, but not too far away from her, her daily care by a nanny. Hao nanny and a grandmother living area, usually three meals a day is responsible for Hao grandmother, but also and cleaning every day, so Hao grandmother came home after dinner. 6 o'clock last night, babysitting service Hao Grandma after dinner, put away dishes, then went home, leaving one person Hao grandmother at home watching TV.
his tired out of breath, the ground on the wall of a large body of mosquitoes. Hao also not afraid of mosquitoes that grandmother, she was covered in climbing. At this time, Hao grandmother frightened, hurried knock on the door neighbors house for help Song.
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Mr. and nearby residents hate the mosquitoes are worried that these mosquitoes would harm their health.
yesterday afternoon, the reporter linked to the CDC's expert Dr. Zheng Yiping Nanjing, after listening to a reporter's description, he said Hao grandmother in the family and community that emerged within the chironomid mosquito is called, is Insecta Diptera subfamily feet long, each year at the turn of spring and summer and winter are the peak chironomid emergence.
the degradation of chironomid mouthparts, so it will not bite,levis jeans sale, and there the water and phototropism,true religion skinny jeans, Hao grandmother lived and the Qin Huai River area just adjacent to the case study on, so we are particularly vulnerable to chironomids. Compared with normal mosquitoes, which do not suck human blood Chironomidae, do not spread disease, would not directly affect people's health. Of: Lu Bin / Source: Nanjing Morning Post
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Old 08-17-2011, 02:25 PM   #3
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Although the operation is successful small-Wu Jun,true religion outlet, but did not adhere to the deterioration of chemotherapy is still possible.

Morning News (press Xun Mi) Wu Chun suffering from malignant tumors has been successfully done the surgery, but this should be done at least 8 courses of chemotherapy, because of economic constraints had to give up. Doctors said that in order to prevent rejection of the body, even if the operation is successful should be completed chemotherapy.
Yesterday, the reporter went to the Beijing People's Hospital to visit is on rest and recuperation, Ng Chun. Suffering from malignant tumors because of lumbar spine, only 14 years old, he can only lie in bed, occasionally sitting up forty-five minutes to tired to immediately lie down. Because the legs are not long-term exercise, has no muscle, the entire leg has not sized thick.
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The inspection, Wu Chun has two sides of the lumbar spine cancer, the tumor caused nerve leg cramps. Wu Chun is currently the surgery is over, the doctor said surgery more successful.
Yesterday,cheap true religion, the reporter found the Beijing People's Hospital oncologist, he said: He is currently only one course of treatment,true religion jeans, there is still the possibility of deterioration or rejection, there is danger. Wu Chun's parents but have not paid the required continuing chemotherapy,true religion shop, the ability of more than 100,000 yuan, the child can only stay in the hospital for another 5 days.
savings have been spent, borrowed money left. Save money now, parents in the bed next to the shop every evening newspaper overnight, but even so,true religion straight, chemotherapy, money or enough people. Wu Chun's mother tearfully said:
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