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Old 08-19-2011, 08:54 AM   #1
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Default Nike Air Max Classic BW 24岁母亲为救患病女儿上网卖

  两个月后,可宜的外婆在痛苦中悄然离去。“我妈是在凌晨两点钟走的,我们凌晨两点半赶到老家。”半个小 时的距离瞬间天人两隔,这成了龙莉一生的痛。“我会把所有的病痛都带走,你们都要和和气气地生 活,burberry shoes 安徽芜湖出租车装摄像头被指侵犯市民隐私。”龙莉永远记得一个月前回家探望母亲时,她这句充满悲怆和凄凉的话语。
  可宜外婆离世前,龙莉一家人已经8年没有一起团圆过。哥哥在部队当兵,姐姐远嫁湖北,龙莉又身在东莞, 一家人分居四地。随着可宜外婆的离去,团圆,竟一语成梦。

  痛苦过,消极过,也颓废过,但伤心过后她依然坚强。她叫龙莉,一个24岁的年轻母亲,一个走在东莞街头 普通得不能再普通的新莞人,她的故事却让我们潸然落泪,更感动了无数个感同身受的妈妈。

  尽管风里来雨里去,23 air jordan,但一个月三四百元的摆摊进账依然可贵。为了赚取更多的治疗费用,龙莉决定把平时给女儿拍的照片放到淘宝网 上去卖,希望有好心人多给点帮助。哪怕是每个月只赚100元,也能给女儿多输点血。
  龙莉多次往返于清溪工商分局,在耗费了大量精力时间后终于成功申办一家网店,并于2010年10月底开 业,店名是女儿的名字:可宜囡囡。龙莉精心选择了女儿出生到现在的微笑照片,以时间分类,分别标价,多数标 记为10元,另外有5元、20元、50元、100元、500元不等。其中标价为500元的,是小可宜1岁生 日时全家人的合照,这是龙莉最喜欢的一张照片,mbt baridi。她喜欢团圆,向往团圆,也无助于团圆。

  浮岗市场位于东莞清溪镇香芒西路中段。这里有镇内频繁的农副产品交易,也有密集的公交车往来,人流如织 。隔着穿城而过的香芒西路,一边是豪华气派的星级酒店,另一边是低矮破旧的窄仄平房。

  “女儿很懂事,在我哭的时候,她会用小手替我擦掉眼泪。”龙莉笑着回忆起女儿的可爱。作为母亲,她很幸 福,又很无力。她甚至常常在想,只要能换来女儿的健康成长,即便舍掉自己的生命也在所不惜。

  目前已筹集到的近万元爱心费用,与40万元的手术费用相比起来或许只是杯水车薪,但我们相信,只要每个 人伸出援助之手,cheapest nike air max,小可宜就能早日拥有一个健康的身体!



  龙莉一家就租住在这一片平房中,一个不足20平方米的独立空间。大部分时间里,女儿可宜都和奶奶在一起 ,龙莉和丈夫陈伟洪白天要工作,傍晚要摆地摊卖衣服,晚上要上淘宝卖照片。


  又称Cooley贫血。患儿出生时无症状,至3~12个月开始发病,常有轻度黄疽,症状随年龄增长而日 益明显。1岁后颅骨改变明显,表现为头颅变大、额部隆起、颧高、鼻梁塌陷,两眼距增宽,形成地中海贫血特殊 面容。患儿常并发气管炎或肺炎。当并发含铁血黄素沉着症时,最严重的会导致心力衰竭,它是导致患儿死亡的重 要原因之一。本病如不治疗,多于5岁前死亡。治疗多用输血和去铁治疗法,但每月费用高达数千元,且无法根治 。或用造血干细胞移植,能根治,费用超过40万元。
  短短3个月,自己双亲相继被查出身患绝症。怀胎十月后,女儿呱呱坠地,又确诊重型β―地中海贫血――两 年多时间里,她遍尝过辛酸苦辣,体味尽悲喜人生。
  在最颓废无奈、最消极绝望的时候,龙莉和家人就这样,一直将小可宜的笑容视为最温馨的生命 原动力。
  她经营着一家特殊的网店,售卖的大部分商品都是身患地贫的女儿欢笑的照片。店名是女儿的名字:可宜囡囡 ,Nike Air Max Classic BW
  偶尔有时间了,龙莉会抱着小可宜走到繁华的香芒西路上去,隔着橱窗看看漂亮的服装、美味的食物,或者隔 着车流对望那头豪华如画的酒店,那些似乎近在咫尺的繁华,对于她来说却遥远得如同虚幻一般。



  2009年10月5日,小可宜呱呱坠地。经历了太多的不幸和艰难之后,小可宜的出生恍如重重黑暗之中的 光明,瞬间点亮了龙莉的生活。然而好景不长,正当龙莉兴奋地计划着要好好培养女儿时,一个来自医院的电话彻 底扰乱了龙莉的心情。对方告诉龙莉,怀疑孩子患有地中海贫血症,要她在孩子8个月至1岁时进行复检。那时, 小可宜刚刚出生7天。
  本版撰文 信息时报见习记者 廖喜张 记者 聂奇文

  2009年4月的一天,龙莉突然接到老家来的电话:母亲被查出身患肺癌,gel nimbus,已到了晚期。当全家人用四处筹集来的费用为她医治到一半时,另一个晴天霹雳不期而至――3个月后,龙莉父 亲又被查出患有肺癌早期。一家人又只好四处借钱,为其做手术切除了半片肺叶。
  为了增加小可宜的骨髓配对机遇,龙莉正准备和丈夫再生一个孩子。另外,他们还准备去做骨髓配对,建档找 寻适配骨髓。“已经了解过了,大概要8000多元吧。”

  那时的龙莉正沉浸于初为人母的喜悦,ascis 研究称高分贝噪音影响味觉致飞机上吃饭不香。龙莉是湖南郴州人,2005年在清溪镇特辉五金塑胶厂,她与来自广西的陈伟洪相识相恋,3年之后,在亲朋 好友的祝福声中两人走入婚姻的殿堂。2008年12月,龙莉怀孕了,当时在清溪医院产检时,医生告知她患有 轻度地中海贫血。由于丈夫在婚检时显示正常,龙莉当时并未在意(小可宜确诊后,基因检查显示龙莉的丈夫也患 有轻度地贫)。
  又称Cooley贫血。患儿出生时无症状,至3~12个月开始发病,常有轻度黄疽,症状随年龄增长而日 益明显。1岁后颅骨改变明显,表现为头颅变大、额部隆起、颧高、鼻梁塌陷,两眼距增宽,形成地中海贫血特殊 面容。患儿常并发气管炎或肺炎。当并发含铁血黄素沉着症时,最严重的会导致心力衰竭,它是导致患儿死亡的重 要原因之一。本病如不治疗,多于5岁前死亡。治疗多用输血和去铁治疗法,但每月费用高达数千元,且无法根治 。或用造血干细胞移植,能根治,费用超过40万元。

  为了多挣点钱给小可宜治病,龙莉和丈夫起早贪黑,拼命加班,但两个人每月4000元的工资仍入不敷出。 于是两人又想办法摆地摊卖服装,先是在浮岗市场摆,再之后又到香芒西路上摆。

  网店的生意并不好做,一开始很多人并不相信。一度的沮丧之后,在龙莉怀孕时加入的妈妈群的帮助下,逐渐 打开了局面。陌生的妈妈们一个接一个地接力传递爱心,逐渐扩大了网店的影响。而龙莉也在妈妈们的鼓励下,不 断在各大论坛发帖求助。短短几个月的时间,小可宜不经意间的微笑已为她自己赚取了近万元的爱心费用,这让龙 莉一家人感动不已,尽管这依然与小可宜40万元的手术费用相差甚远。


  痛苦过,消极过,也颓废过,但现实还得继续面对。因为怀有身孕,龙莉不便舟车劳顿赶回湖南老家,但她仍 然坚持工作,一直到临产前。而陈伟洪则带着几年来辛苦攒下的几万元积蓄赶回湖南,照顾两位老人,之后又一直 在湖南和广东之间来回奔波,“经常是周五赶回去,周一又赶回来上班。”龙莉说。


  5个月前,刚满1岁的小可宜被确诊为重型β―地中海贫血。现实的重压,让这个贫困交加的打工家庭充满艰 难和无力。龙莉甚至幻生出了轻生的念头,2010年11月中旬,如果,情绪低落的她抱着女儿离家出走,偷偷跑到广州躲了两天。陈伟洪打了无数个电话,发了无数条短信,找了无数 个地方,终于等回了苦苦寻觅的妻女。看着一脸笑意的小可宜,夫妻二人抱头痛哭。
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  “如果没有老公,我也坚持不到现在。”龙莉抱着甜甜入睡的小可宜微微靠在陈伟洪身上,笑着说。笑容里有 艰难和辛酸,也有幸福和希望。


  年幼的小可宜仍沉浸于她的童年,在本该天真烂漫的年纪,她已比同龄的孩子承受了更多。每到一定时间,她 就要在爸爸妈妈的陪伴下去医院做检查。每次都要做血常规检查,Jordan True Flight Shoes,验血或者再输血,数周一次,如此反复。但小可宜很少哭闹,频繁的抽血验血,甚至让她习以为常 。
  坚强的龙莉每天坚持上班下班。心情烦躁时,在香芒西路上走来走去看世俗百态;想念爸妈时,打个电话听听 他们的声音劝慰他们安心养病;晚上害怕时,就用家中破旧的电脑和孕妈妈们沟通交流;月底发工资了,马上去银 行寄给家里。

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Old 08-19-2011, 09:06 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

Cleaning lotus lotus people digging. Figure / User Figure / User Figure / User Cream wood forest, This blog and other people known by the Sina forum after forum reproduced, deeply shocked many users, many users have thread, who lamented the hard digging lotus root, lotus root digging people expressed these ordinary workers to pay respects.
lotus ice and snow to dig the scene shocked the human mind

friends related reports, by the shock. Winter temperatures as low as minus, Outang vast expanse,true religion online, got more than a foot thick ice. Taiwan, in Beijing's Tongzhou Town, there are many in Hunan and Anhui to the stranger to contracting farmland species of lotus, the scale ranging from tens of acres to several hundred acres,true religion store, and some have been in this business for ten years. Most of the lotus was sold in the winter, in order to quality, they will Outang full of water on irrigation.
employed workers dug lotus 8,9 point of the morning ready to chisel ice into the water, call it a day afternoon, only 4,5 points to the ice and snow to work 8 hours. More than one meter deep, dug in the lotus with both hands working hard to find frozen in the lotus, and then dug out clean. Lotus workers digging pretty hard, but compared with other related work, income Fortunately, Baochibaozhu, more than 3,000 a month salary. Lotus workers digging a surnamed Li, from Anhui Province, has been done in this 4 years. Mouth has been whispered: This job hurt the body, can not be done.
a strong visual impact to bring a group of human documentary scenes

Bowen has also allotted a set of documentary photographs, the 12 pictures show that under the high power transmission tower is a knot in the thick ice of Outang morning, some of the yellow lotus bar vertically or lying on the ground in disorder on the ice, a foot pedal tricycle also parked in the ice surface Outang.
4,5 were sturdy man is working in snow-covered scene Outang, which the Water Monster person wearing a yellow suit, wearing a wool cap dome, and is above the dredging lotus Outang Assignment: A worker is the master cut ice with the machine, one side has two workers are energetically with a sharp iron chisel in a thick layer of ice, two workers is not outside the Water Monster dressed in yellow clothes, wearing black gloves, holding a thick ice heap to one side ... ...

cut lotus root, lotus root washing scene is also quite distinctive, Outang Central digging a rectangular pool, floating on the water a root lotus root, lotus root, cut two workers standing chest deep in puddles, while still kept his hands clean of this keeps the lotus root, against the background of the water in the sludge, lotus root all the more fair and clear ... ...

User sigh: adorable people dig too can suffer from the lotus

Otherwise, I'm sorry my conscience. User In that effort, ah, not easy! years. How do the hard work paid lotus?! / p>
Some users have had similar experience is said that users ! life is not easy, ah, like they are one! After the pain! feeling uncomfortable! film is not easy! to the bloggers found out that the picture is not pumping out the water you can dig, and perhaps get the lotus better, but the cold weather, is really a bit sad! said after this group of pictures, who really dug hard lotus, lotus also hope that the prices are more expensive. User career, Xie Xiebo Lord today,true religion outlet, I realize that! pain, which is to eat or not eat lotus ah. eat, thinking they river ice world, we can not bear. do not eat, thinking they are dug up, and do not eat they lost money. still feel that Lotus buy Degui one o'clock . no. Some Internet users to the pool of bloggers in the next affirmed the courage to take pictures.
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so deeply touching a human documentary, documentary film need to have this first-hand experience of the spirit. January 20, Xiaoxiang Morning roll video of the correspondents in touch with 've seen have heard, but also look at the others filmed the lives of people digging the story lotus, but also a kind of initiation to the scene to interview and photograph the idea,

So in January of the 9 to 11, has to dig the scene shot three times in this group lotus documentary photographs,levis jeans, and accompanied by text uploaded to your blog. Even more interesting is that this group of documentary photo series on his blog was published, less than a few days later, these photos and text yourself to be the major sites, forums, personal blog, or reproduced, as the reasons for such a fire is their unexpected things.
that the process was taken, the ,true religion straight, did not expect was 10 minutes, feet frozen, numb. Lotus workers digging pretty hard, but compared with other related work, income Fortunately, Baochibaozhu, more than 3,000 a month salary. At that time he still shoot a lotus workers dug surnamed Li, from Anhui Province, said to have been done in this 4 years. This impressed me most was his name, surnamed Li lotus workers digging work, the mouth has been whispered: the price of lotus root well, about 3 yuan a jin. Lotus farmers to 4,5 points in the second to get up early, the lotus to the farmers market. Who dug the day, the two lotus, lotus root can be dug 1,true religion mens jeans,000 kilograms, enough for this car shipment. Lotus car loaded, fresh splashing in the above are generally required. 11 afternoon, the wind is strong, the temperature at minus 11 degrees, what they want to make another splash in the photo, lotus farm, said:
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