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Old 08-24-2011, 09:17 AM   #1
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Default christian louboutin rolando 微博招工找工成职场新宠

  还有一个投“机”渠道,就是通过微博寻找自己感兴趣的圈子,特别是“关注”那些带“V”字 认证的用户,nike air 2010,christian louboutin sale shoes 动车事故拷问央企垄,其中不乏企业的负责人。进入这个圈子后,就可以通过发表微博与他们探讨感兴趣的话题,一来二去就会和他们 “熟络”起来,这些掌管录用人权力的领导无疑会对求职者有利。
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  “福建号码百事通”指导大家如何写“微简历”,“需写清楚要素:个人身份基本信息、学历、工作经历(实 践经历)、个人评价;每一点字数30左右,简明扼要地表达清楚就好。另外,求职者可以在微简历后面附上自己 详细简历的链接,毕竟每条微博只有140个字,信息容量很有限,遇到中意的单位,起作用的肯定还是正式的简 历。”

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  米国琛说,新生事物肯定有不完善的地方,可以预见的是,微博招聘求职将会越来越流行,越来越红火。如何 让这一新生事物健康成长,除了微博发布者“流着道德的血液”以外,最重要的是相关网站和政府主管部门要主动 介入这一职场新宠,对发布信息的真实性加强监管,最终还要通过立法来加以规范。(郭平保)

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  在海量的信息里,微博招聘求职要想吸引眼球,在140字的字数限制里,就得花些心思。记者观察到,这些 信息的表达风格五花八门,discount karen millen dresses,但不外乎中规中矩型和轻松幽默型,且以前者居多。

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  在微博大行其道的今天,通过微博招聘求职无疑是时尚的。某些著名网站通过“微简历”大赛、微招聘大赛, 一些招聘或招工网站也加入其中发布信息,成为微博大军的成员,为此推波助澜,更使它的影响越来 越大。
  深圳市职业介绍服务中心副主任米国琛认为,微博招聘求职作为新生事物,它拓宽了供求双方信息沟通的渠道 ,既有便捷、海量、成本低、传播快等优点,也有信息真假难辨、监管不到位的问题。



  据媒体报道,虽然微博招聘求职的方式已受不少人青睐,但现实中参与其中而找到工作或招到合适人才的实例 不多。仅有22%的受访者表示微博求职招聘有成效,而74%的受访者表示效果一般。
  而这位年轻求职者的“微简历”风趣简短:男,21,大四实习状态中,计科,云南曲靖人,沉迷于网络事业 多年,喜各种运动,求各种给力。本人软件和硬件配置良好,期待并无限努力,求苟活于世!
  如今,微博招聘、“微简历”在网上流行,微博成为用人单位和求职者新的对接平台,也成了供求双方展示自 我的新手段。作为一个新生事物,它与传统的媒体信息发布、人才市场和网络职介机构相比,自然有其不断完善和 规范的空间,如何确保信息真实和提高有效成功率是值得研究的课题。
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Old 08-24-2011, 09:26 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

named Miss World event was founded in 1951, to 2009 in more than 20 countries and regions successfully held 59 sessions. And the United States,
significance of the historical purpose of the market mode of operation of the founder and current Chairman of the founder of the organization, Eric. Current President Julia Morley institutions. Molly list of winners of Miss World winners over the years the number of statistics The
Miss World
event in 1951 to promote British tourism by 爱瑞克莫里 (Eric Morley) in the south coast of England (South Bank) was founded, is when the game atlas (18) when part of the British New Year celebrations, originally known as the The original plan only to host the event, but the 1952 increased the content of talent competitions. Miss World from 1 album (19) 951 to 2010, Miss Universe Affect the global television audience of 20 million people to vote online users billions of dollars. In a sense, the media on the annual It is estimated that in 2001, the 51st at the Newspapers and magazines around the world are trying to trace the final report a month-long activities, pictures and events, and significant sections in the report According to incomplete statistics, the world billions of dollars to participate in online users to vote people. Significance to improve the city known to carry out cultural exchanges worldwide. View of the their impact and visibility, and promote local tourism, economic, cultural and social development. Month-long event held in the period, thousands of , there are tens of thousands of visitors gathered in the venue, not only directly stimulate local consumption, and through print and television media, the local scenery to show the world the people, holding on to expand the visibility and influence to establish a city's image and promote long-term economic, cultural and social development will play a huge immeasurable effect, but also for the host city has played a significant role in promoting the construction. Purpose Today's It is hoped that through this activity sponsor means so that the Past Activities through provision of scholarships for the winners, etc., to encourage women to seek learning opportunities to master scientific knowledge, foster upward mobility for young women in the direction and example.
previous Miss World (a small part of)
mode of operation of the market learned that the Miss World organization itself has a relatively fixed group sponsors, TV rights and the event program license also generate huge economic income, but also to the annual campaign was the organizer of the contractor fee charged varying amounts (usually millions of U.S. dollars). The organization will normally part of the country or region commercial sponsorship, advertising, TV rights and ticket franchise by the host organization the exercise of commercial and market to make up for the contractor funds. If it is operating properly, the undertaker will be held to achieve significant income. Founder and current Chairman of the founder bodies Eric. Morley founded in 1951 passion. Eric. Molly was the chairman of the UK's largest entertainment company, founded after the Miss World actively engaged in selected activities in the charity, Miss World has all kinds of charity activities in the global total has been raised more than three million pounds of funding, in addition to He also almost every visit to a refugee camp in the world. Eric. Mr. Mo Li's death in 2000, his wife Julia. Molly inherited his career and beliefs. Body current President Julia. Molly Julia. Molly took over chairman of the Miss World organization, inheritance, and followed the purpose of the Miss World event, a very respected and peace advocate cultural events, and activities, to judge from the content standards are made some improvement, more emphasis on the excellent content and quality of women, and even daring to cancel the finals party swimwear show, so that the event is different from the entertainment beauty contest,nike air force one high, become a positive annual cultural activities worldwide. She said: Miss World competitions in everything from the perspective of respect for women, women want to do something practical knowledge. Each year, Ms. Mo Li have the same elected Miss World champions running around the world, to visit children with disabilities and for charitable fund-raising and other activities. So far since June 2001, Ms. Mo Li had five invited to visit Sanya, Sanya bid and contractors to discuss the 53rd of 2003 Miss World finals matters. Winners of the calendar year of the Miss World 1951 Miss World 1st - Gigi Huck Shan (KIKIHAAKONSON) Sweden first MissWorld the Academy in the UK Dance Hall Strand was just £ 1,000 first prize, and or by called Eric; Molly who own money. Gigi Huck Shan is the first and last two-piece swimsuit wearing a crown of Miss World. 1952 Miss World 2nd - 梅路易丝弗洛 Ting (MAY LOUISE FLODIN) Swedish side in the model show Meiluyisi have to work on one side and her husband in public water skiing show. Today, she runs a chain of hotels in Jordan. She has four children and six grandchildren. 3rd 1953 Miss World - 戴尼斯佩瑞 (Denise Perrier) France at that time still a little girl teen idol of French taste, an innocent. A show and the exhibition has been organized Dennis lives. She is now a global fashion company operating at the same time, the city also serves as the town of Nice, France, board members, responsible for the museum and exhibition arrangements. 4th 1954 Miss World - 安蒂格科斯 Ostend (Antigone Costanda) Egypt dignified and elegant type. Since winning Miss World title since the pageant of life has been a major part of Antigo. When she was in front of the camera models for many years, and now she runs an interior decoration company, trying to make the building look more beautiful. 5th 1955 Miss World - Cayman Susan 娜杜茱比莱格 (Carmen Zubillaga) Venezuela had to admit that Venezuela is a beautiful woman from a good genetic ancestors! Susanna made her charming eyes early Shijie real appearance makes it difficult to compliment, but maybe the problem is the photography. Now look at Peiqixieman hand, people feel grace Shining. The whole volume will not have it. 7th, 1957 Miss World - Marit Lindh (Marita Lindahl) Finland The Finnish nationality Shijie looks not very high, not very thin, but unexpectedly won the championship. 8th of 1958 Miss World - Penny Roper An Kelan (Penelope Coelen) South Africa 18 years Colin emerged from more than 50 players, becoming the first African to win a championship title Shijie, she sense of balance and beauty to attract the attention of everyone, after fame, she chose marriage, and became an outstanding lecturer, speaker, writer, coach and television star shape. Penny Dunlop accomplished in each of these areas have been successful. Today, she operates its own hotel, and has five children and three granddaughters. 9th of 1959 Miss World - 科琳罗斯卡 Philippines (Corine Rottschafer) Colleen wear the crown of the Netherlands even more of their noble temperament, I feel a bit like Princess Diana. After winning the Dutch Shijie, the establishment of the Dutch first professional modeling agency. Now, Corinne has become the world's most famous model companies. Model from the founder of the company to training architects and doctors, the former are in many ways reflects Shijie their talents and interests. 1960 10th Miss World - 诺玛格莱迪 ska Pei Geli (Norma Cappagli) Miss Norma Argentina Argentina has opened a 60's Shijie blocks made of plaid odd way nightcap, it was suggested to be eligible to cancel her election, she asked: just right, her persistence and hard work that she won the title. This year, China formally participate in beauty final, failed to get any ranking. 1961 11th Miss World - Rose Mary Frank Lan (Rosemarie Frankland) United Kingdom Miss World, although the British-sponsored, but not until years later, the United Kingdom only to the British fold Rosemary crown. But when the champion of the crown worn on the head of Mary Rose, the bad luck will follow. She indulged in the sound of all the praise, and began to appear like a beautiful, yet fleeting love. Rose Mary love each section to a good start is to end trauma. Hollywood star married man she was dependent on the Hope, but Hope and nurturing after being abandoned; her first marriage to marry her 16-year-old, a great cameraman Ben Jones, has been closed because of an affair; She married the well-known American musician, birth to a daughter, then divorced again. Honor comes to go, the scenery later, she could not bear to be forgotten loneliness, and finally chose to commit suicide. Before his death, she sees right through all the The 12th annual Miss World - Catherine Naluo Fernandez (CATHERINA LODDES) Netherlands This is the second Shijie from the Netherlands, compared with fellow champion, Colleen Catherine Lina seems noble than obviously not as She looked famous. But the very goodwill smile became her killer. Title can not be questioned. As a result of outstanding beauty YING encouraging results, the third in 1962, But only the domestic information. Information on foreign countries who clearly does not attach importance to Taiwan's politicians wife. But in 1964, although they continued to do the fourth, but since then,air force one low nike, Now Taiwan's the In the conservative social climate, there are different voices that contribute to chase fame and beauty, respect for vanity to induce girls should be closed. Thus, the 1963 1963 13th Miss World - Carol Jonker Crawford (CAROLE JOAN CRAWFORD) Goodwill Ambassador of Jamaica Jamaica, as Carroll's portrait has appeared on stamps in the country. Now she and her husband runs a successful business, and has two grown children. 1964 14th Miss World - Anxi Denis (ANN SYDNEY) 20-year-old British security for the British actually won the title the first Shijie 15th 1965 Miss World - Leslie Langley ( LESLEY LANGLEY) Leslie graduated from the Royal British Navy business schools, good family background can not change the fate of the British Shijie, Leslie was the crown once to pose ########## in the front pages of major newspapers, scandal accompanied by her life that she has been unable to hit it big stumbling marriage, 50 old, and had a dentist's receptionist, old age really the down and out. 1966 16th Miss World - 利达菲丽娅 (REITA FARIA) India India won its first success.利达菲丽娅 was a popular winner. Worked for a year, she moved to Ireland, and became one of the best doctor. 1967 17th Miss World - Madeleine Hatto Bell (MADELEINE HARTOGBELL) Peru Nkrumah Madeline Bell, as a woman with a flair for languages, the language of their own way to success for pharmaceutical companies to do more than the U.S. statutory instructors. She has a married daughter, now settled in 南弗罗里达 a beautiful island state. 1968 18th Miss World - 佩妮洛普普 Plummer (PENELOPE PLUMMER), Australia 19 of 1969 Miss World - Eva 鲁伯思戴尔 (EVA RUEBERSTAIER) Austria Eva has sweet tooth appetite, when asked how better to spend money, she told reporters, 1970 20th Miss World - Grenada's Jennifer Hou Stan (JENNIFER HOSTEN) Jennifer Grenada to conquer the world for its charm and stage, become Grenada's High Commissioner in Canada. In recent years she has been working to promote trade between the Caribbean and the United States, and wrote a book about this book. 21 1971 Miss World - Lu 西娅塔法斯彼得 pull (TAVARESPETTERLE) Brazilian business community television and modeling career did not change Lucia's medical pursuits. Now she's a Christian children in Rio de Janeiro's Hospital and runs a service for the poor in private clinics. 22nd of 1972 Miss World - 贝琳达格林 (BELINDAGREEN) Australia 23 of 1973 Miss World - Marjorie Wallace (MARJORIE WALLACE) U.S. Miss World 1973 contest the difficulties encountered. America won the first Miss World contest victory. But Indiana Marjorie Wallace, the shoulder is considered not good Marjorie is the television program At the same time, she presided over the evening entertainment also has millions of viewers. 1974 24th Miss World - Anne La Lille (ANNELINE KRIEL) In addition to South Africa as an international supermodel, actress and fashion spokesperson, the An Nila in the world, starred in many film roles were. In recent years, her contributions to many charitable organizations, including the Child Welfare Foundation Engineering and cancer and heart disease. 1975 25th Miss World - 威尔尼拉默 Sidi (WILNELIA MERCED) Puerto Rico Will Nila is the coexistence of a successful and scandal winner. Will charity work now occupies an important part of life in Manila. She was the most beloved British entertainer Bruce Francis Roosevelt married. She then set up a 威尔尼拉默 Sidi Fuxi Si Foundation to help underprivileged children in poverty in Puerto Rico. The 53rd, 54th, and 55th in 2005, swimwear designer Shijie race is 威尔妮拉默 Sidi. Puerto Rico was originally just an ordinary girl, after she became Shijie began to enter the entertainment industry, making movies, commercials, becoming a well-known artists. Now, she was also invited to become a beauty competition swimwear designer. Shijie 2004 race, she boldly designed in line with the natural features of Sanya, red, yellow, blue and green fashion color four-color swimsuit, she will nail set with bright plastic beads into the swimsuit veil in an attempt to highlight the elegant romance beauty. 1976 26th Miss World - Cindy Brace Bill (CINDY BREAKSPEARE) Jamaica Cindy now uses her voice and looks to start a new career as a performing artist. Her debut, 1977 27th Miss World - Mary Costa temperature (MARY STAVIN) Swedish Foundation fundraiser, Bond girl, Miss World beauty pageant judges, TV stars ... ... perhaps the club has a variety of life-long Queen Mary members. However, the most important point is that she is a mother, she and her husband Nicholas had a daughter named Rose. 1978, the 28th Miss World - Silver Vina Suarez (SILVANA SUAREZ) Argentina has become a bloated business woman, she has two children, Julia and Augusto. 1979, the 29th Miss World - Gina Swenson (GINA SWAINSON) Bermuda to 1979, the competition attracted a record 500 million viewers worldwide. Gina Svensson won, a little island of Bermuda, announced the same day as a national holiday to celebrate her victory. 30 of 1980 Miss World - Jinbei Li Santos (KIMBERLEY SANTOS) Guam Jinbei Li did not go into the model after the Miss World stage, but left home to Guam, to become a police officer in London. Now, she and her American husband have three sons. 31 of 1981 Miss World - Pilinlaiang (PILIN LEON) was elected Miss World Venezuela, the Pilin is not burdened with a reputation for themselves, she returned to university to study computer engineering. Later she became a program host, and set up his own company. She has three sons. 1982 32nd Miss World - Maria Sierra Alvarez (MARIA SELA ALVAREZ) Dominican Republic is an architect, she designed a landmark of Santo Domingo - Crystal Tower, and later She abandoned his design of a board diverted when the show host. She also helped set up a 1983 33rd Miss World - Sarah Hurt (SARAH-JANEHUTT) at the Royal Albert Palace, the British removal of the crown. 1984, the 34th Miss World - Astrid Herrera (ASTRID HERRERA) Venezuela 1985 35th Miss World - 霍菲卡尔斯 Duo Dier (HOFI KARLSDOTTIR) Iceland 卡尔斯多蒂尔very fond of children,nike air force one low, and now she has her three children, two boys and a girl. After she was elected Miss World, is still in the previous work that kindergartens. 1986 36th Miss World - Guissé Rama Road (GISELLE LARONDE) Trinidad and Tobago La Luode in obtaining the title of Miss World in London after completing continue their public relations and social profession and earn a degree, she was married and the one in Trinidad Hilton Hotel. 1987, the 37th Miss World - Euler Wegener Christopher (ULLA WEIGERSTORFER) Austria Euler Wegener Christopher had a TV in a series served as a role, but also hosted radio sports programs, written two on the make-up book, and worked in fast food industry. Euler - Wegener Christopher, also from the busy work and life out of them part-time to participate in philanthropy and domestication of the three good horse. Christopher Euler Wegener's story: She was a University education in painting, the boyfriend of her preparation for individual exhibitions. When the economic crisis, her boyfriend encouraged her to participate in the Miss World beauty pageant, because of the preliminary round of the bonus up to $ 5,000. She went, and the election all the way to Las Vegas. Year she became Miss World 1987. Wegener would like to hold an exhibition of paintings she had not; Wegener want lingering romantic boyfriend, but she is not the lack of romantic. As Miss World, once stood on the top of glory and wealth. When the zenith of her career, she suffered from a syndrome called Kerry Mant. This disease is the biggest crisis is the decline of binocular vision, until the blind. Wegener almost fell into the darkness of despair. News, a little boy named Paddy of South Africa sent a package to her soil, where people said they use this treatment. Wegener did not believe the bag of soil, With the idea to use it a try, and a miracle happened shipped. She recovered. Wegener and later married an American millionaire. She has married six times, but not a man to make her sight. 1988 38th Miss World - Linda Petar Mohamad (LINDA PETURSDOTTIR) Iceland Linda Petar Mohamad is a successful business woman, she was very willing to help other women develop their potential, she was also the Icelandic 1989 39th Miss World - 阿内塔克里丽 (ANETA KREGLICKA) Poland the last 80 years the Miss World contest in Poland 阿内塔克里丽 card win, this is the first player to win the Polish . 1990 40th Miss World - Gina Tolleson (GINA MARIE TOLLESON) in the news industry, the U.S. has had outstanding performance, she is now a company called people, the other she was an entertainment news TV programs. In addition, Gina Tolson also actively involved in children's charity activities. 41 of 1991 Miss World - 尼尼贝思莉 Seoul (NINIBETHJIMINEZ) Venezuela Paganini Pui Si Lier Atlanta, Georgia, removal of the crown, after which she became one of Venezuela's most successful models. This is also the only time the Miss World contest held in the U.S.. Kerr Australian runner-up Miss Marion Barco. 42 of 1992 Miss World - Zhu Leia Croze Jina (JULIA KOUROTCHKINA) Russia's first player from Russia. In 1993 the 43rd Miss World - Lisa Hannah (LISA HANNA) Lisa Hannah is a communications consultant, she specializes in helping companies use information technology to increase revenue. Lisa Hannah also opened his own company. In addition, she also those with a rebellious young man opened the psychological psychological adjustment over a special training course in 1994, the 44th Miss World - Aishiwoya Lai (AISHWARYA RAI) India's second winner from India ,air force 1 high, was elected at the age of 21 years. This marks the Indian players entered their golden age: 7 years in India in the next four players to win. She is well-known Indian movie star, won India many times in the Performance Award. Since 1994 in the One year in France . In the UK in 2003 * Kidman, Zeta-Jones, Kate Winslet, big Hollywood star (respectively third, fourth and fifth). 1995 45th Miss World - 杰奎琳安格 雷拉马拉诺 (JACQUELINE AGUILERA MARANO) Venezuela since received the title of Miss World in 1995, after Jacqueline had been engaged in the line of business model and commitment to this area open up. She is now in Valencia, Spain, runs his own company. 1996 46th Miss World - Irina Scott Lee Doll (IRENE SKLIVA) Greece 1996, 40,000 people Stadium in Bangalore to meet the simple first came to the Miss World contest the Indian mainland. Irina Scott Lee Doll as Greece's first Miss World. Irina on March 30, 1978 was born in Athens, Greece where he grew up in the age of 13 when she was still in school she had already started to participate in model performances, at the beginning while she was out of personal interest In his spare time to attend. In the age of 17, she
1996 Miss World
just graduated from school embarked on a career path model,nike air force 1, the scope of her activities, mainly in Greece and Cyprus, at the same time, she was still studying journalism . In her 18 years old, Irina participated in the lifetime, in November 1996 she won the A year later, Irina returned to Greece and began modeling his brilliant career, she and the world's largest companies reached an agreement to participate in some TV show, also produced many TV commercials, at the same time she also participated many times in Athens, Milan and Munich Fashion Week at large. Irina married in September 2002 and in 2003 gave birth to a daughter. 1997 47th Miss World - 戴安娜海登 (DIANA HAYDEN) India Miss World title in access to a drama after the College of theater training in a year which she completed the course exercises Shakespeare . Diana charity for children showed great interest and commitment in this regard. 1998 48th Miss World - Lena Abba Gill (LINOR ABARGIL) Israel, she is from Israel, participating at the age of 18 years. After the Miss World title in access, Lena - Abba Gill said she felt that the title to enhance her quality of life. As an international model,air force one high, she supported those conducted for children with disabilities charity, in Israel and around the world who have made a lot of charity for children with disabilities. 1999 49th Miss World - Keta Muke Hai Yi (YUKTA MOOKHEY) India as the 20th century, the last Miss World, she recalled the experience of the past, when their full of pride and pride, and she hopes to use the identity for the world peace and mutual help people contribute to a force. 2000 50th Miss World - Chopra (Priyanka Chopra) to enter the 50th anniversary of India's Miss World beauty competition in 2000 in London's Millennium Dome Memorial Hall. Christina 18-year-old Indian Jia Li Qiao Pula (PriyankaChopra) beat the 94 States Pageant, the Miss World back seat board of the millennium. Runner-up was 18-year-old Italian beauty focus Erjia up of 20-year-old beauty at Drexel Turkey. Rear board of the millennium when the Miss World Chopra, Christina 18 years old. 51 of 2001 Miss World - 阿格巴尼达 McGregor Nigeria, South Africa Local November 16, 2001 (Beijing November 17, 2001), Nigeria, South Africa Travel girl 阿格巴尼达 McGregor Sun City resort in 2001 organized the 51st annual Miss World contest to stand out and win the Miss World crown. 18 years old when she competed for the computer science students. She was the first to win the Miss World title the black girl. Runner-up Miss Su Gelan, winner Miss Nigeria, Miss Aruba runner-up. 51 Session of China Bing Division title. 52 2002 Miss World - 2002 AD La Golden Turkey Miss The Miss World beauty pageant held in Nigeria in the original plan, due to religious conflicts that took place there, was temporarily moved to London, UK. This is the beginning of 1951 held in Britain since the fifty-second session of the Miss World beauty pageant, a total of 92 countries took part in the competition. The 2002 53 2003 Miss World - Luo Shana (Rosanna DAVISON) Ireland 53 th Prize winner, 49 points, five awards were from the Miss Georgia Irina, Miss Canada, Nazanin, Bolivia, Miss Helen, Miss Ireland, Rosanna and Miss Australia OliviaSTRATTON available. 53 session of the The following is their charm in the game time. The 53rd Miss World finals in the evening of 6 December 2003 in Sanya, Hainan Province to a close. Rosanna (Luo Shana) when the data entry: University sophomore, is the desire to complete their studies and in art, fashion, sports and nutrition science careers. She is an excellent sculptor. Beach Baby Award received second and third difference is that the 24-year-old Swiss Miss and Miss Bolivia 19-year-old. The 53rd Miss World finals in Sanya coronation party Sheraton ballroom. Party, the host announced the list of regional beauty queen. Miss Ethiopia as Africa and the United States Queens, Miss Canada beauty queen Rong Ren Meizhou, Miss China Qi Guan aspirations Asian beauty queen, Miss Jamaica, the Caribbean, the United States elected to the Queen, the new Miss World, Miss Ireland, Europe, the United States is worthy of the White Queen. White European beauty queen, Miss Ireland, Miss China Qi Guan aspirations Asian beauty queen, Miss Jamaica, the Caribbean, the U.S. imperial 后埃塞尔比亚 elected as Africa and the United States, Miss Rong Ren Meizhou beauty queen, Miss Canada 2004 Queen of the 54th Miss World - Maria Julia Mantilla Garcia of Peru of the 54th Miss World Final in December 4, 2004 held in Sanya City, Hainan Province, Miss Peru won. Peru players MariaJuliaMantillaGarcia (2004 年 time data entry), 20-year-old student, height 174CM. Yang Division title at the 54th China 55th 2005 Miss World - Unnur Birna VILHJALMSDOTTIR Iceland 3rd Final, held in Sanya. 55th Miss World finals in 125 countries and regional economic organizations to join, is the previous game one of the largest number of entries. China's Zhao Tingting 55th Division title winners of Miss World 2005 winner: Miss Iceland UnnurBirnaVILHJALMSDOTTIR, 21-year-old student, 173cm. Runner-up: Miss Mexico DafneMOLINALONA, 23 years old, representatives of national image, 180cm. Runner-up: Miss Puerto Rico IngridMarieRIVERASANTOS, 22-year-old student, 175cm. Best evening: Miss Turkey HandeSUBASI, 21-year-old student / model, 179cm. Best Charity Award: Miss Korea Eun-YoungOH, 20-year-old student, 172cm. Talent Queen: U.S. Virgin Islands is Miss Kmisha-VictoriaCOUNTS, 18-year-old student, 173cm. Swimwear Queen: Miss Russia YuliaIVANOVA, 22-year-old student, 175cm.
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