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08-24-2011, 09:09 PM
Is Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V (up 7.61 percent, FMX) full steam ahead?
Summary Free Membership     Add to watchlist     Email to friendSee our recent article: How do I manage my trading risk?(Date Report Was Created: 23-Aug-2011) Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V (FMX)Consumer GoodsLast: 72.41  (+5.12 pts, 7.61%)  Open: 67.85  High: 72.44  low: 67.121  Beverages - Brewers Quick Summary The Stock is in Bullish Phase. The Bullish Phase occurs when there is an upside trend for the stock. The buyers are pushing the stock up. The stock has retraced 1.9% from its recent <a href="http://www.cheapcigarettesonlineoutlet.com/buy-cheap-american-gold-lights-100s-box-gold-packing-p-472"><strong>cheap American Gold lights </strong></a> high price of 73.84 which occurred on 28-Jul-2011. A close below 20-day moving average of 68.04 could mark high of 73.84 as recent high. The closest support can be found at 67.81. The closest resistance can be found at 72.44. See Support/Resistance below for details. How to trade Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V(FMX)? Breakout Trade: The current price is resting around the resistance level of 72.44. If the prices closes above 72.44 then a long entry should be considered. Retracement Trade: Consider buy when the price retraces around 67.81 if you are aggressive. Alternatively, a conservative buy would be around 61.34. Risk Management: Consider risking somewhere between 3.783(5.22%) and 6.305(8.71%) points on your position. Risk management is an important part of trading. Our risk management strategy is based on the average daily range of the stock. Sign up for free membership to view complete report. (Available only for short time) Look up analysis for ANOTHER stock Donate to askStockGuru.com website. If you donate 50.00, you will help support us and also get our donors only newsletter for one year The exclusive newsletter for one year will consist of Graphical analysis to visually understand the stock market. Sector by sector analysis which highlights breakout stocks for each sector. Great for ideas. And our way to say thank you. Sign up for complete report Free Membership     Add to watchlist     Email to friend To view complete institutional style report and recommendation on Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V(FMX), pleaseSign up for free membership!!! If you have already registered, login now, to view the complete report. We evaluate over 4000 stocks everyday. Read our analysis for FMX and other stocks daily.Why not become a member ?For now, it is FREE!!! Technicals Free Membership     Add to watchlist     Email to friend Market Phase:? Bullish This indicator compares long term trend with short term price action to explain the current phase of the market. According to the indicator, the stock of Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V is in the Bullish Phase. This indicates that the stock is in an uptrend. The buyers are attracted to the stock and are pushing FMX up. Short Term Trend:     (-2) The short term trend indicator only looks at 10 to 20 day timeframe to determine the current trend. Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V(FMX) is currently congested with slight down trend. 3 Day Money Flow:     (+1) The money flowing for last 3 days in FMX has been insignificant on the uptrend. This indicator summarizes the price and volume activity <a href="http://www.cheapcigarettesonlineoutlet.com"><strong>cheap newport outlet</strong></a> over last 3 days. It is a very short term indicator. Snapshot Free Membership     Add to watchlist     Email to friendPhase:?Bullish  Relative Strength:    (+9) EPS Growth(yoy):    (-1)  Fundamental:    (+8)  To view complete report on Fomento Econmico Mexicano, S.A.B de C.V(FMX)please sign up for free.If you have already registered, login now to view the complete report. askStockGuru TIPS Free Membership     Add to watchlist     Email to friendIf you are investing in stock, or if you buy stocks, trade stock, or are into stock investing, read this section to improve your stock trading skills. Here is the question that was asked by one of the users: >Also I am having trouble to know also when to sell a stock, how can I determine the sell point of a stock? I am >using stop losses to control my downside but I am not sure how I can determine the potential upside of a stock. >Say I but a stock at 100, put a stop loss in at 95. If the stock goes to 105, 108, 150, this is where I am >having trouble getting my head around. To know what is a reasonable estimation of the upside of the stock. >Sometimes I am stopping out too quickly (novice mistakes, but I am learning). Lets tackle with the trouble of knowing when to sell first. Knowing when to sell a stock is difficult, and not always easy. I am glad to find out that you are using stop loss to control the downside. First, let us look at the scenario that the stock went from 100 to 105. Just make math easy, let us say that risk management is 5 points. The initial stop loss at 95 makes sense. But now the stock has moved to 105, why not move your stop to 100 or 98 (in that range). This way you are cutting down the risk of your existing trade. If the stock moves to 120, then have a stop at 115 or thereabouts. This way you lock in the profits. Suppose the stock at 115 was stopped out. You can always reevaluate you position and enter again. The reason for having a mental stop loss or an actual stop loss is to have a discipline. If we were future-knowing time travelers then we would not need such discipline. But we are humble traders who realize that we are prone to making mistakes, thus a stop loss is needed. So if the stock moves up, move the stop up with it. The other comment that really caught my eye was that I am stopped out too quickly - a novice mistake. This is a novice mistake or not so novice <a href="http://www.cheapcigarettesonlineoutlet.com"><strong>cheap newport cigarettes</strong></a> mistake. In any trading, you as a trader are taking on some risk. Sometimes, you take too little and sometimes you take too much. That is the nature of trading. And any trader, someone trading for years or someone new, they have to live with it. The question remains, if it is not perfect, why do we need the discipline. Here is why: If a 100 stock declines 5%, so goes to 95, requires a gain of 5.26% to recover. If a 100 stock declines 10%, so goes to 90, requires a gain of 11.11% to recover. If a 100 stock declines 20%, so goes to 80, requires a gain of 25% to recover. If a 100 stock declines 30%, so goes to 70, requires a gain of 42.86% to recover. If a 100 stock declines 50%, so goes to 50, requires a gain of 100% to recover. As you can see the relationship, as the stock declines, the recovery takes higher percentage gain than the percentage loss. So a 10% decline, has a 1.11%(11.11-10.00) penalty. Decline of 20%, has 5%(25-20) penalty. As the losses grows, the percent gain needed to recover goes higher. So it is better to make a mistake earlier then later.
10-03-2011, 06:34 PM
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