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Old 08-25-2011, 08:23 AM   #1
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Default inexpensive asics 警方历时5个月横跨4省抓捕交通肇事

  “你买点肉,咱们和小姨夫晚上一起吃饭。”9月6日,董某的外甥女马某在电话里说。通过技 术手段,cheap asics,警方确定董某在沈阳市于洪区城郊接合部的一个村子居住。

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  经连夜突审,ugg boots,董某对在鹿泉市交通肇事逃逸一事供认不讳。

  第二天一大早,交警赶到北环辅道汽车市场,一家一家走访,找汽车销售人员和维修工比对中网,仍不能确定 具体车型。
  本报记者 孙会芳
  6月份,ugg clearance,正是麦收季节,考虑到很多人有回家麦收的习惯,6月23日,警方第一次奔赴河南平舆。由于董某石家庄的手 机已经关机,调查发现他在河南也没新开当地手机号,并且曾去过兰州等地。
  今年4月20日夜,下着蒙蒙细雨。一男一女骑两辆电动自行车沿石铜路行驶至鹿泉市永壁路口,被一辆疾驶 而过的汽车撞上,两辆电动自行车摔在路边,两人摔倒在地,肇事车逃逸。

  按照距离事故地由近及远的顺序,警方对在鹿泉注册的5辆汽车一一核查,当核查到冀A6N608时,车主 接听手机后说自己在邢台,但是警方通过技术手段发现车主实际在河南驻马店。

  最后,在一家配件销售店,一位女店员说最近有人购买了这种型号的中网。拿出销售单据,发现该人一同还购 买其他配件,与事故现场提取的遗留物基本吻合。案情到此出现重大转机。到车管所一查,男子打砸信访局室内物品被送劳教一年半,全石家庄市共有该品牌汽车3173辆。
  为缩小排查范围,事故科交警找到山东寿光的那家汽车生产厂家,经过多次比对现场遗留物,最终确定了具体 车型。该车型在石家庄全市共有40辆汽车,louboutin shoes,其中鹿泉市有5辆。
  当天下午,警方摸排发现董某居住的那个院子里有4个人在打麻将,但不能确定是否有董某。为避免打草惊蛇 ,警方决定晚上抓捕。

  8月底,警方发现董某出现在辽宁沈阳。9月1日,鹿泉交警奔赴沈阳,准备抓捕董某。但是董某在沈阳期间 不开手机,也很少打电话,发现董某的具体住所非常困难,asics shoes


  经过近5个月横跨4省的艰苦侦查,鹿泉交警大队终于将一起交通肇事逃逸案的犯罪嫌疑人抓获 归案。


  通讯员 李丽华
  当晚9时许,警方推开一间民房,一名男子刚从被窝钻出,仅穿着一条大裤衩,一名女子还躺在被窝里。用手 电一照,发现该男子脸型跟董某身份证上的照片相似,当场将其摁倒在地。

  通过调查该车的违法记录,警方确定驾驶该车的是车主董某(河南平舆人,32岁)。4月30日,警方对董 某网上追逃,并通过技术手段对其进行监控。
民警从河南提取到的肇事车辆。本报记者 郄磊摄


  与此同时,警方通过媒体发布的征集案件线索的消息也有了反馈,一位群众反映当时他看到了肇事经过,并记 下了肇事车辆的号牌,结果与警方摸排的车牌号一致,男子欲强行非礼卖淫女被判强奸罪
  接到报警后,鹿泉交警迅速赶到现场,一面将伤员送医院抢救,一面开展现场调查。因为雨水冲刷,事故痕迹 模糊不清,现场只留下了撞击后汽车掉下的中网、雨刷和左侧大灯罩。


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Old 08-25-2011, 08:27 AM   #2
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:55 AM   #4
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Old 08-25-2011, 09:01 AM   #5
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587153 2008 年 01 月 12 日 20:31 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Photography Techniques
TV the mass of information as a modern electronic media, advanced TV technology, satellite communications and advanced camera, recording, knitting equipment, with its unique vitality, in just a few decades has been rapid development and gradually mature.
TV film as an art form of expression and all the art, based on artificial selection and arrangement as the basis for its creation, and such selection and arrangement, must adhere to certain established rules, to guide the audience to think about a specific idea.
works in a TV before the cameraman should first concerned with the specific program director and creative staff to communicate well in order to understand and grasp the subject as reflected in programs to express the mood, message, etc. content, in-depth understanding and knowledge of the programs the foundation up to determine what should be chosen for each kind of lens Scene.
an outstanding cameraman will never aimlessly audience to enjoy the picture, he must take a clear purpose to determine the selection and arrangement of landscape level, in a sense , the camera's creativity is largely expressed in these areas.
China's ancient architecture, ancient artifacts, as a special group, they recorded the Chinese nation for thousands of years of splendid culture, ancient civilization thousands of years witnessed the vicissitudes of history and changes. Their historical value, cultural value, economic value, has long been respected by the Chinese and foreign scientists and favor. Shooting ancient architecture, ancient relics of history, of culture, a unique art experience.
ancient buildings in the shooting, and often need high-definition picture, so that the richly ornamented buildings, as well as a variety of decorative patterns can be adequately demonstrated, then, should make full use of imaging and high strength, light 3:1 ~ 4:1 ratio of high-quality cameras, which will shoot out of the picture better, the level of richer, more intense texture contrast between the screen more comfortable, three-dimensional feeling stronger.
the old saying goes: \As a camera workers, not only familiar with their own hands, camera, recording equipment, the characteristics and technical requirements, tolerance of light and the aperture ratio of the control, color temperature of the stalls, white balance adjustment, etc., but also have a certain aesthetic knowledge reserves. Both the TV screen and aesthetic beauty and ugliness, is recognized by the masses and accepted aesthetic. Because the reserve is a technical knowledge base of our work, the orientation of aesthetic value is what we want to show the real purpose.
China's ancient architecture,nike air force 1, the layout is extremely rigorous, prioritize, and they also have a very unique feature, that is,ナイキ エアフォースワン, they use a symmetrical shape, it would be taken out of the picture very neat. If you can work with the TV content with the complement each other, then there will be solemn, solemn feeling, and has decorative beauty. But if used properly, it will give people a dull, dull, dull feeling, often grass-roots work stations these problems. Therefore, in order to make symmetrical patterns change the old buildings, can be used in the composition of trees, flowers and other plants will be part or most of the building block, only some of its features will be exposed both to symmetrical building can change.
when shooting in specific, as hall pavilion and other ancient buildings are in the courtyard was enclosed to form a unique space as a whole. This is to some extent, other lens for shooting great landscape bring some difficulties. In order to increase depth of field, expanding the scope of the screen, you can use them to shoot wide-angle lens, but must pay attention to deformation, to avoid distortion of the scene. An ancient building itself, it has many angles, different angles in different light conditions of irradiation, the light will produce different effects to.
in the shooting, it is necessary to understand the changes of light, master of light on the different effects caused by different objects, but also meet the formal beauty of their ancient buildings. For example: the ancient palace buildings, most with large roof structure, brackets partially covered roofs, some of the light is relatively dim. When shooting, you can use composition to make up the deficiency caused by the light. Both within the main body in the performance hall at the same time, the use of near the far smaller, almost lofty perspective of low regularity, arrangement pavilions, corridors at the end, roof and other bright objects as a foil. In this way, can be subject to receive plenty of natural light is very moist, and can make the picture look rich layers, and images of natural number. In the House, Hall, Pavilion, Pavilion and other ancient buildings as the subject being photographed, appear on the screen when the shooting distance or due to the restrictions, or limitations of vision due to lens, or because of restrictions on the direction and angle, etc., can not be fully captured on camera the whole, often in the composition and obviously incomplete. In this case, in addition to flight by choosing a different, or the transformation of different focal length lens, the object being shot composition, but also it can be embellished trees to beautify the ancient buildings, to improve the composition . Hidden among the trees looming buildings, in addition to the landscape is very different levels, but also to work with dignity and sense of mystery. Of course, when shooting with wide-angle lens, you can complete demonstration of the whole picture of ancient buildings, trees and other plants, but the application still can not be ignored. For example, the horizontal ancient buildings can be choppy vertical tree trunks and twigs, to break the monotony of a sense of composition,エアフォース1, increasing the level of the screen; another example, the vertical selection of old buildings suitable for some diagonal branches tree trunks and leaves the right Also note the location of the trees in the picture, we must make the balanced and orderly, the density properly.
when shooting in specific, often encounter trees and old buildings attached together situation. Way to make up: 1. You can use light to make the contrast between trees and buildings in contrast to the two broke away; 2. Can use the characteristics of the lens depth of field, large aperture controlled by hand, the formation of the actual situation comparison , or the use of ancient building design focuses on the characteristics of the environment, through the pavilion, the pavilion of the Kit Kat layout, rocks trees flexibility, combined with the main performance out of virtual trees and under normal circumstances is some real number of ancient buildings.
, for example, with smooth light shooting, you can make dark and bright prospects in sharp contrast to the building, making the subject can be prominent.
Jane porcelain, jade, carved wood, and must roll, cache of EMI, pottery, stone, ancient city, famous paintings, spread the Millennium, they will be history, coagulation, is that they make an instant forever.
antiquities as a relatively static subjects, not only has some scientific value and practical value, but also has high aesthetic value. Bronze is the Slave Society
products, known as the Shang and Zhou Ding ranks first among all ancient and modern devices to say, they are priceless, rare in the world, spread so far have two or three thousand years of history.
device table bronze decorative patterns, is its unique characteristics of the times. Shooting bronze, in addition to objects itself, should focus on patterns of decorative patterns, bronze color is relatively simple, most with dark green or peacock blue-based, preferably together with the lining in the gray or green landscape, this can to highlight the style, while maintaining the effect of color harmony.
porcelain has always been to Tang, Song and Yuan the most sophisticated three periods, but very few survive in the world volume. Because when the shooting
porcelain porcelain color is more complex and shiny,ナイキ エアフォース, both in natural light or light reflection has occurred. It is easy to get near the scene reflection. So difficult to take up relatively large number, it should pay special attention. Shooting first observed the shape, the decision to shooting angle, and then the distribution of light. In general, the shooting of porcelain, the light position to be high, this can effectively reduce the reflection. Reasonable number with two lights, a high angle of the light background of both photos and photo objects, and the other lights display objects according to shape, texture and pattern. Some porcelain complex, with too many reflective objects and above the spot, if necessary, can be a polarizer to get rid of it, when the performance of the texture of porcelain, the reflective point of too much does not work, there is no reflection point, not unlike the line of porcelain . When the excess is unavoidable when the light spots can be painted with the darker the soap at the light spot, and then gently pat dry brush stroke, absorb moisture, it is not exposed spot, apply the soap to be traces of dry, you can be shot. Special attention when shooting porcelain background color, according to the color of porcelain itself to change. Shooting green, azure and self-glaze porcelain color, we should show that it was crystal clear and smooth texture, not to declare use of strong vivid colors as the background, otherwise the color will be reflected into the porcelain. When shooting colorful porcelain,air force 1, but also to carefully handle the lining of the background color. In general, any use of primary colors, namely red, yellow and blue colors for the lining to grab color, very harsh, ineffective; with the gray, beige and other soft background colors and visual effects can be very good.
most famous Tang Dynasty three-color. Tang Dynasty is characterized by a glaze and bright, rich colors. Research should pay attention to light when shooting, looking for angles,エアフォース, focus on the performance characteristics of it out. If you shoot three-color or three color animal figurines, should be above it and leave some space in front, to highlight the subject, while light sources should also be used to coordinate the head and legs of animals, the location and direction to enhance dynamic potential, the background contrast color film Tang Dynasty, the general should be simple and elegant main, not too bright, so as to highlight the Tang Dynasty's own gloss and glaze. Pottery is the original social products, design patterns is extensive, there is a simple simple style. Should be taken to the main front, so as to show the shape of its main features and artifacts on the patterns. Performance of the background picture painted pottery is very important, in general, should not have too strong color contrast to ensure that objects to give people a sense of quiet and steady sense.
television camera TV work skills are the product of carefully crafted, in the rational use of film shooting techniques, how to prevent the abuse of no purpose, is worth every hard worker, a television camera to the study.
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