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Old 09-14-2011, 02:13 PM   #1
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Default 哈尔滨市南岗区公开招聘交通助理员公告

  浏览:790 宣布时间:2011/7/29 8:27:26
  为有效缓解南岗、哈西地域交通警力不足的问题,经南岗区政府批准,决议面向社会公开招聘一批交通助理员 。现将有关事项公告如下:
  招聘交通助理员60名,其中市公安交通管理局南岗大队40名,市公安交通管理局哈西大队2 0名。
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  3、年纪在30周岁以下(1981年1月1日当前诞生),男性,哈市城区户口。应存在国家否认的大学专 科以上学历,退役士兵学历可放宽到高中文明水平。
  4、身材健康,肢体健全,体态端庄,身高170cm以上,五官端正,合适所应聘岗位的须要 。
  本次公开招聘采取笔试方式进行,按照发布招聘公告、目测报名与资格审查、笔试、体检、政审、公示、聘用 等步骤进行。
  (一)发布招聘公告。招聘公告在哈尔滨人才网、南岗区政府信息网、南岗区人力资源和社会保障局网等网站 上发布。
  (二)组织目测报名。本次公然招聘采用现场报名的方法,报名时需自己亲身到现场,不得由别人代报。工作 人员将对报名人员进行目测,同时依照划定的资历条件进行逐项审查。
  (三)综合素质测试。采取笔试的形式进行综合素质测试,red wing boots sale,考试内容为交通法规、法律常识及时势政治等。一张试卷,满分为100分。服役期满的退役士兵笔试成绩加1 0分;公安、政法院校毕业的考生笔试成绩加5分,red wing boots for sa。根据考生所报详细岗位,以综合素质测试成就由高分到低分排序,按招聘打算数确定拟聘用人员。
  (四)政审与体检。由用人单位组织进行,因政审或体检不合格呈现空白时,按照综合素质测试成绩顺次顺延 递补。
  (七)聘用。对拟聘用人员由用人单位办理聘用手续,首次签署劳动合同期限为三年。正式上岗后的前三个月 为试用期,试用期满后,由用人单位对其工作表示进行考察,考核分歧格的,解除聘用关系。
  2、招聘人员待遇:所招聘人员的月工资为1360元,其中包含个人应缴纳的养老保险、医疗保险、失业保 险和工伤保险。
  1、现场报名。考生需带户口、身份证、毕业证原件(退役士兵还应带退伍证)及复印件一份,一寸近期免冠 同版照片4张、报名表2张、笔试考务费45元到现场报名,报名表能够在布告网站高低载。
  3、考试时光及地点详见准考据。考生测验时需携带准验证、有效身份证进入考场(其余证件无效)六、报名 时间及地点
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Old 09-14-2011, 02:41 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Zhang Rui Zheng (right) brought gifts to the Yu Rabbit. Were taken Zheng Zhang Liang Zhang Rui

Who? Why did he sink so much money? Stared at this area from 3,000 Shengzhou money order, 76-year-old woman lost in thought Yu rabbit.
Did he? ! Like a long time, Yu rabbit remembered, he is know a man named Zheng Zhang Rui, but that was 50 years ago ... ...

memory curtain slowly opened. Two elderly people over seventy years of age, a period spanning half a century to tell us about the
when it met 20-year-old

rabbit and Zheng Zhang Rui Yu know in 1955, a rural primary schools. At that time, they are still in their prime.
That fall, 22-year-old Yu Sheng County Normal rabbit just graduated from primary school to teach Chi Lin Gan Jue, the monthly wages of 35 yuan. The 25-year-old Zhang Rui Zheng exactly is responsible for the daily management of the school.
very natural, they know, and also became good friends relationship.
Zheng Zhang Rui poor family, his brother perennial bad feet can not work under the land, therefore, carry the pressure of living on his shoulder.
although he did not want to leave school, but in order to make family a good life, Zheng Zhang Rui would like to respond to national call to support the border of Ningxia. At that time, all over the spread of
take more than 10 yuan, half a century has become a burden

beautiful dream, the reality is cruel. Zheng Zhang Rui with no toll to Ningxia. He had to borrow money around, not through it several times to borrow.
Cheng Rui Zhang did not give up, one day, he went out to borrow money, on the road, just met Yu rabbit. Some apprehension he told her to go to support the border of Ningxia, but ... ...

good Yu rabbit understand. Without hesitation she took out his book, saying, you get money to the bank it.
35 dollars on books. Zheng Zhang Rui to the bank took out 30. After taking the money, he did not say goodbye to Yu rabbit, but the passbook to the bank's head, directly went to Ningxia.
rabbit that is headed by Yu's friends, and later transmitted to the passbook.
when talking about why did go away, Zheng Zhang Rui is still a bit embarrassed. It turned out that by the time he began a 20 yuan, and later when the withdrawals took more than 10 yuan, he felt embarrassed,mbt sneaker, we choose to go quietly.
Young Zheng Zhang Rui did not expect it to his back for half a century ideological baggage.
50 years, the old man always remember this debt

after year to Ningxia, Zheng Zhang Rui has a new job, monthly salary is 45 yuan. Get the first month's salary, he wrote a letter to Yu rabbit, and also returned to a pen. Yu rabbit also had him back the letter, encourage each other, were I wish progress.
after Zheng Zhang Rui get paid a portion of the money sent home. Soon, the village came the rumors of his fortune in Ningxia, Ningxia,mbt shoes outlet, many villagers have to go find him. Many people, overhead constantly, living together but also to the Jiali Ji, and soon, his life fell into a hardship.
Later, Cheng Rui Zhang received the required local governments to participate in the construction of its letter back home. Mother wrote to him asking him to go back, think again, he returned home.
the next few decades, raising a family, Zheng Zhang Rui's life has been very hard, no money to pay the debt, my heart still pressing a burden, he did not take the initiative and Yu rabbit contact, but it has heart and mind debt.
ratio of 100 to 1 also pay back the money

few years ago, under the care of his son, Zheng Zhang Rui's life had gradually been turned around.
Last year, he asked to be a live rabbit Yu Gan Town, Shengzhou City,skechers shoes, Village in the news, then initiation lifetime to repay the debt in the idea.
Zheng Zhang Rui said that now the son of filial piety, his monthly living expenses there are several hundred dollars, and lived a comfortable old age. To pay off debts, save a little every month for living expenses he has accumulated to the last month, just put together 3,000 yuan, the benefactor of the year to send to a special Thanksgiving this fee.
Zheng Zhang Rui said: , is a rabbit teacher returns kindness. down to take one yuan, 100 yuan but also the ratio of debt to complete this half a century.
So,mbt shoes uk, he sent a piece of rabbit Yu 3,000 of the money order, also appeared at the beginning of the scene.
integrity of this repayment is the best comment

day before yesterday, after 50 years apart, Zhang Cheng, 79, and 76-year-old Yu Shui rabbit finally met again, location is East Village.
the sound invariably asked,
things when it comes to pay back the money, they have a minor
Yu said the rabbit, this debt reflects the integrity, then I'll lend you 30 yuan, 30 yuan now I can only recover, can not accept 3,000.
At this time, Zheng Zhang Rui sit still, he stood up and said, but also 3,000 students in order to settle the matters of the heart,mbt lami shoes, sure to clear this debt. He insisted on leaving the money order.
Yu rabbit but still insisted: between the Erweilaoren precious integrity.
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Old 09-14-2011, 02:41 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

  近日,临高县有群众向本报反映,称该县有两名领导干部,因犯罪被法院判刑后,仍保留“铁饭碗”,工资照 领,mbt sport shoes

  2008年1月,临高县人民法院对两起官员的犯罪案件进行了判决,mbt lami shoes。临高县农业技术推广服务中心原主任方某因犯贪污罪、单位行贿罪,被判处有期徒刑两年缓刑两年。临高县农业 综合开发办公室原主任柯某,因受贿罪被判处有期徒刑三年缓刑五年。但据群众反映法院判决后,柯某和方某仍保 留公职身份,工资照领,mbt shoes

  1月15日,记者就此事采访了临高县纪委副书记、监察局长林健刚,林健刚解释,临高县纪委部门对此事的 处理是根据相关法规进行的。柯某和方某犯罪事件发生于2007年1月份,skechers shoes,对于二人是否开除公职,是按照2007年6月1日前的相关法律规定进行处理的,而不是按照2007年6月 1日开始实施的《行政机关公务员处分条例》执行的。在办案过程中,柯某和方某向纪检部门坦白交待了犯罪事实 ,积极主动地退赃,因此决定给予二人人性化处理,保留了二人的公职身份。2007年6月1日以后犯罪的公务 员,mbt shoes sale,一律开除公职。 来源:海南特区报
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