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Old 11-08-2011, 03:59 AM   #1
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0q8tj464 is on a distinguished road
Default 2008年 ferragamo shoes for men

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Old 11-08-2011, 04:03 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Tang and Song Tang and Song Dynasties ,skechers shoes online
is collectively known as the eight prose writers, that the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, Liu and Song Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Zhe (Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Su Zhe and his son called three), Ouyang Xiu, Wang and Zeng (Ou was worshiped as a teacher.) (Divided into two Tang, Song six). After the early Ming Zhu initially Han Yu, Liu, Su Shi,skechers shape up shoes, Su Xun, Su Che, Ouyang Xiu, Wang, Zeng eight prose writers compile with print and publish the book also presents selected works of the eight Song writer. Ancient home of Mao Kun Ming the middle of the first foundation to organize and compile, called
Introduction of Han Yu 768-824 people 773-819 Liu life achievements and contributions of the fable Biography About Travel Notes About Sao Fu Xiu 1007-1072 1009-1066 major works biographies Su Xun About the famous works of literature and art Su 1037-1101 Introduction to major works Achievement Zhe Wang 1021-1086 1039-1112 About Political Reform politicians, writers Wang Gong Wang Wang Chronicle 1019-1083 Practical Introduction and summary Zeng Tang: Han Yu - to respect the theme of Confucianism against Buddhism the the famous Including Song: Ouyang Xiu - ) - Butterfly in Love, Su Che -, Zeng Gong (gǒng) - Wang - Liu jointly initiated the Su Xun, Su Shi and Su Che is the father of Su Shi Zhe's brother is, so Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Su Zhe three collectively. And Wang and Gong Xiu have worship as a teacher, so that the Tang and Song is divided into two Tang (Han Yu) and Song of six (three Su, Au, who, Wang). Easier to remember the jingle: 1, three Su Ou Yang, Han Yu was king. Su (Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Che) Au (Ou), Han (Han Yu), Liu (Liu), who (Zeng), Wang (shi) 2, Han Yu Jia Ou Yang, Su and was king. 3, Han Yu Ouyang, Su Zeng with a king. 4, Su Wang Zeng, Xiu Liu Han. 5, Han Yu Xiu Su Shi (Wang) Gong (Gong). 6, Su Han Yu Ou Wang had (roughly chronological row) 7, the three Su (Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Che) Wang (Wang) has (Gong) Europe (Ou) Korea (Han Yu) Liu (Liu ) About
Han Yu Han Yu 768-824
Han Yu (768 ~ 824) of the word retire, Tang writers, philosophers, thinkers, hayang (now in Henan Jiaozuo Meng City) people, Han Chinese. Native of Changli, the Bank said Han Changli. Any board of civil twilight years assistant minister, also known as the Korean Ministry of Personnel. Posthumous He and Liu are both advocates of classical literary movement in the Tang Dynasty, Qin and Han prose advocate learning the language, breaking loose parallel to expand the classical expression of function. Song Su Shi said he was Works are collected in Han Yu was a master of language. He is good at using the previous term, and pay attention to the extraction of contemporary spoken, able to create many new statements, many of which have become the idiom has spread, such as In terms of ideology is Han Yu (768 ~ 824) of the word retire, Posthumous wengong, pass away, said Han Wen Gong, Tang Henan hayang (today Mengzhou) people. One of the Eight. Wang Changli from that county, the Bank said Han Changli (means that a geographical name of the door within the country Han. The native Han Yu Changli, it is also known Hanchang Li), old age of any board of civil assistant minister,shape up skechers, also known as the Korean Ministry of Personnel. Advocates in Tang Dynasty, Song Su Shi said he was called With a Han Yu-year-old and solitary life figure by older siblings upbringing, early displaced frustrations, there is reading through the blog world, studied hard, although alone is poor. Two-year-old went to Chin Chang examination, three tests are not the first. Twenty-year-old, he first of Scholars, three test subjects learned the word hung fails, go to Bianzhou Dong Jin, Zhang, Xuzhou Jiedushi shogunate closed the two positions. Returned to Beijing after Dr. Ren Simen. After thirty-year-old, he was monitoring the censor, who hunger for a letter of drought-like, please tax breaks, derogatory Yangshan order. Kenso Returning to the North when, for the country child, Dr. Right Bastard Prince rose to the rank tired, but unsuccessful. After fifty years old, starting with Peidu levy Wu Ji, later moved Xingbushilang. Welcome Fogu by remonstrance, derogatory Chaozhou. Yuanzhou shift. Soon Hui Zhao, Li State child libations, the Ministry of War assistant minister, Ministry of Personnel assistant minister, King join the rank, the fifty-year-old final. Politically more there as well. Risk of strange poems seek novelty, forceful and heavy momentum. Achievements and contributions of Han Yu (seven hundred sixty-eight - eight hundred twenty-four), Sadamoto eight years (seven 九二年) Scholars, one of the Tang and Song. Emperor Xian Zong, he had accompanied Peidu Huaixi Military Rebellion put down. In Xingbushilang office, he welcomed Fogu memorial remonstrance, angered Kenso, relegated to Chaozhou. After Mouzon,shape up shoes, the call for the Imperial College libations, served as King join and the Ministry of War, Ministry of Personnel assistant minister. He is a famous Tang Dynasty poet, essayist and important. He and Liu political discord, but did not affect their work together to promote literary movement. They oppose the excessive pursuit of form prose, essays advocate, stressed the importance of the article content. Han Yu, one of the Eight, was because the issue into words Fogu, was demoted Yuanzhou, Ji Jin Jiangxi Yichun. Yuanzhou office during the Han Yu outstanding achievements, and culture at the time the first champion in Jiangxi Province. Jiang Xiu Yichun, there is the sandbank, known as Island champion, the story is then read between students. Yichun city's highest hill has a top floor, there Changli Road, Yichun City, are to commemorate the special merit of Han Yu. Han Yu in the political world is a unified stand against the disparate administrative regions. Han Yu era poetry, has begun to break through the narrow compass of great historical poet. Han Yu is spectacular, but also created a new genre of poetry. He is good at using strong and powerful strokes, driving momentum majestic aspect, mixed with strange strange taste restored, to the Poetry magnificent rendering a layer of rich color, causing the spectacular ponley Chedian. Also on Korean poetry in the art of Of course, the pursuit of Korean poetry also has strange game grotesque characters, is worthless. With a Han Yu came in the first eight people, not because the song before the Tang, but Tang literary movement that he made an outstanding contribution! About
773-819 Liu Liu
Liu, word sub thick, Tang Dynasty writer, native of east (now Yuncheng in Shanxi Province), the Bank said Liu Dong, born in Chang'an, Zhen Yuan Dynasty Scholars, officials monitoring the censor. Shun cases, the Wang Shuwen power, he served as the Board of Rites Yuanwai Lang, is committed to implementing political reforms. Soon, Wang Shuwen failed, he disparaged Yongzhou Sima, Liu moved to provincial governor. Fourteen years in the South who died in Liuzhou. Tang Dynasty, the famous thinker and an outstanding writer. As advocates in Tang Dynasty and the Tang and Song, one of Liu against enveloped the literary world since the Six Dynasties Profusion floating Yan style, to promote simplicity in flowing prose. With a Liu Attraction in the Liu, word sub thick, is a famous writer of the Tang Dynasty, the Bank said, Tang and Song. Life left more than 600 articles poems, prose, the text of the achievements of more than poetry. Dong Tang solution (this solution Shanxi Yuncheng Zhou Zhen) people, DAI Zong large calendar years (773 years) was born in the capital Chang'an, Xian Zong Yuan and fourteen years (819 years) passengers died in Liuzhou. Generation of well-known writer, thinker, at the age of less than 50 years of age. Because he is east of the river people, provincial governor Liu Ren finally, the so called east or Liuzhou Liu. Liu life, leaving more than 600 articles poetry works, the poems were writing a depression anger, feelings of homesickness pregnant friends, quiet Qiao Jun Yu, self-contained way. The most commendable, was the Song of those far away, Shu Dan Jun Jie as the landscape of leisure. Liu and Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, another writer, jointly initiated the literary movement of the Tang Dynasty. He and Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, who was later known as In Travels, fables, etc., Liu also left for future generations very

its excellent work. Travel Notes of these beautiful, vivid expression of the human experience of natural beauty, rich classical prose reflecting new areas of life, thus establishing the landscape genre of travel literature as an independent position in literary history. Because of their artistic achievements, had been passed down through the ages, highly. In addition to poetic fable, but Liu also wrote a lot of fable, Some Fable length is short, but also with him, like landscape note was passed down through the ages. On the philosophy, political commentary, etc., and to discuss the text-based essay. Bifeng sharp and precise argument. The philosophy of materialism has a simple composition. Mainly for its political and ideological emphasis, But also influenced by Buddhism, especially to political frustration, they often look to the Buddhist spiritual relief. Fable inherited and developed the Innovation, create meaning strange, anthropomorphic animals use a variety of artistic image ignited philosophy or political expression. Representative of the The subject of ridicule, because Xiao-shaped object, showing a high degree of humor, satire art. Biography inherited the Includes Some works have exaggerated the true story based on fiction, the novel also seemed like fables. Such as The most popular travel landscape, are written in after being demoted to the for Yongzhou surpassed. As a model of mind,skechers women, These works, both by the beautiful scenery and the experience ignited his grievances; also quiet mood of the description, the performance turned in extreme boredom in the pursuit of spiritual sustenance. As for the direct characterization landscape scenery, then or Qiaoba Jun Jie, or the strange and beautiful clear mysterious to reproduce the language of exquisite natural beauty. At that time, Liu was demoted because of failure of political reform Yongzhou, Ji Jin Yongzhou. Articles are written by the then Yongzhou in the vicinity of landscapes, the article short,skechers shape ups, ethereal, simple, smooth, for the history of the lips. Where the Fascinating article, Jun Yong endless. Its shape with no beginning, is written first heard and show little sokdam. Write to the fish pool, the lake of clear, one can imagine; to write the fish, the fish are happy people envy was palpable. Of like shape, expressive, cloth film, colors, pen and ink economy, superb way. Realm of the end of the Qing Ji Yousui sad to write bitter cold of the quiet sense of scenes. Sao Fu Yan Yu Song said: The Fu Liu Yuan Fu inherit and carry forward the tradition. His prose, not only the use of traditional forms, but also inherited the spirit of Qu Yuan. This is because although the two separated, or golden, but both ideas, experience, or ambition, character, have in common. of those whom Qice. Liu's Or directly express feelings, or by the ancient self-injury, or send satirical allegory, meditate bitter language, won the essence of Qu Yuan. In addition, there are a lot of focus on Liu Buddhist monument, Ming, write, order, poetry and other works on the Zen, Tendai, and other theories Lvzong be involved. Politics, philosophy suits the literary achievements, Liu is a famous thinker. Actively engaged in political reform a person must be a thinker. Liu's philosophy of having In these treatises, the Liu Dong advocated by Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty, . He opposed days break, destiny, all that Heaven, critical theology, emphasizing personnel, with Liu also criticism of theology into the criticism of politics, with a simple explanation materialist point of view, His philosophy is the development of social productive forces, the same time, the level of the natural sciences to adapt. He thought the development of the ancient plain materialist atheism to a new height in the Tang era is an outstanding thinker. About
Xiu Xiu 1007-1072
Ouyang Xiu (1007 ~ 1072), the Northern Song Dynasty statesman, writer, historian and poet. Yong Shu word, No. tippler, old age and number sixty-one lay (VI One, the collection of a million volumes, set the stone has been left behind three generations of the text recorded in a thousand volumes, one chess set, one often Zhijiu pot, one tippler ), Ji-Yong Feng (this is in Jiangxi) people who claim to Luling, Luling County, formerly the state because of Kyrgyzstan, was born in Mianzhou (now Mianyang, Sichuan Province). Day Saint Scholars. Ren, the tired, pull Zhizhi Gao, Hanlin degree; Yingzong, the official senator Fushi, Shenzhizhengshi; Shenzong North Korea, moved to Bingbushangshu, the Prince division Retirements less. Wenzhong Shi death. Zhongyan New Deal's supporters as well Prose Song leader. Both happy and incentives backward, Su Shi and his son, and Zeng Gong, Wang and are out of the sects. Verse, poetry and prose are the temporary crown. Reasoning accessible prose, lyrical euphemism for Together with the Song Qi Xiu has Both happy to collect stone text, compiled as a The Xinzheng buried in Kaifeng (Henan Xinzheng), Xinzheng City XinDian Ouyang Xiu Village existing cemetery, is a national heritage conservation units. Another southern suburbs today have their ancestral Mianyang, it is called ONE LESSON. Major works representative of the Deep Courtyard dash), Su Xun 1009-1066

Profile Name: Yun-Ming Su Xun word No. Fountain :1009-1066 birth and death belong dynasties: Song belongs to literary periods: the Song Dynasty Literature affiliated schools: the Eight representative works: the right to biographies of the book value of the Northern Song Dynasty essayist. Han. Word Ming Yun, No. Fountain. Meishan Meizhou (this is a Sichuan) people. Examination do not move, the Han Qi and Human Resources Secretary of the Provincial Collator, ANALYSIS main book. Longer than the prose, especially good at political commentary and discussion of Ming Chang, vigorous gesture. The It is said that only 27 years old strenuously study, shut himself away after ten years, great progress in their studies. Ren Jia first year (1056), he led the Su Shi, Su Che to Bianjing, Xiu Ye Imperial Academy. Ouyang Xiu admired his Moment Gongqing competing widely read scholar, Wen Sheng were so big. Kerry three years, Ren called him to the hospital to take the test Scheeren, he shirk the sick and refused Ying Zhao. Ka five years, he served as Secretary of the province of Collator. State Xiangcheng after Chen (this is Henan) county magistrate Li Yao initiates the book Soon into the book, that is death, posthumously Guanglu Si Cheng. Su Xun was politically ambitious. He said the main purpose of his composition In the In his view, should govern the State, must He advocated Su Xun better understanding of the social reality, but also good at summing up the lessons of history to the ancient as a warning, therefore, in spite of his political essays of the theory can not help but have Yukuo biased, but still hits the mark for many of their ideas. Su Xun Zeng said, Su Xun's In the famous Actually Jiegufengjin, accusing the humiliation of Song Dynasty policy. In the He also emphasized to avoid the real enemy not to storm the weak, the use of Jones and the suspected soldiers, playing quick decision, assault and other strategic and tactical principles to win. Su Xun's lyrical prose much, but there are some outstanding chapters. In the Su Xun's prose arguments and strong arguments and powerful language sharp, vertical and horizontal unrestrained, with persuasive eloquence. Ouyang Xiu praised him for do reasoning, metaphor care primer Dominated by the magnificent art style, but varied. Part of the article Youyi varied twists and turns, Yu Xu Wanzhuan known. Su Xun in His language was plain Jane King, concisely meaningful; but sometimes it can lay out alignment, especially good for the wonderful vivid metaphor, such as example. Su Xun paper, it resembles the brilliant insights. He was opposed to blame astringent when floating Yan Wen, promote the study of classical; stressed the article to He also discussed the common demands of different styles and different wording. In particular, he compared the good tasting from various prose style and artistic characteristics, such as Su Xun poetry much, good at writing five ancient, simple vigorous. Song Faction Comment the poem The Su Xun writings version of Song to a variety of popular, mostly original Sanyi, who have kept this Journal Song Tongxing Ben has Famous works Hill heartless bandits, regardless of actual days. I enjoy the mountains, for me a hundred complaints. Is not fear the day, mourning the Soil. Classes in Pigeon, Valley Valley, reveille. Days of almost no rain, I do not tell workers. Who mountains, as feathers. > a Ji opposition, do not groan over a hundred. My son is not good, no power to others. Tie me in the stables, is not I'm driving. In case I do not end, as the opposition. Bald hair in the cream, to send the meat to wolves. Ning He hurt me, do not I care? No child I forgot. > there are those who touch the calf, but no longer. For the child have contact, On the Set Point? Real give her my day, son wants to have me. I was evil, He wins me? Son does not want to touch, He claims the Li? > Asahi set up, pass away pass away Meng Iraq. Results in the room there, in the wild are cultivated. In a commercial way, in the side of a sign. Born Simin, compared to Ning Yang. Sigh I Do? Crept No camp. And the beginning of what I, what this master me? I'll go ask, which I am safe? > Ren Jun north, hand out the Lu is a public writing, leaving me without any hesitation. Lu public real hero, generous loyalty posture. Recalling the end of the Tempo, and change from Yuyang division. Warriors do not deserve it, and Confucian scholars horizontal banner of righteousness. Grateful to dozens of counties, even the value-Doo Qiang Yi. New rally is still weak, Hu horsepower is not bad. Military forces actually very, sighed a few really odd. Gao Changshan dead brother, the martyr tears over Yi. Lu is not the sworn enemy of the public, all the world hee hee. Nonetheless does not love, then the step fin whales? Public solid not afraid of dying, I was real sad. Myanmar profound friendship in high school, Xizai I was born late. See the difference, said recently, authors who do not know. Goes public this death, this has been strange. Probably the heart of the world, everyone is thinking the public. Be not Sizhuang, comfort the sad Kutan. I Yuku Cemetery, vast unknown. Love the track his life, often or relic. The word out of the public hand, see a reduction counseling sigh. The public poor book, Fun correct ink crazy. Do think its his life, abandoned road Qi Qi Ren? Status of this word is quite strange, dignified Wei-shaped instrument. Chun is very deep stable, bone aging and fragmented. Stipple is to be, and, related not contrary. Like a person, nose and mouth eyes and ears eyebrow. Abnormal appearance to each other, each phase junction dimension. Lili the stars, if not stand-points. Since the suffix will be around, or for fighting with Kei. Serious physical side bone weight, placement of no interjection crisis. Ding Wu Zhuan big belly, high housing are no weak mei. Antiquities combined scale, Fawu be moments regulations. Want to write the beginning, not serious inferiority. Yu Liu it not better to end the trouble custodial. Strokes are not the consecration, Yongshou still dare to peep. Seeing the word self may paper do nothing. A car will be a hundred trees, axes are easy to be catty. He round the moon, like to draw the final shape of non. Who would have thought loyal heart, and Sri Lanka is still spare capacity. Thus the number of pieces of paper, so I have re-sigh hee. > Eagle Plains stroke, animals chaos shortness. Was arrested vast executive, Paul monensin reversed. Rabbits could not bear to kill, love the old sigh. Long only begotten then arrested, the wild before shock correction. Jun knowledge elegant cage can hold gradually tame interference. Who knows the mountains wide, from the caves quite good. Activity issued on high-Biao Ye, groups such as channeling trace sweep. Heterogeneity is not self-possession, field tomorrow. Hunting refers to the smiling husband, suffering from the hide is not early. When riding any toad, and spirit from the pounding pestle hand. About
Su Su 1037-1101
Su Shi (1037 ~ 1101) Sung, word Zizhan, but also words and Chung, number South Korean Song Emperor, presented Taishi, chase Posthumous Meishan Meizhou (now the Sichuan Meishan) people, Han nationality, is the father of the fifth son of Su Xun, a famous Northern Song Dynasty writer, painter, essayist, poet, poet. There are many creative talents in poetry, words, prose, painting and achieved a unique and outstanding achievements. The world known as Su. Biography Kerry two years (1057) and younger brother Su Che Chin with the board. Review granted Dali things Fengxiang House judge a book signing. Xining year (1069), the DPRK also expiration of parent mourning mourning for the judge told hospital. And Wang political views or not, opposed to the new law, from outside your office, the Hangzhou pass sentence. Missouri moved to know (now Zhucheng), Xuzhou knowledge transfer. Yuanfeng year (1079), suffer Li Cheoljong High Empress Powerbut was complex known as the Chao Feng Dengzhou Lang (now Penglai); 4 months after the doctor moved for the Board of Rites; either not Xunri, in addition to living Scheeren, moved to rounding in the book, but also to move Imperial Academy Zhizhi Gao, known Imperial Examination Board of Rites. Per four years (1089) a notice of Hangzhou, later changed to know Yingzhou, known Yangzhou, Dingzhou. Million years (1093) King Cheoljong Chikamasa, was far from banished Huizhou (Guangdong Huiyang today), and then banished Danzhou (now Danzhou County). Huizong ascended the throne, Yushe North return, Jianzhong Yasukuni Shrine, the first year (1101) died in Changzhou (this is of Jiangsu), Sixty-five years, buried Yu Chau Jia County (Henan Jia County.) He and his father Su Xun (1009 ~ 1066), younger brother Su Che (1039 ~ 1112) names begin with the world of literature, the Bank said, . In politics is his father Su Xun, the Although Su Xun determined effort late, but very hard ground. Su recalled his later years was to study the situation of young father, his father felt deeply affected. Of course, if not strenuously Su Xun's reading, it is impossible to take a good tutor young Su Shi, not to the crown in no time or everyone. Details Ka first year (1056), nominal Sushi for the first time the twenty-first out of Sichuan to Beijing to participate in the court of the imperial examinations. The following year, he participated in the Rites of the examination to a Ka six years (1061), Su Shi examinations should be in the system, which is commonly called . After every father died in Bianjing, go inside the small worry help mourning. Xining year (1069) also served the DPRK is still granted their own. The time of his entry into official, it is the Northern Song Dynasty, when the political crisis began, prosperity, hidden behind the crisis, this time Shenzong ascended the throne, appointed Wang to support political reform. Sushi many mentors, including his mentor had appreciated by Ouyang Xiu, including, for the purposes of the new law the new prime minister with political sub-Wang was forced to leave Beijing. Rain withered old ruling and opposition parties, Su Shi in the eyes can see, has not seen his twenty years of age Su was the way in the back to Beijing to see the damage to ordinary people the new law, strongly disagree with the practice of the prime minister Wang that the new law is not convenient, then a petition to oppose. One result of this is that those forced to leave Beijing as his mentors, like not in the court. Since then seek putting Sushi, transfer Hangzhou pass sentence. Su Shi spent three years in Hangzhou, retiring after being transferred to Missouri, Xuzhou, Huzhou and other places, either to know the state. Outstanding performance, unprecedented public. This continued for about ten years, Su Shi met his first calamity. Some people (Li Ding et al) deliberately distorting his verse, a big fuss. Yuanfeng year (1079), Su Shi, Huzhou arrival less than three months to compose ironic because the new law, Sushi 103 days in prison, was beheaded a few endangered situation. Thanks to the Northern Song Dynasty Kuangyin years in that set national policy not to kill scholar Su Shi regarded dodged a bullet. After his release, was demoted to Su Shi Fu Shi Huang Zhou militia (equivalent to deputy leader of modern folk SDF). This post very low, at which point this prison by Su Shi has become rely under all difficulties, they lead the family in their spare piece of the east slope cultivation, farming to supplement their livelihoods. Song Shenzong Yuanfeng seven years (1084), Su Shi left Huangzhou, Feng Zhao Yu Chau took office visit. As long journey traveled, Su Shi's children unfortunately died. Yu Chau long way, and the toll has done, along with then, they would petition the court of Su Shi, the request not being Yu Chau, first living in Changzhou, after the approval. When he was ready to return to the south of Changzhou, the Shenzong Jiabeng. King Cheoljong throne, high Empress hearings, the New Party forces in the fall, re-enabled for Sima Guang phase. Su doctor then called in to also directed the Ministry of Rites. Moving in a half months, rising home Scheeren, after three months or rounding in the book, do not they rise Imperial Academy Zhizhi Gao. As the saying goes: Sushi to this is both a new party can not be tolerated, can not forgive the old party, which once again from seeking a transfer. Lung To Court the identity of his degree, again after an absence of sixteen years to when the prefect of Hangzhou. Sushi in Hangzhou, a major repair of water conservancy construction, dredging of West Lake, with the dredged mud in the lake next to the building of a dam, which is the famous Sushi in Hangzhou had a nice, since the Tang Dynasty more than Bai. But the yuan six years (1091), he was recalled to the DPRK. But soon because of political clashes, putting Yingzhou. Per eight (1093) New Party return to power, was banished once again. Ascended the throne after the Huizong, adjusting Lianzhou placement, Shu state militia Fushi, Yongzhou placement. Yuan Fu for three years (1101) amnesty, rehabilitation Chao Feng Ren Lang, North way home, died in Changzhou. At the age of sixty-year-old. Literary and artistic achievements of Su Shi Xiu literary point of view and the same strain, but more emphasis on literary originality, expressiveness and artistic value. His literary thinking emphasized that He believes that writing should be AGF prose writings of Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu and Han Yu Liu and adding three. Writing style plain and smooth, uninhibited ease. Release Dehong Ouyang Xiu Su Shi is the second after the auspices of the Northern Song Dynasty literary leader, among the writers at the time enjoyed a great reputation, and sometimes make friends with them or accept many of his mentor, Song writer Huang, Guan, Chao Bu and Zhang Lei Four persons have been his training, incentives, and recommended pulling. Four scholars of the Soviet Union, it said. Su extant about four thousand, the contents of his poems vast, varied, and the bold-based, pen vertical and horizontal force, the poor most changes, with the romanticism, the development of the Song opened up a new path. Xie weeks Since Changli beginning to talk nonsense Dongpo benefits, break new ground, into a generation of Grand View. ... ... especially not and are born with a healthy pen, cool, such as sorrow pears, and quick to cut, there will be up to the hidden, no difficulty was the situation, this is why, following Li and Du everyone after a while its not as good as Li Bai and Du Department has in this. A few poems also reflect the sufferings of the people, accusing the luxury of arrogant rulers. Bold words to open a group, very influential on future generations. Poems of Sushi existing over three hundred and forty words first to break the special love and parting Parting of men and women to write a narrow subject matter, has a broad social context. Sushi word in the history of our country occupies a special position. He will be the spirit of the Northern Song Prose, extended to the field of the word to eliminate the tradition since the late Tang and Five Dynasties word wind, creating a bold and graceful school side by side in Ci, the subject of the word expanded and enriched the artistic conception of the word, Mei Zhuang word broke through the boundaries of poetry, innovation and development of words and make a significant contribution. Masterpieces of Xuxi in the . He was all over the school Jin, Tang, Five Dynasties masters, thanks to the Wangseng Qian, Li Yong, Xu Hao, Yen Chen, Yang, condensing, and dreams of, create their own new ideas. Plump pen ups, there are innocent of Fun.. From the cloud: After the button pen very strong. man. One book and respect, nephew, at the time of their brothers by the children, step, too, friends Wangding Guo, Chao Ling have to learn from him; later historical figures such as Li Gang, Hanshizhong, Lu and Wu W, Zhang Qing , always make to learn from him, we can see a big role. Huang Ting in the , and possessed the potential of lifting the dance. Mi Fu said he was Mi Yun: The paintings are of insight, more far-reaching impact on the painting. Quite similar, such as attention, that After their Calligraphy survive in the world of Surviving paintings trace the Sushi in poetry, literature, words, books, paintings, etc., in the Song Dynasty many outstanding talents have achieved pinnacle of achievement. Is rare in the history of literary and artistic genius. Old Party. Hao Fangpai poet. Zhe 1039-1112 Introduction

Su Che (1039 ~ 1112) the word child by the Northern Song Dynasty essayist. And his father Su Xun, Su Shi's brother collectively, the Meishan Meizhou (this is a Sichuan) people. Ren Jia year (1057) and Su Shi with the Scholars. Soon funeral for the mother, back in the service of filial piety. Ka six years, but also with the system and give Sushi Division. Was due to Xining three years (1070) letter to Shenzong, a strong case law is not changed, and the book caused Wang, intense accused the new law. Xining five years (1072), as officials in Henan to push. Yuanfeng year (1079), his brother Su Shi to write poetry, His letter to his official request to atone for the brothers, no, it involved was demoted, salt and wine tax state prison Yun. Genpo eight years old party in power, he was recalled, he served as Secretary of the Provincial Collator, right Sagan, into the Qiju Lang, move in the book Scheeren, Hubushilang. King Cheoljong per four years (1089) Book of the Board of Civil Rights, ambassador to Khitan. Yu Shi Zhongcheng also served as North Korea. You Cheng Shang Yuan six worship, the door under the assistant minister, in charge of affairs of state. Element eight years, King Cheoljong Chikamasa, the new law school got the upper hand again. Shaosheng first year (1094), his petition to oppose current affairs, was demoted, the knowledge Yu Chau, Yuanzhou, responsible for grant of the state Biejia, Leizhou placement, and then banished through the state and other places. Chongning three years (1104), Su Che Yingchuan settled in, had a pastoral scene of life, Zhu Shi said, Chase ended after the death of Ming temple complex degree, Ik Wending. By his father and brother Su Zhe knowledge of life, mainly in Confucianism, Mencius, who most admire view hundreds of times. He specializes in the history of political commentary and, in the Free Talk about the world affairs in the political commentary, such as the while slow disease History, like with the father and brother, for the current problems, past serve the present. Su Che in the classical writing also have their own ideas. In the is to rely on broad life experience. Therefore, Qian praised the His writing style Yang Tan Bo, there are also deep-alcohol Xiu-jie qi. For example, Su Che Fu is also written very well. Such as Parent benefits, loss of character, who has the military judge Riverside, life in the north and south to do a few of any Magistrate. Qingli year (1042) Gordon Chin Yang fourth list, has appointed Magistrate in Huainan, Yin County magistrate, Shu states pass sentence, Changzhou know the state, reminded officials in places Jiangdong Prison. Zhiping four years (1067) Shenzong first ascended the throne, known Jiangning Zhaoan Stone House, called for the Hanlin degree rotation.
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