metaphysic. The Parsees could not separate
questions about Ahriman and Ormuzd from Kant's three great philosophic
problems: What is Man?--What may be known?--What should be done?
Neitherindeedcould the earlier Greek sages. Not one of themof any
school whatsoever--from the semi-mythic Seven Sages to Plato and
Aristotle--but finds it necessary to consider not in passingbut as the great
object of researchquestions concerning the gods:- whether they are real
or not; one or many; personal or impersonal; cosmicand parts of the
universeor organisers and rulers of it; in relation to manor without
relation to him. Even in those who flatly deny the existence of the gods
even in Lucretius himselfthese questions have to be consideredbefore
the questionWhat is man? can get any solution at all. On the answer
given to them is found to depend intimately the answer to the question
What is the immaterial part of man? Is it a part of natureor of
something above nature? Has he an immaterial part at all?--in one word
Is a human metaphysic possible at all? So it was with the Greek
philosophers of oldevenas Asclepius and Ammonius saywith Aristotle
himself. "The
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