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Old 04-20-2011, 02:47 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,505
alicetrade1l is on a distinguished road
Default 老谢侃车 斑马线风波引发全民热议

  主持人:车谭趣事、轻松演绎、业内名嘴、风趣点评,以下请出中心人民广播电台经济之声“中国汽车风波榜 ”特约评论员谢卫列为你带来今天的脱口秀全国直播节目《老谢侃车》,老谢,你好!
  主持人:板砖跟斑马线有什么关系?难道你要侃侃那位人活七十古来稀的老老师“布衣之怒”,拍板砖怒砸3 0辆违法闯红灯汽车的事儿?
  老谢:恰是这位老百姓津津有味、街头巷尾热议的老先生,阎政平老人――这位阎大侠路见不平、拔“砖”相 助,在西北地界的兰州,持板砖“服侍”那些违法闯红灯的机动车,据说连砸30辆,期间上百位市民纷纭伸出“ 支援”之手,有助威的、有送水的,有送板砖的,俨然一场大马路斑马线上的“人民战斗”!说个细节:这30辆 违法车挨砸后没一家敢停车下来叫板的,全都理亏、有自知之明地“逃之夭夭”了!据保险公司的代表讲了:道义 上对这些违法车是不理赔的!
  主持人:我留神到全国各大网站上考察有进有近80%的网民投票支持阎老师的举措!对此你怎 么看?
  老谢:瞎话实说,我在网上投票时也投了支持票!由于虽说是“布衣之怒”,属于“揭竿而起”&见义勇为的 “草寇”行为,但俺谢大侠仍是钦佩阎老先生这股精气神儿!要说这都市行车的违法闯红灯、危及人行横道上男女 老少的莽撞司机,我是疾恶如仇!我跟大伙儿说个我亲自阅历的事儿吧……
  老谢:那倒不!二个月前在北京的通州我的“一单挑”他的老妈、带着我5岁的小外甥女在人行横道绿灯时过 斑马线,一辆捷达飞奔而来在人行横道内把年过六十的老太太撞出七八米远,万幸的是在撞上老人的霎时,老人把 我那小外甥女推到对面马路牙上才防止了更大的悲剧!白叟家在病院整整躺了两个月!更可气的是问闹事司机看见 红灯了怎么还不停车让行人,那开捷达的小伙子竟然振振有词地说反正路上没警察、也没摄头,一给油不就从前了 ?!这种有悖最少社会公德的行为真是令人匪夷所思!
  主持人:这类“马路杀手”的违法行动应该谴责!那么咱们沉着下来剖析一下为什么这些“马路杀手”会视法 规为儿戏,肆意守法闯红灯,在这一社会景象的背地又蕴含怎么的起因呢?
  老谢:实在我们站在历史的高度“鸟瞰”一下人们对于汽车的百年历史,我们会发现其实早在汽车这种机动车 时期之前的上千年前,人类在马车这种非机动车的年代就已经把以人为本的交通安全、比方相似的人行横道(也就 是当初常说的斑马线)纳入到城市的公共治理当中了,因而这个话题有着千年文明的传承关联性!又例如早在古罗 马时代,当时庞贝城的古罗马人发明人与马、人与马车在城市混行时极易发生梗塞和碰撞,于是古罗马人就把人行 道与马车道离开,并在路口砌出凸前途面的一排石头,马车两轮可以从石头间穿行,paul smith shops,而行人可以像在山间踩着溪流间的石头过河一样跳着过马路,ghd iv gold styler;直至20世纪50年代英国人在伦敦头一次在马路路口画下了斑马线以凸起人行横道的安全标识后果,才使这种 人文关心的公共交通管理办法发挥光大!
  老谢:首先依据2004年就已公布实行的《中华国民共和国途径交通保险法》第47条的划定:“机动车行 经人行横道时,应当减速行驶;遇行人正在通过人行横道,应当泊车让行。”。可现实生活中跟我一样近80%的 网友、上百万投支撑票的网友,能够讲100%遭遇过违法闯红灯、违法与我们守法走人行横道的行人争行、抢道 ,危及我们大伙儿人身平安的事儿,大家实际上是对北京跟各地执法机构在这方面的不作为、或者说公权利缺失的 一种大众不信赖投票!
  其次,面对路权的不平等,人们召唤出门时厚此薄彼的社会公平,为什么会涌现有法不依、执法不严,为什么 平凡和气的人开上车当前却由凡人人变成了魔鬼?本源就是我们社会道德教导的缺失造成当民族精力和助人为乐、 敬老爱幼的优良品德DNA的散失,不少人的精神世界里已经没有了利他主义的道德底线、完整迷失在个人的利己 主义的损人利己、从而缺失最起码对生命的敬畏?,a&f shoes!这实际上是中国疾速进入汽车社会时公共道德的群体缺失,是我们的社会教育存在行车道德观上的空缺造成的! 如果任其自然,就会造成两极分化――要么因为违法的社会表彰本钱低而更多的司机逼上梁山、要么因为路权不平 等造成更多的马路“罗宾汉”,试想一下:如果各地N多的阎大侠和老庶民都这样揭“砖”而起,站在马路边砸违 法车,那法制社会的秩序将如何保护呢?
  根据公安部宣布的威望统计,在2008年我们中国产生了26.5万交通事变,造成了7.35万人死亡, 30.1万人受伤,直接财产丧失达10.1亿元!我们的人均汽车保有量仅是全世界程度的1/12,但却是全世界交通事故逝世亡人数最多的国度――现实就是这么严格!我举个最新的例子,在河南郑州市管 城区,人民法院裁决了两辆公交车因闯人行横道伤及正常行人而抵偿320万元的案件――可这对一位守法在人行 横道内过马路的行人、一位13岁花季少年,对于一位由此飞来横祸一年多来仍没有醒过来的动物人,这数百万元 的赔偿又算得了什么?,purses coach
  老谢:站在理性的角度确实令人赞不绝口,但我们毕竟是法治社会,兰州阎老先生的平民之怒诚然有其公道性 ,但从感性的角度讲显然分歧法,这种以暴制恶虽说有劝善扬善的“侠客罗宾汉”的口碑,但它究竟带来一种无序 的恶性轮回,构成私刑泛滥!其终极成果是在马路上又会呈现“另类杀手”――试想一下,假如阎老先生“匡扶正 义”的时候砸在前风挡玻璃、进而导致违法闯红灯的司机处理失当、开车逆行闯向其它畸形行驶的灵活车、甚至撞 向路边行人,其成果又当如何?
  所以冷静下来―― 一方面我们呐喊执法机构增强执法力度,联合相应的监控技巧投入,震慑违法行为,确切保障大众在路权眼前的同 等、弘扬协调社会的公正正义;另一方面应当通过各种社会教化手腕让千百万行车上路的司性能够敬畏性命、学法 知法遵法,要让闯红灯,与斑马线行家人抢道的极少数人彻悟不仅仅是违章,而是人命关天的违法!
  我注意到一个细节:就是不少媒体包含CCTV和东方卫视在这场热议中还把闯红灯的违法行为说成是违章! ――显然这些媒体人自身就应当接收法规培训!真真正正要让这种法规意识、公德意识成为每位国民日常出行生活 的“潜意识”,汽车社会才会更和谐,斑马线才会成为以人为本的生命线、才会成为都市文化的景致 线!
  ※本节目全国首播时光为每周五10:45(重播时间为13:10)中国播送网24小时、365天在线循 环播放。针砭时弊、直抒己见、半针见血。
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Old 04-20-2011, 02:58 AM   #2
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Mother and daughter a big hug

20 years ago, my mother was her family back to the Xinzheng. Shen has not seen her mother. Now, she grew up and married, the only wish is to meet mother. She was widely distributed on major sites to find the mother post. Yesterday, the reporter's help,tory burch bags, Shen finally got his wish.
Evening News reporter Wang military text / Chart

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Posted by Shenyu hair. The two Moumou Xinzheng again back home during pregnancy. Shen never saw her mother, her biggest dream for so many years is to be able to see her mother.
Shen said that she posted in the major sites to find the mother, just want to find the mother through the power of the network.
Later, Shen grew up, my father is no longer mentioned.
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is a high school education,tory burch uk sale, although her mother, but no culture of the Shen family in mind, her mother a college student, my mother adds Shen infinite glory.
Dad always said that my mother is very beautiful,tory burch wedges, very virtuous, educated, very respected grandfather, grandmother,tory burch sale, mother did not love my father, but his mother is very caring. Grandma often bring the contents of the letter will be sad tears.
mother back home in the days, my father started drinking to forget. A drunk, he rode a bike off to the Xinzheng.
Shen said, grandpa saw his father after the meal to find someone to beat him, put him in the house. After her mother know, my father put out secretly. Trustee to Xinzheng aunt was asking, after twists and turns that her mother has remarried. From Dad do not look for her mother, and her mother about what will burn his shirt. However, Shen and her mother a photo of the film is missing,tory burch boots, Shen discovered treasures.
later, the village was introduced to the father objects, and my father refused.
mother and daughter meet a flood of tears

this year, Shen has been 23 years old son has 4 years of age. If the mother can and I to recognize the better. town to find her mother. Previously, the reporter contacted the Town Meng, deputy secretary of Wang Zhaodong, let him help tracing.
came to Bangladesh for a pedestrian town, did not expect, Shen Ma family is very liberal,tory burch sales, agree with Shen mother see her daughter. Yesterday, 10:30, Shen came to her house door. A tall middle-aged woman already waiting to embrace a meeting with her daughter, burst into tears. Upon seeing her mother, also took out his collection of old photographs. Surprisingly, the two sides in the hands of old photos exactly the same. Shen Ma expressed the hope that her daughter, son-in at home a few days, taking her grandson to have the opportunity to work together, but she would not return to Shandong, a.
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