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Old 04-20-2011, 08:41 AM   #1
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  “老师,我来扫吧!”我回首一看,只见我们班的小旺同学站在我的身旁轻轻地对我说。听他这么一说,我充 满汗珠的脸上顿时露出了舒心的微笑。小旺同学接过我手中的扫把和垃圾斗,学着我的样子一个座位挨一个座位地 扫了起来。
  看到他可恶的身影,他刚进学校的情景我就历历在目:早上他干干净净地来到学校,出去玩一下回到教室就变 成一个大花脸,满身、满鞋子都是泥沙,桌子底下、四处全堆满了垃圾,更可气的是他还常常把垃圾踢到其他同学 的桌子底下。看到这些,我没有少申斥他,可是他好象基本就听不懂我在说什么,只是木木地
  我暝思苦想了良久很久:“为什么会这样呢?为什么我的教育对他根本就起不到作用呢?”对,生命是有差别 的存在的,我应该尊重这个差异性,尊重他的感受,同时激发他的感受,让他的心灵受到触动,让我的生命与他的 生命进行交流,进行心与心的交流。
  “申老师也很喜欢一(2)班,我们能不能一起说说我们是怎么喜欢一(2)班的吗?”我谈话 似地问他。
  “申老师和小旺同学一样喜欢一(2)班,班级获奖,老师很高兴,班里同学获奖,申老师更兴奋;教室很干 净,申老师开心,小旺同学能讲卫生,那是申老师最开心的。”
  有了这一次谈话,小旺同窗比以前清洁多了,至少不会把垃圾踢到别人桌子底下。我晓得他已经接受到我爱他 的电波,能感触到他人的感触,他的心与我的心已经进行了一次有效的碰撞。这次碰撞,我感同身受地尊敬了他的 生命主体,晋升了他的生命品质,在他的生命中又多了一层“领会着他人的感想”这一深入含意。
  更触动他那根生命之弦的仍是另一次。学校引导照例每周来班里检查卫生,那是一个礼拜五,我早上一大早来 就把教室的窗台、玻璃擦得干干净净,他来时,我正在擦玻璃,他睁大惊疑的眼睛望着我。第二节同学们上体育课 时,我把地板又从新拖了一次,他回到教室喝水时,他又看到了我在劳动。第三节课学校领导来检讨卫生时教室是 窗明几净、纤尘不染。没料到坐在最后排的小旺同学在刚拿书出来时弄了一张彩纸在地上。等领导指出他“这个同 学,把地上垃圾捡起来”只见他脸刷地一阵红一阵白,眼泪在眼眶里打转,只差没哭出来。看到他那可怜的摸样, 我也从心底里懊悔,“怎么未几提示他一次呢?”但我也深信:我这件事以后,他确定不会再是以前那个脏孩子了 ,而是一个讲文化,讲卫生的孩子。提升了孩子的生命质量,这恰是我们的教育目标所在。
  果然,从此当前,他岂但自己特殊爱干净,还只有我一拿起扫把,他就会微微地对我说:“老师,我来扫吧! ”
  所谓“生命教育”,就是尊重生命主体,为其创设活泼生动、空虚丰盛的环境和前提,以促进生命主题全面、 和谐、主动、健康发展的教育。带着这毕生命
  都有些紧张、畏惧“老师会对我好吗?”、“老师会喜欢我吗?”等都会在孩子们心中不同水平地表示出来。 孩子们之间都很难互相凝视,很难轻松自若地自我先容“大家好,我是谁谁,你叫什么名字?”许多孩子都在有意 无意地找和自己以前上统一所幼儿园的或住同一栋楼的孩子同桌。孩子们都愿望我能喜欢他们,prada sneakers,也盼望受其余同学的欢送。他们幼小的心灵中不想因为犯错而被讥笑,甚至于因为紧张而日后不敢说出自己的心 里话。从而班级造成两极分化,一部门学生因为紧张不敢抒发自己的主意,一部分因为想引起别人注意而在班里“ 大闹天宫”。
  我们知道,一个终日惴惴不安的学生是不可能学到什么知识的,而且即使孩子们有自己的想法也不实在的表达 出来。这种以胆怯温柔从的班级,孩子们的生命质量很难得到提升,长大后也很难实现自己的生命价值。所以,我 的重要义务是为孩子们创设一种生动活泼,充满丰硕的环境,让孩子们能全面、和谐、主动、健康地发展。孩子们 刚入学,什么也不懂,从哪里入手呢?对,就从孩子们最熟习的名字入手。只管班里有50多名孩子,我们尤其包 含我都很想了解彼此的名字。于是,我就在班里念了全班同学的名字,把名字中读音雷同或濒临的同学编在一起做 游戏,prada for women。如我们班有“小语、小玉、小宇、小昱、小煜、小钰”等,我让他们组成一个小组,彼此了解同学的名字,各自 说出自己的小名,各自说说自己的专长。我还把共有一个“明”的编成一个组,又把同姓的编成一个小组。孩子们 分小组都了解了彼此的名字后,我又把他们合并成几个大组,最后全班围成一个圈训练说出同学的名字。我介入其 中,有时会叫错名字,并因而我笑话我自己,由此,告诉孩子们有错没有关系,只要敢说就很好。当我叫不出某位 学生的名字时,我会请其他孩子帮忙,与此同时,我就鼓励了孩子们在碰到艰苦时互相帮助。从而对日后创造团结 向上的班级打下坚实的基本。营造了孩子们自由表达的气氛,让孩子们和老师能全面互动,和孩子们一起进行生命 的体验,切实是人生的一大幸事。
  我这么融洽、协调地走近孩子们,让孩子们在今后的学习中很有安全感。人首先要有保险感,而后才干去休会 生命。而在彼此不知姓甚名谁的群体中是很难构成平安感的。相互记住了名字,咱们还互相找出了其不同于别人的 一个特色,这样,大家都会把本人当成班级的主人。开学三天后,孩子们都亲热地叫我“牛妈妈”。我想这多少天 跟孩子们认名字不挥霍时光,我付出的是情感,播种更多的是性命的体验。
  我带着生命教导的理念走近孩子,更详细地说我是带着“营造自由表白的氛围”的教育手腕走近孩子们的,我 想我是胜利的。
  每当有体育课的时候,老是见他们班里上串下跳的,不时动动这个动动那个,好象是要告诉同学们:“我自由 了”。等到我发出口令到走廊排队去操场上体育课的时候,他的热忱好象又得到了升温,他可以从排头串到排尾, 再跑到教室绕上几个往返。象这样的情况在以前的每次体育课上他都是在反复着。小孩子活泼一点是好事,可是, 象他这样子的话,损坏了全部的课堂纪律,影响了同学,更是延误了自已的学习。几回跟家长交涉,家长的反应是 :“小孩子就是比拟俏皮点,但实质还是好的。”看样子是我们跟学生的交流太少了,可能并不是要让小孩来适应 我们的教育方法,而是我们的教育方法要因人而异。这就要对学生有个清
  有一次,我象平常一样来到班里上课,刚走到门口就见他扶着一个同学说要带他医务室,只见那同学肘部受伤 在流血,当时我就在想是不是又是他做的“好事”。后面一问才知道是那同学下课时自已不小摔到的,他见到后就 赶快扶那同学去了医务室。看样子,差点错怪他了,还好了解得及时。当他返回教室时我和全班同学给了他热闹的 掌声,并在全班同学眼前表扬了他,可他只是默默地回到了自已的座位,并且坐得很端正。在我这次的体育课当中 ,他的表现让我感到有点意外,站队时很宁静了,在活动进程中也特别的踊跃。这样子,在下课总结时,我又再一 次对他提出了表扬。结果,下课后他来找到我,说:“体育老师,我今天好高兴哦,下次什么时候有你的体育课? ”我看着他那无邪可恨的眼神微笑着说:“今天呀因为你的表现特别好,这堂课老师也上得特别的开心,其实你真 的很棒的!”他听后,又跳又蹦地回了教室。从这以后,每当要去外面上体育课整队时,他不但自已站得好了,还 不时提醒其他的同学要做得最棒!这样子,每次体育课上我都会用关注的目光环视一下全班的同学,让大家都知道 其实老师是时刻都是在关注你们的,对好的同学我提出表扬,对落后的同学多察看找出他们好的地方来进行勉励。 无论学生的表现是怎么样子的,实在他们的表情和每一个动作都反映了他们此刻的心情,他们有权利对他们的喜怒 哀乐用表情和动作来体现。我们做为教师,对他们好的表现要给予肯定与表扬,更不小气自已的对学生赞赏的语言 ,还学生一份自负。要知道我们每天面对的是一群群活泼可憎的小生命,他们需要老师和家长们更多的细心的关注 的。
  从读小学到大学毕业,始终认为学习就是学老师的货色,老师怎样教我就怎么学习,什么都要听老师的。长大 了,我当了一名平常而受人尊重的老师,清楚了学习并不是我所想的那样。在 “生命教育”思维领导下,在我不外两年的教养工作中,我深刻的认识到尊重生命,尊重学生,为学生创造最有利 的环境条件,
  观众做出色的节目表演。每个人都有表演欲,每个人从小都期望领有一个大舞台让自己去展示,dr dre headphones monster beats。同样的,给学生一个足够展示的舞台,学生就能为所欲为地发挥自己最大的潜能,开释宏大的能量 。
  这个学期,学校推出了酒店式“星级班”的评比喻法,这种方法当然能更好的增进班级的优化,但同时对老师 来说,是一个极大的挑衅。就说卫生吧,有些小孩不警惕把小纸屑弄到地上,被扣分那可不好啦!怎么办?我想到 了“责任制”这个措施,从星期一到星期五,天天一名义务人,而这些责任人要通过各种手段治理好 班级的卫生。
  当我把这个设法说出来后,班上就有五分之三的学生举手违心承当。我清了清嗓子,严正地说:“一天由一位 同学管理,老师不论理,只是给予你们一些看法,如果你们有不懂的也可以来问老师。但如果哪天的卫生干净扣分 ,可要找这位责任人负责喔!行不行?”话刚说完,更多的孩子举起了他们幼嫩的小手,我心灵一颤:他们在向我 申请一个舞台,想展现一下他们的才能。后来我选了五位学生,把我所以为的最好的管理方法告诉他们,不过我想 效果肯定不会太好,他们才这么小,能把地扫干净就不错了。
  第二天,杨鸿玮值日被扣了卫生分,固然我早有心理筹备,但还是有点气馁,强打起精神问他们:“你们有没 有查到扣分的原因?”其他几位“责任人”很快就找到了原因:打扫时疏忽了门后面,门后有一片纸屑。我又接着 提醒他们:“找到起因后,我们该怎么样?”
  第三天,我中午很早就到了教室,教室里已经有了一些同学―――有的在摆桌子,有的在抹讲台,有的在扫地 ,有的在拖地,而当天值日生正拿着扫帚边扫边细心观看,我很惊奇:“咦?怎么回事?”陈荣轩用脏手擦擦鼻子 ,扬着可爱的小脑袋骄傲地说:“王老师,我和我们组的人开了会,大家在值日那天早一点到,扫地的扫地,抹窗 户的抹窗户,该干什么就干什么。要是哪一点没做好就找他负责,我是大责任人,我组里的人是小责任人。怎么样 ?”我冲动地说:“我真想不到你这么有责任心,这么有方法,真是一个能干的小男子汉。”他自得极了:“都说 了要负责任,我说了当这个值日生,我就要把工作做好。”
  “王老师,我早就想到这一点了。嘿嘿!每次一上完美术课,我就上讲台大声提醒他们捡纸。”我满意地点点 头。
  “小怪僻”林旭辉正蹲在地上,似乎找着什么似的。我以为他一定是丢了什么东西,走从前想帮帮他,他把我 当成另一个同学,喊道:“彭溢,过来看一下,那边有没有装吸管的透明袋,挨着地面,就能把这些透明袋看的很 明白。”哟!想出了这么厉害的方法!真聪慧!
  望着这幅“欢喜劳动图”,我鼻子有些酸,去年他们刚读完幼儿园,连地都不会扫,当初他们不仅把地扫除得 干干净净,而且还理解做事要有责任心。――他们在成长,他们在我给的舞台上健康,快活地成长。
  阿基米德说过:“给我一根足够长的杠杆,我就可能把地球撬起来。”今天我的学生也在向我要求:“老师, 给我一个舞台,让我去展示自己吧!”
  “你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼中有牛顿,你的嘲笑中有爱迪生。”这是我国古代有名的教育学家陶行知先生 对先生说过的一句名言。每个学生都有优点,他们都生机得到别人的尊重和表扬,尤其是学困生,老师对学生表彰 越及时作用就越大。在教学中我们要擅长捕获机会对学生尤其是学困生的闪光点及时进行肯定表扬,用爱去萌生他 们学习的信念和希望,用爱去激发他们的求知愿望。
  每节课的前几分钟,我都请求值日生用英语作简短的值日讲演。这天,jimmy choo on sale,轮到学困生X同学,他走上讲台,恐惧地低着头,脚不停地前后摩擦、摇摆,神情显得相称缓和。我激励他不要 惧怕,勇敢地讲,即便错了也没有关系,老师会及时帮你改正。听了我的话,他咬了咬嘴唇,怯怯地仰头看了我一 眼,又看了看下面一双双等待的眼光,终于在同学们七嘴八舌的提醒下迸出“My name is XXX. I’m a boy……但语音、语调完整不是那回事儿。他的话音刚落,全班同学立刻就像刚烧开的热水,登时沸腾了起来。 他们中有人哄堂大笑,有人指指划划、窃窃私语,不断还冒出些极其逆耳、极其伤自尊的话语来。此时,X同学的 脸变得异样通红,头使劲往下低,好象要钻进地缝似地,只见他强忍着快要涌出眼眶的泪水,神色显得极度懊丧。 此时,我的心也不禁一颤,呈现这种情况我也始料未及啊!但我想:如果让这位同学在满教室讥嘲的笑声中回到座 位上的话,恐怕他再也没有勇气上台了,这对他来说该是一个不小的打击啊!于是,我亲切地摸了摸他的头,用赞 成的眼神望了望他,然后对全班同学说:“同学们,X同学深知自己的发音不好,但是他并没有畏缩,而是英勇地 站到讲台上来,单凭他的勇气,岂非就不值得我们大家学习吗?老师信任X同学假如有大家的赞助,学习一定会突 飞猛进的!那么,同学们,谁乐意辅助X同学呢?”话音刚落,很多同学纷纭举起手来说:“I’d like to help him!I’d like to help him!”这时,X同学又一次抬开端来看了看我,脸上显现出一丝微笑,眼中布满着感谢之情。
  学生的心灵犹如一棵刚发芽的幼苗,异常懦弱,时刻需要予以悉心地庇护。长期以来,学困生一直处于被遗忘 的角落,他们当中的大多数性情孤僻、烦闷、内向、不善于启齿,有不懂的问题也不愿意问老师和同学,这导致他 们学习被动,心理活动不畅,思维敏感,学习效果不好。这就需要教师平时细心捉拿他们身上的闪光点,奇妙应用 语言艺术,给他们鼓励、赞美。一句鼓励的话语、一声由衷地赞许、甚至一个默认的眼神,都会使他们感到一种爱 的鼓励,一种感情的融合。他们一旦意识到自己被器重、被赏识,便会即时点燃希望之火,积极投入到英语学习中 去。因此,身为人师,我们应当站在学生的处境去想,当学生陷入尴尬的窘境时,应及时挺身而出,把全部学生的 注意力敏捷转移、集中到他的闪光点上去,为学生供给“下台”的“垫脚石”,使学生迅速解脱为难的局势,挺直 腰板从容地走下讲台。
  新课程召唤充斥生命活力的课堂。我们的课堂要回归生活,又要服务于生活,让学生的生命活气在体验中得到 充分的焕发。
  最近上了《意识厘米和米》一课。第一课时的时候,已经给学生在教室里面测量,了解米和厘米到底有多长。 成果功课中裸露出局部学生还没有树立起米和厘米的概念,弄出了良多笑话,比方说:我有1cm高;我家的毛巾 有60m长;教室的门有2cm高。后来,在再次说清厘米和米之间的关联之后,我让学生带上软尺,走出教室, 到操场上丈量他们爱好的物体,记载下来。这次,我发明这节课收到了意想不到的后果。
  首先,让学生走出教室去学数学,他们感到很新颖,很开心。给人的感到就是刚放出笼子的小鸟一样。在这样 愉悦的心境之下。他们当然更加乐意去学数学,更加自动地去学数学。其次,充足发展了学生的发明性。由于有些 学生测量的物体已经超过他们软尺的测量范畴,在这种情形下,他们想出了不同的解决方法。有的量了一米,就作 个记号,再量一个一米……有的是把几把软尺连在一起测量。兴许他们的方法不一定很迷信,然而究竟是他们自己 想出的可行办法。这比老师交给他们一个准确有效的方式要好的多。再次,施展了学生的配合性。一个同学实现不 了的,几个同学一起来。或者是你读数,他记载。大家都无比投入。还有一点就是,学生从中还能够交换自己的测 量结果。我发现有个学生对另外一个学生这样说:“我量的也是草地的那边,为什么跟你的不一样?”于是,他们 两个学生又跑去量了。这一节课让我觉得十分满足。因为通过这样的运动,让学生自在去操作,到事实生涯中去学 数学,学生的懂得和感悟会更加深刻。
  “合作”、“探究”是当前小学数学教学中非常时兴的字眼,让学生通过“自主探索、协作交流”获取知识, 学会学习已成为大家的共鸣。儿童的思维离不开实际活动,操作是开发智力的源泉,是促进思维发展的出发点。一 位名人说过:学习任何常识的最佳道路是自己去发现,因为这种发现,理解最深,也最容易控制其中的法则、性质 和接洽。低年级学生的思维带有详细形象性,对看得见摸得着的事物接收起来比较容易,在教学中充分应用这一特 点,重视实际操作,促进学生的独破思维。学生在操作、摸索知识中,亲自阅历知识的发生,形成新知的过程,充 分展示了学生的能力,凸起了学生的主体位置,调动了学生多种感官参加学习活动,培育学生的翻新 精力。
  数学源于生活,生活中又充满着数学。在数学教学中,我们要严密联系学生的生活实际,在现实世界中寻找数 学题材,让教学贴近生活,让学生在生活中看到数学,摸到数学。知道数学就在自己身边,而不是形象的数学与公 式。 所以,不一定要把教学局限于教室。恰当的时候走出教室,贴近生活,会收到更好的效果。
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Old 04-20-2011, 08:43 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
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a2bzyoc3 is on a distinguished road

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you need to know the social life of well-known second law of woolly-headed
1, Matthew; 2 watch theorem; 3, not worth the law; 4, Peter Principle; 5, zero-sum game theory; 6, Washington, co-laws; 7, wine and water law; 8, buckets law; 9, mushrooms management; 10, O . Razor law; 11, twenty-eight law; 12, money.

1, Matthew
silver, told them: Report of the second servant, said: Report of the third servant, said: Shanggei the first servant, and said: Look around us, you can find many examples of Matthew. Friends and more people will get more frequent exchanges with friends; lack of friends who will always go alone. Especially with regard to money, even if the same rate of investment return, a 10 times more investment than others who have more than 10 times earnings. This is a winner-take-all
society, use of Matthew, the winner is you.
on business development is concerned, Matthew tells us, in order to maintain our edge in one area, we must rapidly expand in this area. When you become a leader in the field, even though the same rate of investment return, you can more easily get more than their counterparts in small gains. And if one area does not expand rapidly in strength, we must constantly look for new areas of development, to ensure better returns.

2, watches, watch Theorem Theorem
refers to a person with a table, you can know what time it is, and when he has two watches Shique can not be determined. Two tables and can not tell a person more accurate time, but people will watch the exact time to lose confidence. You have to do is to select the more reliable one, try to calibrate it and use it as your standard, follow its guidelines. Remember the words of Nietzsche: your choice However, many people are troubled: they were, for the depressed life, and even made the subject of noteworthy achievements, but also never felt the joy of success.
watch Theorem in business management gives us a very intuitive inspiration, is the same person or with an organization's management can not use two different methods, can not set two different goals. And even each individual can not be two people to simultaneously command, otherwise this company or this person will know what to do. Theorem another layer of meaning within the meaning of the watch is that each one can also choose two different values, otherwise, your behavior will be disrupted.

3, not worth it not worth the Law of Law
the most intuitive interpretation was: not worth doing, is not worth doing , this law seems simple enough, but its importance has always Shu been forgotten. Not worth the laws reflects a psychological, if a person is engaged in a self that is not worth doing, tend to remain cynical, half-hearted attitude. Not only the success rate is small, and even if successful, it will not feel much sense of accomplishment. What are the things worth doing
it? In general, this depends on three factors.
1, values. Only thing consistent with our values, we will do it with enthusiasm.
2, personality and temperament. If a person do with his personality and temperament of a complete departure from the job, he is very difficult to do, such as what the person has become a good archivist, or a shy person has to deal with different people every day.
3, the reality of the situation. The same job, go do in different situations, to our feelings are different. For example, in a large company, if you initially do is run errands and do odd jobs of work, you probably think is not worth it, but once you were promoted to foreman or manager, you would not think of.
sum up, the job is worth doing: our values, our personality and temperament for, and allows us to see the expectations. If your work does not have these three factors, you should consider for a more appropriate work, and strive to do it.
Therefore, personally, should be available in a variety of goals and values ​​of the selected one, and then strive for. And on a business or organization, will have a good personality characteristics of employees, a reasonable distribution of work, such as a strong desire for achievement alone or lead employees to accomplish a certain risk and difficulty of the work, and when its done recognition and praise given time; to the staff attached to a strong desire to participate in more groups to a common work; to a strong desire for power with which the workers ability to adapt as a director. At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity, so that employees feel the work is worth it, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees.

4, Peter Peter Principle is the principle of
American scholar Lawrence? Peter in the organization for promotion of related phenomena One of the findings after the study; in various tissues, as used in a class of qualified personnel on the promotion promotion, so employees always tend to be promoted to the status of their incompetence. Peter Principle, also known as This phenomenon is ubiquitous in real life: a competent university professor was promoted to president after the incompetence; an excellent athlete was promoted to director of sports officials, and doing nothing.
an organization, once a considerable part of the organization's staff was pushed to the level of their incompetence, the organization will result in overstaffing, inefficiency, resulting in mediocre to succeed, the development of stagnation. Therefore, it requires a simple change, To establish a scientific and reasonable mechanism for personnel selection and objective evaluation of every ability and level of staff will arrange to its capable staff positions. Do not post promotions as a reward for key workers should establish a more effective incentive mechanism, more to pay, vacation etc. as incentives. Sometimes an employee can not be promoted to a good play to their positions, not only is not as rewards, but so that workers can not be a good play, but also cause losses to the enterprise.
For an individual, although we all look forward to keep a promotion, but do not climb as their sole motivation. Its not fully competent in a job managed to support, at a loss, not as good as its capability to find a position they can take their talent.

5, zero-sum game theory
when you see those two play chess, you can say they're playing Because in most cases, there is always a win, one lose, if we win counted as 1 point, and Shu Qi as -1 points, then this is the sum of two scores: 1 (-1) = 0.
This is the The reason why zero-sum game principle of broad interest, mainly because it was found in all aspects of society can be found with the From the individual to the country, from politics to economy, it seems that all the world is a huge validation of the This theory holds that the world is a closed system, wealth, resources, opportunities are limited, individuals, individual regions and individual countries necessarily means an increase in wealth for others, the plundering of other regions and countries, this is a
but in the 20th century experienced two world wars, the rapid economic growth, technological advances, globalization and the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the People began to realize that the Through effective cooperation, a happy ending is possible. But the situation can not occur, or their own ultimate disadvantage.

6, Washington, Washington
cooperation cooperative law is the law says: A man half-heartedly, two people passing the buck, three people were never brought to fruition the day. Somewhat similar to our Cooperation between people is not the simple addition of manpower, but much more complex and subtle. Cooperation from person to person, it is assumed the ability of each person is 1, then the result of cooperation of 10 individuals and sometimes much larger than 10, sometimes even smaller than 1. Because the animals were not static, but rather the energy of different directions, relative to naturally promote more effective, in conflict with each other is nothing. Our traditional management theory, for cooperative research was not much reflection is the most intuitive, most of the current management system and industry are working to reduce unnecessary human consumption, rather than using organization to improve people's performance. In other words, it may be said that management's main purpose is not the best for everyone, but to avoid excessive friction. 21st century will be a cooperative era, fortunately, more and more people have realized the importance of cooperation in good faith, are trying to learn cooperation.
Bonnie human law: a person can dig a hole in one minute, one second was 60 people can not dig a hole.
cooperation is a problem, how to cooperate is also a problem.

7, wine and liquor and effluent of sewage Law
Law means that if a spoonful of wine into a bucket of water, you get a bucket of water; if a spoonful of sewage poured into a barrels of wine, or you get a bucket of water. In almost any organization, there is hard to get a few characters, the purpose of their existence seems to messed it up. Everywhere they sow discord, spread rumors to undermine the harmony within the organization. Worst of all, they like the fruit rotten apples in the box, if you do not in time, it will quickly transmitted to other Apple fruit box smash, force. An honest and competent people into a chaotic department may be swallowed, but only one non-German who can soon be turned into a mess of a highly efficient department. Organizational systems are often fragile, is built on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance based on, it can easily be violated, was poisoned. Another important destroyer extraordinary ability to reason is easier to destroy than to build. A skilled craftsman to spend time carefully crafted ceramics, a donkey out of a second can be destroyed. If you have more craftsmen, nor how many decent work. If your organization has such a donkey, you should immediately rid of it; if you are unable to do so, you should put it tied up.

8, buckets and buckets law is the law of
speaking, a bucket can hold much water, it depends entirely on the shortest piece of wood. This means that any one organization could face a common problem, that constitute the various parts of the organization often determines the level of the entire organization.
form various parts of the organization are often missing the merits,11个笑话启迪夫妻关系, and they often decide the inferior part of the organization level.
Some, you can not throw them as bad apples. Strength is only relative, not eliminated. The problem is that you tolerate this kind of weakness to what extent. If it is a serious bottleneck to become an obstacle to work, to have some action.
If you are in an organization, you should:
1, make sure you are not the weakest part;
2, to avoid or reduce this vulnerability impact on your success;
3, if Unfortunately, you are at this link, you can take effective way to improve or change jobs to seek another job.

9, mushrooms, mushroom management is the management
many organizations who deal with a fledgling management, beginners are placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously in the department, work or run errands and do odd jobs), doused with a dung (unwarranted criticism, blaming, vicarious), left to its own devices (without the necessary guidance and guidance and help. ) I believe many people have such a us closer to reality, more practical problems, while an organization, the general staff are treated equally budding, from the entry to the work will not be a big difference. No matter how talented you are, at the beginning of time can only start from the most simple things, So, how to efficiently through this period of life, from as far as possible lessons,2009 - Qzone log, mature, and establish a good image of a trustworthy individual, the society of every newly recruited young people must face.

10, Occam's razor Law
If you think that only bruised and battered, busy work only likely to succeed, then you are wrong.
things are always moving in the direction of complex, complex is wasteful, and the performance comes from simple. You may have done most of the things is meaningless, the real effective activities are just a small part,,, Quasi to the explosion, horoscope., but they are often hidden in the complicated things. Find the critical part, remove redundant activities, success is not that complicated.
Occam's razor: if not necessary, not by entity.
12 century, the United Kingdom William of Ockham on the endless of the universality of the essentials are useless burden, should be ruthlessly He argues that This razor has made a lot of people feel threatened, is considered heresy, William himself hurt. However, this does not damage the knife's sharp, on the contrary, after several hundred years more and more rapidly, and already beyond the original narrow area and has a broad, rich and profound meaning.
law of Occam's razor in business management can be further deepened as the law of simple and complex: simple things become complicated, simple things become very complicated. This law requires that we deal with things, to grasp the main essence of things, grasp the mainstream to address the most fundamental problem. In particular, in harmony with nature, not to artificially complicate matters, in order to handle things.

11 , twenty-eight law
your work done in 80% of the results, from 20% of your pay; while 80% of the pay, only in exchange for 20% of the results.

12, a question of money
when someone tells you:
according to the general argument that money is the measure of value, medium of exchange, store of wealth. But this argument ignores the other side of it, it is fascinating, it is crazy, exciting side, but also the psychological aside the love of money aside.
on the nature of money, role and merits and demerits, throughout history, many brilliant people have left a profound and witty sayings. We often see people excited for the money, make money, with the wealth of provocative images of themselves. Money on the world order and the impact of our lives is enormous, extensive, and sometimes this effect is a potential, we are often not so great and its role, however, is wonderful: it is entirely created by man himself. Wealth is not the driving force originated in the biological needs of any animal life, can not find the same phenomenon. It can not comply with the basic objective, can not meet the basic needs of ... ...
Indeed, the However, this seems aimless driving force is the most powerful force of mankind, human beings to hurt each other for money, far more than other reasons.

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