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Old 05-04-2011, 08:23 AM   #1
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Default 男子无证驾拖拉机卡在桥上死亡(图)

拖拉机车头掉入桥下 本报记者 郎树臣 摄

  本报讯(记者陆续实习生张健)5月31日,德惠市五台乡郭家村43岁的于长生,驾驶四轮子拖拉机去朝阳 乡拉稻苗。拖拉机从一座危桥上经过时失控,车头掉入桥下,他当场被卡住致死。


  这是一座长约15米,宽约6米的小桥,桥面上的桥板只剩下中间一窄条,桥面上漏两个大洞, 且凹凸不平,prada outlet。在桥面一侧断裂的桥板上,一辆四轮子拖拉机卡在那里,车头从桥板宽约1米的缝隙栽到河道里,车箱还在桥上 。

  “于长生就是卡在车轮的挡板和桥之间!”目击者张先生当时正在附近的水田中施肥。他说,5月31日15 时40分许,他听到有人喊“救命”,见几名村民正向危桥处疾跑,“我跑到桥上时,看到于长生卡在那里,大口 喘着粗气,不一会儿就不动了。”村民想把于长生拽出来,但根本抬不动拖拉机。


  “他是到朝阳乡拉稻苗。”村民说,于长生住在五台乡郭家村3社,3岁时失去了母亲。结婚后,膝下有两个 儿子,大儿子22岁,小儿子19岁。家中还有84岁的老父亲。


  “这座桥几乎天天出交通事故。”这是当地村民的共识,“前两天,还掉进去一辆翻斗车,幸亏 人没事。”

  村民说,这座桥叫哈拉沟大桥,建于40多年前。下面的河道叫松沐灌区,是从松花江引到这里来灌溉稻田的 江水,桥是松沐灌区当时建的。”


  记者在现场看到,事发危桥有5个桥墩,4个桥洞。拖拉机悬挂在靠近朝阳乡一侧的第二个桥洞 间。

  这座桥的一侧桥面已经完全损坏,另一侧桥板也有部分缺失,仅有中间宽两米的桥面还能用。桥的一侧砌有两 米高的大墙,村民说那边设有水闸,早已废弃。于长生在没有墙体的另一侧出事。


  为什么这样说?车要过去,必须把握好车辆与陷落桥面的距离。能走的桥面窄而且曲折,车轮基本是擦着桥边 走,小心地左拐右拐,往往顾了前面顾不了后面,不熟悉路况的人根本过不去。



  “松沐灌区是德惠市水利局的工程,他们已经和我们家属协商了,要进行经济赔偿。”于长生的 侄子说。

  一名德惠市有关方面领导称,两年前,这座危桥附近就已立起了“禁止通行”的警示标志,一些村民仍然从此 桥上通行,“此事不光是我们的责任,于长生不看警示标志,还无证驾驶拖拉机,也有一定责任。”



  “桥是连接五台乡和朝阳乡的必经之路,特别在春耕秋收的农忙时候,两乡的村民都要利用这座桥从事农业生 产,如果不走这里,得绕出几十公里才能到达对面的乡。”村民说出了明知是危桥,还要走的原因,“20年前, 这就是座危桥了,漏了洞,还坑坑洼洼的,可就是没人修。”

  “两年前,一辆卡车掉到了危桥下面。之后,政府在桥的道路两边立了‘禁止通行’的牌子,但我们没有可走 的路,只能走这里。”一些村民指着“禁止通行”的两个牌子,和这座出了人命的危桥,连连摇头。
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:30 AM   #2
General of the Army
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Ue9eg9lrc1bh is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 545393 at 11:35 on June 16, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary mean = pull = yawn = hit huohai tongue shijiazi partial tricycle = rake ears
compiled lie = Chehuangliangbai ; up = bad = write out compact powder / West write / W bounce collapse
child beggars bomb catapult = = = ring is often discussed but hole in Britain turn
= bang dick bandit = cheap = Township, the first catch for the mystery hidden = bully = catch wall to wall board to kill the cat slippers = child = child
not practical in children angry stone wheels = rolling stone scissors cloth = children (Stone qie 'r)
okay = Mo backing ex parrot = cat children dragonfly = crickets = Tintin something called penis
drop a little less face = spotted = Ma Yan children / wife = the old fly feces Dolls
= Mao private toilet / latrine skin care = away = savory underwear pants,UGG AUSTRALLIA, artillery children
pockets loud wind kite = = = fine kitchens
call out the kitchen to eat = eat vast ferocious,UGG オーストラリア, the unreasonable man = elbow = crooked people down off the West cripple
head calf knee =: = column with Palestinian children shot rib bone
very dark = qio horse hitting the children love dress = flirtatious chilly cold weather = no sensible
one small piece of paper = = wide Feifei children otolith all = a = side of eye Kazakhstan
flowers a foot problem: cleft lip = excluded flowers Baibai
children do not understand = do not ask Xinghuo angry lightning flashes = the end = kill guo
nausea = dug milk = cow ber ber face bow = suck child
vertical tail volume = rockets = bar Jiujiu children playing friends = fan box huer
kissing each = = eating plates of the skull of a slap in the face = Cacalia
a earwax inside the = local = Tata roared into the first scene of grand = husband of scary
toad frog = cut cat Lai: Lai Po stubborn grid people = bite (wailing) eggs Carpenter / bezoar pill
warm = cold = ice temperature due to toot a little bit more = wang real
put a little dirty = = DIA towering gray bar is cozy up by the real
view = = bird (qio four tones) = exempt farmers pinched = RUA skin / foot pole bending / Crest poison people
fat = board = drag = dry solid core is very thin child / children chanting waves rolling = ju, I was a mosquito-ju
ok, and get the love the limelight = = go fight the flowers / station = fees spiritual leader naughty child
been fighting = sin / play hammer / width to the body / pull up by the people
fight = / Bridge
tear skin melon = bra = bra on the sea crab = urine = Oh Pa urine / stool = Oh Gaixiao hand
Grilled feces / change the big hand is not good = rare glance / stamp of the game is good = feel very out
Non-cold to cold = hot = cold non-thermal to thermal doing: Well
deserve = claws back when the dead / washed out of money lost over = bad = Oh,ugg ブーツ, a = exclusion
urgent loaded choke panic God = install bored. unconscious poor = fat = MB sin
children bored pier towel: the veil is very crazy to play wood
= Fengsi Well scratch left-handed = left wearing tight clothes, jumped a clean = D = Drum Blowing bright
very arrogant = expansion / pull the skin surface is rubbed very dirty dander down
laundry folder = folder pork on a skewer bar = scratch = twisted twisted away and then turn = waste has been arrived rope back street
carbazole inside thigh =: = roar first to speak: speak up
indecision = cotton pull cotton pull the / dead dad = old Palestinian child / children
old man very soft = rare thing to cook slip rake describe a person face looked mean =
describe water scarcity is to do things to the skull to get into = mi Oh Jin Yang mentioned disk = = = Chuanchuan kill children brokers
bar drink very slowly = I am similar Laobaigan wine = wine wine with the lights for one thing = left
a fast trip times = expel children, bounded from point flutter children to climb,ugg, wipe = open fly pork on a skewer
feces table tennis (bing bong) ball terminology = miserable ball / mention of Wu's milk / Tai Tai board / panic board er / plant planted the ball / God Plug /
play mahjong: points to win a license to listen to a = guo = eat a lot of indigestion under the name = D The cut to
love Akira's = no way to shuttle the children God what
tickle = = Monet Buckle Jiazi litter / ha emergency gue about the West about the East Field
= done something less perfunctory = going through the motions,UGG ブーツ 格安, stingy = face
describe one who dug the stomach lacks the white ink = food / Wang cua cua
thinks that they are great = Gold Package eggs thorn / wear = wins / Home
strange = der ah when installed in the fight When the other party when the party does not Haizui also continued to trouble chewing fart when children = stomach = stomach acid
Lang leather head = = Bang Bang truck tractor after zhuazhua
dray = A three-wheeled armored vehicle with a roof of car = hold gods
not figured out how to explain: palm a playing / Diarrhea put beans with pea leaf = bend a lot of things are full of Great Britain
D = drum boring autumn storm lift station = flutter closed well describe the bundle very tight = clear dead serious gap / tight
is likely to help most are cheap = vulnerability = pick up or rake to seize the child
flooded back = = embryo transfer to guess a person = Taxue Kazakhstan despised person / transferred
describe people or things like that would like to stand for himself playing cat = from the rules set a good heart
= husband from a good discussion (this disk under the disk-line husband four other wins three nil)
= eat less, eat lunch in the lunch said the show definitely cool = word = turtle turtle / batch dead
scattered misfits = Potamogeton side deliberately naive = = force does not describe the amount and more LO teach
: throat (hang ), the hungry wolf = poor workers always eat the bully blind
head = Chantou children see other people's intentions = awake eyes / full = hot flash board
describe a person less raunchy = no cage at Song / Ghost fans other families at the eye
tasty meals = every pot Liu Hong curse words = forward shuttle coconut autumn petal Exemption skin hang hang money ball stroll
caught pulling a game = adjective = children convulsion pull the fire, described the people scared silly claw claw
cc = melon / melon fans at the eye / melon poking / Silly Belle / melon stockings full of sub-
describe autumn = bashing boring summary of a ghost ghosts along the adjective = summary Yam District
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