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Old 05-12-2011, 12:18 AM   #1
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Default Windows 7 Download IBM 5150 Personal Computer

Partial Background the IBM Pc 1967: IBM builds the worlds first floppy disk.
1967: IBM introduces the worlds first 8" floppy disk.
1973: IBM introduces the IBM 3340 hard disk unit, generally known as the Winchester.
1975: September - IBM's Entry Stage Systems unit unveils "Project Mercury", the IBM 5100 Moveable Computer.
1981: September - IBM ships the IBM 5150 Personal computer Individual Pc. 1982: April - Eight months following the introduction with the IBM Pc, 50,000 models have already been offered.
1982: Might - Microsoft releases MS-DOS one.1 to IBM, for that IBM Laptop.
1982: June - The primary IBM Personal computer clone, the MPC, is released by Columbia Information Goods.
1982: August - Following one yr of production,Windows 7 Download, IBM ships the 200,000th IBM Pc.
1982: November - Compaq Pc introduces the Compaq Transportable Pc, the first 100% IBM compatible. It charge Compaq US$1 million to create an IBM-compatible ROM BIOS that didn't violate IBM's copyright.
1982: On the West Coast Personal computer Faire, Davong Programs introduces its 5MB Winchester Disk Generate for that IBM Personal computer, for US$2000.
1983: March - IBM announces the IBM Pc XT, with a ten MB challenging generate, 128KB RAM as well as a 360KB floppy generate. It costs US$5000.
1983: November - IBM announces the IBM PCjr. It truly is US$700 for the bare configuration.
1984: February - IBM introduces the IBM Transportable Personal computer.
1984: March - IBM ships the IBM PCjr. It utilizes the 8088 CPU, 64KB RAM, and one five.25-inch disk push, but no check. It charges US$1300.
1984: August - IBM announces the Computer AT, for US$4000-6700.
1985: April - IBM abandons production of the IBM PCjr.
1986: April - IBM announces the IBM Pc Convertible, 80C88-based, 256K RAM, and two 720K floppy disks, for US$2000.
1986: April - IBM discontinues the IBM Portable Pc.
1986: September - IBM announces the IBM PC-XT Model 286, with 640KB RAM, one.2MB floppy generate, 20MB difficult push, serial/parallel ports, and keyboard for US$4000.
1987: IBM discontinues the IBM Laptop (model 5150) line. Resource: Chronology of Events within the Background of Microcomputers
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Old 05-12-2011, 01:15 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

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9 从日本留学归来,谈话时总是说:“在日本怎么怎么样。”这种男人不用我说明,你必定会上去打的。之所以把日 本独自辟出来归为一条,是由于这种事跟一般的出国不同。这关联到民族情感。涉外无小事,更何况是日本?这样 的准汉奸,你不打,你就是汉奸。
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