1 A Q-type ,
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engaged 2 do not just handle with the problem - an telling plan to do every day
3 Do not always complain about the details of absence of time - time to make good use of fragmented
some of the details of 4 small bureau - in the workplace should pay attention to the details of the
details of the 5 maximum important in life focus people - many parents and talk almost the center
psychological self-doubt aside the details of 6 - at times certain details of their achievements
7 small liking can be big business success - attention to their own interests 8
where to detect and chart the details of ego - to understand who the details of the latent implied
9 differ outlooks with others - Do not reproach others
details that not an is transparent 1O - and dodge talking about the details of other people's seclusion
11 can not lose if onlyhing Smile - keep smiling regular
exposure to obnoxious details of the situation 12 - Stop whining and complaining
not untied the node 13 details - with the details of communication instead of disputes
14 even if the 15 Do not force others to adopt your point of view - a chance to talk to others the details of 16
is absolutely naught - to do anything to quit chamber
details have to face frankly 17 their own mistakes - dare to say,
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perfect life,
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details of the 24 face so important to you - the details should not Siyaomianzi a terrible 25
genius to let others see you - learn the details of aesthetic self-expression details 26
life also seriously sometimes do not - proper
to do some compromises namely you may lose the details of 27 undecided chance for success - everything to make a fixed decision
details of the 28 human who are agreeable by considering can constantly become a important event - favor a tongue 29 two-minute details
not profane your promise - do not agree not to credit the details of 30
obtain the confidence of the boss - the boss thinks highly of important details
31 not only what people differentiate you - do some go outdoor their coverage of
details of how your foreman truce 32 - the details of the art of getting along with his administrator
33 colleagues have an amuse in the details narratives - the masterpiece of getting along with colleagues the details of 34
embrace their health - to knob the relationship among work and repose 35 in a timely manner the details of
express your remorse - an remorse is not equitable acknowledge 36
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have aims to do little things - things
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clear your goal - closely with details of a antagonist
live 43 transplanted trees often grow up - to think ahead the switch to explicit the details of 44 rising
your essence competencies - ambition learn as a compulsory everyday Course details
45 objective look at your words and actions - reflect on everyday details of 46 three-minute
no endless critique - commentary of others to pay consideration apt the details of Art
47 Put aside your sense of superiority - the details of other people idea
money to use in 48 opener places - do not waste 49 per penny
elaborate is quite essential 1st impression - pay attention to the details of their 50 meter
not for the don'ts - to accept and accustom to the inevitable truth that