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Old 05-23-2011, 08:16 AM   #1
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不知大家对PS兴趣怎么?自己是很爱好玩PS的,如有兴致的和高手的请多多指教,大家在此商讨 切磋呀~~~
1).你可能晓得按Tab键可以隐蔽工具箱和浮动面板,同样按Shift+Tab键 可以只暗藏浮动面板( 而保存工具条可见 ).
2).按住Shift键点击浮动面板的标题栏( 最上方的?#123;条 )可以使其吸附 到最近的屏幕边缘.
3).双击浮动面板的上的每一栏( 就是有标题的那个 )可以使其最小化. 通过浮动面板上的最小化按钮可以在紧凑模式( 只有起码的选项和内容可 视 )和畸形模式( 显示面板上所有的选项和内容 )之间切换.
4).可以通过按回车键( 或双击工具箱上的工具按钮 )来打开当前工具的 选项面板.不然的话只能通过菜单上的 Window/Show Options 命令来来 打开.
5).应用比例缩放区( 在Photoshop窗体或导航器面板的左下角 )来倏地 取舍一个正确的显示比例,当输入一个值后按Shift+Enter可允构钸巳?保持在比例缩放 区.
6).要改变状态区的显示信息( 在窗口底部,默认显示文件大小,可以通 过Window/Show Status Bar打开 ),按状态区上的按钮从弹出菜单中选 一个新的名目.点击状态区上按钮的左侧区域可以显示当前文件的打印尺 寸、按住Alt点击显示文件尺寸和辨别率、按住Ctrl点击显示拼贴信息.
7).厌倦了灰色的画布底色?选择油漆桶工具[K]( Paint Bucket )按住 Shift点击画布边缘即可设置画布底色为当前的前景色.(注意:要还原 到默认的颜色,设置前景色为25%灰度( R192,G192,B192 )再次按住Shift 点击画布边缘.)
8).在Photoshop中所有的对话框中的撤消( Cancel )按钮都可以通过按 住Alt键变为复位( Reset )按钮.这使你可以容易回复到初始值而毋须取 消重来.
9).键盘上的CapsLock键可以控制光标在精确状态及标准状态之间切换. 注意:如果Photoshop的参数 [Ctrl+K,Ctrl+3] ( File/Preferences/ Display & Cursors... ) 中已经设置光标为准确状态,这时CapsLock键 不起作用.
10).按"F"键可在Photoshop的三种不同屏幕显示方法 ( 尺度显示模式r 带菜单的全屏显示模式r全屏显示模式 )下切换( 或者可以应用工具箱下 真个按钮 ).提醒:在全屏模式下按Shift+F可以切换是否显示菜单. 双击Photoshop的背景空白处为翻开文件命令[Ctrl+O]( File/Open).
11).按住Shift点击颜色面板下的颜色条可以改变其所显示的色谱类型. 或者,也可以在颜色条上单击鼠标右键,从弹出的颜色条选项菜单当选取 其它色彩模式.
12).在图片窗口的题目栏上单击鼠标右键能够疾速?#123;用一些命令,如画布 大小命令、图像大小命令跟复制等等. 在?#123;色板面板上的任一空缺( 灰色 )区域单击可在?#123;色板上加进一个 自定义的色彩,按住Ctrl键点击为减去一个颜色,按住Shift点击为调换 一个颜色.
13).通过拷贝粘贴Photoshop拾色器中所显示的16进制颜色值,可以在 Photoshop和其它程序( 其它支撑16进制颜色值的程序 )之间交流颜色数据.
14).要使用画笔工具画出直线,首先在图片上点击,然后移动鼠标到另一 点上按住Shift再次点击图片,Photoshop就会使用当前的绘图工具在两点 间画一条直线.
15).任何时候按住Ctrl键即可切换为移动工具[V],girls jordan shoes,按住Ctrl+Alt键拖动 鼠标可以复制当前层或选区内容.
16).按住空格键可以在任何时候切换为抓手工具[H]( Hand Tool ).
17).缩下班具的快捷键为"Z",此外Ctrl+空格键为放大工具,Alt+空 格键为缩小工具.
18).按Ctrl+"+"键以及"-"键分别为放大和缩小图像的视图;绝对应 的,按以上热键的同时按住Alt键可以自动?#123;整窗口以满屏显示( Ctrl+Alt+ "+"和Ctrl+Alt+"-" ),这一点十分有用!(注意:如果想要在使用 缩放工具时按图片的大小自动?#123;整窗口,可以在缩放工具的选项中选中" ?#123;整窗口大小以满屏显示( Resize Windows to Fit )"选项.)
20).联合颜色取样器工具[Shift+I]( Color Sampler Tool )和信息面板 ( Window/Show Info ),咱们可以监督当前图片的颜色变更.变化前后 的颜色值显示在信息面板上其取样点编号的旁边.通过信息面板上的弹出 菜单可以定义取样点的颜色模式.要增添新取样点只要在画布上随意什么 处所再点一下( 用颜色取样器工具 ),按住Alt键点击可以除去取样点. 注意:一张图上最多只能放置四个颜色取样点 提示:当Photoshop中有对话框( 例如:色阶命令、曲线命令等等 )弹出 时,要增长新的取样点必需按住Shift键再点击,按住Alt+Shift点击一个 取样点可以减去它.
21).度量工具( Measure Tool )在测量间隔上十分方便( 特殊是在斜 线上 ),你同样可以用它来量角度( 就像一只量角器 ).首先要保障信息 面板[F8] ( Window/Show Info )可视.选择度量工具点击并拖出一 条直线,按住Alt键从第一条线的节点上再拖出第二条直线,这样两条线 间的夹角和线的长度都显示在
22).要再次使用刚用过的滤镜,从菜单中选Filter/Last Filter [Ctrl+F];要用新的选项使用刚用过的滤镜记着多加一个Alt键( Ctrl+Alt+F or Alt + Filter/Last Filter ). 提示:要退去上次用过的滤镜或?#123;整的后果( 或改变合成的模式 ),asics running,按Ctrl+Shift+F ( Filter ? Fade Filter ).
23).假如你最近拷贝了一张图片存在剪贴板里,Photoshop在新建文件[Ctrl+N] ( File/New... )的时候会以剪贴板中图片的尺寸作为新建图的默认大小. 要略过这个特征而使用上一次的设置,在打开的时候按住Alt键[Ctrl+Alt+N] ( Alt + File ?New... ).
24).按Ctrl+Alt+Z和Ctrl+Shift+Z组合键分离为在历史记载中向后和向前 ( 或者可以使用历史面板中的菜单来使用这些命令 ).结合还原[Ctrl+Z] ( Edit/Undo )命令使用这些热键可以自由地在历史记录和当前状态中切 换.
25).Alt+Backspace和Ctrl+Backspace组合键分辨为填充远景色和背风景, 另一个十分有用的热键是Shift+Backspacenn打开填充对话框. 提示:按Alt+Shift+Backspace及Ctrl+Shift+Backspace组合键在填充 前 景及背景色的时候只填充已存在的像素( 坚持透明区域 ).
26).在使用自在变换工具[Ctrl+T] ( Edit/Free TransFORM )时按住Alt 键( Ctrl+Alt+T 或Alt + Edit/Free TransFORM )即可先复制原图层( 在当前的选区 )后在复制层长进行变换. 提示:Ctrl+Shift+T ( Edit/TransFORM ? Again )为再次执行上次的变 换,Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T( Alt + Edit/TransFORM/Again )为复制原图后 再执行变换.
27).要避免使用裁切工具[C]( Crop Tool )时选框吸附在图片边框上,在 拖动裁切工具选框上的把持点的时候按住Ctrl键即可.
28).要修改倾斜的图像,先用丈量工具在图上可以作为水平或垂直方 向基准的地方画一条线( 像图像的边框、门框、两眼间的程度线等等 ), 然后从菜单中选Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary,打开后会发明准确 的旋转角度已经自动填好了,只有按断定就OK啦. 注意:也可以用裁切工具来一步实现旋转和剪切的工作:先用裁切工具 [C]画一个方框,拖动选框上的节制点来?#123;整选取框的角度和大小,最后 按回车实现旋转及剪切.提示:测量工具量出的角度同时也会自动填到数 字变换工具( Edit/TransFORM/Numeric )对话框中.
29).使用"通过复制新建层[Ctrl+J] ( Layer/New/Layer Via Copy )" 或"通过剪切新建层[Ctrl+J] ( Layer/New/Layer Via Cut )"命令可 以在一步之间完成拷贝 & 粘贴和剪切 & 粘贴的工作. 注意:通过复制( 剪切 )新建层命令粘贴时被仍放在它们原来的地方,然 而通过拷贝( 剪切 )&粘贴会贴到图片( 或选区 )的中心.
30).裁剪图像( 使用裁剪工具或选Edit/Crop )后所有在裁剪范畴之外的 像素就都丧失了.要想无损失地裁剪可以用"画布大小( Image/Canvas Size )"命令来取代.固然Photoshop会忠告你将进行一些剪切,但出于 某种起因事实上并不nn所有"被剪切掉的"数据都被保留在画面以外. 提示:ImageReady的剪切命令( Image/Crop )会发问要删除剪切区域还 是隐藏起来.注意:这对索引色模式不起作用( 在索引模式下用画布大小 命令会丧失画面以外的像素 ).
31).合并可见图层时按住Alt键[Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E] ( Alt + Layer/ Merge Visible )为把所有可见图层复制一份后合并到当前图层. 提示:同样可以在合并图层( Layer/Merge Down )的时候按住Alt键,会 把当前层复制一份后合并到前一个层.这个命令没有相应的热键nn Ctrl+Alt+E不起作用.
32).使用选框工具[M]( Marquee Tools )的时候,air max 09,按住Shift键可以划出 正方形和正圆的选区;按住Alt键将从起始点为中心勾划选区.
33).使用"重新选择"命令[Ctrl+Shift+D] ( Select/Reselect )来载 入/恢复之前的选区.
34).在使用套索工具勾画选区的的时候按Alt键可以在套索工具和和多边 形套索工具间切换.
36).家喻户晓按住Shift或Alt键可以增加或修剪当前选区,但你是否知道 同时按下Shift和Alt键勾画可以选取两个选区中相交的部分呢? 提示:按住Ctrl键点击层的图标( 在层面板上 )可加载它的透明信道,再 按住Ctrl+Alt+Shift键点击另一层为选取两个层的透明信道相交的区域.
39).按Shift+"+"键( 向前 )和Shift+"-"键( 向后 )可在各种层的 合成模式上切换.我们还可以按Alt+Shift+"某一字符"快速切换合成模式.
N = 正常 ( Normal )
I = 溶解 ( Dissolve )
M = 正片叠底 ( Multiply )
S = 屏幕 ( Screen )
O = 叠加 ( Overlay )
F = 柔光( Soft Light )
H = 强光( Hard Light )
D = 颜色减淡 ( Color Dodge )
B = 颜色加深 ( Color Burn )
K = 变暗 ( Darken )
G = 变亮 ( Lighten )
E = 差值( Difference )
X = 消除 ( Exclusion )
U = 色相 ( Hue )
T = 饱和度 ( Saturation )
C = 颜色 ( Color )
Y = 亮度( Luminosity )
Q = 背地( Behind 1 )
L = 阈值( Threshold 2 )
R = 肃清 ( Clear 3 )
W = 暗?#123;( Shadows 4 )
V = 旁边?#123;( Midtones 4 )
Z = 高光( Highlights 4 )
索引色模式( Indexed Mode )
多图层图片上用直线[N]( Line )和油漆桶[K]工具 ( Bucket Tools )
减淡和加深工具[O]( Dodge and Burn Tools )
40).直接按底宙I即可改变当前工具或图层的不透明度.按"1"表示10% 不透明度,"5"为50%,以此类推,"0"为100%不透明度.持续按数字 键比方"85"表示不透明度为85%. 注意:以上热键同样对当前的绘图类工存在效,所以如果你要改变当前层 的不透明度,先转到移动工具或某一选取工具.
43).要扫除某个层上所有的层效果,按住Alt键双击该层上的层效果图标; 或者在菜单中选Layer/Effects/Clear Effects. 提示:要关掉其中一个效果,按住Alt键然后在Layer/Effects子菜单中 选中它的名字.或者可以在图层效果对话框中取消它的"运用"标志.
44).在层面板中按住Alt键在两层之间点击可把他们编为一组.当一些层 链接在一些而你又只想把它们中的一部分编组时这个功能十分好用( 因为 编组命令[Ctrl+G] ( Layer/Group with Previous )在当前层与其它层 有链接时会转为编组链接层命令[Ctrl+G] ( Layer/Group Linked ) ).
45).这里有一个节俭时光的增加?#123;整层( Layer/New/Adjustment Layer) 的方法:只需按住Ctrl点击"创建新图层"图标( 在层面板的底部 )选择 你想加的?#123;整层类型!
46).按Alt键点击删除按钮( 在层面板的底部 )可以快速删除层( 毋庸确 认),同样这也实用于信道和路径. 除了在信道面板中编纂层蒙板以外,gucci cheap,按Alt点击层面板上蒙板的图标 可以打开它;按住Shift键点击蒙板图标为关闭/打开蒙板( 会显示一个红 叉X表示关闭蒙板 ).按住Alt+Shift点击层蒙板可以以红宝石色( 50%红)显示.按住Ctrl键点击蒙板图标为加载它的透明选区.
47).按层面板上的"增添图层蒙板"图标( 在层面板的底部 )所参加的蒙 板默认显示当前选区的所有内容( Layer/Add Layer Mask/Reveal All ); 按住Alt键点"增加图层蒙板"图标所加的蒙板隐藏当前选区内容( Layer /Add Layer Mask/Hide All ).
48).点击门路面板上的空白区域可封闭所有路径的显示 提示:按Ctrl+Shift+H切换路径是否显示( View ? Show/Hide Path ).
49).在点击路径面板下方的多少个按钮( 用前景色填充路径、用前景色描边 路径、将路径作为选区加载 )时,按住Alt键可以看见一系列可用的工具 和/或选项.当前工具为移动工具( 或随时按住Ctrl键 )时,右键点击画 布可以打开当前点所有层的列表( 按从上到下排序 ):从列表中选择层的 名字可以使其为当前层. 提示:按住Alt键点鼠标右键可以自动选择当前点最靠上的层,或者打开
50).挪动工具选项面板中的主动抉择图层选项也可实现. 提示:再按住Shift键( Alt+Shift+右键点击 )可以切换当前层是否与最上面层作链接.
52).拖动辅助线时按住Alt键可以在水平辅助线和垂直辅助线之间切换. 按住Alt键点击一条已经存在的垂直辅助线可以把它转为水平辅助线,反之亦然.
53).注意:辅助线是通过从标尺中拖出而树立的,所以要确保标尺是打开 的[Ctrl+R] ( View/Show Rulers ).
55).双击辅助线可以打开帮助线 & 作风参数设置对话框[Ctrl+K, Ctrl+6] ( File/Preferences/Guides & Grid).
56).双击标尺[Ctrl+R]可以打开单位 & 标尺参数设置对话框[Ctrl+K, Ctrl +5] ( File/Preferences/Units & Rulers). 提示:也可以在信息面板上的选项菜单中选择标标准量单位.
57).标尺的坐标原点可以设置在画布的任何地方,只要从标尺的左上角开 始拖动即可利用新的坐标原点;双击左上角可以还原坐标原点到默认点.
58).利用路径工具创建曲线和斜线的辅助线也不失为一个好措施.只要用 钢笔工具刻画路径即可在绘制上或上色时作为辅助线( 路径始终保持可视 ).提示:使用隐藏路径命令[Ctrl+Shift+H] ( View ? Hide Path )切换路 径显示与否.
59).辅助线不仅会吸附在当前层或选区的边沿( 高低左右 ),而且会也以 ( 当前层或选区的 )水平或垂直中心对齐.反过来也一样:同样选区和层 也会吸附到已经存在的辅助线上( 边缘和中央 ). 注意:辅助线不会吸附到背景层上.而且要实现上述功效先要打开"贴紧 辅助线" [Ctrl+Shift+ ; ] ( View/Snap To Guides )选项. 提示:要找到画面的中央可以新建并[Ctrl+Shift+N] ( Layer/New Layer) 并填充 [Shift+Backspace] ( Edit/Fill)一个层然后把辅助线吸附到垂 直中心和水平核心上.
良多时候用键盘来掌握导航器( navigation )比用鼠标更快捷.这里 列出了一些常用的导航器热键:
Home = 到画布的左上角
End = 到画布的右下角
PageUp = 把画布向上滚动动一页
PageDown = 把画布向下滚动动一页
Ctrl+PageUp = 把画布向左滚动动一页
Ctrl+PageDown = 把画布向右滚动动一页
Shift+PageUp = 把画布向上转动10个像素
Shift+PageDown = 把画布向下滚动10个像素
Ctrl+Shift+PageUp = 把画布向左滚动10个像素
Ctrl+Shift+PageDown = 把画布向右滚动10个像素
61).使用Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+F6在多个文档中切换( 或者也可以使用Window 菜单 ),十分便利!
62).用恢复命令[F12] ( File/Revert )以把当前文档恢复到上次保存时 的状态.警告!在Photoshop5.0中,恢复命令会同时清空历史记载!这意 味着一旦使用恢复命令上次保留后所有的修改都会丢失!Photoshop5.5更 正了这一点.
63).CHANNEL也有其默认对应的热键.这对存为信道情势的选区/蒙板之间 作加、减和相交运算就变得非常快捷和简略.这里列出了一些常用模式:
RGB颜色 CMYK颜色 索引颜色
Ctrl+"~"= RGB
Ctrl+1 = 红Ctrl+2 = 绿Ctrl+3 = ?#123;
Ctrl+4 = 其它信道
Ctrl+9 =其它信道
Ctrl+"~" = CMYK
Ctrl+1 = 青色
Ctrl+2 = 洋红
Ctrl+3 = 黄色
Ctrl+4 = 玄色
Ctrl+5 = 其它信道
Ctrl+9 =其它信道
Ctrl+1 = 索引
Ctrl+2 = 其它信道
Ctrl+9 =其它信道
例如:要创立一个选区以表现信道7和信道9的相交局部,先按Ctrl+Alt+7 ( 把信道7加载为选区 )而后按by Ctrl+Alt+Shift+9( 再和信道9相交 ).
64).按住Ctrl键在导航器的代办预览区域中拖放可以更新设定当前文文件的 可视区域.提示:在署理预览区域中拖动显示框时按住Shift键可以锁定 移动的方向为横向或垂直.提示:在导航器面板的面板选项中可以更改代 理预览区域中显示框的颜色.
65).若只想执举动作( Action )中的单一步骤,选好要履行的步骤然后按 住Ctrl键点播放( Play )按钮( 在行动面板的底部 ). 留神:若要转变动作中部门命令的参数,双击相应的步骤以打开相干对话 框:任何新填入的数值都将自动存储.
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Old 05-23-2011, 09:52 AM   #3
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people often get angry, click on Save up to share Oh, send fire way to
stomach fire flaming the acne long, swollen gums, mouth rot:
anger flaming are headache and dizziness, restless sleep;
Firelight on the mouth ulcers sore throat throat inflammation insomnia;
Hyperactivity Huochi the dry throat pain, dry mouth Erke.
only reasonable diet to restore order to achieve the objective of pathogenic fire than heat.
lit is a Chinese term, after the body imbalance of yin and yang of the fever. If there is pain, dry throat, red eyes red, nose heat drying, dry mouth and bad mouth, nosebleeds, toothache and other symptoms, Chinese medicine, is Division of the internal organs as the key link, lit mainly Wei Huo, Firelight, anger, fire several lung.

first fire caused by eating disorders
stomach fire. Typical symptoms: acne long, swollen gums, mouth rot
Notional stomach fire two, fire manifested as a mild cough virtual , poor appetite, constipation, red tongue, little coating, which some people tend to have the old foundation in the stomach in Chinese medicine, said that ; New Year period, or eat out of total number of real fire,
fire essentials: eat more whole grains drink plenty of water
Since anger is to eat out, then the deal should also grab the source from eating this.
new version of Greedy spicy, barbecue and other spicy food, will damage the spleen and stomach, intrinsic of the heat, there will be serious erosion of mouth. Of this The second is to eat light food. Festivals, many young people sleep less than usual, Xuhuoshangsheng, many girls also like having fun while eating, melon seeds, peanuts, chocolate and other snacks leave their hands, accumulation of body heat too much, given a lot of facial acne. Such a In addition, drink plenty of water is a good habit, you can speed up the body's metabolism.
Reduce Pathogenic Fire food side: Lily mung bean porridge, water chestnuts, mung bean porridge Ouzhi soup
Lily: Lily and the mung bean and send fire detoxification capacity is recognized by everyone, mung bean sweet, cool, with heat and detoxifying, Chufan refreshing, thirst and stomach, and benefits of water swelling effect. Lily has lungs and eat it,UGG AUSTRALLIA, pure heart effect, you can cough, bleeding, appetizers. Done is relatively simple. The green beans and cook for 15 minutes after Lily, then add the rice to boil, turn heat down immediately after the right Aozhi thick porridge, add crystal sugar properly.
water chestnuts Ouzhi soup: the election of the 250 grams of water chestnuts and lotus root, with the decoction, add the appropriate amount of crystal sugar. After three days, hours, have run the effect of gastric cooling pathogenic fire.

often stays up late lead to the second fire - anger
typical symptoms: headache, dizziness, restless sleep, so angry
often stays up late will disrupt the body's normal sleeping hours, the liver can not be scheduled rest and detoxification, so he had to work overtime to accumulate the body of impurities and toxins removed, the liver itself,UGG ブーツ 格安, which adds to the burden of anger along with it, No wonder some people in the holiday period known for his temper, in fact, did not sleep well with a great relationship.
also some anger will be manifested as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry eyes, dry mouth, mouth pain, bad breath, Liang Lei pain, restless sleep, hot body, tongue thickening.
fire essentials: emotional stability, adequate sleep
for high blood pressure, usually more anxious to temper people, pay attention to prevent anger struck. This traditional Chinese medicine to be called Anti-anger, sleep is a very important point, as far as possible before 12 o'clock every night to sleep, if I can not not stay up late, then be sure to make up after a sleep.
to prevent anger Wang, in addition to sleep enough, and I feel relaxed, some simple medicines or food will also help clear fire, strong anger people to eat more mushrooms, chrysanthemum and lotus seeds cool side so the food. Eat less spicy, fishy sea, over-tired too sour, fried foods, as well as lamb, shrimp, fat, ebony, etc., so as not to
Reduce Pathogenic Fire food side: fried liver fungus, wolfberry chrysanthemum tea
saying for what to eat, have to deal with anger Bugan. Fried pork liver fungus on a role to quell anger. Select fungus about 40 grams, 240 grams liver.
fungus soaked, cut out the bottom of the lumps, then cut into thick filament; liver Rinse and wipe dry and then cut into thick slices, add marinade and marinate for about 10 minutes; boil hot, put 2 tablespoons oil, saute ginger film, into the liver slices stir-fry until cooked with fire stop pocket; then stir into the ear wire and onions, add a little sugar, season with salt on the plate.
prevention of increased anger, but also drink wolfberry chrysanthemum tea, as follows: wolfberry Xianzhu 30 minutes, adding chrysanthemum cook for 3 minutes, you can make tea for those who often use their brain.

thought-over to a third fire - Firelight
typical symptoms: mouth ulcers, sore throat, insomnia
Chinese say, Auntie too,ugg ブーツ, and it is easy to La Tortura. Although most of the Chinese New Year period are very happy,ugg, but older family members because of the emergence of younger, happy home too far or had a degree of physical exertion, it will fire.
Firelight has actual situation of the points, in general, one of the false fire performance of low-grade fever, night sweats, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, forgetfulness and so on, determined to disease, especially the elderly who often such symptoms; real fire is performance of repeated oral ulcers, scanty dark urine, irritability and so upset, physically fit young and middle-prone.
fire essentials: emotional stability, adequate sleep, mostly because
since Firelight caused by excessive fatigue, or happy, then deal with methods from these two aspects. Professor Chen reminded the Chinese New Year need to control the emotions, reduce stress, fewer sick mind thing. Especially a reduction in minds of those who do not delay decisions, dealing with complex, involving many interpersonal dilemma, so as not to Firelight fit, induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Eat more fruits and vegetables help to control the Firelight, spicy food, alcohol and tobacco will have to turn away from you, more exercise. Some of Haner can eat bitter foods such as bitter gourd, bitter herbs, lilies, Kudingcha class, eat wild jujube, jujube, lily,ugg ムートンブーツ, or a clean heart and kidney of animal placenta nourishing products.
Reduce Pathogenic Fire food side: rock sugar lotus seed soup, fried bitter melon seeds ginkgo
rock sugar soup: Xuhuoshangsheng person may moistening the sugar adds to the growing lotus seed soup pure heart, Fanre, pure heart and fire, uneasiness of mind, for the Firelight irritation caused by the Chi-good treatment does not sleep with.
bitter gourd fried ginkgo: winter due to eat, Select 1-2 bitter gourd, ginkgo 20. Ginkgo washed, diced Wash bitter gourd; bitter melon, ginkgo on the water in a little soak, immediately remove and reserve; frying pan add little oil, add gingko nuts, and seasonings fried bitter gourd; with starch starch on the plate. But note that the consumption of ginkgo should not be too much time, each person should not eat more than 10.

repeated colds lead to the fourth fire - fire
typical symptoms of lung: dry sore throat, dry mouth Erke
spring is the high incidence of respiratory disease, often out of public places and air-conditioning rooms, a variety of respiratory diseases of natural accidents. In Chinese medicine, these are the lungs of fire causes.
lung Huo Da's nose and mouth were often appear dry, heat vent, it is easy cold and high fever after a cold, cough, thick yellow sputum and sticky, yellow red tongue and other symptoms. Some children could not sleep quilt cover, like the stomach, like to eat cold, red lips, but also the performance of lung Huo.
fire essentials: keep warm, timely change of clothing since the flu and other respiratory diseases
lung fire leading to incentives, then the primary prevention of lung, or make fire precautionary measures to timely change of clothing and out of air-conditioned rooms. In addition to the lung can also be used
fire breathing cough lung wash method, by deep breathing and active cough, respiratory discharge secretions help to enhance immunity. Choose fresh air, repeatedly inhale exhale, the lungs as gas discharge, coughing and a few other active every day is positive protective reflex action, can effectively clean the lungs.
Reduce Pathogenic Fire food side: Tom
Tremella Tremella Sydney Sydney soup: Select 50 g white fungus, two pears. The pear cut, Tremella 500 ml of water, boil 20 minutes, add a little rock sugar, drinking has the effect of lungs and cough.
Professor Chen also emphasized that the final, in the eyes of many, on it. In fact, In particular, real fire, virtual fire, treat them just the opposite, if clearly a false fire, the fire still use the method to deal with real deal, no doubt fuel. Therefore, experiencing bad grasp of things, have time to find experts.
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