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Old 05-30-2011, 05:27 AM   #1
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Default 民工男和女博士做-爱,遭暗杀

女硕士翠花与农民工“男友”军龙同居后因服避孕药身体出现各种不适症状,致使其考博失利。翠花将这一切归咎 于军龙,加之其拒绝支付1万元的赔偿费,翠花刺死了军龙。5月25日,新疆都市报记者从郑州市中级人民法院 了解到,翠花因患有精神分裂症,虽构成故意杀人罪,但属于限制行为能力人,一审被判处有期徒刑 8年。
翠花被抓获后交代, 2005年,她硕士毕业后,就在乌市边打工,边复习考博。2010年8月,翠花租住的房子需要做个架子,经 邻居介绍结识了农民工军龙,之后,军龙常上门找她聊天。2008年1月,翠花准备搬家时,打电话给军龙请其 帮忙。搬家至深夜两点,军龙强行与她发生了关系。翠花说当时想过报案,但她担心自己的名誉受损,也怕影响考 博,便放弃了报警。
第二天,翠花买了盒避孕药,当日服用后,身体出现种种不适:下身出血,浑身无力,浑身发麻,骨头疼,脚疼。 她觉得自己患了妇科病、糖尿病,思想无法集中,根本看不下去书,2011年考博英语考试词汇概述,她感到很绝望。不久,她从北京考试回来,英语只考了55分,她认为这都是军龙“害的”。
2010年5月,军龙又来到翠花的租住房,并再次与她强行发生关系。想到自己考博的努力白费了,生病也没钱 治,翠花便提出让军龙拿出1万元,作为对自己身体造成的损害和医疗费赔偿。军龙一口答应,事后 却一直拖延。
而这期间,军龙频繁出入翠花的住处,并一次次侵犯她。直到半年后,面对军龙的出尔反尔,翠花才突然醒悟:军 龙根本没有为其治病的打算,也没有能力支付医疗费用,便产生了杀死对方的想法,她买了把匕首藏 在家中。
2010年9月26日,双方又为1万元赔偿发生争执,见军龙起身离开,翠花手持匕首在附近巷口追刺军龙,一 位过路男子夺过翠花手中的匕首,并拨打了110和120。军龙被送往医院后死亡。
经司法鉴定所鉴定:翠花2010年患病,其多次在医院诊疗,均未查出有躯体疾病证据。但她仍坚信自己的躯体 发生了实质性的损害,且思维荒谬离奇,存在各种幻觉,其上述症状符合精神分裂症的诊断标准。即本症使其实质 性的辨认和自控能力削弱,属于限定刑事责任能力。
本案主审法官说,翠花的行为已经构成故意杀人罪。但司法鉴定结论显示,在案发前数年的日常生活、感知、思维 、行为等方面存在明显异常的情况和表现,杀死军龙是由于其患有精神分裂症,在控制能力削弱情况下实施的犯罪 行为,属限制刑事责任能力,法院遂作出上述判决。( 女硕士翠花与农民工“男友”军龙同居后因服避孕药身体出现各种不适症状,致使其考博失利。翠花将这一切归咎 于军龙,加之其拒绝支付1万元的赔偿费,翠花刺死了军龙。5月25日,新疆都市报记者从郑州市中级人民法院 了解到,翠花因患有精神分裂症,虽构成故意杀人罪,但属于限制行为能力人,一审被判处有期徒刑 8年。
翠花被抓获后交代, 2005年,她硕士毕业后,就在乌市边打工,边复习考博。2010年8月,翠花租住的房子需要做个架子,经 邻居介绍结识了农民工军龙,之后,军龙常上门找她聊天。2008年1月,翠花准备搬家时,打电话给军龙请其 帮忙。搬家至深夜两点,军龙强行与她发生了关系。翠花说当时想过报案,但她担心自己的名誉受损,也怕影响考 博,便放弃了报警。
第二天,翠花买了盒避孕药,当日服用后,身体出现种种不适:下身出血,浑身无力,浑身发麻,骨头疼,脚疼。 她觉得自己患了妇科病、糖尿病,思想无法集中,根本看不下去书,她感到很绝望。不久,她从北京考试回来,英 语只考了55分,她认为这都是军龙“害的”。
2010年5月,军龙又来到翠花的租住房,并再次与她强行发生关系。想到自己考博的努力白费了,生病也没钱 治,翠花便提出让军龙拿出1万元,作为对自己身体造成的损害和医疗费赔偿。军龙一口答应,事后 却一直拖延。
而这期间,军龙频繁出入翠花的住处,并一次次侵犯她。直到半年后,面对军龙的出尔反尔,翠花才突然醒悟:军 龙根本没有为其治病的打算,也没有能力支付医疗费用,便产生了杀死对方的想法,她买了把匕首藏 在家中。
2010年9月26日,双方又为1万元赔偿发生争执,见军龙起身离开,翠花手持匕首在附近巷口追刺军龙,一 位过路男子夺过翠花手中的匕首,并拨打了110和120。军龙被送往医院后死亡。
经司法鉴定所鉴定:翠花2010年患病,其多次在医院诊疗,均未查出有躯体疾病证据。但她仍坚信自己的躯体 发生了实质性的损害,且思维荒谬离奇,存在各种幻觉,其上述症状符合精神分裂症的诊断标准。即本症使其实质 性的辨认和自控能力削弱,属于限定刑事责任能力。
本案主审法官说,翠花的行为已经构成故意杀人罪。但司法鉴定结论显示,在案发前数年的日常生活、感知、思维 、行为等方面存在明显异常的情况和表现,杀死军龙是由于其患有精神分裂症,在控制能力削弱情况下实施的犯罪 行为,属限制刑事责任能力,法院遂作出上述判决。(
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Old 05-30-2011, 05:29 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 3,818
sandy6565 is on a distinguished road

Women In Short Skirt
The short skirt is a fashion trend that seems to have some degree of popularity. it is a fun and flirty fashion. This short skirt is worn on the hips and barely covers the backside ######y lingerie, it looks quite crazy and funky but still very interesting and stylish. Wearing a short skirt is perfect for a fun night out on the town, it is very nature a very feminine piece of apparel
The short skirt comes in many different styles and fabrics making it as fashionable today as it was 20 years ago. The short skirt looks best on teens and young women, especially those with good legs and a shapely figure. Many women like to wear a short skirt when they go to a club. While dancing in a short skirt can be fun it also attracts attention, especially from the opposite ######. One of the latest trends that you may have seen on celebrities is to wear the super short skirt. You can try them on before you purchase them or view them online to see what the skirt will look like.
The short skirt looks best on teens and young women, especially those with good legs and a shapely figure. Short skirts are usually worn during the hotter summer months because they are cool, allowing you're legs to breath and also allow you to get almost a complete tan of you're legs. While wearing a short skirt is a fun fashion trend, it is not appropriate to wear them to church or school. Many high schools have dress codes that dictate the minimum length of a skirt and will not allow anyone wearing a short skirt to attend.
Larger women can look ######y and stylish in a short skirt if their choice of skirt lenght is balanced. Plus Size Pencil skirt is especially suitable for those larger women that do not have a large difference between waist and hip measurement. The right choice of ######y plus size short skirt is just below the knees.. It has to be said with all truth and honesty that short skirts aren't for everybody and a person with a pair of legs which are less than attractive will in fact divert attention away from their better attributes and draw them to the legs, which isn't a good thing.
When wearing short skirts, combining them with matching stockings in semi-opaque styles gives you a more professional look; sheer skin-colored and patterned hose draw undue attention to the legs. Try some colored stripes so they can match anything. Or pick your favorite colors and you'll probably find they'll match a lot of what you already have By selecting solid skirts in the neutral colors of your palette bandage dress, you will have the flexibility to create combinations with all the colors that complement you. Under the skirt, the flapper wore sheer flesh-colored stockings, rolled and twisted to keep them in place without garters.
Effective skirt wearing is an art, and like any other art bra lingerie, there’s a satisfaction in developing and improving it. Insofar as wearing a skirt is an art club dresses, however, it’s significantly different from applying make-up. The art of wearing a skirt is one which continues thought our time spent cross dressing. A skirt still needs to be managed while we are sitting. The effect of sitting down without caution in modern skirts is less dramatic; but the act can expose areas we might choose to keep hidden.

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