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Old 06-14-2011, 10:26 AM   #1
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Default 传统观点都以“薄利多销”的经营方式招来更多的顾客

,但是犹太商人感到进行薄利竞争,就比如将脖子套上绞索,是一种无比笨拙的做法。这又如“逝世亡赛跑”,是 从被暴力政府压抑下,商人被迫无奈以低价把自己的东西出售出去而演化出来的。他们还认为,同行之间发展薄利 多销的战斗,对方老是盼望以比其他竞争者更低的价格多售生产品,这样的心境并不是不可以懂得的。但是,在还 没有考虑以低价销售之前,为什么不想办法多赚取一些利润呢?如果大家都彼此低价促销,那么商业世界可以保持 多久呢?再说了,市场商业界也有一定的限度,只要消费者把自己所需要的商品买够了,就是出售的价钱再低,也 不会有人要的,因为他们已经有了一份,再买一份对他们来说已经是挥霍了,与其这样,还不如不去 瞅廉价买它。
  这就是犹太人一种异乎寻常的经商招数,毫不做薄利多销的交易,却做厚利适销的生意。犹太商人对“薄利多 销”的策略持相反的立场,是有他们的情理的。他们认为:在机动多变的营销策略中,为什么不采取别的上策而采 用了下下策?卖出去三件商品所取得的利润只相称于卖一件商品的利润,上策是经营销售一件商品。这样,既可省 了各种经营用度,还可以很好地保持市场的稳固性,并很快可以按高价卖出另外两件商品。而以低价一下卖了三件 商品,市场已饱和了,你再想多销也是不可能的了,因为你的商品已经无人问津了。利润最少比高价出售者少了良 多,并把市场的后劲也一并毁掉了。
  在经商运动中,犹太商人除了保持厚利适销做法外,为了防止其他商人的“薄利多销”的冲击,他们情愿经营 昂贵的消费品,不经营低价的商品。为此,世界上经营珠宝、钻石等首饰的商人中,犹太人占大多数。犹太商人抉 择这个行业为主,显然是避开那些以薄利多销的竞争者,因为这些竞争者即便想经营首饰类资本密集型的商品,他 们也没有资本或力气,red wing central
  在一些犹太公司,上司会时常给自己的职工一大堆厚厚的资料,对他说:“请用我们的资料去压服消费者吧, 我们的商品是最棒的,你一定会成为一个成功者的”。拿到资料后,如果你看看材料下方的假钱,你确定会很惊奇 的:“怎么这么贵呀,谁会来买呢?”可是,犹太老板会很有信心肠对你说出一大堆的道理,说出高价出售是如何 如何的准确,而且还会向你讲一大堆的道理,以此让你来信赖他。于是,各种各样印刷优美的统计资料、小手册、 卡片就飞到各地经营者的办公室里,他们在办公室里简直天天都能够收到犹太人寄来的各种各样的资料。他们是这 样想的:“价钱压低,这一举措就表明了你对自己的商品没有坚定的信念。我们的商品相对不能便宜出售”这就是 犹太人经商的信条之一。
  其实,犹太商人这种“厚利适销”的营销策略是从有钱人的作为为着眼点的。这是一种奇妙的生意经。讲究身 份、崇尚富有的心理无论是在西方社会还是东方社会,都漫山遍野。宝贵的珠宝、钻石、金饰,挥金如土,只有富 有者才买得起。既然是富饶者,他们付得起,又讲究身份,就不会对价格太过计较。相反,假如商品定价过低,反 而会使他们产生猜忌。俗话说“价贱无好货”,这句话在富有者心中印象最深。犹太商人就是这样抓住消费者的心 理,使厚利策略得到很好的利用。
  美国纽约的第42大巷,有一家经销店专门出产经营服装生意,店主是一个犹太人,名叫鲁尔,那家店的门面 不大,生意也不太好。为了改变现状,鲁尔专门聘任高等设计师精心设计了世界最新流行款式的牛仔服,首先在自 己的店里销售。他对这一产品寄托了很大的盼望,企盼一举改变自己经营不景气的状况。为此,他投入了6万美元 的资金,首批生产了1000件,其本钱每件为56美元。基于翻开市场的须要,他采取了低额外价策略,把每件 衣服定为80美元,在服装产品中,这种定价已经是十分低的了。鲁尔想,就凭着店里衣服的新颖款式和低廉的价 格,开业的那一天必定会开门大吉,发个利市。但是事情并不像他想的那么美,事实正好与他设想的 相反。
  为了他的新产品,鲁尔声势浩大地叫卖了两周,但前去购买者并未几。鲁尔的头都快气爆了,他铁下心来,把 每件衣服的价格再降落10元发售,又呼天喊地叫卖了两个星期,但是购买者仍不见增多。估摸着低价之下,必有 勇夫,鲁尔又降低了10元钱价格,这次的价格可以说是濒临跳楼价了,但销售状况还是“外甥打灯笼——依旧” 。罗唆大甩卖吧,每件50元,工本费都不要了,履行亏本清仓。可除了吸引不少看客外,并没有几个真正购买的 顾客,大部分购买者都是“丢盔弃甲春去也”,看过热烈之后就不会再光顾他的店了。
  这下,鲁尔失望了,他再也想不出任何方法,他只好自认不幸,因而他也不再下降叫卖了,他让店里的人在店 前挂出“本店销售世界最新款式牛仔服,每件40美元”的广告牌,至于是否销售出去,只好事在人为了。没想到 广告牌刚挂出去,倒陆续地来了不少购买者,他们兴趣盎然地筛选起来。站在一旁的鲁尔这回可傻了,目瞪口呆地 破在一旁。原来是他的店员一时粗枝大叶,在40的后多加了个O,这样一来每件从40美元就变成了400美元 了,价格一下子晋升了10倍之多,但是购买者反倒大大地增多了,广告牌刚挂出一会儿,就卖出了几件衣服,并 且随后的销售状态是越来越好,“芝麻开花节节高”,生意变得越来越火爆。
  一个月的时光从前了,固然鲁尔依然是“丈二跟尚摸不着脑筋”,糊里糊涂地,但他的1000件牛仔服已经 全体销售一空。差点血本全无的鲁尔,转而发了笔横财,愉快得不得了。只是他始终不清楚,采用低廉定价法衣服 一件卖不出去,YSLBELTS,为什么意外导致的高价反而扭转乾坤,一举赚取了高出本来预期10倍的利润呢?鲁尔想,兴许是本人上辈子积 了不少德,天可怜之故。实在不然,这恰是消费者的购买心理在起作用。鲁尔的世界最新格式的牛仔装,重要销售 对象是那些爱赶时髦的年青人。他们的购置心理特色是讲求商品的高品位、高品质和时兴新奇。对自己服装的请求 很高,不仅讲求时新,而且讲究派头,以满意自己的虚荣与爱美之心。虽然鲁尔的牛仔服装款式新鲜,但由于一开 端他把价格定得太低了,花费者都以为廉价买不到好货色,穿到身上也会有失体面;当他无意中把价钱抬高10倍 的时候,购买者都认为价高而货真,所以大家都一拥而上。
  还有一点是值得一提,鲁尔店里的牛仔服可以称得上是“奇”货,是地隧道道的新产品,因此能力知足这部门 消费者的需要。如果鲁尔店里的牛仔服是司空见惯的服装,毫无特点可言,他把价钱标得再高也销不掉,因为这类 消费者主要看的是价格和衣服的款式。如果未来他们发现自己上了一个天大确当,那么,鲁尔的铺子非得被他们拆 了不可。
  人们都晓得,物美价廉、薄利多销是一种非常有效的竞争伎俩,而这也正是合乎普通消费者心理特点的定价策 略。但是,这种销售办法并不是在任何处所、对任何人都起作用的。
  犹太商人认为,“囤积居奇”是经商者采取高额定价的基础准则之一。所谓奇货,不仅包括新产品、罕见产品 ,也包括名牌产品。对名牌产品,人们重视的是它的名气。换句话说,名气是它们的成本。而名气哪里来,是靠高 价格培育出来的,fendi perfume。名牌产品在营销中采取高额定价法,可能坚固名牌的高尚位置,坚持特优的身价,保护其登峰造极的上风,赚取 的利润也就相称高了。
  古代人广泛讲究身份,倾慕虚荣者亘古未有,犹太人明白地意识到了这一点。他们认为在上流社会风行的东西 ,很快就会在中下层社会流行起来。依据犹太商人的统计剖析,上流社会的商品,个别在两年左右,就会在中下层 社会流行起来,并且这种方式屡试不爽。
  这其中的道理其实异常简略,介于上流社会与下层社会之间的中产阶级,他们总想进入富人的阶层,因为虚荣 心的驱使,为了满意心理需求或为了体面,他们也会去购买富人阶层的时髦商品。
  而一些生涯在下层社会的人士,他们则往往力不从心,价格昂贵的商品消费不起,但崇尚富有的心理作用,总 会驱使一些爱慕富贵的人举动,也不惜付出与其身份不符的代价而购买。这样的连锁反映,会使昂贵的商品也成为 社会流行品,如金银珠宝首饰,现在不是已成为各阶层妇女的宠物吗?彩电、音响等原来被认为是昂贵的商品,当 初也进入了布衣庶民家庭,连一些高级轿车仿佛也成了民众的生活所需品。
  由此可见,犹太商人的“厚利长销”策略有“酒徒之意不在酒”之意,他们采取这种做法是为了当前弘远的市 场着想。
  犹太人的谋钱观点不同凡响的,是因为他们认为“只要赚钱就行”,所以他们从不认为钱丑陋龌龊,而把钱看 成人生中不可或缺的一局部。早在2000多年前,犹太人就有谚语说:“钱不是罪恶,也不是诅咒,钱会祝福人 ;”这充足体现了犹太人有利可图的谋钱观。所以,犹太商人视赚钱为第一位,他们从不放过任何一个得利的机会 。
  犹太人在很早就已经有了这样的“金钱观”——“钱不是罪行,也不是咒骂,钱会祝愿人的”,“钱会给予咱 们向神购买礼物的机会”。经由多年的教化,犹太人在金钱眼前素来都不遮不掩,只要有机会就会堂堂正正、大慷 慨方地向“钱”进军,不放过任何一个可以赚钱的机会。
  犹太人与世界上的其余民族不同,他们在赚钱时思惟上不太多的条条框框,所有从实际动身。犹太人深信,在 这个世界上,只要你有意,机遇处处都有。自叹找不到脚下金矿的人,是既可怜又可悲的睁眼瞎子。他们还认为, 人生的机会,大批存在于本身的四周和自身所潜在的条件中,要害在于你是否练就出开发这些前提的意志和目光。 在他们眼里,只要有利可图,钻石和棺材生意,没有任何差别。这种以金钱、利润为起点的机会治理思维,练就了 犹太人的一双金睛火眼,轻而易举地捉住了众多转瞬即逝的机会,创造了一个个令人不堪设想的商机 。
  墨尔黑是司达克曾经接触过的一个专门从事倒卖契约的商人。他出生于贫民家庭,父母有个小面包作坊,为各 个大小面包房做面包,他从小随着父亲踏着小车到每个面包店去送面包,生意不错,有固定的客户。父亲起早贪黑 地干活,墨尔黑则自己游玩,进入学生时期,他就与多少个好朋友一起游玩,一起打球,还常常一起在假期里帮父 亲送过面包,从中也得到了乐趣,于是,他便对做生意发生了兴致。但他不耐劳,不研究,就爱耍小聪慧,钻小空 子,学习成就不算好,没考上大学,就与以前的朋友搞些投契倒把的活。10年过后,他赚了一笔钱,这使他更加 勇敢且更精明了,他钻人家的空子,人家对他无奈,他便每每到手,发展起来了,他踏进了一家公司,这个公司就 养着他,供他投机倒把赚钱。他耍聪明的本事出了名,很多人是不敢与他攀比的,这也是他能独领风 流的起因。
  他是个聪明的人,当他发现契约是可以倒卖时,他就做起卖契约的买卖。他将别的公司已签署好的合同想尽一 切办法地买下来,为自己所用,从中获利;或者是把买来的合同再倒卖给第三者,他也从中赚取佣金。他唯利是图 、不择手段地去赚钱。他有一个观念:“正人爱财,取之有道”。他不会放过一切可以赚钱的机会。他甚至用巧妙 的方法窜进军营,把他作为放印子钱的最佳场合,从而可以赚到更高的利率。
  谋钱是他的一贯风格,对所借助的东西,他从来都不存在一丁点的感情。只要有利可图,且不违背法律,就可 以拿来用,完整不用斟酌过多。因此,在别人看来无奈借助的条件下,在他眼里也能顺顺当当地谋钱 成功。
  虽然处处留意就能找到机会,然而真要做到商眼锋利,敏于先机却不是一件轻易的事件,而犹太人却往往能“ 绝处”发现商机,把机会管理施展到极致。1984年以前,奥运会是一项只赔不赚的体育赛事。可是,在犹太人 尤伯罗斯看来,这却是一块“肥肉”,处处是机会。上任洛杉矶奥运会组委会主席之初,面对艰苦重重的奥运会, 精于合计的尤伯罗斯于是用上了他所熟习的种种贸易手腕:出卖奥运会电视转播权,获3.6亿美元资金;甩掉只 肯出价200万美元的柯达公司,接收日本富士公司700万美元的资助合同;与可口可乐等公司大打心理战赢得 超越预计的860万美元援助费等等。尤伯罗斯的一系列办法,转变了奥运会赔钱的历史。更主要的是,只管洛杉 矶奥运会受到了苏联等国的抵制,尤伯罗斯的尽力让包含罗马尼亚在内的140多个国度和地域加入了竞赛,而且 还为胜利地举行汉城奥运会奠定了基本。
  在犹太人的公司里,老板常常对员工讲这样一条法令:即使有1美元利润的机会,也要全力以赴去争夺。在这 种机会管理的带动下,企业员工视赚钱为堂堂正正的追乞降幻想,目的清楚而明白,心里天然也更轻松、更坦然了 ,这对其商业上的成功无疑是极有助益的。事实上,“即使是1美元也要赚”的机会管理模式,使得犹太企业惯于 采取就事论事,化整为零,聚沙成塔的策略,最后克服自己那个强盛的对手。相比拟,千百年来的中国商人,他们 的心理累赘之重,思想枷锁之多切实太深,仅一句“君子喻于义,君子喻于利”,就这样简单的一句话,就够他们 “自我束缚”的了。
  犹太人“视赚钱为性命”,这就是他们的谋钱观念。他们认为钱是神圣的,是世上举世无双的宝 贝。
  司达克是以色列很著名的富豪,他的赚钱观就是很一般的,他的方法就是为了赚钱什么事情都可以去做。当然 ,对于那些违法他的生意他是从来不去做的。他关怀的只是什么能赚钱,如何赚取钱。在他看来,那些评述钱的东 西是一些闲来无事的人干的。
  很小的时候,司达克就是一个很听话的孩子,他父母都很心疼他,关心他,把他视为法宝,每逢过节都会拉着 司达克到外边去野营,使他有一个快活而幸福的童年。他的爷爷是大银行的董事长,在司达克14岁的时候因病去 逝了,从这之后,他的父亲继续了爷爷留下来的基业。他父亲把这项事业经营的很好,家里也已有资产上亿美元了 ,他的母亲也在这家银行上班,与他的父亲独特创建家园。司达克是个很快乐的人,生活如意,学业顺利,很快就 大学毕业了,但是,他毕业之后并没有接收父亲的事业,而是和朋友们一起创办了公司,阅历了几番周折,生意兴 旺,资产已接上千万美元。现在父母老了在家度暮年,父亲的工业由小兄弟鲍尼管理,dolce & gabbana sales。从那以后,司达克就开始独立做起自己的事业了。
  他与友人们合伙开办公司时,总有自己奇特的看法,他办公司的目标是为了赚钱,他想尽了措施,终于在商界 中闯出了自己的品牌,但当他发明公司不能再发明利润时,就武断地把公司卖了出去。不外,他仍是更爱好创建公 司,只有能获取高额利润,机会一到,就能够开始创立分公司从而扩大自己的事业。他认为这样才干博得更高的利 润从而获得光辉的成绩。在这一点上,他们从不会情感用事,在经营上果断决议。
  司达克就这样成了一个果断而有冲劲的引导人,构成了他成功的个性,所以他才可以成功。对于成功,其实每 个人都有自己的绝招。对于犹太民族来讲,他们是一个和上帝缔结彩虹之约的民族,因此极讲究信用、遵照契约, 不放过任何一个赚钱的机会,从而也使这个民族走向了成功。
  不论怎么,犹太人是不会赚守法的钱,虽然在历史上,犹太民族到处流散、备受危害;但是,这个刚强的民族 却一次又一次地以“富人”的形象呈现在众人面前。这个长期以来没有土地、没有国家的边沿民族,却凭借着其雄 厚的经济实力,突起在世界民族之林,成为一股不可疏忽的财产气力。这些看似抵触的背地,储藏着犹太文明、思 想的现代管理精华。在中国企业匆匆走出国门的今天,犹太式管理的价值确实值得我们沉思和研讨。
  无论从哪个方面来讲,他的全方位的谋钱术都是值得鉴戒的,它体现了一个商人的经营意识,抛开了许多人为 的观念阻碍,是赢得财富人生的成功思维。
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Old 06-14-2011, 11:34 AM   #2
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ua1tg6hs8ooe is on a distinguished road

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69632 2010 年 01 月 05 日 21:33 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (3) Category: Personal Diary
1999 years, sophomore, allowance 68 yuan. In order to better learning (this is a legitimate reason to convince my mom), but also to play, of course, there are more of the skills (at the time really think so), accumulated from small to large with lucky money, pocket money and the like (I'm the money accumulated over the years actually have 1 million), spent more than half (7200 million) to buy his first computer, which began when popular DIY. Newspapers and magazines of the computer for half a year later, several of our students to personally write the configuration set list, a wonderful reflection of the machine in September,cheap gucci heels, 17-inch CRT display, 10G hard drive (I'm a classmate sighs: 10G hard drive,gucci shoes, how to install the complete Well, it seems that my days can hold Shaya ?!!!), 10G Celeron 366CPU (Celeron 300A was a generation of classic stock), 440BX motherboard, TNT2 graphics card, when configured not bad. (This computer to accompany me through my college career and for several years after graduation time, can not meet until 2004, finally retiring from active service.)
2000, the junior and allowances 120. To 200 yuan from the hands of the students took over several months with the cost of his digital BP machine, Motorola, which lost things on the ground are now estimated to have no one, but was still a relatively new product,cheap gucci shoes, and was finally able to make others can contact on their own, regardless of where this feeling is not the same. The same period a high-end mobile phone is already available, the most classic generation - the clamshell phone Motorola V998, more than 5,000 listed price like 6000, not the average student can afford, only to see people get in the hands stole his throat more than just a mouthful of saliva.
2001, the college career last year, there are half a year to graduate, live frugally, plus sponsorship, save the 1400 dollars, and finally went in this year's Spring Festival, phone the store first to buy a life a mobile phone - Ericsson (then at the back of Nokia) in the T20. At that time the classic Ericsson T28, big antenna, cover the keyboard, just flip the microphone, very cool. But look at the budget, or only selected with the door of his little brother, little potatoes T20. Shenzhouxing card with no monthly rental, call charges, but really expensive, 5 cents a minute, now want to come is incredible, how then can afford! ! ! , But did not dare to play a few days, a telephone, long distance phone call 201 or to the quarters, Oh, a little more to send text messages, when the Call machine? Forgot.
2002, the graduating year, wages 1,100 yuan. Relative to a student is a qualitative leap, but for a like Dao Chuguang the feather boy who just graduated, as if not enough flowers. But I love the digital product should be started this, see a colleague's mobile phone with Alcatel OT515 (like this model, now Alcatel mobile phone market in China can hardly ever see), I feel really pretty thin, and finally could not help live shot, 1,500 yuan, more than a month's wages to get back,gucci sunglasses 2011, in fact, bigger screen, seems to be no qualitative change. However, in the year, download ring tones and standby picture became popular, and I began early adopters. In my judge, will soon bring this popular development of many industries, was really true (if that time did not work, we been doing this line.)
2003, the graduation of two years salary 1300 yuan. This year, color screen cell phones began to appear, become acquired by Sony Ericsson, Sony Ericsson, launched the first mobile phone T68 available, so I zeroed in on it, soon after listing, spent 3,000 yuan (Khan! Two more than a month's salary) to get a table, can be considered one of the first to eat crab. However, bad luck, just bought this table have some quality problems, often can not boot, so I'm new paramour Sony Ericsson product quality, and most of the criticism is to get the Sony after-sales to the identification of non-human damage , spent 50 yuan, or pay for their own, (I rely on what is truth, the phone has problems consumers have to prove the quality of the original machine?) So in 7 days replacement period determined drained away. And bought a motorcycle in the V66, this machine has been listed for some time, 2,200 yuan, but also saves down the 800. But that is cool appearance, function really not up to much, it seems that since then, Motorola keen to upgrade the models of all types, but do not want to work hard in the function, and ultimately went to the now; that is from then on, Nokia began to rise, sales of domestic mobile phone market has gradually become the boss.
2004, the school for three years, wages 1500. This year I returned to organs, the office staff began using a laptop, but then also part of a new thing for me, I am more familiar with or a desktop. But my old computer that sets upgraded cpu (Celeron 1G), the still feel overwhelmed, I finally connected with replacing the motherboard, leaving the chassis, replacing the hard disk has 40G, CD-ROM drive is also broken, changed new. Tualatin 1.2G of U, 815EPT motherboard, 256SD memory, this is my second-hand computer market Amoy. The V66 this year I broke a last resort,gucci watches, for the Sony Ericsson Z60. At this time the camera began to appear in the phone, I grab the first, although only 10 million pixels, but the Z60's camera still makes me excited, Sony Ericsson has improved the quality of the last, this folding color camera phone has become in my hands the longest one, has been used in June 2006.
2005, the wages gone up, spending a lot of increase, began to consider either want to change a job, is too low. Wandering around in the secondary market only to find make my computer performance accessories, the 815 platform, the computer rose to the highest, but after all, have older machines, and still more powerless. To save money, I became a frequent visitor to Taobao. This year, online shopping is beginning to show the trend of rapid development. Really want to forget to make money starting an online shop!
2006, the accompanying computer for many years finally I can not stand, and switch to AMD3000 +, finally stopped sewing, and use the mainstream models. Also that year, plus wages, but housing prices began to soar, how wage increases are always keep up prices, price it? Finally shot again this year, replaced the Sony Ericsson Z60 Lenovo ET960, on Taobao purchased a lot cheaper than the counter, but the price this machine listed 7,000 yuan, but also cost me 4,000 yuan. Although Lenovo's mobile phone not very good quality home-made mobile phone finally broke the image in my mind, let me insist on the support of domestic products was no longer practice the idea does not survive, but from the beginning, I formed a non-smart phones Solutions to the edge. Only intelligence, is what I need. ET960 using WM2003 operating system. PXA270 312cpu on the present configuration is still enough. Many nights I have spent time in the study of its software and functionality. Also start to like video and photography. But digital cameras are still valuable at this time. Can play in this game low-end products.
2007, the ET960 can not stand the frequent crashes in winter I finally lost it out of 1,000 yuan (3,000 net loss, loss of death), first with the Dopod 828 +, then get back online and from Dopod S1. Fiddle around with the middle brush Rom's scary, but also replace the handset, remove the joy after the success of small faults. Feel from the digital elite enthusiasts, enthusiasts began to move! (High fever temperature is too high, burning the ashes.) Computer into a dual-core AMD4400 + 2G memory, 1TB hard drive, then the configuration should be considered very good, and again from the use of broken computers to the forefront ahead of the times, it was great. Beginning to have his first laptop computer, lamented the development of technology too quickly.
2008, the year Beijing Olympic Games, the South also met once in several years without serious snow and ice storms. Work is busy, the unit made me all kinds of computer failure on the demolition of the chassis, installed the system extremely tired, just left of the notebook computer has a little bit of interest, began to open the laptop, change the motherboard, in fact, very simple, about the same principle.
2009 年, S1 slow the frequency that makes me very unhappy with the speed of it, sent it to his cousin, Amoy back to the king of the 08-year-htc touch hd. 3.8-inch screen on the very few models are still able to go beyond. This is my second year to spend a laptop computer, and use a better video and still cameras. The development of electronic products that is really changing, fast year after year. 3G licenses finally issued during the year. But given the mobile TD, WCDMA to the Unicom. Make it difficult to choose, good service with the worst of the technology, the worst service using the best technology, and this is the situation in China. So I tried out 3 months after China Unicom had high tariffs and poor because of the network to give up, go back to Mobile. TD began to consider for Taiwan's machine play. This year the Internet became popular with the advent of 3G. At the end of the year when I can not help but get the one, Dell mini910, 8.9-inch screen, solid state hard drive, mobile Internet access is indeed very convenient.
2010 New Year's Day, with the hd in exchange for a MID, Korean viliv s5. This platform not much bigger than a small mobile computer weighing only 385 grams, the pocket can be taken away. When a computer on the bus concerned about the stock market coupled with wireless broadband, online banking, stealing other people's Cai Cai, recalled in 1999 in a dormitory with 201 dial-up Internet access (or a few students to share). People really feel the 10-year leap in technology, Moore's Law not enough to describe the change of time!
years, technological progress and economic development. Itself from an electronics enthusiasts to a half-enthusiast, has experienced too much, Review of time,gucci bikinis, hard to describe!
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Old 06-18-2011, 11:54 AM   #3
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I really appreciate your post. It gives an outstanding idea that is very helpful for all the people on the web. Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
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