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Old 07-26-2011, 02:19 AM   #1
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Default RH -negative blood Panda

; ; uncomplicated overview
all person Rh blood agglutination of red blood cells on the original who is Rh positive, otherwise negative. This allows the red blood cells have been found A, B, O and AB blood type of the 4 chief people, they were all divided into 2 to be classified as Rh positive and negative 2. With the perennial research of Rh blood group, Rh blood group system that may be the most complex red cell blood in a blood group system. Rh blood group of the breakthrough of more blood go and scientific guidance to beyond enhance the lab diagnosis of hemolytic disease of newborn and maternal and child health conservation, there is a very important character. According to the message, Rh-positive blood type and the bulk Han nationality in China accounted for about 99.7%, about 90% of individual minorities. In China, RH negative blood type merely three thousandths to four. RH-negative type A, B-, O-, AB-type ratio is 3:3:3:1.
Rh (negative -) of the delivery alter considerably because of marathon, the proportion of Caucasians than in lofty,Lacoste Finham SPM Shoes, about 15 per penny, the Chinese population; Xinjiang Uygur and other ethnic minorities Rh (negative) of the delivery of 5 percent; Mongolian people close to one per penny; the proportion of very few Han people, accounting for only an thousand three-quarters, is a rare blood type, if taking into list the ABO and Rh blood group system in the Han population in quest type AB Rh (negative) type of person with less than ten thousandths of opportunity is very rare. RH negative blood,Lacoste Camden Shoes, known as the panda blood is RH negative blood type, a very rare blood type, because the highly rare, known as the

Rh blood grouping normal
Rh +, called Rh-, called

Rh blood grouping sense
1) of Rh-negative Chinese Han population was 0.34%, the vast majority of human Rh-positive, it is caused by the Rh blood group incompatibility ABO blood transfusion reactions are relatively small.
2) Rh blood group system there is generally no normal antibodies, it is not found when the first blood transfusion Rh blood group incompatibility. However, Rh-negative recipients received Rh-positive blood, can produce immune anti-Rh antibodies, such as the re-transmission along the blood of Rh-positive, hemolytic transfusion reaction can happen.
3) Rh-negative mother is Rh-positive fetus, fetal red blood cells to stimulate the mother through the placenta into the maternal creation of anti-Rh antibodies, then by the placenta into the fetus. As the first child produced by anti-Rh antibodies seldom, seldom occurs in neonatal hemolytic disease, Rh-positive fetus second pregnancy produced an increase in anti-Rh antibodies can cause hemolytic disease of newborns. If the pregnant woman has Rh-negative Rh-positive blood lost through history, or first child deserving to Rh blood group incompatibility in abortion, and even if the first child of fetal hemolytic disease may also occur.

blood genetic
Rh (-) gene is a recessive gene. When the Rh (+) of the master you are Rh (-) gene and simultaneously transmitted to offspring, their babies showed that the Rh (-), a parent who is Rh (-) when their kid because the Rh (-) chance to addition, whereas the opportunity to reduce.
Another major trait of the blood factor of the Ganges, the Ganges factor (Rhesus Factor) is also read as Rh antigens, Rh factor, because rhesus antigens on red blood cells with the same appoint, originally was discovered in 1940. Each person's red blood cells is only possible with or without Rh factor, routinely combined with the ABO, ABO blood group written on the back of the period. Which is the most common type O +.
ABO blood group with Rh ingredient in is quite momentous, mismatch (Rh + Rh-blood donated to the people) will cause hemolysis. However, the acceptance of Rh + Rh-blood is not a problem. And ABO blood group system antibodies assorted, rh blood group system antibodies is relatively small, through the placental barrier. When an Rh-mother cherished a Rh + baby, and then adore the second Rh + baby, it may be Rh disease (hemolytic disease). Mother at the outset pregnancy produce antibodies against Rh + red blood cells. Antibody in the second pregnancy the baby through the placenta to the blood dissolution of the second, usually understood as hemolytic disease of newborn babies. This reaction does not occur, but if the baby is A alternatively B antigens and the mother is not a greater accident. In the past, Rh factor can cause a miscarriage alternatively not with the death of the mother. Blood transfusion before the treatment will be maximum newborn babies. Now generally to anti-Rh (+) treatment of drug injection, the most prevalent Rhogam or Anti-D. Every pregnant mother's Rh-blood type must find the baby, if it is Rh +, then the mother will must injection Anti-D.

Rh meaning
ABO blood group distribution
First: Rh-negative human serum without anti-Rh agglutinin. When it first received Rh-positive blood, enter the red blood cell agglutination reaction does not occur, but with Rh agglutination of red blood cells into the recipient the original body, can cause the recipient to produce anti-Rh agglutinin. Later, when the Rh-positive blood recipients to undergo the blood, enter the red blood cell antigen-antibody reaction may occur, resulting agglutination phenomenon. Therefore, repeated clinical blood transfusion in the patient, even when the same type of blood donors should do cross-matching of blood tests.
Second: Rh-negative women with Rh-positive men, wedding, birth of the woman must be Rh-positive fetus when fetal red blood cells into the mama for some cause After guiding the mom to produce anti-Rh agglutinin. If the woman is pregnant repeatedly afterward Rh-positive fetus, the maternal anti-Rh agglutinin may pass via the placenta into the fetal bloodstream, leading to hemolytic anemia and neonatal death resulting. If Rh-negative women had received prior Rh-positive blood, the birth of premier child, the fetus will be Rh-positive hemolytic phenomenon.

Rh-negative person for the first time in an crisis blood transfusion Rh-positive blood can enter, but after about three months, the blood will produce anti-Rh agglutinin , then only the same type of blood transfusion, that is, type A Rh (-) patients can lose Type A Rh (-) blood, B-type can only lose Type B Rh (-) blood, if you are sick or need surgery, blood transfusion When you are sure to you are Rh (-) blood group to the doctor for blood contact a doctor early and the metropolis, the organization you need Rh (-) blood. If unmarried women, you do family blueprinting to lest abortion, if you already have a history of abortion or blood transfusion, be sure to blood during pregnancy for hemolytic disease of newborn blood compartment predictions checks to prevent hereafter hemolytic disease of newborn occur.
RH negative risk
ABH antigens chemical architecture.
RH positive prepossessing RH negative blood, yet the RH negative blood tin no adopt the RH assured, RH affirmative blood for of the antigen will activate the body to produce RH RH negate antibodies. If you re-enter the RH positive blood, tin cause hemolytic transfusion reactions.
According to statistics, the number of China's RH negative blood, about 390 million people. Because of the RH-awareness is not enough, many people do not comprehend this infrequent blood type, and even a lot of RH negative blood who are in urgent need of blood transfusion when their own difficulties to know their blood type, which causes some patients the difficulty of timely treatment, to some unnecessary harmful consequences.
distinct reason for the adverse effects of hemolysis from the newborn. As the class of amplified countries, China's medical, there is still some breaches, many hospitals due to technical tarry and the patient know what hemolysis flawless, can only inform pregnant women to some of the hospital, missed a agreeable treatment duration, resulting in miscarriage or aborted.
What is the Rh hemolytic disease?
Rh hemolytic disease of newborn due to maternal and fetal blood group incompatibility caused by a hemolytic disease, can cause dispose of fetal red blood cells. If untreated,Buy Lacoste Shoes, most of the serious cancer of the fetal death occurs. Rh hemolytic disease can also lead to neonatal jaundice (peel and eyes corner yellow), anemia, brain damage, center failure and even death, but will not affect the mother's health.
in the United States, almost 20,000 cases each year Rh hemolytic disease of the birth, whatever, since 1968, the hindrance of Rh hemolytic disease of the management, the year risk of Rh hemolytic disease of the baby babies have significantly diluted. But not all preventive management of pregnant women absence this treatment are accessible, so there namely still a small fragment of fertile women can not behalf from this technology. As a outcome, each annual almost 4,000 patients undergoing from Rh hemolytic disease of the birth.
What is the cause Rh hemolytic disease?
Most of the audience of people are Rh-positive blood type, with Rh antigen, is one inherited red blood cell surface protein. Approximately 15% of U.S. Caucasians and African Americans 7% not Rh antigens, that is Rh-negative blood type. Rh-negative blood type of the folk themselves will not have anyone health problems, but whether a matron is Rh-negative blood type, there is the baby's birth the risk of Rh hemolytic disease.
an Rh-negative mother and Rh-positive blood type father's offspring, it is possible inherited his father's Rh-positive blood, and peril at birth, particularly during childbirth, the fetus's Rh-positive red blood cells may be of some into the mother's blood, which the fetus has Rh antigens of red blood cells the body of the mother, is a diplomatic object, the mother's body offers to produce anti-Rh antibodies to preclude these exotic objects,Lacoste Tennis Shoes, such as activated immune reaction sensitized mother.
first pregnancy, the risk of fetal Rh-positive blood is very small, because typically produce allergens in the mother before, or by least have the right sum of Rh antibodies the mother before the child has been connate. However, once sensitization occurs, the mother's life will proceed to produce Rh antibodies as part of their blood. In each subsequent pregnancy, the mother's Rh antibodies can pass through the placenta, so each subsequent pregnancy, children with severe Rh hemolytic disease risk is growing. If the fetus is Rh-positive blood, the mother's Rh antibodies will destroy fetal red blood cells, resulting in infants of Rh hemolytic disease.
How to prevent Rh hemolytic disease?
In order to prevent Rh hemolytic disease, Rh-negative blood group women, all children should be connate to be a Rh blood group testing. Rh-positive blood all cherish the Rh-negative mother of the child should be injected 72 hours after delivery of a pure blood Rh immune globulin, which can prevent more than 95% of the sensitized Rh-negative women. However, some studies have shown that about 2% of pregnant women before delivery has occurred allergens. Therefore, from the prevention of early sensitization to consider, in the 28 weeks of pregnancy and childbirth after injection of Rh immune globulin to pregnant women.
Rh-negative women in spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, or input should be Rh-positive blood after injection of Rh immune globulin. In appending, during the amniocentesis and chorionic biopsy after fetal injection of Rh immune globulin should be.
Rh immune globulin is to melodrama a role?
Rh immune globulin contains antibodies against Rh substances, these antibodies in the mother's blood can fast remove the adhesion and to help break Rh-positive fetal cells . Thus, for the mother's body does not produce antibodies to Rh-positive fetal red blood cells, because the mother produces in the body of allergens or rejection before the fetus has Rh-positive red blood cells removed.

have Rh antibodies can clear the direction to the mother's body?
not. Rh-negative women without any omens of the disease and remain healthy, but she can continue to produce Rh antibodies as part of their blood. If she is pregnant with Rh-positive blood on the children,Womens Lacoste Shoes New, the children may suffer from Rh hemolytic disease.

how apt remedy the fetus before birth in Rh hemolytic disease?
when the mother's body has produced antibodies, the dad should do the testing. If the dad is Rh-negative, then their children will be Rh-negative blood type (this would be no risk of fetal Rh hemolytic disease risk), so pregnant women do not need to do further testing. If the father is Rh-positive blood type (or the Rh blood group is unknown), doctors will do the amniotic fluid of pregnant women have been sensitized lance - lance prod to remove amniotic liquid into the belly of pregnant women to detect fetal Rh blood group. There is currently a pilot test showed that the maternal blood to resolve fetal Rh blood group of prospects in array to ultimately reduce the demand for amniocentesis, because the patients still have a small risk of miscarriage. If the fetus is Rh-positive blood type (or the doctor did not line amniocentesis, fetal Rh blood group did not know), then the MCH staff will detect pregnancy in pregnant women in different levels of Rh antibodies. If antibody levels are higher, the doctor will recommend to do some special tests to make sure if the child with Rh hemolytic disease.
These checks contain amniocentesis, fetal umbilical vein puncture, etc., beneath the guidance of a doctor in the B-, the very fine needle into the abdomen of pregnant women and obtain into the fetal umbilical cable microvascular blood samples. These tests help determine whether fetal anemia and the severity of anemia. The two checks are usually required repeated once every 2-4 weeks, it has a small risk of miscarriage. New research shows that a dimension of fetal arterial blood flow speed of the pate ultrasound can more accurately determine the fetus is in - caustic anemia (requires pre-treatment), or mild anemia (usually no treatment). If this is not the risk of fetal ultrasound examination certified to be precise, then the terminal will reduce the risk of Rh disease for the monitoring of fetal risk of amniocentesis and cordocentesis needs.
Based on the above just aboutme other test results, physicians suggest early allocation to prevent maternal Rh antibodies destroy fetal blood cells for extra. After allocation, if the child has jaundice, it can be placed in a special blue light treatment (ie photochemical treatment). If the photochemical treatment of jaundice is ineffective, or the children suffered from anemia, you may need blood transfusions. There are too some Rh hemolytic disease in very light, so that they do not need treatment.
recent years, in the treatment of severe Rh hemolytic disease has made excellent progress. The evolution of the 1980s, human umbilical vein puncture into the treatment of Rh hemolytic disease of the main results. High risk of death of seriously ill baby can be as early as 18 weeks gestation by cordocentesis blood transfusion treatment. Now more than 90% of children with severe Rh hemolytic disease have survived after treatment.

If the mother and her fetus is Rh-negative blood type, what happens?
If both parents are Rh-negative blood type, then their children will be Rh-negative blood type. In this case, the child will not suffer the risk of Rh disease, the mother after delivery does not require injection of Rh immune globulin treatment. Even if the father is Rh-positive blood type, he may carry Rh-negative blood type gene, then the child has a 50% chance of genetic Rh negative blood type. Because there is a absence of detection of fetal Rh blood group of the entirely safe way, so even now the child was found just now is Rh-negative blood type,Lacoste Canada, Rh negative blood of pregnant women should also be injected at 28 weeks of Rh immune globulin. Of way, if the child is found to be Rh-positive blood, pregnant women, postpartum injection of Rh immune globulin should be!

last hope all RH negative blood guy health!
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