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Old 08-01-2011, 04:45 PM   #1
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Default 夫妇为保护孩子1千元学费被小偷杀死

  □见习记者 计亚 通讯员 胡冰 朱敏娜 文/摄

  时报讯 昨天上午9点半,余杭区公安分局一楼会议室内,一名中年男子痛哭流涕地说:“他们走了,这3个孩子怎么办啊 ?”


  6月22日凌晨,夫妻俩在小店里被杀,留下3个孩子,最大的18岁,最小的12岁,都在老 家读书。


  6月22日早上,在余杭镇金星村附近工地上打工的徐峰(化名)去路口的小店买早餐,发现平时5点多就开 门的早餐店关着门,窗口居然有血迹。




  今年4月,姚氏夫妇在金星村的路口,开了个副食小吃店,房子不大,隔成两小间,一间住人,一间卖吃的。 屋子的外面还搭了一个简易的棚子,下面放了几张桌子和椅子,供顾客吃早点。


  工地上的人经常去他们店里吃早点、买东西,“为人本分,也比较实在。”这是工人们对姚氏夫 妇的评价。


  经侦查,有3个嫌疑人进入警方视线――30岁的胡某,22岁的刘某,以及20岁的李某,都 是贵州人。


  他们是远房亲戚,平常关系不错。今年6月中旬,经亲戚介绍,来到金星村附近的工地打工。没有钱租房子, 就临时住在工地上。工地离姚氏夫妇的小店大概1公里远,附近就这么一家小店,他们曾去小店买过 东西吃。


  警方深入调查,发现他们已前往义乌。民警火速赶往义乌,nike air max store。然而,当民警到达义乌时,3名嫌疑人已经坐上前往广东方向的火车。


  6月23日凌晨5点10分,接到报案后24个小时不到,discount ascis suroingu japan ar,广东省龙川县铁路警方在火车站将胡某、刘某、李某3名犯罪嫌疑人抓获。




  他们在工地上住了几天后,buy dsquared2,身上的钱都花完了,于是萌生了偷东西的念头。

  6月22日凌晨1点左右,glitter christian louboutin,胡某3人趁工地上的人都熟睡了,悄悄溜出,来到姚某夫妇的店外。

  刘某和李某两人翻墙进店内,胡某在外望风。到了店内,刘、李二人在厨房间顺手拿了一把菜刀 放在身上。

  正巧姚某起床出来,看到有小偷,就与刘某和李某打了起来。姚某死守着自己辛苦赚来的1000多元现金― ―这是孩子们下个学期的学费。

  姚某与歹徒搏斗时,在外望风的胡某也进来了。姚某妻子随后被吵醒,christian louboutin ebay,本能地喊起来,“快来人啊,有小偷,民工上班仅1小时摔伤 发包单位付58万赔偿。”





  姚某家里的3个孩子,一个读高二,18岁,一个读初二,还有一个刚刚小学毕业,12岁。3个孩子都很争 气,christian louboutin boots,成绩很好。

  “我们都是农民,家里经济条件都不好,弟弟也是为了3个孩子才带着老婆出来打工的,出了这样的事,孩子 们今后可怎么办?”姚某的哥哥说。

  余杭刑侦大队立即发出倡议帮助这个不幸的家庭,大队全体民警、协辅警为他们自发捐款,直到3个孩子顺利 完成学业。

  负责侦办此案的卢俊辉副大队长说:“在听说了3个孩子的不幸后,我们都十分难过,希望他们能继续努力读 书,长大成人后再报答社会。”

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Old 08-01-2011, 04:55 PM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 296
g3juh3zy3wh is on a distinguished road

Now Network News (Reporter Wu Zongze) Huangpi a peasant woman claiming to be the same village man accused of Angry, this peasant knife come looking for the man theory, wrestle, she stabbed the man in the neck caused his death. Yesterday, the case in Wuhan City Intermediate Court trial.
this July 4th at 4 pm, Huangpi Area with the murder occurred in the village. Chen village men and the word fell to the ground at the gates of the neck was stabbed to death beside a peasant woman also lay Wu, head full of blood, her hand holding a knife.
villagers alarm, Police investigation, suspected of committing the crime of injury have a major suspect Wu, ordered to Chen, and arrested him and sent to the hospital and its treatment. Chen, variceal bleeding due to death of the left neck.
review by the police, 53-year-old Wu, Chen acknowledged the initiative is its injury. Chen in the village because she was spreading rumors. Before the incident, she tied the knife hidden in the pants leg, and come alone to the door shouting Chen, Chen went out with her after the fight, with the pole hit her head, her neck, then pulled out a knife toward Chen stabbed a knife.
9 o'clock yesterday morning, Wu thin physique on suspicion of intentional assault, was tried in the court bailiffs bet,nike air max 95, more than the same villagers also attended as observers.


At this time, Chen's family members remained silent, after the claim 610,000 yuan.

Chen Xian is spreading rumors, looking for his theory of Wu Shiyou hit anyone,2009 air max, Wu was enraged knife wounding. Also, Chen was stabbed, Wu also hit in a coma due to head, resulting in not been able to save Chen, the results are not letting death occur,nike air max 2009, can be dealt with leniently.
a house shouting. After the outbreak of conflict the two sides, Wu Chen,air max 90, a knife stabbing the neck,nike air max skyline, it should be able to foresee the consequences of this behavior. Therefore, it is recommended to intentional injury Wu sentenced more than 10 years in prison.
case will choose a sentencing date.
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Old 08-01-2011, 04:57 PM   #3
Major General
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,013
1obh8t8p3c is on a distinguished road

Qianshan never thought being made, a people separated by such a yin and yang. At 19:30 on March 6 Xu, Shu State in the hill county road a car hit a pedestrian, Tan was sent a family of three, one hour later, his wife Xu Huiqin because she died. People can not believe that the driver was actually buried the county traffic police staff side of a brigade. At present, the party has been a criminal detention.
a family of three was a lucky accident

road accident occurred in the western part of Shu State, according to witnesses, when a man and a woman holding a child going to wear the road, walk in front of a woman. At this time, a white car crooked rapidly approaching, and it would hit the three men, walking in front of the woman was pushed to go flying across the road.
knocked Tan is made of three is a family of three, was Zhuangfei woman is his wife, Xu Huiqin, the child was his 6-year-old son, Hao dragons. Yesterday, lying on the bed,nike air max 90, Tan recalled being sent to reporters that scene made trouble. Unexpectedly, a white car from east to west hit at them, he subconsciously pulled back and his son, but his wife was Zhuangfei, they would be hit the front.
After seeing the residents of the roadside and quickly dialed 120 and 110, the family sent to hospital for treatment. Tam is made with his son was only slightly hurt, not hurt,air max shoes, but his wife was rushed to hospital in the way, due to injuries too, died.
enthusiastic people recaptured the perpetrators

witnesses Ye Jing, said that, after the accident, the white car down a 30-year-old man, his face flushed, covered with the alcohol. about 500 meters grabbed the driver and the driver back to the scene.
when drivers were recaptured, said, Yesterday, many witnesses confirmed that the perpetrators be brought back to the scene, the body does alcohol sky.
brother, according to Tam Tam is made in the introduction, after the incident, the traffic police did not immediately make alcohol testing for drivers, desperation, families of the victims to the hospital to collect blood as a sample, pending inspection.
traffic police force is employed drivers who

driver was recaptured soon after someone recognized him and was buried hill county traffic police staff side of a brigade.
Yesterday,nike air max skyline, the reporter went to the hill county traffic police investigation, the team captain,2010 air max, a deputy Zhang said that the perpetrators were indeed the staff side of a team, staff to work in the traffic police force for many years, but not a formal police. ,nike air max 2009, has nothing to do with the traffic police force.
It is understood, side of a traffic accident on suspicion of the crime the police are buried under criminal detention. By press time last night, reporters, side of a blood alcohol test results are not yet out. (Editor: SN002)
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