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Old 08-15-2011, 03:20 AM   #1
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Default salvatore ferragamo 污水井冒脏水堵校门 500名小学生

  据学生家长介绍说,学校门前的污水的确给孩子上下学带来很大不便,甚至带来了安全隐患。“我曾经看到过 ,一名学生踩着垫在污水中的砖块通过时不慎摔倒,弄得浑身全是臭水,幸亏孩子没摔伤。”而目前家长最担心的 是,冬天马上就要到了,一旦跑冒的污水结冰,会给孩子带来更大的安全隐患。


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  昨日,市民李先生向本报反映,位于浯水道上河西区水晶小学门前的几口污水井,从今年4月份开始经常跑冒 ,严重时路面污水长达80多米、没过便道如小河一般,学生们放学要从学校走出二三百米才能避开污水,严重影 响了正常的放学秩序,但跑冒情况至今得不到根治,karen millen {dressing} 患者家属医院讨说法被打 记者前往采访,小学门前道路经常泡在污水中。冬天就要到了,目前家长最担心的是,一旦污水结冰会给孩子们带来更大的安全 隐患,希望有关部门能彻底解决此事。
  据河西区水晶小学总务处刘老师介绍,今年4月份开始,浯水道上的三四个污水井中冒出污水。“记得第一次 跑冒非常严重,连铸铁井盖都被污水顶起来了,喷出的水柱有30多厘米高,当时浯水道成河了,学生们无法正常 放学。从那开始污水就经常跑冒,起初还不是很严重,但从9月份开学至今,每周平均四五天都有跑冒的情况,越 到放学跑冒越厉害。”刘老师无奈地说。
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  “这还是情况较好的时候,起码那几口井暂时没冒污水,昨天中午学校门前都成河了,家长都没法过来接孩子 放学。”一位经过的附近居民说。记者按照这位路人所指的方向看到,浯水道上的确有明显被水浸泡过的痕迹,直 到前方的南开翔宇学校才消失,长度足有七八十米,而靠近水晶小学一侧的便道上也有水印,连便道上的泥土都还 是潮湿的。
  昨日上午10时许,记者在现场看到,cheap air max,从浯水道与解放南路交口开始便出现大量黑色污水,面积近200平方米,最深处达20厘米,汽车经过时会溅 起水花,这些污水一直绵延到浯水道河西区水晶小学门前――学生们每天上下学的必经之路。为了不让孩子们趟着 污水进出学校,校门前的污水中摆放了多排砖块供学生通过。
  该工作人员表示,tods store,排管处会建立长效机制,首先对该污水处理厂加强监管和督办力度,该厂何时停泵要及时告知排管处;第二,会 加强巡查力度,发现跑冒情况及时处理,kobe bryant;第三,目前向纪庄子污水处理厂排水的上游泵站有双林泵站和上海道泵站,如果纪庄子污水处理厂减量运行,排 管处会制定调水方案,mbt shoes clearance,从上游泵对污水进行分流,减小管道负荷。纪庄子污水处理厂升级改造后,污水处理能力将随之提高,但何时完 工尚不确定。

  据排管处工作人员介绍,zoom kobe {logo} 休假女教师因国旗升反被辞后状告学,salvatore ferragamo,纪庄子污水处理厂正处于升级改造期间,由于减量运行、造成污水处理量减小、负荷增大,导致污水跑冒。另据 该工作人员介绍,污水处理厂减量运行应向排管处打报告,由于该厂未提前沟通,导致污水没有及时得到处理,如 提前沟通,排管处会协调其他泵站为其分担排水压力。


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  另据刘老师介绍,前日上午再次出现了严重的跑冒情况,christian louboutin shoes 陈光标投拍网络搞笑剧宣传,污水仅差七八米就进入校门口,最深处没过汽车轮胎三分之一,中午放学时校门口污水成河,家长根本无法在校 门口接孩子。考虑到孩子的安全,只能以班为单位,由班主任带领孩子们从校外的便道走出二三百米,到解放南路 上没有积水的地方,再由家长接走。“像这样放学的情况已经两三回了,学校有近500名学生,christian louboutin sneakers,放学成了难题,天热的时候污水还很臭,临近浯水道的教室都不敢开窗户,旁边的水晶城居民也受到了影响。我 们曾向有关部门反映过,但始终没有彻底解决。”
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Old 08-15-2011, 03:22 AM   #2
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Xinhua Nanning November 16 (Xinhua Lin Hongmei, Wang) This is a little man, Heishou little man, wearing a blue jacket. Soft light shining in his eyes, not open, the first with a smile, exude He is the Ingersoll-Rand (Guilin) ​​Tools Co., Ltd. trade union chairman Wang Yuanwen. Steelyard in his heart, a lug enterprises, a lug workers. Reliable workers called him
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foothills suburb of Guilin, a quiet plant, which is Guilin pneumatic tools factory. Wang Yuanwen 17 years into the plant became a worker. 26 years later, when Wang Yuanwen step by step from the workers took to the party secretary's post, in October 1997, Guilin, Ingersoll-Rand pneumatic tools plant restructuring (Guilin) ​​Tools Co., Ltd., suddenly turned into a foreign state-owned enterprises .
1998 年 6 25, in accordance with the 199 votes, Wang Yuanwen by 173 votes overwhelmingly elected as the first trade union chairman. The face of staff expectations and trust, Wang Yuanwen said: easy.
1998 年 12 9, the operating difficulties of the company grounds,ralph lauren men, suddenly announced the dismissal of 57 employees, do not give any compensation. Dozens of workers agitation, the general manager of Val blocked the conference room to discuss to view. From 9 am to 2 pm, a stalemate with both sides, has not dripping into.
Wang Yuanwen being rushed back outside the meeting. His staff said:
Wang Yuanwen and Guilin Union leaders build on the progress, an emergency meeting with the company executive leadership, Wangyuan Wen said: at the expense of workers. workers.
Val hosted a thank Wang Yuanwen phase. Wang Yuanwen took the opportunity to say: A few days sleep. He saw the different domestic and foreign companies. About human state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises rely on the system. Union President can no longer confined as in state-owned enterprises as
1999 年 7 months one day, several workers have found Wangyuan Wen said: workers a raise, you guys pick to head it!
he understood the requirements of brothers, wages related to the livelihood of the whole family. He rushed everyone smiled patiently and said: responsibilities. I, as union president, if this interests you most concerned about is no act, that is dereliction of duty, that is, I'm sorry everyone. him. Wangyuan Wen went on to say: >
Wangyuan Wen hastened to the company executives have written sense of belonging. Starting this year, the annual collective wage negotiations to become the company's system, workers wages and benefits than the average annual growth of 7.6%.
trade union rights is the obligation of the President

2002 年 12 16, the company human resources manager to and Daida Ping, Wen Guoqiang other 23 workers to re-sign a labor contract. All forms stated only: Contract period of one year, workers can only wish and do not want to tick on the options.
This means that companies do not recognize the 23 pneumatic tools factory in the former Guilin 10 years of service, their status will be
23 people impatient fire! Quickly found a human resources manager, according to law without a fixed term labor contract signed.
manager's response to them Ruzhui through the ice: Helpless when 23 people found the Wang Yuanwen. Wang Yuanwen HR communication and consultation with the company several times, but no effect.
2003 年 5 20 May, and Guilin Wang Yuanwen Union law in the support and assistance and Industry, 23 workers to apply for labor arbitration, the arbitration is successful, but the company did not regard the implementation.
Wang Yuanwen paying lip service to frayed, the company ignored. Driven to despair, he supported 23 staff to the courts, they said: into the proceedings, the company executive to take measures of individual officers,ralph lauren clothing, the collapse of workers, 18 workers have withdrawn, leaving only 5 people still persisted.
Wang Yuanwen psychological pressure suddenly increases, spook. Some well-meaning people advised him: Everything I do, without any selfish motives, are to companies and workers to establish harmonious labor relations, to promote enterprise development. Even if management time do not understand, I believe, will eventually understand. He made up his mind never back down. At this time,ralph lauren polos, veterans came to the door, said: a: : may be removed.
Wang Yuanwen bike run around, looking for the court, lawyer, consulting experts, read files, gather information, who lost a lap. In his careful preparation, the workers finally hit Yingleguansi, the company finally signed with them without a fixed term labor contract!
workers are tears in my eyes, around Wang Yuanwen side. Wang Yuanwen face smiling bloom, he patted everyone on the shoulder, said: >
the workers nodded, feeling the words to my heart. Company executives are willing to work hard to see Dai Taiping help people willing to learn, good organizational skills, took him from the upgrading of equipment, staff director of the Ministry of Production.
later, executives and Wang Yuanwen review this matter, said: party work. After all the work the company did a good person, party boss to think he is. 12 years after the reform, the company developed 29 new branch members, 13 were served as department manager and workshop director.
2005, the workers Zhou Youhua year contract expires, due to rheumatoid arthritis, can not continue to work, by the manufacturer to terminate the contract.
Zhou Youhua lose their jobs, unable to see a doctor, sued the company.
Wang Yuanwen care about the name of the unfortunate workers, often the treatment of rheumatoid newspaper cut the material given to him. Zhou Youhua he said: . Wangyuan Wen said in surprise: Wang Yuanwen had to give him at that time issued a mobilization of workers sign union contracts without a fixed term, companies also agreed to sign the certificate.
CEOs know that, banged the table angry: can not leave anyone to die, he left the company, there is no way out. Looking at the back as he shuffled away, Wang Yuanwen eyes moist. Repeating with his mouth: Managing to find him, laughs and says: He played a good hand flute, blowing Hulusi high attainments, but also stating that you wish to write first-hand, hand engraved with a good chapter. In his spare time, he Shoutu teaching, to make money to support their family.
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2002 年 7 months, is the hottest south, the company production workshop stove room temperature over 40 degrees Celsius to 48 with wax room degrees Celsius, workers in the heat like a steamer buns. Wang Yuanwen come in a look, burst of sorrow and grief, sheds a tear.
he turned out,ralph lauren sale, buy thermometer, a workshop was filled with one. 3 pm each day, he measured the temperature on time, the employees recorded the response, cover trade union official, sent to the company executive leadership. Every day he submitted the data, causing the company's management attention, and immediately put more than 20 million, to improve the working conditions of factory workshop, and everybody cool, high working efficiency.
Wang Yuanwen often write to the company manager proposals such as these. In early 2004, the company with four employees not to renew the labor contract, Wang Yuanwen proposals issued by the union, wrote: sentient beings capable of local operation, so that everyone in a relaxed and harmonious work environment,polo shirts, to maximize awareness initiative to inspire employees to maintain the company's image. feet. A system built in Ingersoll-Rand company: it involves the interests of workers, trade unions will seek the views of 100%.
international financial crisis sweeping the globe, to Ingersoll Rand huge impact. The end of 2008, the company sharp drop in orders, sales and falling profits, staff did not raise the masses feeling of insecurity. Wang Yuanwen urgency in mind, company executives Xia Weihua he sent a proposal: travel, people get together. Wang Yuanwen workers and bosses soak in the middle, take the opportunity to workers and blow: staff people to settle down. Wang Yuanwen on behalf of both employees and the company public commitment to the total of summer: p>
the staff of Company sales income in 2009 than in 1998, an increase of 14.93 times; first quarter of 2010, sales revenue grew 53.1%, and achieved the biggest increase in 10 years.
headquarters of Ingersoll Rand hired world-class third-party research company in the world, all branches anonymous Survey released in August this year showed that: 73% of the company's employees Guilin full confidence in the company's senior management team. Ingersoll-Rand Asia Pacific, the company praised the leadership of Guilin.
Wang Yuanwen always concerned about staff dynamics. October 12 this year, he led the company executive wrote a proposal: : Make an appointment, Chief Executive leadership, leadership in the sector under the premise of avoiding, to hear the views of the workers. I arranged it, face to face communication with the workers as soon as possible. Literacy and lofty spiritual realm. The beginning of its establishment, the annual production and sales income of less than 3,000 yuan, sales income in 2009 reached 1.2 billion, is expected to reach 2 billion this year. 70% of export products exported to Europe, Asia-Pacific region.
12 years of hard when the union president, but Wang Yuanwen own entertainment, that their richest. He Xiaohe told reporters:
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Old 08-15-2011, 03:22 AM   #3
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enraged students, and the Vice President had an argument.
May 16 morning, reporters rushed to the Hushan secondary information.

parties: Vice President of maltreatment of students drink

party called Yan Xin, a high school sophomore Hushan (5) classes.
reporter found him in the school,ralph lauren polo, in front of Yan Xin small and frail, a little nervous to see the reporters.
11:15 the same day, at the end of the morning class, Yan Xin and his classmates at the fraternity house, told reporters about the evening of 15 things through.
third row, head of the first row sat the third group, he crossed the aisle to work this into the head of the seat.
At this time, passing inspections, Vice President Song Yi, came in,
the front row sitting in the classroom, according to a classmate recalls: was launched classroom, Song, Vice President asked him: so rude? p>
Upon seeing the vice president of Song, pointing to him, and shouted out: ah?
students: Vice President requested an apology

At that time, other students could not stand to hear these words, and have accused the vice president come from the Song: kneel ah? have to be outdone: classes of students to hear voices, have left the classroom, and the scene a bit confused.
teachers rushing over hearing the news. High School (5) political and religious classes at the vice squad was called out of a classroom teacher, , there are 23 boys. After the event, the class to find the principal's office discussing the boys.


students: The vice president was a little unlucky

for Song,ralph lauren clothing, Vice President, the evaluation of the students is: usually like to curse, looks fierce !
saw a girl smiling, pointed to her, said: students of collective unrest.
for Yan Xin, the students of the assessment is

Song, Vice President: no abuse,ralph lauren men, is a minor collision

12:30 or so, the reporter went to the administration building of the Song, Vice President Office. He is resting on the sofa, the reporter explained what he wanted, the Song, Vice President very nervous.
kneel for the one that called Yan Xin, Song, Vice President denied that: p> He admitted that indeed drank wine that night, management. That night I visited the Second (5) classes, I saw a student is moving around the classroom, will he pull out of the classroom. not convinced, that is to homework. p> In an interview, Vice President Song had been denied his radical words and deeds.

Teacher: bad knees have told the students that

reporter when the vice president of Song, a teacher came in, he took the initiative happened that night to reporters about the case.
Song that was Vice President, so he was criticized for. The teacher some hum and haw, >
Principal: two there may be some misunderstandings

Subsequently, the reporter interviewed the general Party branch secretary of the school, the principal Lubo exhibition.
Lujiao Zhang said the vice president of Song is responsible for normal work,

Lujiao Zhang said that before the school's discipline has been good, the situation did not happen. However, in March of this year onwards there were two students fight, brawl, school committee a headache.
5 12, the Executive Council held Hushan school, decided to rectify the school discipline, the slogan is:
two classes has become a main object of attention.
may only be temporary blurted out, he will not really allow students to his knees.
, the reporter learned from the Lujiao Zhang Department, at 16 pm,polo ralph lauren shirts, he arranged and Yan Xin Song, Vice President for the communication, the two sides had reached an understanding.
■ reporter's notes

antagonism stems from the conflict

students a no irregularities, but was the vice principal of the A simmering controversy on campus. Regardless of who is right, but the incident is clearly not accidental, this is a special event under the intensification of emotion in the outcome.
party is honest shy students, in the interview process, he has been relatively calm, people feel he has always been in a more passive position. Hotline is not his fight, grievances, nor is he the most important. And principals in his communications, when reporters interviewed him again, he said: This matter has been resolved.
while some students were not satisfied with the results of this process, they just want to give the parties
Baidu Post Bar in Hushan school,ralph lauren polo shirt, and some students from the public led to the school nickname, common to unload with impunity; the other hand, those naughty school leaders, students who do not love learning, and turn iron into steel. Between teachers and their potential mood, in the form of a confrontation between the two.
interview ended, Lujiao Chang told reporters that a time must be personally drawn to these two classes of students about lectures. He said that timely communication is always the most effective way to resolve conflicts. Reporter Zhu Jinhua
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