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Old 08-15-2011, 04:05 AM   #1
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Default tods loafer 男子吸毒产生幻觉将21岁情人从5楼扔下

  受害人露露已经去世了,而侯某当时产生了幻觉 ,当时的情况到底是怎么样的呢?露露16岁就到黄岛打工了,遇害时,是她到黄岛打工的第5年。对于两人是如 何认识,并发展成情人关系的,我们不得而知。在接受警方调查时,露露的一位亲属曾说,露露之前曾在一家洗浴 中心工作。后来不干了,露露有一个男友,是侯某。而和露露共同租住房屋的一个人也说,侯某就是露露的男友, 并且侯某经常在露露的住处住宿。根据警方的接警记录,侯某在案发前的确报过警,且报了三次,不过,都是虚假 报警。据了解,侯某第一次虚假报警是在案发前半小时左右,当时,侯某打110报警说,他的一辆车被盗了。可 是,民警赶到后,没有发现报案人。第二、三次报案,发生在案发前20分钟左右。民警赶到侯某所说的案发现场 ,也没有发现什么异常。


  也正是因为侯某的这些供述,其辩护人在开庭时表示,侯某没有杀人的动机 ,而是在吸食毒品后产生了幻觉 ,进而引发这次血腥案件。所以,侯某的辩护人认为,这起案件不应当是公诉人所说的故意杀人罪,而应当是故意 伤害罪。

  日前,青岛市中级人民法院在两次延期审理此案后,审结了这起故意杀人案。法庭以故意杀人罪,判处侯某无 期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。

  后来,女青年被消防人员救下来,警察将那名男子押下楼。可是,消防人员救下女青年时,女青年已经身亡。 记者 王磊


  指 控
  侯某说,他还清楚记得,当时有人朝他喊,让他冷静,至于是谁喊的,他不知道,“后来,警车来了,我就认 为警察和露露是一伙的,是假警察,就朝露露身上扎了一刀,之后,就产生了莫名其妙的狂躁 ,又拼了命地朝露露身上刺。”

  随后,她打开了客厅的窗户,朝露露的房间看,发现侯某一只手缠着白布,举着一把水果刀,另一只手握着一 把小刀搂着露露的脖子,露露的头在窗台上。侯某不停地朝露露大喊:“你喊救命 !数一、二、三就把你推下去!你报警啊!”几句话语无伦次。看到这种情况,她赶紧劝侯某,可是侯某根本不听 劝阻,十分狂躁,还说:“别过来,谁过来我就杀了谁。”
  对于侯某是不是因吸毒产生幻觉的问题,公诉机关也给出了证据:在当时采集的侯某尿样中,检出了甲基苯丙 胺成分。也就是说,他之前的确吸过毒。
  2009年10月6日凌晨2点,侯某再次来到露露的暂住处吸食冰毒。“早晨5点,我感觉口渴,喝了露露 房间内的矿泉水,感觉水里有冰毒。”侯某说,后来,他神志有点不清醒、胡言乱语,就怀疑露露为了报复他,给 他喝掺冰毒的水,便让露露下楼到他车里拿水喝。不过,露露拿来水后,他仍然不敢喝,担心露露在 水里做手脚。
  对于侯某辩护人的说法,法庭认为,侯某持刀捅刺露露的颈部、胸腹部等要害部位数十刀,致被害人心脏、左 侧颈静脉及双肺破裂后失血性休克死亡。因此,他的行为足以认定,侯某具有杀人故意,所以,应当是故意杀人罪 ,公诉机关的指控成立。
  日前,青岛市中级人民法院对一起故意杀人案作出了判决:法院以故意杀人罪,判侯某无期徒刑,剥夺政治权 利终身。侯某在吸毒后产生幻觉,把自己的21岁的情人从5楼扔下来,ugg shoes 企业用靓女迎宾吸引大学生求职(图)。民警抓他时,他还朝民警挥舞着水果刀。在法院审理期间 ,侯某供述了自己吸毒后产生了可怕的感觉。他说当时感觉情人露露(化名)要杀他,还认为在楼下围观的人都是 露露叫来的,甚至认为后来赶来的警察都是假警察……也正是因为这些,他的辩护人说,侯某没有杀 人故意,tods loafer,这应当算是故意伤害。但是法院没有采纳,仍旧按照故意杀人作出判决。

  虽然侯某辩护律师说他是故意伤害的意见,法庭没有采纳,但是,法庭采纳了辩护律师的其他意见,包括认罪 态度好、积极赔偿受害人家属并取得谅解等。
  一位现场目击者说,当天早晨6点半左右,他看到事发房间一名男青年一只手搂着女青年,一只手握着一把匕 首朝女的上身捅,捅了数十刀后,男青年把女青年上半身推出窗外,女青年身上流了好多血。

  捅了很多刀之后,男青年所持的刀子从楼上掉在楼下地上,当时,他看到刀子已经弯曲了,并有很多血。“当 时,男青年很激动,ferragamo shoes,还喊‘我让你管我,我让你死’等话。”这位目击者说,当时民警也到了,男青年还挑衅公安人员 。

  就在侯某在窗边大声咆哮,并用刀子威胁露露时,外面的市民赶紧报了警。民警和消防人员很快 赶到。

  “有了这种想法后,我就从包里拿出一把折叠刀,又从桌子上拿起了一把水果刀。”侯某说,做好准备后,他 把露露叫到了窗边,“我拉开窗帘 ,karen millen online 网帖曝贫困县耗资千万搬运巨石,发现楼下有人,就认为是露露叫来的人,是来谋害我的,就朝楼下喊,‘你们如果上来,asics australia,4岁女童私自戴金项链上幼儿园后丢失,我们就一起死‘之类的话。”

  当时,被挟持的露露非常恐惧,大声呼喊,引起了邻居的注意,也引来了很多人在楼下围观。看到情况非常紧 急,有群众及时报警。很快,110民警和消防救援人员赶到了现场。可是,110民警赶到现场后,侯某情绪失 控,先后持水果刀和折叠刀朝露露的颈部、胸腹部、腿部等部位捅了数十刀。




  侯某说,当时他已经产生幻觉,就拿起手机开始报警,说自己的车被盗了。过了一会,他又打电话报警说,某 小区有人受伤了,杀人,人快死了。可是,他报警后,并没有看到民警来,就怀疑露露在他的手机上也动了手脚, 就想控制住露露。

  根据公诉机关的指控,侯某是在去年的10月6日早晨 6时许吸毒后产生幻觉的,当时,他正在情人露露的暂住处,地点是黄岛九华山路的一处小区。露露才21岁。侯 某产生幻觉后,从桌上拿起了一把水果刀,又找出自己随身携带的一把折叠刀,把露露挟持到卧室的 窗户处。


  面对公诉机关的指控,侯某没有任何异议。不过他的供述还是引人注意,他称当时产生了非常恐 怖的幻觉 。侯某说,在案发前,妻子怀疑他在外头有外遇,多次和他闹矛盾。因此,他曾连续20多天在外吸食冰毒不回家 。案发前几天,他又因提出分手和露露产生了矛盾。
  至于双方当时到底是为什么产生了争执,是不是仅仅因为幻觉?和露露同住一户的一位市民说,露露租了这户 套三房的其中一间。案发时,她听见侯某在露露的卧室内大喊:“你喊救命!”但是露露没喊,只是 在哭。
  这位目击者说,民警赶到后,男青年开始变得更加狂躁,看起来不是一个正常人,“他用拳头打女青年的胸部 ,kobe vi,女青年的上半身探出窗外后,男青年又拉着女青年的腿,看到女青年非常危险,警察赶紧冲上了楼,而男青年开 始喊数,喊到‘20’的时候,男青年松手,致使女青年从楼上掉在二楼的晾衣架上”。

  由于在案件审理阶段,露露的父母提起了民事诉讼,要求侯某赔偿,侯某也和露露的父母达成了赔偿协议,共 赔偿31万元。侯某的辩护人据此表示,salvatore ferragamo flats,侯某认罪态度好,并且积极地赔偿,并获得了受害人家属的谅解,建议法庭从轻判罚。
  被捅数十刀后,露露的身体开始支撑不住了,向窗口探去。当露露大半部分的身体探到窗外时,侯某用手拽住 了露露的腿。“后来警察进来了,让我把人放下来,我认为这些人不是警察,是来报复我的,就大喊了几声。”侯 某说,他也不知道露露在什么时候摔了下去,只知道自己被警察制伏了。 辩护
  由于身中数刀,露露的上半身探出了窗外,侯某用手拉住露露的腿。消防人员布置好救援设施后 ,supra skytop,民警及时进入房间。可是,就在民警进入房间的瞬间,侯某松开了托拽住露露的手,露露从窗口坠落。救援人员 施救时,发现露露已经身亡。
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Old 08-15-2011, 04:06 AM   #2
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Old 08-15-2011, 04:06 AM   #3
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 00:42 on August 31, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

to eat enough on the 1st of Macau are looking for 100 bucks, including your satisfaction.

first stop: Margaret Margaret's Cafe where the most famous tarts of Macau, while there is also good to drink tea with Cappuccino. That is not very good store to find this place from the street, or between the three buildings, is very subtle, but it seems to not affect its home business. Lisboa to the new road from the direction of a Lusophone through the school, after a traffic light, turn right and go see a billboard 5,6 meters, will be found to take the Lane.

tarts: 6 mosquito / bird bite went down really well-deserved reputation, filling a full, mellow taste! Baked just right, crispy outside and tender inside, incense and a good slide.

second leg: Shing Kee Shing Kee porridge with a few branches from Senado Square to far, in the days pass in and Su Yali healers Street junction across the street from Senado Square, the Civil Administration Wangyoubianzou,belstaff jackets outlet, about thirty meters into the first corner. \Waiter very warm.

porridge: 6 bucks / bowls, green tea, mango tofu, for $ 5. Here's porridge is creamy, because they use the meter is known, selection of several ground rice mixed, add bean curd, small boil over low heat, into the congee creamy and delicious, crystal clear water, sweet porridge, porridge is actually being The top grade, if accompanied by a special donut shop is a pretty good breakfast one point.

addition to porridge, diners talking about here is green tea, mango bean curd is also called a must, 5 mosquitoes / bowl

Cantonese is not a small point of course, also less wrapped steamed brown, carrot cake ... It is said that a lot of guys signal: 'Cabbage' - porridge +? ? cake; 'pickle' - Ƥ�������� +?? cake; 'salty porridge' - Ƥ��������. . . . . . I am also crying, look at next time!

wrapped steamed brown

; ; carrot cake

third leg: constant place in the Friends of cheese balls: Back from the official procedure is also Street Pavilion, as long as you find Haagen-Dazs, you will find Tsunetomo balls, Haagen-Dazs you will see great difficulty back to Haagen Dazs, into the alley in front of friends will see the Hang it,belstaff coat! Is that most people try, Chicago pericardium and fish egg, spicy food can recommend the best elements of strong and hot and spicy ~ less spicy curry two kinds!

fact, many places to sell fish balls, D pills is not its own manufacturing, so what Gan special ah? The reason is that a curry sauce from the bottom, one will feel good to go down to eat spicy, but needless to instantly go to drinking water. No? D juice is just? Bowl of mediocrity? Hodgepodge, one has D juice into a bowl immediately after eating Chung eat? Need a good field.

Zhongyou fish balls, beef balls are shutter system with the sea urchins will eat of the election, a bite to open sea urchins pills, there are D solution??

flow out of the sea urchin ; ; 10 mosquito fish balls / bowl, a bunch of other mosquito

6-8 ; ; Chi Chi pericardial drain inside the heart ~ ~

roe fish eggs over there ~ ~
TIPS: do not attempt to recite some people will greet you live, carry a basket of their own, want to eat off the baa baa to let go, and then handed over to serve inside a pretty sister, from will help you cook, and then to serve money.

fourth leg: Pan Wei Kee bakery site at: No. 41, Lane Tenjin (Tenjin Lane: enter the pre-trial procedure on the right side of the road to go straight, over the bank, a short distance, looking to the right)

why the small stores, \Come all the way famous people always flock. Is it just a reputation? ?
but when you bite down one of the first piece of delicious cake, I am sure you will not deny that there is absolutely deserved! The materials used here, chocolate and cheese, pure taste, taste of fresh slippery. Owner of the master are carefully selected, imported from abroad. Of course there is the master of a tourist from Britain, where the school's home economics courses, learned her skills.
a pair of loving old couple and an ideal son, he formed the \This cheese cake is located in Macau in a young people gather in the alley to patronize all the young faces come in and asked \meet to eat and pack away; a little late, and buy a good heart, will try in the store on the recommendation of the other. It seems there are regular customers to do business. Old couple very warm and very talkative, talking about his son and cake are endless, because there's cheese cake are all produced sons. Under the conversation he realized it did formerly Pan Wei Kee curry fish balls, and 90 by the husband and wife business. Later, their son studying in the UK specializing in Western kitchen, to learn first-hand making a good cake, cooking, single-minded in Macau after graduation to start a cheese cake from a family to take care of now shop together. Aunt says that her son is a very dedicated cake division, we must choose the best material to do the cake. The fact that the case, the heat of the cake just right, and taste is not greasy, especially the signature mango cheese cake, bite, I really like eating a fresh mango, ice cold, taste very good. Eat a cake, and sip a freshly brewed by the old man of coffee, watching the colorful glass door of young people, to the exotic feel, forget their identity.
Pan Wei mind dessert, just look at selling phase has been very attractive, really could not bear to eat it, first introduced the chocolate bubble?, crisp of the skin, coupled with down in the bubble? on the fragrant smooth chocolate, bite, hidden in the foam? the soft heart slipped out of chocolate, taste great!

Other produced:
; ; ; Tiramisu 10 mosquitoes / piece

tiny pieces of caramel boil egg pudding 7, the entrance of Hong , smooth, soft, feel good, to recommend a try.

Blueberry Mango Cheesecake


Fifth Station: Wing Kee Kee offal on the side of Pan Wei. Wing Kee offal in Macau with a history of three generations, more than good taste, offal is also done very clean, every time there are a lot of people in the queue. The most important daily soup brewed. Wing Kee is very diverse types of offal, tripe from the usual eat, to the odd ladder cattle (bovine trachea) have, and other snacks.

This store is Macau offal offal shop one of the more famous, but also to line up to buy, a small bowl of 15 yuan, bowl 30, but also add other ingredients, such as the crispy intestines, fish balls, etc. (6-8 mosquito / string), the winter food bowl of hot offal into the body warm sun, taste first-rate. The door a few benches for pedestrians to sit down to eat, but absolutely no place with usually more than you sit, too many friends ~ ~

s Six stations: Italian to - the most authentic pork chop package
Barbosa to remember the former to the Italian cafe's pork chop food package is a necessary choice,belstaff sale, timed limits, the daily PM package will be baked pork chop 3,belstaff online, 2:30 people started waiting in line. To remember the pork chop Italian cafe package is baked the old-fashioned wood stove. In order to ensure the quality, the store only a day to prepare a batch of bread produced raw materials, time until half past three p.m. baked, baked or sold; As for the pork chop, but also pre-marinated with special spices,belstaff uk, then we can come loose over bone pan fried. Pork chop bone, texture class, the full amount of pork chop, fry until fragrant pine of the mouth, a taste under the delicious meat cool and sweet, not greasy pork Sauvignon, together with the use of charcoal grilled bread, crisp outside soft, very memorable.

pork chop Package of 15 mosquitoes / a

last stop: Crown Kodate place in: Macau 310 Rua do Campo Street, A, G, 15 meters away from Broadway. Here to the famous fishing bamboo rose wonton shrimp seed (36 mosquitoes / dish) and water crab congee (105 mosquitoes / bowl) the most famous.

my favorite food wonton ah, bamboo-liter surface and taste very different from the other side, pure artificial playing surface, it is particularly refreshing, flexible, delicious shrimp seed surface, cloud There is only swallow the original shrimp, bite, very refreshing.

water crab porridge
Macau also has a water crab porridge most famous, is located? Island officials also Street, Aberdeen, Cheng Chang Hotel.

the store's flagship, signs, well-known water crab porridge,belstaff leather, congee porridge inside the Crab and are into one, and make porridge thrown up a layer of golden yellow, attractive eye-catching , although the water crab, but he took the Green Crab, crab and water crab the best part of three crabs, boil boil Zhongyu Ao ah ah boil the water out of the well-known delicious crab soup, crab meat, but more like a very off taste the porridge, most of the crabs have the potential porridge down.
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