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Old 08-17-2011, 12:22 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Police Ombudsman under pressure

15 August 2011 Last updated at 04:21 ET Leaked report criticises Police Ombudsman's office A leaked report into the workings of the Police Ombudsman's office has outlined a number of criticisms over its performance. The draft CJI report, leaked to website The Detail, is the third review to raise concerns over the effectiveness of the body this year. Among the new criticisms are claims that All Hutchison has lost the trust of his senior investigators. The <a href="http://www.trading666.com/lv-handbags-lv-A-quality-handbags-f2-3-c3-9.html"><strong>wholesale lv handbags online from china </strong></a> report is with the Department of Justice ahead of publication. Al Hutchison has not commented on the report but has previously defended his office against criticism from other reports. The Criminal Justice Inspectorate report said allegations of police wrongdoing during the Troubles may not have been fully and properly investigated. The Police Ombudsman had requested the report from the CJI assessing the office's independence from the police after two previous investigations were critical of the body. In June, an independent review of the Police <a href="www.trading666.com"><strong>wholesale Cheap Replica Handbags from china </strong></a> Ombudsman's office by the chair of the Community Relations Council said Mr Hutchison's &quot;weak leadership&quot; undermined the effectiveness of the body. The Committee for the Administration of Justice also questioned the independence of the office and accused the Northern Ireland Office of interfering in the appointment of Mr Hutchison. Victim's campaigners have called for Mr Hutchison's resignation following the questions posed by the draft report. A spokesman for the Police Ombudsman's office said there would be no comment on a report which it believed was still in draft form. Unhealthy tension The chair of the Justice Committee at Stormont, Paul Givan, has not ruled out calling a special meeting to discuss the report and ongoing criticism of the Police Ombudsman, but also urged caution in reaction to its findings. &quot;The report should be made public in full because I am conscious that things can be leaked and we do not always see the full picture,&quot; said the DUP MLA. &quot;I think it is important on such a serious issue that we get the holistic view before people rush into judgements of the suitability of Al Hutchison continuing in his post.&quot; Mr Givan did, however, suggest that Mr Hutchison's involvement in investigating Troubles events was causing issues. &quot;It does raise the broader <a href="http://www.trading666.com/others-t1-29.html"><strong>wholesale cheap newport cigarettes outlet</strong></a> issue of how do we deal with the past. There is no doubt the Ombudsman's office having a role in looking at past historical events is creating problems for the functioning of the office,&quot; he said. &quot;We have the Historical Enquiries Team, we have the Ombudsman's <a href="http://rooyee.org/view.php?id=29065"><strong>Market Ills Give CNBC a Bounce</strong></a> office, we have the Attorney General, all looking at past historical events. &quot;I think we need to pool all that together and have one particular body taking that forward and releasing the Ombudsman's office from looking into past events so that they can concentrate on assessing the police currently carrying out their job, as opposed to trying to analysis events that took place some 30 or 40 years ago. &quot;The role of investigating past events when the RUC was in place, I think creates a tension which is very unhealthy for the Ombudman's office.&quot;
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Old 08-17-2011, 01:27 AM   #2
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598580 2009年06月23日 16:00 浏览(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:管理营销

第一章:管人用人育人留人之道 &shy;
企业的竞争,归根结底是人才的竞争。人才是企业的性命所在,如何管好人才、用好人才、培养和留 住人才,chi straighteners,则成为企业在剧烈的竞争中成长发展的症结。 &shy;
  1.奥格尔维定律 :善用比咱们自己更优秀的人 &shy;
  2. 光环效应:全面准确地认识人才 &shy;
  3. 不值得定律:让员工抉择自己爱好做的工作 &shy;
  4. 蘑菇管理定律:尊敬人才的成长法则 &shy;
  5.贝尔效应:为有才华的下属创造怀才不遇的机遇 &shy;
  6. 酒与污水定律:及时肃清烂苹果 &shy;
  7.首因效应:避免凭印象用人 &shy;
  8.格雷欣法则:防止个别人才驱赶优良人才 &shy;
  9.雷尼尔效应:以亲和的文明气氛吸引和留住人才 &shy;
  10.适才适所法则:将恰当的人放在最适当的地位上 &shy;
  11.特雷默定律:企业里不无用的人才 &shy;
  12.乔布斯法令:搜罗一流人才 &shy;
  13.大荣法则:企业生存的最大课题就是造就人才 &shy;
  14.海潮效应 :以待遇吸惹人,以事业激励人 &shy;
第二章:以人为本的人性化管理 &shy;
  古语云:得人心者得天下!在企业管理中多点人情趣,有助于博得员工对企业的认同感和虔诚度。只有真正俘 获了员工心灵的企业,能力在竞争中无往而不胜,chi hair straighteners。 &shy;
  15.熏风法则:真挚暖和员工 &shy;
  16.同仁法则:把员工当合伙人 &shy;
  17.互惠关系定律:爱你的员工,他会百倍地爱你的企业 &shy;
  18.蓝斯登定律:给员工快活的工作环境 &shy;
  19.柔性管理规律:“以人为核心”的人道化管理 &shy;
  20.坎特法则:管理从尊重开端 &shy;
  21.波特定律:不要总盯着下属的过错 &shy;
  22.刺猬法则:与员工保持“适度间隔” &shy;
  23.热炉法则:规章制度眼前人人同等 &shy;
  24.金鱼缸效应:增添管理的透明度 &shy;
第三章:机动有效的激励手段 &shy;
  有效的鼓励会点燃员工的豪情,促使他们的工作念头更增强烈,让他们发生超出自我和别人的愿望,并将潜在 的宏大的内驱力开释出来,best hair straighteners,为企业的前景目的贡献自己的热忱。 &shy;
  25.鲶鱼效应:激活员工步队 &shy;
  26.马蝇效应:激发员工的竞争意识 &shy;
  27. 罗森塔尔效应:满怀冀望的激励 &shy;
  28. 彼得原理:提升是最蹩脚的激励办法 &shy;
  29.“保龄球”效应:赞美与批评的差异 &shy;
  30.末位淘汰法则:通过竞争淘汰来施展人的极限能力 &shy;
  31.默菲定律:从毛病中吸取教训教训 &shy;
  32.“垃圾桶”理论:有效解决员工办事拖拉风格 &shy;
  33.比马龙效应:如何在“加压”中实现激励 &shy;
  34.横山法则:激励员工自发地工作 &shy;
  35.肥皂水的效应:将批驳夹在夸奖中 &shy;
  36.威尔逊法则:言教重于言教 &shy;
  37.麦克莱兰定律:让员工有加入决策的权利 &shy;
  38.蓝柏格定理:为员工制作必要的危机感 &shy;
  39.赫勒法则:有效监视,调发动工的踊跃性 &shy;
  40.激励倍增法则:应用讴歌激励员工 &shy;
  41.倒金字塔管理法则:赋予员工权力 &shy;
  42.古狄逊定理:不做一个被累坏的主管 &shy;
第四章:沟通是管理的稀释 &shy;
  松下幸之助有句名言:“企业管理从前是沟通,当初是沟通,将来仍是沟通。”管理者的真正工作就是沟通。 不论到了什么时候,企业管理都离不开沟通。 &shy;
  43.霍桑效应:让员工将本人心中的不满发泄出来 &shy;
  44.杰亨利法则:运用坦白真诚的沟通方法 &shy;
  45.沟通的位差效应:平等交换是企业有效沟通的保证 &shy;
  46.威尔德定理:有效的沟通始于倾听 &shy;
  47.踢猫效应:错误下属发泄自己的不满 &shy;
  48.雷鲍夫法则:认识自己和尊重他人 &shy;
  49.特里法则:坦率地否认自己的错误 &shy;
第五章:崇尚团队合作精力 &shy;
  比尔?盖茨说:“团队配合是企业胜利的保障,不器重团队协作的企业是无奈获得成功的,chi hair dryer。”建设一支有凝集力的团队,已是古代企业生存发展的一个基础前提。 &shy;
  50. 华盛顿合作定律:团队合作不是人力的简略相加 &shy;
  51. 木桶定律:重视团队中的单薄环节 &shy;
  52.苛希纳定律:断定最佳治理人数 &shy;
  53.凝聚效应:凝聚力越大,企业越有活气 &shy;
  54.勤蚂蚁效应:懒于杂物,才干勤于动脑 &shy;
  55.蚁群效应:减掉工作流程中的过剩 &shy;
  56.飞轮效应:成功离不开坚定不移的尽力 &shy;
  57.米格―25效应:整体才能大于个体能力之和 &shy;
第六章:决策是管理的心脏 &shy;
  管理学家西蒙指出:“管理就是决策。”决策是企业管理的中心,它关联到企业的兴衰荣辱、生逝世存亡。能 够说,引导者迷信感性的决议等于成功了一半。 &shy;
  58.儒佛尔定律:有效猜测是贤明决策的条件 &shy;
  59. 吉德林法则:意识到问题就即是解决了一半 &shy;
  60.腕表定律:别让员工莫衷一是 &shy;
  61.皮尔斯定律:完美培育接班人轨制 &shy;
  62.羊群效应:晋升自己的断定力,不盲目跟风 &shy;
  63.自来水哲学:大量量才能出产出便宜产品 &shy;
  64.松下水坝经营法则:贮存资金,以敷衍不断之需 &shy;
  65.巴菲特定律:到竞争对手少的处所去投资 &shy;
  66.吉格勒定理:设定高目标等于到达了目标的一局部 &shy;
  67.卡贝定律:废弃有时比争夺更有意思 &shy;
  68.布利丹效应:成功始于果敢的决策 &shy;
  69.普希尔定律:再好的决策也经不起迁延 &shy;
  70.沃尔森法则:把信息和情报放在第一位 &shy;
  71.哈默定律:天下没有坏交易 &shy;
  72.地道视线效应:不能缺少远见跟洞察力 &shy;
  73.田鸡法则:时刻坚持危机意识 &shy;
  74.坠机实践:依附“好汉”不如依赖机制 &shy;
  75.奥卡姆剃刀定律:不要把事件人为地庞杂化 &shy;
  76.帕金森定律:从自己身上找问题 &shy;
第七章:创新是企业的生命 &shy;
  立异是企业发展能源的内核,是市场竞争的必定成果,cheap chi straighteners。企业只有翻新才可以攻破惯例,冲破传统;只有不断创新,才能在激励的竞争中永远破于不败之地 。 &shy;
  77.达维多定律:一直发明新产品,同时淘汰老产品 &shy;
  78.门路依赖:跳出思维定势 &shy;
  79.跳蚤效应:管理者不要自我设限 &shy;
  80.比伦定律:失败也是一种机会 &shy;
第八章:竞争决胜的智慧与策略 &shy;
  21世纪是一个充斥竞争的时期,企业生存的最大兵器就是竞争,Best CHI Straighteners。在这场较量中,对竞争方式、竞争策略以及竞争手腕的管理,将成为企业决议输赢的要害因素。 &shy;
  81.犬獒效应:让企业在竞争中生存 &shy;
  82.零和游戏原理:在竞争与合作中达到双赢 &shy;
  83.快鱼法则:速度决定竞争成败 &shy;
  84.马太效应:只有第一,没有第二 &shy;
  85.生态位法则:追求差别竞争,实现错位经营 &shy;
  86.猴子―大象法则:以小胜大,以弱胜强 &shy;
第九章:成也细节,败也细节 &shy;
  细节的不等式象征着1%的错误导致100%的失败。很多企业的失败,往往是因为细节上没有努力造成的。 把任何细节做到位,企业就不会存在问题。 &shy;
  87.破窗效应:及时改正和补救正在产生的问题 &shy;
  88.多米诺效应:一荣难俱荣,一损易俱损 &shy;
  89.蝴蝶效应:1%的错误导致100%的失败 &shy;
  90.海恩法则:任何不保险事变都是可以防备的 &shy;
  91.王永庆法则:节俭一元钱等于净赚一元钱 &shy;
第十章:打好营销这张牌 &shy;
  没有成功的营销,就没有成功的企业。市场营销运动是企业利润实现的终极手段,在市场同质化极强的产品竞 争中,营销的成败往往决定了全部企业经营的成败。 &shy;
  92.凡勃伦效应:商品价钱定得越高越能畅销 &shy;
  93.“100-1=0”定律:让每一个顾客都满足 &shy;
  94.鱼缸理论:发明客户最实质的需要 &shy;
  95.长鞭效应:加强供给链管理 &shy;
  96.弗里施法则:没有员工的满意,就没有顾客的满意 &shy;
  97.250定律:不怠慢任何一个顾客 &shy;
  98.布里特定理:充足应用广告的促销作用 &shy;
  99.尼伦伯格法则:成功的会谈,双方都是成功者 &shy;
  100.韦特莱法则:从别人不愿做的事做起 &shy;
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