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Old 08-19-2011, 06:24 AM   #1
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Default air jordan retro 7 张尚武正式签约陈光标 当场接大礼

  公车缓缓驶入南京黄埔公司大门,再缓缓停住。车门一开,一位一袭整齐的黑色西装的人出现在了记者面前。 他就是张尚武。这位近期引发社会强烈关注的前体操运动员,在接受了陈光标的邀请之后,如期抵达南京。虽旅途 困顿,ralph lauren clothing for kids,却不掩神采奕奕。昨天下午,张尚武与陈光标签订了正式的劳动合同。今后,他将供职于陈光标的黄埔再生资源 利用集团,在南京这座城市实现其命运的峰回路转。



  十几天前,在北京王府井地铁站卖艺求生的张尚武定然不会想到,短短十几天,他的人生会发生如此戏剧性的 变化。昔日在运动场上获得的鲜花和掌声或许已渐渐远去,但关注度却有过之而无不及。起码,在等待张尚武到来 的那段时间,记者的感受是真切的。几十位本地和外地媒体记者的“长枪短炮”早早准备在侧,整个大厅近乎水泄 不通,只待主角现身那一刻。

  在陈光标的陪同之下,张尚武终于姗姗来迟。车门一开,微笑着的张尚武首先表达了自己的感谢:“谢谢各位 记者冒着35℃的高温还不辞辛劳关注我……”口才不错,这是张尚武留给记者的 第一印象。陈光标给张尚武的培养计划中有“主持人”这一项,应该是靠谱的。手捧着黄埔公司员工第一时间递上 来的鲜花,前大运会冠军走进公司大楼,员工们已早早在两侧一字排开,夹道欢迎这位新同事。在噼里啪啦闪个不 停的镁光灯面前,张尚武未见丝毫慌乱,神情轻松;而一直陪同在侧的“中国首善”陈光标,更是满 面红光。

  参观陈光标的慈善荣誉陈列室之时,陈光标已经迫不及待宣布了张尚武在公司的职务——爱心公益慈善部副部 长以及爱心公益慈善大使,对此,张尚武表示虽有压力,但愿意担此重任。

  紧接着,张尚武又提前感受了他在南京的家——一间貌似刚刚改造好的公司顶楼的屋子,地方不大,好在整洁 ,众人一拥而入,记者被挤得几乎无处立足,汗珠涔涔而下。对于张尚武终于应邀而来,众媒体的兴趣着实浓厚, 出席签约仪式需要换装的张尚武,也不得不面对大家的“穷追不舍”,因换装而“一再告罪”之后,众人才意犹未 尽退出这间小屋。陈光标签约张尚武,果然比南京的高温更为灼热。



  一份正常的劳动合同,air jordan store,一份附加合同,在正式的签约仪式上,陈光标兑现了自己先前的话。

  不过在律师缓缓读出附加合同的条款之时,还是让在场的老记们惊叹一声,air jordan retro 7。播音、主持、歌唱、驾驶、工程管理、机械操作、厨师以及防震减灾培训……张 尚武接下来的一年内所学之博果然令人叹为观止。

  对此,张尚武说:“这些都是生存技能,多多益善。虽然或许对我而言有点艰难,但做运动员最重要的就是持 之以恒。我有恒心和毅力,所以我毫无压力。”

  陈光标的慈善之举承袭了他一贯的高调。那张月薪一万往上奔的工资卡,现场交付;用于给张尚武那长期卧床 的爷爷治病的5万块现金,现场交付;作为对张尚武以前为国争光的奖励三万块现金,现场交付;还有两万块,是 给张尚武自由支配的慈善基金。另外,台面上早已经摆好了众多物品,苹果标志和“playboy”几个字异常 醒目。陈光标把他们一一交到了张尚武的手上:“给他换个新手机,以前的老手机就不用了;给他配个品牌的照相 机,让他多多学习摄影;给他配个Ipad,让他不至于被时代落下,多学习些网络知识;还有三套西装,作为他 的行头,既然是爱心形象大使,走出来就要有形象……”陈光标依然是那张满是红 光的脸,而张尚武,终于显出了一丝疲态。晚上8点45分,他要马不停蹄跟随陈光标乘坐飞机到四川凉山地区进 行慈善活动,此时的他,其实更需要休息。

  9月份以陈光标名义举办的云贵川慈善晚会,张尚武献歌已板上钉钉。陈光标说要唱《铁窗泪》和《朋友》, 并提到了《铁窗泪》对于广大的青年朋友有很重要的教育意义,让张尚武演唱此曲,并非刻意和他的过去对应起来 。而担任了慈善大使,张尚武也深知自己肩上的担子之重。他说:“工作之后,我有两个目标。第一,帮助广大贫 困地区的儿童,让他们能够获得健康成长;第二,尽可能帮助那些跟我命运相当的退役运动员,让他们脱离困窘& hellip;…”

  签约仪式之后,虽已旅途困顿,但张尚武依然强打精神,为黄埔员工做“报效祖国,感恩社会”的讲座。“柳 暗花明又一村”,如今的张尚武,确实已扭转了自己的命运。然而,更多依然在贫困线上挣扎的退役运动员,亟待 这个社会去继续关爱。

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Old 08-19-2011, 06:33 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

Liu Tai-Yi Su
near the railway station in the home,nike air max 2010, once again quiet.
the face of another wave and wave to the media interview, the mother Liu Xinxin again chose the people;

different with the media, they are more to find the Liu Xinxin;

Liu Xinxin they want to know is the way of education a child, how she became an ordinary child a
But no matter who are empty-handed ... ... Morning News reporter Sun Rui

event -

to reporters Liu Yi Su select Liu Yi Su stood at the door, despite how knock on the door, the family has no answer.
Almost overnight, Su Liu Yi became the focus of everyone's attention. This reporter learned that, as early as when the college entrance examination, there will be many interviews with the media waiting outside the examination room Liu Yi Su. But in order not to affect the Soviet state exam Liu Yi, Liu Xinxin called his mother, two sisters to help meet the press from various quarters. In order to avoid an interview to the media at home, Liu Xinxin Liu Yi even with the Soviet Union moved in with relatives.
before reporters in an interview with Bowen Secondary School, Su Yi Liu's class teacher had told reporters that so far from the entrance, Liu Xinxin had only received a small number of reporters, interview,air max 24 7, and later went to Jinan to participate in consultation, when admission by a lot of media attention. after a lot of foreign media invited to do interviews, have been rejected. p>
came around the educational experience of their parents

Xinxiang Yan Dong Su also do everything possible to look for Liu Yi family,air max 90, but her goal more likely to Liu Xinxin.
7 月 13 at noon, leaving the Soviet Union in the area occupied by Liu Yi, the reporter met a car from the Dong Yan. growth experiences, the manner of Liu Xinxin very interested in educating the children,nike air max 2009, would like to get points by Liu Xinxin. Dong Yan and colleagues, as well as from Weifang Zhou Shulan.
Zhou Shulan told reporters that she was understanding of the Internet and Dong Yan, the cause is Su Liu Yi, Showtime. , do not have to face to face, you can also phone and network.
press interview -

Su Yi Liu hopes to go further. can only be carried out again and again to take the plunge. Even including the selection of the South University of Technology, is an adventure.
7 13, contacted the reporter was removed Su Su Dehua Liu Yi's father, the phone, Su Dehua very polite, the period of time.
balance, the family chose the South University of Technology, compared to a century elite schools, to build the South University of Technology there are many unknown factors,2010 air max, but the South University of Technology Teaching and flexible mechanism, and ZQ principals educational philosophy, so that family members feel that there is more suitable for 10-year-old Liu Yi Su.
However, due to the current program of Southern University's enrollment has not been fully approved by the Ministry of Education, Su Liu Yi temporarily not go to university, but Su Dehua said they would wait.
Su Dehua told this reporter, Liu Yi Su, while the rest have started to learn some of the university curriculum, The. it will cool down, is still unknown.
However, the total is not a way to hide, Su Liu Yi's experience in a 10-year-old child to tell people to go to college, but also shows that people on the
Su Liu Yi this name for 10-year-old high candidates, Liaocheng University Science experts expressed the hope that society will not focus too much on Liu Yi Su, which is not conducive to his growth, and the present, the Soviet Union Liu Yi should be more to integrate into the community, into the lives of their peers.
interview a few days in a row, some experts told reporters that a Liu Yi Su 10-year-old, 20-year-old to learn the knowledge of human learning, not adaptation. maximum protection.
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