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Old 08-29-2011, 03:34 PM   #1
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Default 网友曝公厕推出陪聊等套餐服务

视频:网友曝公厕推出陪聊等套餐服务 公厕的套餐品种很多,北京大学1名蒙古国留学生在宿舍死亡

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Old 08-29-2011, 03:39 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Yesterday, the 70-year-old Mr. Wang Lao swimmers within the swimming pool floating in the water playing a violin photo

reporter Tang Jiying pull the violin is not easy,levis jeans, a time motionless floating in the water more difficult. However, a 70-year-old man in Xi'an will be creatively combined the two,true religion straight, the invention of floating on the water side edge of the violin's unique skills.
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yesterday morning, the 70-year-old Mr. Wang Lao northern suburb of Xi'an,cheap true religion, a swimming pool in the display of his own effort. For a good swimsuit, his first trip back and forth a few warm-up, and then both hands flat on the surface of the water, relax, two or three seconds, the entire body floating in the water,cheap true religion online, motionless.
floated a few minutes later,true religion jeans, he took over the swimming pool staff handed him a pen and paper. Surprisingly, the whole process he has always been floating in the water, the body including the foot without any sign of wobble. Two minutes later wrote the 21 names, the elderly and increase the difficulty of writing from the After writing, the reporter took note that the front is a family name, from the back of the paper to see, there is a his own poem:
old man said to write.
After writing, the old man took out his violin and gills in the neck on the Roof, the body floating in the water, he left the place,levis jean, right hand pull the bow,
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old man told reporters that he brought up like swimming, piano, seeing people floating in the water for a long time to obtain the Guinness Book of records, He would also like to try, and decided to combine the two hobbies. Said the old man, this effort is most important is balance, , do not do the movements directly to float, not everyone can do it, may be the density of the human body, which also explains why some of the float.
But this argument, the ones who are not recognized. He said he has examined, the conclusion is He insisted that the floating school
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