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Old 08-31-2011, 12:01 PM   #1
Warrant Officer
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jordan52781 is on a distinguished road
Default Rare small camel milk to drink nearly killed three

Camel son passed out, camel mother anxious.

□ correspondent Jinyun Guo told reporters Wu Zhongping text / photo

Morning News March 10, Wenling Zoo, one from the north, the age of 8-year-old mother of two-humped camels,cheap louis vuitton outlet,新闻中心首页, smooth gave birth to a male baby camel. Small camel, weighing about 50 kg, height of 1 meter,discount louis vuitton for cheap, was born more than five hours later will be able to stand walk.
did not expect, at 8 am yesterday, came just 48 hours of birth a small camel suddenly froth at the mouth, do not drink do not eat collapsed in the delivery room,replica louis vuitton on sale, in critical condition.
drink three times a baby milk powder

small camel instant dying

Wenling Zoo manager, according to Wang Gang, introduced the small camel was born, began to drink milk, but because female camel physical weakness, insufficient milk, a small camel breeder thought bubbles to infant formula.
According to reports, the wild Bactrian camel in China was listed as a protected species in 2001 by the International Conservation Union as critically endangered species. 2004 IUCN published data show that the world's last wild Bactrian camel peak around 950, compared with the number of wild giant pandas is even less, about 600 of China's peak of wild Bactrian camels.
had had acute gastroenteritis

At noon, the military should be sen arrived from Wenling Taizhou Huangyan zoo.
After some checking, the military should be sen initial diagnosis, a small camel had acute gastroenteritis, and the
to find the cause, should give the military a small camel cents for infusion therapy. Injected drugs, the little camel, although still in a coma,Man driving caused the death by his wife, turned himself in, but gradually improved. Sin said the military should be small because the long camel collapsed, completely restored to health also need a few days.
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Old 08-31-2011, 12:02 PM   #2
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  “那是我妻子啊,她还活着么? ”突然知道妻子的信息,正在别人果树园打工的那老汉喜极而泣。经过多方努力,房某终于回答了自己的家,和儿 子重聚。

  昨日,本报记者连线铁岭当地民政部门,得知,目前,离开家18年的房某目前状态良好,当地有关部门正在 为她申请低保。

  记者 何曙光


  2010年4月14日晚上,安徽省利辛县的刘老汉在回家途中发现,夜色下的麦地里有东西在蠕动,走近一 看,一名老年女性躺在地上,正微弱的呻吟着,随后他立即拨打了110。5分钟后,利辛县纪王场乡派出所民警 赶到了事发现场。

  “我们问她家在哪,家中都有什么人,是怎么到这儿的,老人却总是翻来覆去说些让人难懂的话。”值勤民警 告诉记者,有经验的民警递给她纸和笔,女子在上面随意乱写乱画,警方辨认,发现里面能看出“那公生”三个字 。

  于是民警再次与老人对话,发现她言语不清中却透露出东北的口音。根据这条有价值的线索,民警在公安户籍 网上找到了“那公生”,网上清晰地显示,全国仅有一个人叫这个名字,belstaff leather,居住在辽宁省铁岭县。

  利辛警方立即与铁岭取得联系,|“终于有一天,铁岭民政局工作人员给我们打来电话说,他们即日就赶赴安 徽,认领失踪多年的老人。”。


  原来那公生家住在铁岭县熊官屯乡上峪村。当天正在别人果树园打工的那公生老汉接到来自安徽警方的电话, 说自己失散多年的妻子找到了时,老汉喜极而泣,在电话那头声音颤抖的说:“那是我妻子啊,她还活着么?18 年了,我们都以为她死了!谢谢你们! ”

  据那老汉讲,结婚4年后,他的妻子突发精神病。随后的日子里除了下地干农活,他总是寸步不离地守在妻子 身边。1992年夏天的一天,在和那老汉一起赶集后,由于疏忽,46岁的妻子走失,这一走,就再也没有回来 ,belstaff uk

  “我寻遍了铁岭境内几乎所有的地方,belstaff jacket,可是一直没有她的踪迹。”那老汉说,为了寻找妻子,他将祖屋卖掉,和儿子来到了上峪村女儿居住的地方,他 和儿子给果园打工,belstaff sale,吃住都在果园。一有时间,就在铁岭周围转悠,希望有一天能见到妻子。



  “是她,就是她了。”一眼看到敬老院门口坐着的老妇人,那老汉抑制不住激动的心情。飞快的走到老妇人身 边,拽着她的右手,泪流满面的告诉民警,“看,她手指少了一截,就是她。”

  民警注意到一个细节,就在房某和那老汉坐在敬老院一张藤椅上后,房某一把抓住那老汉的手,久久不愿松开 。

  据警方介绍,那老汉的妻子10多年前流浪到安徽亳州利辛县纪王场乡,和一个王姓老汉生活在一起,至于如 何来到安徽的,谁也搞不清楚。就在那老汉他们准备带房某回乡时,王老汉也找到了敬老院。二人聊了很久,最后 王老汉同意那老汉带走房某。


  昨日,记者联系了铁岭市救助管理站的工作人员。“目前,房某的情况还不错,正在申请办理低保!”铁岭市 救助管理站于旭浩队长告诉记者,belstaff outlet,房某随他们回到铁岭老家后,家乡各级政府正在积极为其办理相关手续,并为她申请低保。

  于旭浩队长,那老汉家里经济条件比较差,当初接到安徽警方的消息后,belstaff jackets outlet,家里无力独自将房某接回家,随后,他们通过村、镇、县等相关部门找到了当地的救助站,随后救助站派出两个 工作人员专程陪同那老汉赴安徽。考虑到那老汉家里的经济情况比较差,救助站承担了接送房某的所 有费用。

  于旭浩队长说,看到妻子能够回老家跟自己一起安享晚年,那老汉特别高兴,他已经不想知道自己的妻子是如 何从铁岭走到千里之外的利辛了。他现在最想说的一句话是“感谢安徽好人的救命之恩。”

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Old 08-31-2011, 12:02 PM   #3
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Reprinted from 279018248 at 20:04 on September 15, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1. Pang Kee chicken bucket. Location: 20 School bus door. Hui northbound north end of the market. -
2. flash Hu soup taste. (Breakfast) Location: 9 bus 20 meters south west memorial temple doors -
3. taken a back. (Hot pink) Location: 9 5 small bus in the mountain opposite. There are many chain stores. -
4. palate home. (Lamb) Location: 13 Simon Street bus beam sects. -
5. girder buns. (Breakfast) Location: 13 Street south of bus bookstore. -
6. of three donkey soup. (Breakfast) Location: 18 bus small street, remember. -
7. the white mind Rumex. (Night Market) Location: 13 Street bus mid-afternoon at the bookstore. -
8. white peanut cake in mind. Location: 9 bus Terakado. -
9. Sha house sauce beef. Location: 9 bus Terakado. -
10. spicy peanuts. Location: Second Division 1 school to next bus. -
11. Ma Yu Xing chicken. Location: 9 School bus door Hui food across the street. -
12. Wenzhou red duck shop. (Chain) Location: 8 West Division Square bus -
13. Paomo wife. Location: 1 bus from the middle of vibration and the west side street. 16. Biscuits. Location: 13 bus between Xu Fu Street, northbound. -
14. fried. Location: 13 bus between Xu Fu Street, northbound. -
15. Hanzhong bran Location: Contax homes across the East Gate -
16. Since the noodle. (Recommended Lu Ji liver) Location: 9 bus large paper Fong Street, 5 opposite. -
17. F buns. Location: 10 bus four minutes. -
18. chicken blood soup Location: 9 bus 6,ecco shoes sale, the alley opposite the mouth. -
19. dish angle (Breakfast) Location: 1 Royal Street bus arch Song are under the East Side, East turret, the former Muslim areas. -
20. eyewear lamb skewers (Night Market) Location: 13 Labor Way bus 50 meters north of ten bead Road East. -
21. Ganmian Paper Location: Temple Backstreet bus 8, jͨӪҵ�� next. -
22. wonton (chain) Location: 13 road bus beam Cao ravioli. -
23. Donkey noodle Location: 18 City 25 in the bus door. -
24. Daoxiang fried dumpling place of residence: 1 bus Yu Song are street south. -
25. fried quail Location: 8 Times Square, opposite the bus San Mao. -
26. Chinese paper powder Location: 13 Thistle Street South bus horse head, husband and wife sell, Daphne next to the -
27. shabu dish (Night Market) Location: 1 bus from the school to the Second Division side -
28. mutton soup (Breakfast) Location: 9 bus Terakado -
29. pie (Night Market) Location: 8 Temple Street bus. 6:00 to go. -
30. Meat Hop (Night Market) Location: 10 West Division Square bus Night Market -
30. steamed white shock Venue: Sam Shing bus 13 blocks.! ! -
yellow fish stew ravioli -
lamb wonton dumplings -
fire clip lamb -
Mo Hu
bean soup -
Mai Ren Tang kebabs -
chicken bucket chicken -
spiced rabbit meat plate meat -
sauce beef dumpling -
biscuits rinse tripe -
fried steamed cake of white shock -
barbecue egg pie filling -
mutton steamed pancake fruit kang -
Tangchaolizai hot and sour fish face -
almond tea lotus porridge -
rice pudding candy red pear -
Jiang,ecco shoes uk, sweet glutinous rice pudding
Mitchell -
Rumex peanut cake -
steamed dumplings fried dumpling -
fried chicken blood jelly soup -
Ramen Youpo surface -
noodle noodle -
Winston surface -
Pot Stew mutton string, Guangdong, Sichuan wonton noodle -
squeezed sugar cane juice big dumpling fried ice ice ice blasting bean soup -
you are interested go to our where to eat Oh, to ensure that cheap had to burst super-delicious! ! ! -
Yang Xue Recommended: -
31, 13 in front of the deep-fried sesame seed, tens of miles radius of schooling know! -
32,13 in front of the tea, eat biscuits just a drink, chocolate papaya recommended; blue plum -
33,ecco shoes online, the West Division of the smell of dry sub-square, two recommended by the East of the house -
34,ecco outlet, Western Division Crystal Plaza, betel nut, roses, taste good ... ... no saccharin taste -
35, rubber plant side of the sea of red, Kaifeng to know. -
36, palace west corner over the crossroads, northbound alley entrance chicken burger. Sausage 2.5 yuan. I remember hot to eat -
37, Old River near the Great Simon super cheap snack, sugar, water, a piece of pear, the boss is really, drinking can add unlimited soup. Then there is also a good powder volume, which I love chicken wings test, a grandmother and a grandfather to sell. -
38,ecco shoes, days of the peanut bag. Compensation of the students are like this -
39, the Northern city of Mito snacks. -
40, South Street, the middle of a bookstore bombing mission Ma, Shancha trap! ! ! Few find it! ! Is not fixed pitch! ! -
What good friends
door add it! ! Too much Oh ... ... ... ... -
Notes: I think the Chinese or the sister paper of the delicious meal! Ma Dao is also the first South -
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Old 08-31-2011, 12:03 PM   #4
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2120723 2007 年 07 月 27 日 08:51 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (9) Category: Personal Diary
1 : If the guest says to audit, then your opportunity to come, do not find it troublesome, only big customers will experience factory before placing an order.
2: Do not over-willingness of customers to brag about the current performance. I have met some of the business, and I talked about the price, talk about how one of his major clients how to say that someone orders a month is the price of 200K. On this law was tantamount to sealing my mouth, I was able to hold out that he had eaten, do not give a meal.
3: promise of things to do, even if not complete but also to tell the guests ahead of time, do not drag the guests to ask it said. Integrity is too important not just corporate,belstaff online, personal integrity is very important, even if the list did not make, at least to keep the integrity in front of guests, whether for business or for their future development will greatly benefit both.
4: quote to have skills. On this issue, a number of posts, but I really need to say, because actually some factories reported a day of business the price high (higher than other plants 3 to 4 times!!), The nerve to say he is because the quality is excellent, in the I asked in the end was good, and that engineers more clearly, they do not know! ! Guests are not stupid, if the same capacity MP3, SONY offer is higher than the words, who would be interested in it?
5: inquiry panel received when guests respond promptly, even if the reply is a popular format will let guests know your work efficiency and respect for the guests. Sometimes a good wait for you to consider how to reply, quote, guests have to fly out. For those who advertise on Ali or global resources, a lot of information every day disk business,belstaff leather, which is especially important.
6: not easy for guests to say \Smooth handling of a good choice. For example, the guests do not target price is down, can say \
7: attend the show, most exhibitors do not have a passion for the business, look for the guests struggling to cope with price almost. Eyes of those who thinks there is a fire on the guests eyes of the business is treated differently. These are very deadly. So a few days to show, please play full 12 minutes you spirit to each guest in your booth a good impression.
8: sitting in the office, repeating the monotony of work, email, the mail did a few months ... ... a lot of people did not order, or even a clue at all. I believe that most of the sales have experienced such a situation. I have been at the factory so confused, come trading company, he realized it was not the purpose of customer development, ie, did not grasp key customers, but the general contact, naturally difficult to have results. To do business, at the beginning of the new guests to email, be sure to confirm that your message is valuable for the guests. For example, if you are in a small inexpensive gifts, and want to develop the U.S. market, you need to know the target visitors are WAL-MART, DOLLAR TREE, DOLLAR GENERAL. ... ... Is necessary to know the objectives of stationery do guests OFFICE MAX, OFFICE DEPOT ... ... do appliances should know CIRCUITCITY, RADIO SHACK, STAPLES ... ... the guests take one as long as the volume of business is enough boss laughed for months. ~
9: On the issue of quotations. Customers now have their own quotations big format, ease of comparison, but the factory can not understand the business, even lazy, is not always timely, complete and accurate filling, the total feel of quotations on OK, and do not need reloading then the complex. But standing in the position of guests, if a plant business, even something as simple as quotations are done, how could rest assured that the orders to you.
10: the question about business skills. If we want to be a real business, then we should take note of something other than foreign trade, I mean in addition to documents, customs declaration, and so will involve only thing trade, but also a lot of learning to domestic sales business skills. I've also made it through post, but has not been widely recognized, and I deeply felt in practice in how to do business in foreign trade business, and business sense than a lot of poor domestic sales. Despite all the different markets and customers, but business skills are transferable
11: on the payment. Do foreign trade business, payment risk, therefore, in considering the payment method, you should first pay attention to risk management, and the reason we all understand, then, if the payment method and your guests the risk control clash of completion, how to get orders only, but also to ensure that collection yet. I am only a fool way, anyhow, to get to China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, although the procedures are complex, but once the underwriting,belstaff uk, absolute security.
12: the relationship between business and the boss. I and the factory talks, clearly felt about the boss and business talk than effective, because the business never know where the boss's bottom line,belstaff outlet, which brought out a problem, the business in preparation for negotiations, in the end the know how many. Do not think your boss threw a single BOM, that is, trust in you, and how to take the boss's attitude is also clerk to learn things, especially when unable to agree on the price.
13: This is a special gift to the factory salesman. Because in my experience, the factory, especially the big factory business, sense of service is poor. I said the service does not mean that guests come pouring some tea, but that in daily communication with customers and deal with the issue, there must be not only good products, but also good service consciousness. For example, a business I want to help me deal with samples of the things he doing to bother doing, and complained that I was his guest in one of the most annoying. Just think,belstaff sale, if one side gives the tea while waiters complaining guests, he can stay here up. Here some young woman to remind the business, do not miss playing in front of the guests or spoiled temper, even in peacetime, and guests can not even the best relationships, foreign trade business, the emphasis is on rigorous, meticulous style, displayed in front of guests must not small woman appearance.
14: At present, some marketing emphasis on sales in the book, see a customer, must be neither overbearing nor servile. But many businesses do not only do the base, in front of customers cool. Cool no problem, answer any of many problems, even the basic conditions of the factory are not understood, and put on a \It seems, do not base it is easy, but at the same time do not Kang, it is not so simple.
15: At school, I learned some marketing aspects of the curriculum, in which the content of psychology are also involved, but now it seems that stuff is not my generation that a few years experience who can grasp society's, do foreign trade in particular, relationships have been relatively simple, like the guests in the negotiations mental grasp the basic is not possible. So the idea is not complex enough, do not waste time and effort to guess what customers want,belstaff jackets outlet, not to make any judgments based on speculation, the fact that all the judgments must be made based chu
16. A customer contact list is very important, it is best prepared in their own FOXMAIL in a, issued from time to time some new products to pull, pull quotes and the like, although only little things, but you can let guests maintain the impression. In fact, the valuable guests is limited, after a preliminary screening of bulk network and how to get potential customers to become the most important task orders, and keep your guests the impression that the first step to success.
17: Guests are human, mistakes will be giddy, also rude, so those who do not curse enough to Ping Minfen for guests, be sure to criticize, but also severely criticized, however, Ma Wan, the must be called to explain, he said he was too young, more impulsive look like the proper comfort, both in addition to chest heart, not to offend guests.

tastes Speak up! ! !
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Old 08-31-2011, 12:03 PM   #5
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