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Old 09-15-2011, 02:20 AM   #1
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Default 三门峡市湖滨区2011年公然应聘事业单位

  根据《事业单位公开招聘人员暂行规定》(人事部令第6号)和《三门峡市事业单位公开招聘工作人员实行细 则》(三人〔2005〕18号)等有关规定,联合湖滨区实际,经研讨决议,面向社会公开招聘新农保经办机构 工作人员20名。现制订实施计划如下:
  保持品学兼优,公开、同等、竞争、择优的原则,实施公开应考,择优聘用。采取笔试、面试和考核相结合的 方法进行。
  在各类消息媒体及网站上宣布布告,重要内容包含:招聘原则办法、应聘资格条件、招聘人数、报名时间、地 点、方法和招聘程序等有关事项。
  上午:8:30--11:30 下战书:3:30--6:00
  2、报名地点:湖滨区人力资源和社会保障局干部股(三门峡市黄河路东段湖滨区人力资源和社会保障局4楼 )
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  通过资格审查的应聘者于2011年8月10日至8月12日到湖滨区人社局干部股领取《笔试 准考据》,cheap redwing boots。领取准验证时,出具自己有效身份证和报名考务费收据。
  笔试内容:只考公共科目,公共科目参照国家公务员录用考试的《公共基本常识》、《行政职业能力测试》的 相关内容。
  面试人选根据笔试成绩,按拟招聘岗位数以1:3的比例从高分到低分断定。面试采用构造化面试方法进行, 主要测试应聘者的综合剖析才能、打算组织和谐能力、应变能力、逻辑思维及语言表白能力等。笔试出缺考、舞弊 或成绩为零分的,不得进入面试。
  面试停止后,按照顾聘人员总成绩(笔试成绩×50%+面试成绩×50%盘算)由高分到低分顺序,按照拟 招聘岗位数以1: 1.5的比例肯定体检对象。
  体检由组织人事部分参照《公务员录用体检通用尺度(试行)》的规定进行。体检对象体检分歧格的,依照总 成就由高分到低分的次序顺次递补。
  对体检及格人员,按总成绩由高分到低分顺序、根据拟招聘岗位数以1:1 的比例确定考核对象。考核工作由组织、人事及相关部门组织实施,主要考核被考核查象的政治思维、规划生养、 遵纪遵法、道德品德、和事实表示等,并构成考核定性明白的书面考核看法。被考核人员考核不合格的,从体检合 格人员中按照从高分到低分的顺序递补考核。
  考核合格的人员确定为拟聘用人员,拟聘用人员名单通过恰当道路公示,公示期为7个工作日。经公示无异议 的,凭《三门峡市湖滨区人力资源和社会保障局对于事业单位聘用人员通知》办理有关聘用手续,受聘人员享受国 家规定的工资福利待遇,并按规定实行试用期轨制,试用期一年,试用期包括在聘用合同期限内。试用期满合格的 ,予以正式聘用;不合格的,取消聘用。
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Old 09-15-2011, 02:37 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

The majority of human's life target is to live a happy life. Some folk take because allowed happiness is associated with money, meantime others presume there is no articulation among happiness and money, some even muse happiness has close linkage with well-known brands ,as a woman, it may be so. Yeah,christian louboutin Metallic red patent pump, while we are dressed in Herve Leger dress,Jimmy Choo Glenys Elaphe snake sandal dark green, we feel happy. In additional words,Herve Legergives women happiness. But are always folk cheerful with Herve Leger skirts? Let's peruse a survey. Britons in their late 30s and early 40s are unhappier than anyone additional age team, suffering from solitude and depression as go and relationship pressures take their toll, according to a examine aboard Wednesday.The research, by relationship advice liberalness Relate, base a fifth of those elderly 35 to 44 wished they had a better relationship with their kin, with approximately a third saying these relationships would enhance whether they could work fewer hours.More than 20 percent of that age group said they felt solitary most of the period and 5 percent even said they had no friends by all."Traditionally we partner the midlife crisis with people in their late 40s to 50s, but the report reveals that this time could be approaching people earlier than we would anticipate" said Claire Tyler, central executive of Relate."It's when life gets truly hard - you're beginning a home, tall pressure at work tin be immense and increasing money worries tin be crippling."Relate found that 22 percent of 35 to 44-year-olds had underwent depression because of a bad relationship, and 40 percent had been deceived ashore along a partner.The survey of 2,004 adults showed that, across all old groups, money worries and redundancies were the better tug above people's relationships with their partners, while advice problems, working long hours and the department of housework also put oppression on pairs.The ways in which people acquaint with their friends and kin have afflicted with the evolution of modern technology, for the survey found, with emails and text messages more fashionable than face-to-face communication for residing in touch with friends.A quarter of parents said they accustomed social webbing sites such as Facebook and MySpace to reserve in contact with their babies, while an in 10 parents said they had no face to face contact with their babies at all.Relationships with dads have especially suffered from alterations to family buildings, the generosity said, with a third of dads who are divorced or separated not penetrating their children, compared to 10 percent of mums. We tin say that happiness doesn't equal to Herve Leger2010. When you have a successful profession and happy family, you feel happy every daytime. That is the real happiness for your life.
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