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Old 10-07-2011, 05:38 AM   #1
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:39 AM   #2
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2125356 2010 年 11 月 15 日 21:05 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:39 AM   #3
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:39 AM   #4
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:39 AM   #5
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:40 AM   #6
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2124375 2010 年 07 月 25 日 00:14 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (4) Category: Personal Diary
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:40 AM   #7
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Reprinted from 89356431 at 19:45 on September 12 2009 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: arbitrary
The three strategies to practice skills in eloquence

Stage: breathing exercises
(a) Take a deep slow breath control extension exercise
call the essentials are: first,belstaff jacket, learn to \breath,belstaff outlet, and then gas Shen Dan Tian, slowly relax Sternocostal, so that gas exhaled slowly as the steady-like, call evenly control the longer the better, over and over 4-6 times.

(b) call a few slow deep
A. Number Number Exercise Exercise: Inhale as before. In the same breath whispered quickly a few numbers \
B. Number of date Exercise: Inhale as before. Whispered in the same breath: the East Gate off the bridge, the bridge under a tree dates, play dates to get pole, multi-red, less green, (suction foot fate) of a three date date date two five four dates ... ... do this until the tone of gas and see how many you can count date. Repeated 4-6 times.
C. Number of hoist exercise: inhale as before. In the same breath softly read: gold gourd, silver gourd,belstaff online, gourd breath number 24 can not (suck enough air) a three gourd calabash gourd or two ... ... to do this until the tone of gas, repeated 4-6 times.
use a few figures, a few dates, the number of hoists to control the atmosphere. Abdominal pain began to appear, practiced for some time, will be greatly improved.

(c) call a deep slow breath after a long tremolo
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(d) staccato exercise
This is the sound of air half and half practice. Hands on her hips or retaining the abdomen, out of breath at the same time to the amount of pharyngeal sound, bass sound to the main, I introduce three types of exercises:
A. breath, the mouth quickly issued a \Para, Pilipala \Repeated 4-6 times.
B. breath, the first slow after the fast issue, \
C. breath, the first slow after the fast issue, \
After this practice session, and the breath is basically full, on this basis, you can start to prepare a sound practice.

the second phase: gas, sound, word is the word to practice specific methods
vocalization, and then speed up,belstaff sale, while training more than taking the tongue and lips and teeth, throat flexibility.
�� lip exercises: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
August marked a soldier of a hundred and Ben - a
North North a slope of a gun of a soldier of a slope along a row of a run -
afraid of a gun of a soldier a soldier of a standard touch a mark of a soldier a
afraid to touch a gun of a soldier a gun for a dental practice for a
��: (first slow read it gradually build up)
ten is ten,
fourteen is fourteen,
forty is forty,
not to say forty-fourth,
do not said the forty-fourth,
�� retroflex Exercise: (read it again first slow,belstaff leather, and gradually speeding up)
sixty-year-old Mr. Liu,
pushing sixty-six large oil basket, \br> sixty-six Chuiyangliu,
tied sixty-six Malaysia monkey.
�� guttural Exercise: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
Piedmont have tigers,
foot a monkey,
Nian Hou tiger, monkey fighting tiger,
Tiger thrust is not on the monkey,
monkeys can not fight the tiger.

Phase III: Exercise
treble treble is essential speech. Note that not more practice, the key is to find a way to find the location, if the hard Qu Han sent for, will all do the exercise in front of waste, but also hurt the voice. Very sensitive to squeeze practice this way audio, cards, pinch, pressure, hard. Do narrow the sound, painstaking, sharp, so deep, the sound from high carry on. There are tricks, there are ways, according to their actual conditions, to explore, to explore.
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:41 AM   #8
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2558246 2010年10月21日 12:17 阅读(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:醉倾城

1.将感情埋藏得太深有时是件坏事。如果一个女人掩饰了对自己所爱的男子的感情,她也许就失去了得到他的机 会。 (《傲慢与偏见》)­
  2.认识自己的无知是认识世界的最可靠的方法。 (《随笔集》)­
  3.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题。 (《哈姆霄特》) ­
  4. 神要是公然去跟人作对,那是任何人都难以对付的。 (《荷马史诗》) ­
  5.你以为我贫穷、相貌平平就没有感情吗?我向你发誓,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你无法离开我 ,就像我现在无法离开你一样。虽然上帝没有这么做,可我们在精神上依然是平等的。(《简.爱》 ) ­
  6.大人都学坏了,上帝正考验他们呢,你还没有受考验,你应当照着孩子的想法生活。 (《童年》) ­
  7,你越没有心肝,就越高升得快,你毫不留情地打击人家,人家就怕你。只能把男男女女当作驿马,把它们 骑得筋疲力尽,到了站上丢下来,这样你就能达到欲望的最高峰。 (《高老头》) ­
  8.我只想证明一件事,就是,那时魔鬼引诱我,后来又告诉我,说我没有权利走那条路,因为我不过是个虱 子,和所有其余的人一样。 (《罪与罚》) ­
  9.你瞧,桑丘.潘沙朋友,那边出现了三十多个大得出奇的巨人。 (《堂.吉诃德》) ­
  10.我并不愿意你受的苦比我受的还大,希斯克利夫。我只愿我们永远不分离:如果我有一句话使你今后难 过,想想我在地下也感到一样的难过,看在我自己的份上,饶恕我吧! (《呼啸山庄》) ­
  11.幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。 (《安娜.卡列尼娜》) ­
  12.唉,奴隶般的意大利,你哀痛之逆旅,你这暴风雨中没有舵手的孤舟,你不再是各省的主妇,而是妓院 ! (《神曲》) ­
  13.善良人在追求中纵然迷惘,却终将意识到有一条正途。(《浮士德》) ­
  14.钟声又鸣响了……一声又一声,静谧而安详,即使在女人做新娘的那个好月份里,ecco women shoes,钟声里也总带有秋天的味道。 (《喧嚣与骚动》) ­
  15.一个人并不是生来要被打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。 (《老人与海》) ­
  16.当然,行是行的,这固然很好,可是千万别闹出什么乱子来啊。 (《套中人》) ­
  17.面包!面包!我们要面包! (《萌芽》) ­
  18.我从没有爱过这世界,它对我也一样。 (《拜伦诗选》) ­
  19.爱情应该给人一种自由感,而不是囚禁感。 (《儿子与情人》) ­
  20.暴风雨将要在那一天,甚至把一些槲树吹倒,一些教堂的高塔要倒塌,一些宫殿也将要动 摇! (《海涅诗选》) ­
  21.自己的行为最惹人耻笑的人,却永远是最先去说别人坏话的人。 (《伪君子》) ­
  22.这时一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分。 (《欧.亨利短篇小说选》) ­
  23.历史喜爱英勇豪迈的事迹,同时也谴责这种事迹所造成的后果。 (《神秘岛》) ­
  24.整个下半天,人都听凭羊脂球去思索。不过本来一直称呼她作“夫人”,现在却简单地称呼她作“小姐 ”了,谁也不很知道这是为着什么,仿佛她从前在评价当中爬到了某种地位,现在呢,人都想把她从那种地位拉下 一级似的,使她明白自己的地位是尚叩摹?(《莫泊桑短篇小说选》) ­
  25.如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?  (《雪莱诗选》) ­
  26.我明白了,我已经找到了存在的答案,我恶心的答案,我整个生命的答案。其实,我所理解的一切事物 都可以归结为荒诞这个根本的东西。(《恶心》) ­
  27.世界上有这样一些幸福的人,他们把自己的痛苦化作他人的幸福,他们挥泪埋葬了自己在尘世间的希望 ,它却变成了种子,长出鲜花和香膏,为孤苦伶仃的苦命人医治创伤。(《汤姆叔叔的小屋》) ­
  28.当格里高.萨姆莎从烦躁不安的梦中醒来时,发现他在床上变成了一个巨大的跳蚤。(《 变形记》) ­
  29.当现实折过来严丝合缝地贴在我们长期的梦想上时,它盖住了梦想,与它混为一体,如同两个同样的图 形重叠起来合而为一一样。(《追忆似水年华》) ­
  30.人与人之间,最可痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。(《巨 人传》) ­
  31.现在我说的您要特别注意听:在别人心中存在的人,就是这个人的灵魂。这才是您本身,才是您的意识 在一生当中赖以呼吸、营养以至陶醉的东西,这也就是您的灵魂、您的不朽和存在于别人身上的您的生命。(《日 瓦戈医生》) ­
  32.美德犹如名香,经燃烧或压榨而其香愈烈,盖幸运最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德。(《培根论说文 集》) ­
  33.亲爱的艾妮斯,我出国,为了爱你,我留在国外,为了爱你,我回国,也是为了爱你!(《大卫.科波 菲尔》) ­
  34.强迫经常使热恋的人更加铁心,而从来不能叫他们回心转意。(《阴谋与爱情》) ­
  35.在各种事物的常理中,爱情是无法改变和阻挡的,因为就本性而言,爱只会自行消亡,任何计谋都难以 使它逆转。(《十日谈》) ­
  36.只要你是天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸡场里也没有什么关系。(《安徒生童话》) ­
  37.就投机钻营来说,世故的价值永远是无可比拟的。(《死魂灵》) ­
  38. 谁都可能出个错儿,你在一件事情上越琢磨得多就越容易出错。(《好兵帅克历险记》) ­
  39.我们经历着生活中突然降临的一切,毫无防备,就像演员进入初排。如果生活中的第一次彩排便是生活 本身,那生活有什么价值呢?(《生命中不能承受之轻》) ­
  40.他发现了人类行为的一大法则,自己还不知道――那就是,为了要使一个大人或小孩极想干某样事情, 只需要设法把那件事情弄得不易到手就行了。(《汤姆.索亚历险记》) ­
  41.对有信仰的人,ecco mens shoes,死是永生之门。(《失乐园》) ­
  42.有一个传说,说的是有那么一只鸟儿,它一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美 动听。(《荆棘鸟》) ­
  43.离开一辈子后,他又回到了自己出生的那片土地上。从小到大,他一直是那个地方的目击者。(《尤利 西斯》) ­
  44.同上帝保持联系是一码事,他们都赞同这一点,但让上帝一天二十四小时都待在身边就是另一码事了。 (《第二十二条军规》) ­
  45.在甜蜜的梦乡里,人人都是平等的,但是当太阳升起,生存的斗争重新开始时,人与人之间又是多么的 不平等。(《总统先生》) ­
  46.开发人类智力的矿藏是少不了要由患难来促成的。(《基度山伯爵》) ­
  47.离你越近的地方,路途越远;最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。(《泰戈尔诗选》) ­
  48.悲伤使人格外敏锐。(《约翰.克里斯朵夫》 ­
  49.我在女人跟前经常失败,就是由于我太爱她们了。(《忏悔录》) ­
  50.她睁大一双绝望的眼睛,观看她生活的寂寞。她像沉了船的水手一样,在雾蒙蒙的天边,遥遥寻找白帆 的踪影。(《包法利夫人》) ­
  51.我听见美洲在歌唱,我听见各种不同的颂歌。(《草叶集》) 美文,经典美文 ­
  52.倘若你能使你的心时常赞叹日常生活的神妙,你的苦痛的神妙必不减少于你的欢乐,你要承受你心天的 季候,如同你常常承受从田野上度过的四时。(《先知》) ­
  53.现在我住在波勒兹别墅,这里找不到一点儿灰尘,也没有一件东西摆得不是地方,除了我们,这里再没 有别人,我们死了。(《北回归线》) ­
  54.艳阳高升,原野上的朝露很快便了无痕迹。源氏痛感人生如梦,像朝露一般,愈加万念俱灰。(《源氏 物语》) ­
  55.那些普普通通而毫无特色的罪行才真正令人迷惑,就像―个相貌平凡的人最难以让人辨认―样。(《福 尔摩斯探案集》) ­
  56.你有一处建在房子里面的小池塘吗?在那个小池塘里,你可以随时观察水中生物生活的每一个片断。( 《昆虫记》) ­
  57.不要向井里吐痰,也许你还会来喝井里的水。(《静静的顿河》) ­
  58.我看到了各个民族彼此敌视,而且默默地,无知地、愚蠢地、甘心地、无辜地在互相残杀。我看到了世 界上最聪明的头脑还在发明武器和撰写文章,使这种种敌视和残杀更为巧妙,更为经久。(《西线无 战事》) ­
  59.这张脸同早晨雪天映在镜子中的那张脸一样,红扑扑的。在岛村看来,这又是介于梦幻同现实之间的另 一种颜色。(《雪国》) ­
  60.一个人只要有意志力,就能超越他的环境。(《马丁.伊登》) ­
  61.站在痛苦之外规劝受苦的人,是件很容易的事,ecco shoes。(《被缚的普罗米修斯》) ­
  62.感情有理智根本无法理解的理由。(《月亮和六便士》) ­
  63.世界上一切好东西对于我们,除了加以使用外,实在没有别的好处。 (《鲁滨逊漂流记 》) ­
  64.每当太阳西沉,我坐在河边破旧的码头上,遥望新泽西上方辽阔的天空,我感到似乎有未经开垦的土地 ,所有的道路,所有的人都在不可思议地走向西部海岸。直到现在我才知道,ecco shoes sale,在衣阿华,小伙子们总是不停地骚动喧闹,因为是那片土地使他们如此无法平静。(《在路上》) ­
  65。在与法律之前,合乎“自然的”只有狮子的力量,或者动物饥寒时的需要,更简单地用一个字表示,便 是“欲”。(《红与黑》) ­
  66。上天让我们习惯各种事物,就是用它来代替幸福。(《叶甫盖尼.奥涅金》) ­
  67.一个人哪怕只生活过一天,也可以毫无困难地在监狱里过上一百年。(《局外人》) ­
  68.往上爬吧,多捞钱吧,进入上层社会,那里准备好了一切。(《美国的悲剧》) ­
  69.念书不能增添智慧。(《痛症楼》) ­
  70.不管我活着,还是我死去,我都是一只牛虻,快乐地飞来飞去。 (《牛虻》) ­
  71.一个人把他整个的一生都押在“女人的爱”那一张牌上头赌博,那张牌输了,他就那样地灰心丧气,弄 得自己什么事都不能做,这种人不算一个男人,不过是一个雄性生物。(《父与于》) ­
  72.这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,ecco shoes clearance,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。(《百 年孤独》) ­
  73.现在我只信,首先我是一个人,跟你一样的一个――至少我要学做一个人。(《玩偶之家 》) ­
  74.天才和我们相距仅仅一步。同时代者往往不理解这一步就是千里,后代又盲目相信这千里就是一步。同 时代为此而杀了天才,后代又为此而在天才面前焚香。(《侏儒的话》) ­
  75.遭受苦难的人在承受痛楚时并不能觉察到其剧烈的程度,反倒是过后延绵的折磨最能使其撕心裂肺。  (《红字》) ­
  76.人最宝贵的是生命,生命属于人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时,不会因虚度年华 而悔恨,也不会因碌碌无为而羞耻。这样,临终前他就可以自豪地说:“我已经把自己整个生命和全部精力都献给 了世界上最壮丽的事业――为人类的解放而奋斗。”(《钢铁是怎样炼成的》) ­
  77.凡是有甜美的鸟歌唱的地方,也都有毒蛇嘶嘶地叫。(《德伯家的苔丝》) ­
  78.凡是想依正路达到这深密境界的人应从幼年起,就倾心向往美的形体。(《文艺对话录》 ) ­
  79.友谊就是一切。友谊比才能更重要,比政府更重要,它和家庭几乎是可划等号的。千万别忘记这一点。 ({教父》) ­
  80.已经活了七十二岁,依然像是昨天的事:居民点的林阴小路,在歇晌的时间,白人居住区,道旁开满金 风花的大街,阗无行人。(《物质生活》) ­
  81.我明天回塔拉再去想吧。巳那时我就经受得住一切了。明天,我会想出一个办法把他弄回来。毕竟,明 天又是另外的一天呢。(《飘》) ­
  82.盲目可以增加你的勇气,因为你无法看到危险.(《格列佛游记》) ­
  83.本人系疗养与护理院的居住者。我的护理员在观察我,他几乎每时每刻都监视着我:因为门上有个窥视 孔,我的护理员的眼睛是那种棕色的,它不可能看透蓝眼睛的我。(《铁皮鼓》) ­
  84.每当我追溯自己的青春年华时,那些日子就像是暴风雪之晨的白色雪花一样,被疾风吹得离我而去。( 《洛莉塔》) ­
  85.宽宏大量,是惟一能够照亮伟大灵魂的光芒。(《巴黎圣母院》) ­
  86.很多年以前,那时我的钱包瘪瘪的,陆地上看来没什么好混的了,干脆下海吧,去在我们这个世界上占 绝对面积的大海里逛逛吧!  (《白鲸》) ­
  87.我一贯追求的是:在人的肉体与幻想允许的范围内,获得最大限度的真诚和信任,以及对所有的一切尽 可能长久的保证。(《镜中微瑕》) ­
  88.这里有一种无处投诉的罪行。这里有一种眼泪不足以象征的悲哀。这里有一种绝大的失败,足以使我们 的一切成功都垮台。(《愤怒的葡萄》) ­
  89.起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶!起来,全世界受苦的人!  (《国际歌》) ­
  90.我是说孩子们都在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑,我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住。我整天就干 这样的事。我只想当个麦田的守望者。我知道这有点异想天开,可我真正喜欢干的就是这个。(《麦田的守望者》 ) ­
  91.获取一颗没有被人进攻的经验的心,也就像夺取一座没有守卫的城池一样。(《茶花女》 ) ­
  92.他不知道那个梦已经丢在他背后了,丢在这个城市那边那一片无垠的混沌之中不知什么地方了,那里合 众国的黑黝黝的田野在夜色中向前伸展。(《了不起的盖茨比》) ­
  93.四月最残忍,从死了的土地滋生丁香,混杂着回忆和欲望,让春雨挑动着呆钝的根。(《 荒原》) ­
  94.世间的一切虚伪,正像过眼云烟,只有真理才是处世接物的根据。虚伪的黑暗,必为真理的光辉所消灭 。(《一千零一夜》) ­
  95.下面玩什么花样呢?(《发条橙》) ­
  96.昨晚,我梦见自己又回到了曼陀丽庄园。(《蝴蝶梦》) ­
  97.我不能想像这样一个人,他认为开棋的时候先走马而不是先走卒对他来说是英勇的壮举,而在象棋指南 的某个犄角里占上一席可怜的位置就意味着声名不朽,我不能想像,一个聪明人竟然能够在10年、20年、30 年、40年之中一而再、再而三地把他全部的思维能力都献给一种荒诞的事情――想尽一切办法把木头棋子王赶到 木板棋盘的角落里,而自己却没有发狂成为疯子。(《象棋的故事》) ­
  98.咱家是猫。名字嘛……还没有。(《我是猫》) ­
  99.挺起英勇的胸脯前进! ­
  看,无数的旗帜满天飞舞! ­
  谁在那里向右转? ­
  向左! ­
  向左! ­
  向左!(《马雅可夫斯基诗选》) ­
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Old 10-07-2011, 05:41 AM   #9
Commander In Chief
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,belstaff uk

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Reprinted from 89356431 at 19:45 on September 12 2009 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: arbitrary
The three strategies to practice skills in eloquence

Stage: breathing exercises
(a) Take a deep slow breath control extension exercise
call the essentials are: first, learn to \breath, and then gas Shen Dan Tian, slowly relax Sternocostal,belstaff leather, so that gas exhaled slowly as the steady-like, call evenly control the longer the better, over and over 4-6 times.

(b) call a few slow deep
A. Number Number Exercise Exercise: Inhale as before. In the same breath whispered quickly a few numbers \
B. Number of date Exercise: Inhale as before. Whispered in the same breath: the East Gate off the bridge, the bridge under a tree dates, play dates to get pole, multi-red, less green, (suction foot fate) of a three date date date two five four dates ... ... do this until the tone of gas and see how many you can count date. Repeated 4-6 times.
C. Number of hoist exercise: inhale as before. In the same breath softly read: gold gourd, silver gourd, gourd breath number 24 can not (suck enough air) a three gourd calabash gourd or two ... ... to do this until the tone of gas, repeated 4-6 times.
use a few figures, a few dates, the number of hoists to control the atmosphere. Abdominal pain began to appear, practiced for some time, will be greatly improved.

(c) call a deep slow breath after a long tremolo
practice, the sound gradually added. This practice is still chi-based, voice, giving the same choice at the push of a bass-area boys made lightly, \Wavy voice sounds, to Colorado to Colorado long long, over and over.

(d) staccato exercise
This is the sound of air half and half practice. Hands on her hips or retaining the abdomen, out of breath at the same time to the amount of pharyngeal sound, bass sound to the main,belstaff jacket, I introduce three types of exercises:
A. breath, the mouth quickly issued a \Para, Pilipala \Repeated 4-6 times.
B. breath, the first slow after the fast issue, \
C. breath, the first slow after the fast issue, \
After this practice session,belstaff outlet, and the breath is basically full, on this basis, you can start to prepare a sound practice.

the second phase: gas, sound, word is the word to practice specific methods
vocalization, and then speed up, while training more than taking the tongue and lips and teeth,belstaff coat, throat flexibility.
�� lip exercises: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
August marked a soldier of a hundred and Ben - a
North North a slope of a gun of a soldier of a slope along a row of a run -
afraid of a gun of a soldier a soldier of a standard touch a mark of a soldier a
afraid to touch a gun of a soldier a gun for a dental practice for a
��: (first slow read it gradually build up)
ten is ten,
fourteen is fourteen,
forty is forty,
not to say forty-fourth,
do not said the forty-fourth,
�� retroflex Exercise: (read it again first slow, and gradually speeding up)
sixty-year-old Mr. Liu,
pushing sixty-six large oil basket, \br> sixty-six Chuiyangliu,
tied sixty-six Malaysia monkey.
�� guttural Exercise: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
Piedmont have tigers,
foot a monkey,
Nian Hou tiger,belstaff online, monkey fighting tiger,
Tiger thrust is not on the monkey,
monkeys can not fight the tiger.

Phase III: Exercise
treble treble is essential speech. Note that not more practice, the key is to find a way to find the location, if the hard Qu Han sent for, will all do the exercise in front of waste, but also hurt the voice. Very sensitive to squeeze practice this way audio, cards, pinch, pressure, hard. Do narrow the sound, painstaking, sharp, so deep, the sound from high carry on. There are tricks, there are ways, according to their actual conditions, to explore, to explore.
t5uun2ng6tg is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 10-07-2011, 05:41 AM   #10
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,488
ug2at5hh2jg is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 89356431 at 19:45 on September 12 2009 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: arbitrary
The three strategies to practice skills in eloquence

Stage: breathing exercises
(a) Take a deep slow breath control extension exercise
call the essentials are: first, learn to \breath, and then gas Shen Dan Tian, slowly relax Sternocostal, so that gas exhaled slowly as the steady-like, call evenly control the longer the better, over and over 4-6 times.

(b) call a few slow deep
A. Number Number Exercise Exercise: Inhale as before. In the same breath whispered quickly a few numbers \
B. Number of date Exercise: Inhale as before. Whispered in the same breath: the East Gate off the bridge, the bridge under a tree dates, play dates to get pole, multi-red, less green, (suction foot fate) of a three date date date two five four dates ... ... do this until the tone of gas and see how many you can count date. Repeated 4-6 times.
C. Number of hoist exercise: inhale as before. In the same breath softly read: gold gourd, silver gourd, gourd breath number 24 can not (suck enough air) a three gourd calabash gourd or two ... ... to do this until the tone of gas, repeated 4-6 times.
use a few figures, a few dates, the number of hoists to control the atmosphere. Abdominal pain began to appear, practiced for some time, will be greatly improved.

(c) call a deep slow breath after a long tremolo
practice, the sound gradually added. This practice is still chi-based, voice, giving the same choice at the push of a bass-area boys made lightly, \Wavy voice sounds, to Colorado to Colorado long long, over and over.

(d) staccato exercise
This is the sound of air half and half practice. Hands on her hips or retaining the abdomen, out of breath at the same time to the amount of pharyngeal sound, bass sound to the main, I introduce three types of exercises:
A. breath, the mouth quickly issued a \Para, Pilipala \Repeated 4-6 times.
B. breath, the first slow after the fast issue,belstaff uk, \
C. breath, the first slow after the fast issue,belstaff sale, \
After this practice session, and the breath is basically full, on this basis, you can start to prepare a sound practice.

the second phase: gas, sound, word is the word to practice specific methods
vocalization, and then speed up, while training more than taking the tongue and lips and teeth, throat flexibility.
�� lip exercises: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
August marked a soldier of a hundred and Ben - a
North North a slope of a gun of a soldier of a slope along a row of a run -
afraid of a gun of a soldier a soldier of a standard touch a mark of a soldier a
afraid to touch a gun of a soldier a gun for a dental practice for a
��: (first slow read it gradually build up)
ten is ten,
fourteen is fourteen,
forty is forty,
not to say forty-fourth,
do not said the forty-fourth,
�� retroflex Exercise: (read it again first slow, and gradually speeding up)
sixty-year-old Mr. Liu,
pushing sixty-six large oil basket, \br> sixty-six Chuiyangliu,
tied sixty-six Malaysia monkey.
�� guttural Exercise: (read it again before slowing down and gradually speed up)
Piedmont have tigers,
foot a monkey,
Nian Hou tiger, monkey fighting tiger,belstaff online,
Tiger thrust is not on the monkey,belstaff leather,
monkeys can not fight the tiger.

Phase III: Exercise
treble treble is essential speech. Note that not more practice, the key is to find a way to find the location, if the hard Qu Han sent for, will all do the exercise in front of waste, but also hurt the voice. Very sensitive to squeeze practice this way audio, cards, pinch, pressure,belstaff jacket, hard. Do narrow the sound, painstaking, sharp, so deep, the sound from high carry on. There are tricks, there are ways, according to their actual conditions, to explore,belstaff jackets outlet, to explore.
ug2at5hh2jg is offline   Reply With Quote

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