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Old 03-14-2011, 02:23 AM   #1
Chief Warrant Officer
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Default microsoft office Professional 2007 keygen SEO Mark

UnTitled Passengers OnBoard
The Untitled Page – Search Engine Optimization Puzzle
By Trevor Weir
The topic of seo or ( Search engine Optimization ) is complex enough that there are specific job classifications for this in the unemployment office and specific companies that hire entire platoons of geek specialists whom, if asked,microsoft office 2010 Home And Business x86, will claim to do nothing else.

So,office 2010 Home And Business sale, in 5 minutes, I cant teach you the entire nature of this search engine optimization business, but let me give you a very important first tip.
( And if you are already a geek seologist skip to the bottom and get some tips that perhaps even you didn’t know )
Do not submit your site to any services for search engine optimization submission before ensuring that each and every page has a short 2-4 word title that includes the main keyword you wish that page to be found for and that you have an H1 title with your keyword(s) in it.
Sounds logical or a bit laughable right? The truth is that the title tag is frequently forgotten by webmasters and the title ends up with a title like this “untitled”
Nothing tells google that you care less about your content and your search engine optimization than a page with no title. In the past, these pages were largely ignored or the search engines simply took a sentance or two from the top of your page and used that as the description to help you out. These pages won’t rank in the search engine results and unless your avid intention is to really hide your page, don’t do this.
How many people make this mistake in their quest for search engine optimization ?
This google search says that there are 12.3 million pages online with untitled in their title. The first 1000 pages are truly people talking about untitled, I suspect many of the remaining 12 million pages are truly people who have forgotten to put a title tag on their page.
Title tags can also be used in anchor text or links. When a mouse hover over a link gives you text that you can read,microsoft office Professional 2007 keygen, it means that usually the author was diligent and used a title tag inside their anchor tag.
The Google search that returns 12.3 million results
http://www.google.ca/search?q=inurl:%22untitled%22&hl=en&safe=off&num=1 00&start=900&sa=N&filter=0
For search engine optimization purposes, please, don’t forget your title tag.
How can you ensure that you don’t forget your title tag ?
Use a free Drupal or WordPress blog. Google, Bing and Yahoo love blogs.
If using WordPress as your free blog software, use a free plugin like All-in-One-SEO to help you easily customize titles and descriptions on all your blog posts.
Have I said, Don’t forget your title tags? Well, let me be redundant and say, “If you use a blog, don’t forget your tags“. Yes, your title “tags” is html code in the header or plain text if your are using the All-in-One plugin or something similar. Your document tags are classification words.
Some of the tags that I am using for this document are
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These tags enable Technorati and hundreds of other search engines to more easily classify your document, article or post for better search and more potential traffic to your site.
8 Tips that most search engine optimization specialists should  know but some don’t. The blueprint for your search engine optimization effort should focus on internal architectural optimization first and I don’t just mean onpage optimization.
Don’t entirely trust Google Analytics ( Yes I know alexa and others trust them),microsoft windows 7 home premium 32 bit, but you have far more accurate information in your apache or IIS web logs. Use those as your last word even while discussing numbers with your client.
When choosing keywords, don’t rely entirely on the google keyword tool, look inside amazon to see what other related items people are buying and look inside alexa at the specific keywords that are hustling traffic for the direct competition – both these additional sources may surprise you.
Speed counts. Google’s lab is now checking the speed of your website. So, if you are wondering why you can’t get from position 8 to position 2 in the serps maybe its because your site is slower than 80% of the other sites online.Site speed should be a check box in your search engine optimization blueprint. If its that slow, the user satisfaction isn’t as high as it might be from other sites that are just as qualified in all other aspects. What do you think google will do?
Don’t overload the proportion of your backlinks with that one money keyword in the anchor text. So if your money keyword phrase is “payday loan” and you know you have 100 backlinks with 80% of them having that keyword in the anchor text, then its obvious to google that this very interesting ratio is contrived. You or someone else has already over optimized the backlink structure. The only way you can get away with this is if your domain name actually contains the keywords “payday loan”. That would be the only exception for the particular example. Google knows what the average backlink/anchor text ratio might range between. Start getting outside of that range and perhaps you don’t rank as highly as you thought you should have.
In your search engine optimization blueprint, try to hit your secondary keywords first. Not only are they more likely to have higher commercial intent but they will be easier to rank for and will show everyone, earlier in the game that you know what you are doing. I have personally had 3 seo contracts terminated at the 3 month mark for a keyword that had competition of over 100 million. In most cases, the impossible keyword started ranking in the top 10 in month 4.
Attack Google, one datacenter at a time and resist attempting global domination in its broadest sense. Google is setting itself up to thwart global domination efforts for all but the major international brands like GM, Ford etc.
If you are having no luck with Google, try Yahoo. Yahoo and Bing both absolutely love links in context but until tests show me different, neither seems to know the significance of a powerful 3 or 4 way back link yet.
Looking for the best seo services or the best in search engine optimization ?
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