Dwelling News Division Facts Contact Organization Chart Directory ES&H Scientific Staff Publications Awards & Honors Annual Reports Picture ############## New Faces Employment PHY Webmail Meeting Rooms Research Low Energy Medium Energy Theory Accelerator R&D Research Highlights Seminars & Events Colloquium Division Seminar MEP Seminar Theory Seminar Heavy Ion Discussion Astrophysics Lunch Decay Spectroscopy @ CARIBU ATLAS Facility Schedules User Info Proposals Targetlab CARIBU FMA Gammasphere HELIOS ATLAS an Office of Science User Facility Robert V. F. Janssens,
Windows 7 Enterprise, Scientific Director of ATLAS Welcome to ATLAS, the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System. As a scientist interested in using our facility for research or as a casual visitor, we are happy to have you browse our web site. Also, if you are interested, we would cordially receive your visit,
Microsoft Office Professional 2010, show you our facility and share with you our enthusiasm for the science. A one page brochure (pdf format) describing ATLAS is available here. ATLAS is the world's first superconducting linear accelerator for heavy ions at energies in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier. This is the energy domain best suited to study the properties of the nucleus, the core of matter, the fuel of stars. ATLAS is a National User Facility and as such hosts 200 - 300 Users each year. It is supported by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the Department of Energy. The Users come from U.S. universities and national laboratories as well as from foreign institutions. The facility is also accessible to industrial Users. During a Users workshop held in the summer of 2009, an updated mission statement for ATLAS as well as a strategic plan for the facility were approved. Please click here to have a look. Users of ATLAS take advantage of the existing experimental equipment such as,
Windows 7 Starter Key, for example, the Canadian Penning Trap (CPT),
Microsoft Office 2010 Product Key, the Fragment Mass Analyzer (FMA),
microsoft Office 2010 keygen, the magnetic spectrograph and Gammasphere. Beam lines are also available for experiments where Users bring their own equipment. The Physics support group is available to assist the Users in all preparations for their measurements. Beam time at ATLAS is granted on the basis of proposals which are reviewed by the ATLAS Program Advisory Committee. If you are interested in proposing an experiment as a first time User, please contact our User Liaison Physicist Shaofei Zhu. It is our hope that you will find on this web site the data that you are interested in. We welcome your suggestions and your questions. Robert V. F. Janssens Scientific Director of ATLAS If you would like additional facts about ATLAS, you can also contact Ms. Barbara Weller in the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory at (630) 252-4044 or via email at: bweller@anl.gov