?'Nay, but thou art indeed my little son, whom I bare in the forest,' she cried,
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???? But the Star-Child stirred not from his place, but shut the doors of his heart against her, nor was there any sound heard save the sound of the woman weeping for pain.?
???? And at last he spoke to her, and his voice was hard and bitter. 'If in very truth thou art my mother,' he said, 'it had been better hadst thou stayed away, and not come here to bring me to shame, seeing that I thought I was the child of some Star and not a beggar's child, as thou tellest me that I am. Therefore get thee hence, and let me see thee no more.'?
???? 'Alas! my son,' she cried, 'wilt thou not kiss me before I go? For I have suffered much to find thee.'?