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Windows 7 for XP Professionals
Updating Support Skills from XP to
Windows 7
by Bink.nu's Raymond Comvalius
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Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Professionals is a Microsoft Office Excel-based spreadsheet listing software applications which have met
Windows 7 Logo Program testing requirements for compatibility with 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows 7,
Office 2010 Standard, and have thereby earned the right to display the
Windows 7 Logo Program logo with the application. These products are identified with the compatibility status “Compatible –
Windows 7 Logo.”
Office 2010 Pro Key, this list includes applications with the following compatibility statuses: “Compatible,
Office Pro,” “Free Update Required,
Microsoft Office Professional 2010,” “Paid Update Required,” “Future Compatibility,” and “Not Compatible.” These statuses are based upon the software publishers’ statements of compatibility. These products have not met the
Windows 7 Logo Program testing requirements. For an explanation of the various compatibility statuses, please see the Release Notes for the
Windows 7 Application Compatibility List.
For the latest collection of compatible applications and hardware devices, please visit the
Windows 7 Compatibility Center. You can also leave feedback on compatibility and suggest new products to get added in future reports.
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Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Professionals