By: Ginny Cheng So Many Choices! What’s the right MS group for me to start out with? Often, when I ask a college student what Microsoft products/teams they would be interested in exploring, I get the typical responses like Xbox, Zune, Windows, IE and Search. While I’m sure many students are indeed interested in those groups, I believe the majority realize that they don’t know all the products and technologies Microsoft has to offer. After all, it is a big playground here and there are hundreds of products that we work on every day. I have a tip -- instead of focusing on a product, which limits you to other possibilities, pay attention to your technology preference. For example, you may be interested in Graphics but if you’re not into Graphics in Games, did you know we also have Graphics in Office? In other words, know what Microsoft technologies interest you most and match your skills and qualifications to them. Coming soon to your campus, you may be asked to fill out a Candidate Interest Form before you interview that includes most of the technologies used at Microsoft. You’ll be able to check as many boxes as you like but again, select those that also match your current skill sets. I’m going to give you a heads up on what those areas are so you can begin to think about what technologies would make you want to come to work every day! This advice is also applicable for industry candidates. Applications Communication Systems Compilers Databases Distributed Systems Drivers Emerging Technologies Graphics Hardware Media Technologies Mobility and Wireless Natural Language Processing Networking Operating Systems Performance Search and Text Mining Security and Cryptography Servers Storage Theory User Interface Web Applications Other (yeah,
Windows 7 Activation, we included this one in case you have something even more specific) Happy Exploring! - Ginny