In case you could spend time with Bill Gates, what would you ask him? One of my favorite questions from interview candidates is: “Have you met Bill Gates? If so,
Key Office 2007, what did you say to him?" I love it when people ask me that. I wish to the heavens that I had a feisty story to tell them, because I’ve really thought this out. Here is my ideal story. I would tell candidates, "Yes, I've met him. He was in line at the cafeteria and needed to borrow 3 bucks for his turkey Panini. I was next in line, so I handed him a 5 dollar bill and told him to keep the change." That would be my ideal story. Ahh… a girl can hope. Anyway, back to the topic. Every year, Bill Gates is generous enough to allow interns to frolic around his home, four times each summer for hosted barbeques. He is there shaking hands,
Office 2007 Professional Plus Product Key, answering questions, and just hanging out as one of us. Before my interns head out to their big occasion,
Windows 7 Professional 64, I like to ask them if they get to meet Bill Gates and chat with him at the BBQ, what will they ask him? I hope they don’t ask him something lame like, “how can I be a success like you”, or “what's your advice for a college student”. That has all been done before. Get creative,
Cheap Windows 7 Starter, make him think. Ask Bill Gates something he’s never been asked before. I’ve heard of one intern asking him if he preferred pirates or ninjas better. That's a great one! Other interns have asked what is on his portable music player. That’s a decent question. But,
Office 2010 Serial Key, I want to know - what would YOU ask him, in case you could meet him? Who knows… maybe I will pass these along if they are good enough. -Janelle (Pirate pic courtesy of and pic of ninjas courtesy of