WLM Lite eight.5
7-1-2010: You are able to go close to the compelled update by performing the following: Proper click on WLM Lite 8.five.exe -> properties -> tab compatibility -> set mode to windows 2000
Release: Genuine Windows Live Messenger Lite eight.five.1302.1018 Release 7
Run Windows Live Messenger without installing, modifying the system, or unpacking anything,
even as a guest user, or a computer with restricted access, with all functions enabled
such as winks, animated backgrounds, packs, handwriting, etc.
- Windows XP Version 2002 or later, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
- This release has nothing to do with Tigin's versions, and has numerous differences,
while his versions are usable, they lack proper testing, and attention to detail
- WLMLite does not share any settings, custom emoticons, backgrounds, etc with any
installed versions, it is entirely seperate and portable
- WLM eight.5.1302.1018 Core Files
- Adobe Flash ActiveX Control (Winks, Animated Backgrounds)
- Microsoft Tablet PC Components with KB886179 Security Update (Handwriting)
- Microsoft VC++ 2005 SP1 Runtimes
- WinHTTP Services 5.one (Support for systems without IE6 SP1) not needed
Build Date: 12.02.2007
Build Size: 16.0 MB (16,846,294 bytes)
Compressed: 15.6 MB (16,383,388 bytes)
Change Log:
- Kills subprocesses when the last instance is closed,
Office Professional Plus 2010 Product Key, uses COM Object registered in virtual
environment, this was the only alternative, since WMI requires admin rights,
Windows 7 Starter, so it will
fail under restricted account, and using a seperate process that drops into the sandbox (stub),
and starts killing processes triggers suspicious behaviour by some antivirus apps
- bugfixes:
- Sandbox is autocreated in current folder
- Runs much faster on second run, Vista never had this issue, it was XP only
- updated to Thinstall 3.300, updated WLM version to eight.five.1302.1018
- WLM Mess Patch Revisions:
- All advertisements (including webcam ads), search bar removed, SQM disabled
- Most common and popular additions have been added, however I do not rearrange or remove
options or features which people may find useful, since this is intended for a general
audience and not what I specifically would use, if you would prefer not to have tabs,
or msn today you are able to always disable it in the options
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Key, it's trivial to remove, but not everyone wants them removed)
- MSI Installer self-repair dialogs are fixed, so regardless if you have WLM installed or not,
you will never see an MSI dialog
- Fixed manifest issue with Vista, now uses updated controls, and fixes open dialog glitches
- Reduced file size to 16.0 MB by removing unneccessary files, cleaning registry scripts
- All cache files, custom emoticons, temporary files, program settings, etc. are all stored
in the WLM Lite folder off the directory where WLMLite is located
- Intelligent sandboxing added:
- all locations where WLM Lite stores settings, account files, and temp files are sandboxed,
leaving the rest of the system for normal use
- Sandboxed locations: AppData, CommonAppData, LocalAppData, Contacts,
Microsoft Windows 7, Cookies,
Office 2010 Standard X86, Local Settings,
Program and Component File Directories (to prevent conflicts with installed versions)
- Updated program icon to distinguish from the real WLM
- Updated version info for WLM Lite (mention of release author, website)
It is important to note this has gone through extensive testing in virtual environments both clean,
and after installation, in XP SP1, SP2, and Vista, to ensure a quality release for the web.
Do not ask me about "WLM Lite" releases made by other authors.
- updated to version eight.1.0178
- all cache files, custom emoticons, temporary files, etc. are all stored
in the WLMData folder off the directory where WLMLite is located
- all program settings are stored in wlmlite.reg, in the same
folder where WLMLite is located
- optimized for portability, independence from the system
- unread mail count on welcome screen functionality removed
- autostart functionality removed
- added multilanguage support, however you must supply your own
msgslang.eight.one.0178.00.dll in the same folder as WLMLite
- updated to version eight.0.0812
- integrated Microsoft Ink to support handwriting, handwriting features
requires no installation of Ink on the system
- integrated Flash Player 9 to support winks, and animated backgrounds, flash features
requires no installation of flash player on the system
- standalone version of wlm in a single exe
- requires no installation, does not unpack or install any files
- does not modify the registry, with the exception of storing
your msn settings in hkey_current_user
- runs from guest/limited access accounts
- runs on as little as Windows XP with no service packs, patches, updates, or IE6 SP1
- perfect alternative to the feature lacking web based msn messenger clients