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development (01, 04)<br />1 The movement of an economy from agricultural activities using simple technology to the production of industrial products and a range of services using modern technology. (Even in the seventeenth century PETTY regarded development as the growth of serv1ce industries.)<br />2 The cumulative growth of per capita income, accompanied by structural and institutional changes. Although per capita income is a crude measure unless problems of measuring the GRoss DOMESTIC PRODUCT and its distribution are taken into account, this is often the best proxy measure. Post-1945 development policies have often failed to help the poorest 40 per cent of the world's population. Although many aid programmes have an urban bias, they have widely achieved lower rates of infant mortality, more hospital beds, an increased supply of piped water and the building of many all-season roads.<br /><em>See also:</em> industrialization <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Kitching, G. (1989) Development and Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective.
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<strong>Release of proceeds</strong> Delivery of loan proceeds by the school to the borrower. (Note: This term is NOT equivalent to the lender' s process of disbursing funds to the school.)
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