l as smaller banks.
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The bankers' new offensive comes ahead of several meetingsof international regulators set up over the next few weeks withthe hope of having a "capital buffer" proposal in July,according to a person familiar with the talks.
The regulators are deciding how much extra capital thebiggest firms, whose failure would do the most damage tofinancial markets and the economy, will have to hold above theagreed-upon Basel III framework calling for a minimum of 7percent capital.
Big banks have been bracing for a buffer that could add asmuch as 3 percentage points, for a total of 10 percent.
Federal Reserve Governor Dan Tarullo raised the ante lastweek when he said the Fed is considering an option where thelargest banks may have to hold between 8 percent to 14 percentin total capital. [ID:nN03155393]
That shocked the banks and sent them scrambling for a wayto fight back.
"It certainly got our attention
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Banks will be launching a multi-prong attack to exploit therange of capital hawk and dove regulators, and to convincelawmakers that it's a bad thing for America to have bankssitting idly on capital.
"The regulators do listen to what folks do on CapitolHill," said Wayne Abernathy, a top official at the AmericanBankers Association. "They are accountable to the people'srepresentatives."
The industry faces two significant obstacles.
One, big banks are still wildly unpopular after the2007-2009 financial crisis that forced a $700 billion taxpayerbailout. A key example came on Wednesday when bankers lost avote in the Senate to postpone a severe reduction in how muchthey can charge for processing debit card transactions.[ID:nN08119417]
Wholesale Jerseys , it's hard to ###### up "Basel III capital standards" tolawmakers.
"When you do mention Basel, your average member of Congressthinks 'that pairs well with tomato and mozzarella
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The banking executive, who asked not to be named so as notto in