Modern Art Canvas | Buy Art Online Cheap
Please explain the appeal of "Modern Art" to me...? I HATE "modern art"... I am too ignorant <a href=""><strong>jimmy choo shoes</strong></a> at my current level to be able to truly appreciate something that looks like it required no skill whatsoever to create. What is the appeal of a urinal or something like that? Why do the people see that I am missing that are able to appreciate an oil on canvas that looks like any child with no skill whatsoever could paint? I would like to be able to understand this, as I feel very hillbilly when I look at it in astonishment that I cannot find anything to appreciate there. Please educate me so I can understand. I should have said I am unable to appreciate something that seems to have taken no creativity nor skill to create. Some people say it's best <a href=""><strong>christianÂ*louboutinÂ*shoes</strong></a> to approach a work of art with no knowledge of the artist, his/her background/motivations/inspirations, etc. When it comes to modern art, I say this is crap. Because so much of it is so abstract and so open to interpretation, I think it <a href=""><strong>christian louboutin heels</strong></a> helps enormously to know something about the piece and/or the artist and/or the movement while viewing/experiencing it. Even a little bit of knowledge may lead to some appreciation. I also think the "it's open to interpretation" excuse hung on so much modern art is crap and a cop-out. If the artist had no bloody idea what s/he was doing, why should I bother to make anything of it? Art is supposed to help me understand/interpret <a href=""><strong>Blogs » Beauty Case - Beauty Case - Pentru femeia activa</strong></a> life, and obviously I am willing to consider this particular artist's understanding/interpretation, or I wouldn't be standing here. If even the artist had no clue, this is a waste of my time. And nice job just striving for's not necessary to like something in order to appreciate it.