most people – Sorry for getting missing in action for a whereas there. I actually took last week off work for any little R&R. Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone? I think Jenna did a great job holding down the fort! I was out, I attended Scoble’s rad book release party in swanky Medina. Medina is the area of greater Seattle where the rich and richer live … think BillG, Jeff Bezos, et al. I’ve lived in the Seattle area for nearly six years, yet I had never been to Medina before … mostly because I truly thought if you entered the city limits, security guards would pounce on you. Apparently, that is not the case, so I will have to take a daylight tour of the area. was a who’s who gathering of bloggers … not quite as geeky as a blogger meet-up but not quite as cool as a Hollywood party. I actually heard it described as Great Gatsby-esque. If only we could be as cool as Daisy, Jay, and the gang. :) I felt more like narrator Nick. But anyway … I certainly had a fun time and,
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office 2010 32bit sale, talked to so many interesting people. read all of ########## Conversations yet, but I did a quick skim this evening to prep for my presentation tomorrow on blogs as marketing tools for recruiting. Happily, I noticed Scoble has a section on "Blogging for Recruits" which talks specifically how Microsoft has used blogs as ways to attract talent. (Very timely!) Sadly, JobsBlog didn't receive a specific mention ... just an anonymous nod. Ah, such is life. I was just thrilled to be alluded to though. :) else? Let’s see. Oh,
office 2010 Home And Business generator key, I came back to the office to find the coolest gift ever awaiting me. It seems reader Brendan remembered all my silliness from last year’s karmarific Be Nice to a Recruiter month and sent me this t-shirt. Too cool, huh? about a person who sent me a picture of their cat along with their resume. And now I get SO MANY pictures of cats. (I do love cats though – so it’s ok.) And then earlier this month, I posted about the beloved cat dance ... and now I get cat links all the time. So I feel that my telling you this story might mean I’m going to be showered with gifts,
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win 7 64bit, I’m not trying to get you to send me stuff. :) Really. You can wait until you get your dream job with Microsoft before you buy me things. :) You know where you can find me. wanted to share and say hi. My regular posting will continue now. :) And here's a picture of me waiting in the book-signing line at the party. And who is that lovely woman next to me? That's the other original Moon Gal! I love the paparazzi!